Resolution 077-1971 RESOLUTION 77-1971 WHEREAS, Public Law 91-606, The Disaster Relief Act of 1970, provides means of assistance by the Federal Government to state and local governments, in carrying out their responsibilities to allevi- ate suffering and damage resulting from major natural disasters, to repair essential public facilities and to foster the development of state and local organizations and plans to cope with such disasters; WHEREAS, a disaster is definep by said act to be "any hurricane, tornado, storm flood, high water, wind driven water, tidal wave, earthquake, drought, fire, or other catastrophe which, in the opinion of the Governor, is, or threatens to be of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant disaster assistance by the State and Federal Government; WHEREAS, Section 12, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, provides "IN the event of any disaster resulting from natural or accidental causes, the State Civil Defense Agency may make available, through the Director, any equipment, services or facilities owned or organized by the State or its duly constituted authority of the area affected, or upon requisition any recognized and accredited relief agency through such duly constituted authority. NOW, THEREFORE, in order to utilize the resources of MONROE COUNTY and those of the State and Federal Governments to the greatest advantage, and bring about a clear integration of county activities with those carried out by the cities, towns, the American Red Cross and other similar agencies that function during disasters, the Director of Civil Defense is hereby designated as the individ- ual charged with the coordination of city, county, state and federal assistance in natural disasters within the purview of PL 91-606 and OCD regulations. The Civil Defense Director shall: 1. In accordance with instructions given by the Mayor of Monroe County and the Board of County Commissioners, coordinate the emergency activities in major disasters. Operating responsibilities shall remain with those agencies that are at present charged by law with such responsibilities. 2. Coordinate plans and preparations of agencies made in anticipation of their responsibilities in the event of any major disaster. 3. Foste~s the development of such local organizations and plan~may be necessary to cope with any major disaster. 4. Advise and cooperate with offici~ls of the Regional Office of Emergency Preparedness, State Office of Civil Defense and the Armed Forces, and other Federal Agencies located within Monroe County ADOPTED at the regular meeting of September 14th, 1971 ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA , Clerk BY Mayor FLORIDA CIVIL D~FENSE ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER July - 1971 Lyle B. Fox, Pres. Richard K. Carver, 2nd V.P. A. Edsel Mikell, No. Area Gov. Clinton H. Wesbrook, Cent. Area Gov. Gen.. "Bob" Betts, Member Exec. Committee George Duck (immediate Past Pres.- Exec. Jim Taylor, Sgt. -at-Arms Thomas E. Chapman, 1st V.P.! (Pres. Elec.) Edw. M. Fulmer, Secy/Tr1as. Wm. F. Jacobs, Wes~ Area Gov. R. J. Raschke, So~ Area Gov. (Founder) Committee) ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP I As of July 1, 1971 your Association has 134 dues paying member~. This includes ~-7 county and 44 city civil defense directors togethe!'l with 43 associate members. From available records this would indic~te the greatest number of paid members our association has ever had. lIt also means that twenty of our county civil defense directors and a njumber of our municipal directors are still not membersof.our organizatipn. In one of our larger counti.es 34 organizations. or individuals are plembers of the U.S. Civil Defense Council, yet the FCDA has only four m~mbers from this county. There are plenty of potential members for ouf membership committee to contact,so lets see if we can make the 150 mark bYI the annual meeting in November. ! DISASTER RELIEF ACT OF 1970 (Public Law 91-606) Those who attended ,the Coral Gables Conference were provided a popy of PL 91-606. There are still a few copies available and can be h~d on request. Mr,. Wm. H. Holloway, Director Region III Office of Em,rgency Pre.paredness has accepted an invitation to talk to our members ~t the Annual meeting which will be held in Winter Park Nov. 17-19. It is suggested that everyone read PL 91-606 prior to the, meeting andirecord any questions they have concerning the manner in which the new +aw will be placed in effect and coordinated at the local level. ' ! Attached to this issue o'f the Newsletter is a sample copy Of loqal Resolution which when passed by local governing body ~ill desigqate the county civil defense director as the one to coordinate federal ~ssistance in natu~al disasters within the purview of PL 91-606. -1- \ ~'":"'<~'HIf1I"-'-T'. U r~r~~"""><K~~'~""rnt"'~"vjO\-;:.w:,,~;.,~f!.~'~~4,~t'",4tr;"i'~'.1L1 ~,;f~'r~'~~"'-''';;:'t \ ~YMPATHY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '\I\I\""'\I\I\I~~\/~~\~\~\~\I\I\I\I\~\i\I\I\I\'\'\I'#\'\I\I\J\~\#\ ~~ " i, " " EDWARD H. PERRY June 13, 1971 ..~} ~~ v "i\' " .. ~} Radef/Shelter Officer ~:- State Dept. of Emergency Gov' t :: ~t. " '",\ " -,-\ ~} " ;\ Our deepest sympathy is extended to his wife and family. ~} ~~ ~} _~~ ..~t.~}~~~H}~--~} ~}~}~}~}~~~}~~~~-~}i}~}~~~}iri}~}~Hr.{}":}~H~ ~~~}i*,~} ~H}~}i}~}~}~~~}~}~H~~H}~}~}{}~}~~~~i}i}~He--~}1H}~}i}~}~}i}~H}i} v " " " " ii'" ..:} MRS. HILDAGARD COMPTON " " " June 1971 v i\' i\" ir ~} " Widow " ",\, " ~} of ii- " the late Earl W. Compton ..:} "1\ " CD Director v "i\' " ~~ St. Petersburg Beach " i\' i} I " " " " ~}~}i}~}~H}"~} i}~}~(~}~}{H}~~~H(~H} 1}~~~}~H}~} 1(i}~(~}i}~}~~-:} ~( " ~, '\I .., (\, 1\'" "'.. u.s. ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS SHELTER SURVEY TEAM Hillsborough and Pinellas Gpunties - Field Supervisor Ronald Wohl and nine summer hire college engineering students began the Community Shelter updating program for Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties June 16, 1971. The team will remain in Pinellas County until August 6th at which time it 1triJ.~ move across Tampa Bay to Hillsborough County. Ini tial indications are th2t the nu.'11ber of shelter spaces in the Pinellas County CSP will be more th~n double as a result of this survey. These young students are to be cO::j~nended for the fine work they are doing. r<:arkyour calendars and circle November 17 , 18, 19th. The annual meeting of the FCDA will be held at the Langford Hotel in Winter Haven with Dick CQrver our genial host-director. It is too early to set up a tentative program but every effort is being made to invite a number of guest participants outside the CD organization. We also hope to make the program equally attractive to the ladies and hope that we will have as many in attendance as we had at the Spring/Summer Conference. A warm welcome is extended to Mr. Claude B. Thompson the newly appointed Director of Region III - Office of Civil Defense. Mr. Thompson has been invited to attend and participate in our Annual Conference program. This should. afford an opportunity for all to meet and talk with our new Region III Director. Those of us in the Central Florida Ar~a also welcome Mr. Wendell A. Porth who is the Meteorologist in charge of the Tampa Weather Bureau Station. He has taken the place of Larry Dye who retired June 1, 1971. Also attached is a financial report for the Association covering the period Decem:ber 1970 - June 30, 1971. -2- T,REASURER I S REPORT-Ju.he 28,.1971 Received from :t'.etir'ing Seey-. 11/20/70- Savings Certifi.cate $1,00b.oo Gov't Ser..H Bond. 500.00 00.00 Cashi~::rs check $342.42 'Ck. from, Geo.Duck 16.00 . $35cL42 To,tal Rec,eived ~eceipts 11/20/70~6/28/71 Nembership du~s 107 @ $5.00 ea.=$535.00. ' . 27 @ $3.00 ea'.; 81.00 Interest on bond Interest on Savings Cert. Profi ts from Coral. Gables l;I1~eting Recovered from Bradenton Ek. SaY.Acct. ' '~OTAL $2 616.00 ,14.70 25.00 58.49 156.68 729.29 Expenditures Of:ftc'e, Supplies Postage . Sec'yFees Trayel . IvIi s c . TOTAL $90.61 84.. 00 90.00 53.60 56.92 $37 5 . 1.3' Balanceo NEW MEt1BERS (Add to your 1971 Year Book) AS::iOCIATE HEMBERS Brig. 'Gen.l1.. J. Martin , 7205wilJshire Drive Bsaco'n Square Holiday, Florida 33589 Mr. B. V.Kennedy Florida Power and Light Co. P. O. Box 3100 Nie.mi, FIQri"qa. ': 33101 Capt. C. M. Cobb, Asst. Coordinator Lockhart. Civil Defens'e P. 0;. Box-7591 Orlando,. Florida 32804 ~l-~HHHl- SUBMIT ITEMS FOR NEXT NEWSLETTER TO .THE PRESIDENT PRIOR TO AUGUS 15, 1971 -3- ~',~' r -;1- a. '--V 1llF'''Ii<''~''''~'''c?"'''' - ~Z" -..of,' '~"d-~if~""- ~ -- ~~V'!i~"""i~1~~~ti1l!;~,,:"~':.I!'I7P\~r,,~~\~"<' .""-~..'"',..., RESOLU'l'TON -- WHEREAS, Public Law 91~606, The Disaster Relief Act of 1970, provides means of assistance by the. Federal G:h.vernm.ent to state and local governments, in carrying out. their responsibili th s to. alleviate suffering and damage resulting .fromcrilajorna.turaldisasters, to repair'essential public 'facilities ang._:tQ.f:.Qsj~S3r. theVdevelopment of state and local organizations and plans to copewi"'t-h such disasters; WHEREAS, a disaster is defined by said act.to be "any hurricane, tornadQ, storm flood, high water, wind driven water, tidal wa-ve, earthquake, d:r_Q1tI$.h.t:-i~.}~,fir.e, or other catastrophe which, in the opinion of the Governor, i s ,:,~p'\thl?ea.'tens to be of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant disaster assistance by the State and Federal Government; WHEREAS, Section 12, Chapter 252; Florida Statutes, provides "In the event of any disaster resulting from natural or accidental causes, the State .Civil Defense Agency may make available, through the Director, any equipment, services or facilities owned or organized by the State or its politi:cal subdivisions, for use in the affected area upon request of the dulYQQns.ti.tuted authori ty of the area affected, or upon requisition any recognized. and accredited relief agency through such duly constituted authority. Na' THEREFORE, in order to utilize. the resources of )tftJN}(Lll.:- n.~1jIrrt and those of the State and Federal Governments to the greatest ~vanta e, and bring about a clear integration of county activities witb those carried out by the cities, towns, and 7~~e ~ivil dA~ense ~~z- ~s, the American Red Cross and other similar agencies that function during disasters, the Director of tae Bopar-tmol'rl of Civil Defense arrd w...s~!"\t-:~'pCo'&tr~ is hereby designated as the individual charged wi th the coordi-na tion of ci ty, county, s ta te and federal as sis tance in natural disasters within the purview of PL 91-606 and OCD regulations. The Civil Defense Director shall:.NIIYt1R of )1/!J:lR()i.::- 1. In accordance with instructions given by the Co~nty ct'Vnt~, C~n.....;nty COffiNliQ!"\ion Chai~man and the Board lof County Commi~sioners, coordinat,ethe emergency activities in major disasters. Operating responsib'ilities shall remain with those agencies that are at present charged by law with such responsibilities.. 2. Coordinate plans and preparations of agencies made in anticipation of 'their responsibilities in the event o~ any major disaster. Foster the develnnmA~~ ~~ ~~vh lUGal organizations and p-JA-It, ........, 11lI:J.Y be necessary to cope with any major disaster. Advise and cooperate with officials of the Regional Office of Emergency Preparedness,State Office of Civil Defense and the Armed Forces.; and other Federal Agencies,located wi thin ,1\1 tf IIRt'E /County\. ADOPTED at the regu:t~r ,meet;~ng of ATTEST: 3. 4. ,Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NtttV~Dc~COUrJTY, FLORIDA BY M ft Y (J R ,-t'hlll.lrIrllll t'l . , ."" ^- ~ ...... - F. C. D. A. OFFICE OF THE OIREClOR PINEllAS COUNTY CIVil DEflNaE ROUTE fll CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33518 Capt. Franklin D. Hernandez, Direc or Monroe County Civil Defense P. O. Box 2253 Key West, Florida 33040 -" .....,,~<_. .-..::..,.. ...."'..- - 'O:-",,~~ .- ~.~.~ .,.. __~~l"_ ~'._'~'~'""'" -,,~---