Resolution 040-1971 .' RESOLUTI00" NO. 40 -1971 WEEREAS, the Board of CGur:.ty Commission.ers of 1vlo:c.roe County, FlJrida, ~-::.as been petitioned to renounce and disclaim any right of the Cm.::"lty an;.. che pu;:;:ic In and to C"le he:;..ei.i-::.af'~er described street, alley-way, read or ['.:.::.6r....\i.iz..y~ as delirleatcc: or.!. the l-:.ereinu.-fter described map or plat, and 1/'lI-=E~EASJ Cue l"1otice , .c...2. s beel1. published and a public hearing has b(::c~1. b.e:..=: irl accol--da:lce witrl. Cl1.a:Jte::.'" 336, Florida Stat1.:te3, arlG 'lII-IERZAS, at sz.,id public b.22.:ri:."'.i.'; no objections \i\.:ere rnade to th.e rC.i:ouncing o..ljd disclaimic-.g of any ri.;ht of the County and Lie public in o..nd to -::'::-~c h2r2ina="~e:;:' G.02scribed street, all02y-way, road or highwo..y ad delin- cated i:n the l-:.e::8ir:after cescribcd n-:.ap OY plat, now~, therefol""e, 3:2 IT 1{:2S0LVED BY 1':::-';:2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMM:::SSIONERS OF :V;O="Jl<OE COJNT:..', FLORIDA, tr.at said Board hereby renOli...'1.ces and c..:" C_o..H:G.S any right of tJ:.e Cou:1.ty and the public in and to the following d...:scribed stzeet, alley-way, road or highway o..S delineated on the herein- c..f"ce::- G.2::::cribed map or plat, to-w.it: An unnamed alley in Largo Sound Park -- First Addition a re-plat of part of amendment plat of Anglers Park Moorings (P B 1, page 198) on Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book 3, page 139, Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. Ir: =.'0"R ~l~lE~1 :~ESC..~ VEn 3 Y S_~;.=D ~.J..:::...~..~ ~c~:2.t the C:e:-~ of said ~Ja:."'c Ge) ....., -/"" .~.' c.i._u h2.......:; r~2Ye cy , ~ . , a..U~~J..1.0:"lZ2G.. and orG.erec.. to publi.s11 notice c:' tl-~~ z..do:?tio:: of this Ecsoli.lccio.i1. by said BOo..:cd n o..ccorG.ance with the provi.:i~ons 0: C~.:.a~)tcr 336, _"__:'lo.:ida Sratues. Ma y 11 , 1971. Dated ~~C~CICE ,r-., ;:, ''--''--- =-- :; ~.'~ =--- =:= 1--= ~~i: """L;. R I~\: G ~C~I,C= ~0 =--==1-=<'=3"'f G.:\/=:\ -c~~c -=-02rc:. 0= CO'..l~~"'-t-:l CO:-r:rY:.:S~~O:;::2::"'"'S , .' ,~- ":'._C~1~"OC C Ol:.::t:r, Flo ~~=- ~~2..) \v::.-"..:. ::C:a Cv , -. ::?"'--: 2.;..::" C :r~2&~'i:l:; at 2 -:..:.;.. "\.r .... . .....'0'..... , c: '~~u~ ~d=-:r) Ma y 11 : S~: t~'lC =\(O~(:'I'02 Cv~nt~r COl:::t T -- '_, ~ I,,,T \......- s.....; ~~~O:..~:...'---.:::.., to d2~2::-r~-:~:"lC v.;l:c~he:-..." or ~,...., ,,+ ...~vL. t~'le fcl:G"tJ:.iill\~ o ~_~, '--~0"":: ~n G.':'::'~c:::,"i:;~~ st:.."'ec-=; 2.11 ejr- \v =- 'f) rc.:..d Ol'" . , ~1:"';~: \V a~,r s riall "'02 :'"'enOU::lcec , a:-.iQ c.is c:~ai':-.i.---_2C ar~c / or V&C2:::'2d: An unnamed alley in Largo Sound Park -_ First Addition - - a re-plat of part of amendment plat of Anglers Park Moorings (P B 1, page 198) on Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book 3, page 139, Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. .:::)..:-.1'''=:.0 ~ F 'q- . ~-"" -J ""I I ao.- ~2Y v/2S.C, ..;..' ~0_"lciQ.,1 t_::"Se7f~/l~ 02. 'f 01: ~ ..:...... ..J...J.. 197Ig ~'...J ..;-:... ..;...-,~ ~--J _":\... --." "\ ~ _:...---.....J.;.-... ';",__:;; {SEAL) (:'.l.c:....::( ci.' I~1e C:~l."cl.:i:: I::Ol.:::.....: 0: ~,~':J::.~...~..oe C-,J'0..:.::ty, J:-'loric.a 2nJ ex o~fic~o Clc:::.'"l,. of t}-~e Soard of COlL.~ty CC::-:"lrniss::()neT3 01: lVLOI1YC;c Cot:nty, Flol~ida" Publish April 26, 1971