Resolution 082-1971 RESOLUTION NO. 82-7.1971 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAT FOR RECORD WHEREAS, Ocean Reef Club, Inc., a Florida Corporation, has requested that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, approve for record a plat known as "AMENDED 1st REVISION TO ANGELFISH CAY OCEAN REEF PLAT NO.5", Being A Replat of Tracts 2,3 and 4 of 1st Revision to Angelfish Cay Ocean Reef Plat No.5 (P. B. 6, Pg. 69) Lying in Sec- tion 7, Township 59 South, Range 41 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida" and WHEREAS, the County Tax Assessor and County Zoning Director have recommended that said Board approve said plat for record, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the plat known as "AMENDED 1st RE- VISION TO ANGELFISH CAY OCEAN REEF PLAT NO.5", Being A Replat of Tracts 2,3 and 4 of 1st Revision to Angelfish Cay Ocean Reef Plat No.5 (P. B. 6, Pg. 69) Lying in Section 7, Township 59 South, Range 41 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida", be, and the same is hereby approved for record, and the Chairman and Clerk of said Board are hereby authorized to sign the certifi- cate of approval on said plat. Dated: September 28, 1971. GERALD SAUl\;DERS ~1"lJ.yor E.,~ItH.Y HA.::!l:iS ~f'i:.lyor Pro Tc:n WM. A. FREE\lAN, J2., lL\RltY S, PlUTCHARD JOHN W. PARKER !{{OUrLm illourdg EARL R. AIh:I.S Clc:k To The Board PAUL SAWYER Legal Adviror ~-.~~:: ::= ~ cf G.;.J~rd:u c:o:.u:...lttJ,)l::it.ancr~ KEY WEST, FLORIDA September 28 , 1971 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida Gentlemen: This is to inform you that I have examined the documents submitted with the proposed plat entitled: "AMENDED 1st REVISION TO ANGELFISH CAY OCEAN REEF PLAT NO.5" which was submitted to the County Commission for acceptance, approval and filing at your meeting on September 28, 1971 It is my opinion that said documentation is complete, and legally con- forms to the plat filing law of Monroe County, Florida. Yours very truly, ,/~ ,C:= / !/a4U c ~Z-'1 '7' ' Paul E. Sawyer /'/ Legal Advisor to the . oard PES:mmb p s B J POST BUCKLEY: SCHUH g JERNIGAN. INC. 10 PALMS PLAZA BUILDING HOMESTEAD, FLORIDA 33030 CONSULT/N6 EN6/NEERS AND SURVEYORS TELEPHONE: 305/248-4750 September 3, 1971 Mr. Paul Sawyer, Legal Advisor Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Post Office Box 571 Key West, Florida Dear Mr. Sawyer: Enclosed is 7 copies of the plat of the Amended First Revision to Angelfish cay, Ocean Reef Club. It is to be reviewed by your office, and we hope that it can be placed on the next meetings's agenda. The original linen copy and the check for the filing fee will be forwarded to your office next week. The only change in the plat is a relocation of the utility ease- ment, and we have already been in touch with the utility companies. The Ocean Reef Club will bear the cost of relocating the telephone, electric, water and sewer lines. Due to the financial arrangements made by Ocean Reef, it is very important that this be placed on the agenda of the meeting on September 14. We would appreciate every effort you can make on our behalf to expedite this matter. Very truly yours, POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. FEE/mf Encls 7 d - t:. CctJp F. Edward Estep, Branch Manager 1 11~1 cc: Morris Burk W. Hills MONROE COUNTY BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 DONALD CORMACK, Director PHONE 294-4641 Ext. 247 PHONE 852-5276 WILLIAM J. KL YS, Assistant Director Plantation Key FRED TITTLE, Attorney Tavernier Marathon Office PHONE 852.8255 PHONE 743-5405 SEPTEMBER 27, 1971 HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE KEY WEST, FLORIDA GENTLEMEN: THE PROPOSED PLATS TITLED"pUMPKIN CAY OCEAN REEF PLAT No. 711 AND "A ALSO MENDED FIRST REVISION TO ANGLEFISH CAY, OCEAN REEF PLAT No. 511 HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THIS DEPARTMENT. THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY HAS BEEN NOTIFIED AND THE 14 DAY WAITING PERIOD HAS EXPIRED. YOURS VERY TRULY, KHL/sc @; Southern Bell K. W. Catlin District Engineer Engineering Department 109 N. E. 8th Street Post Office Box 519 Homestead, Florida 33030 Phone (305) 248-2922 September 24, 1971 Mr. Donald Connack, Director Monroe County Building & Zoning Department Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Sir: We have reviewed the proposed " Amended First Revision to Anglefish Cay, Ocean Reef Plat No.5'" in Key Largo, Florida. The Ocean Reef Club has infonned us that they will bear the cost of relocating our existing facilities, thus we have no objections to the proposed changes. If we may be of further assistance please advise. District Engineer RC/pm FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. PHON E 852-2431 80 X 377 TAVERN I ER, FLORIDA 33070 September 20, 1971 Mr. KermitH. Lewin, Director Monroe County Building and Zoning Dept. Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. lewin: We have examined the plat titled "Amended First Revision to Angelfish Cay Ocean Reef Plat No. 5". This replatting will not interfere with any existing Cooperative- owned facilities. Sincerely, JTE/eb FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASS'N., INC. . ~~97f/21 /;$~s T~' Ellis // Manager '.// September 21, 1971 Mr. Kermit H. Lewin, Director, Building & Zoning Department, Monroe County Court House, Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Lewin: The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority has no objection to the recording of the Proposed Plat "Amended 1st. Revision to Angelfish Cay Ocean Reef Plat No.5" as per your letter of September 13, 1971. Sincerely, ~~ -t: ./L '1;; -' ~, l . '\,... J .i~. Higg{ . Jr.. ( ~l:ger . JWH / dj .J./om.e 0/ the World ~ J:ar't!~t Sin,l purpo~e 2Je~aflin, i'(): ~'I t P. O. BOX 1239 · KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 ",'7 _,,/'. . /~/r.:-./ ,-;; G' 7>;/4/.- c:. C:;,. V , 7;// /' '<,_"7 C' S/4. .) 8'/ A~~..A../L)..c-L/ /sT /~7~l//-.5/Q.A./ /0 A A./ &.L:: L ......=/ ..5: /-/ C-;4 Y' Name of Subdivision Oc ~ /'9A../' /P.E"'.z- ~- ~ --?l / Section . ""7 Area ~~ V Twp 59 L /9 ~ C:::;-C:) Rge /v<g ~-:;- 4/ Description ~< Ownership Mortgage Holders GC6-~A./ ~~~~ r::-hL~ L-r./c" c:.r-: .:5-, ~...c-/7L Z ././'V//~.sT/j-~A./T S ~~5/ ~..P T6A6-~- 'E'"'.sr~.R.:s . r Power of Attorneys, Etc. c:7~ Taxe. /7~ ~A~/'7/. Date Je;/C?z:f' /~, /' 97/ Sec. & Gov't Lot Lines Shown on Plat ~~ Prm's /?~ Dimensions b~ Lot & Block Nos. ~~ Scale ./ // ==- ./ ov / Signatures ~ < Seals U ~ Engineer's Note C/~ /?~ Location Sl'etch Remarks (- "- ~ - .