Resolution 426-2004 RESOLUTION NO. 426 2004 I :_0 A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE COUNTY'S SUPPORT TO REMOVE ROBBIE'S SAFE HARBOR MARINE, ENTERPRISES, STOCK ISLAND FROM THE COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM. .- , ".,' .,,".' _.~ ,......'1 '"'D ......,,:;." -";-j ,:." %\' , '.. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 004-1992 confirmed the commitment of support from the Board of County Commissions to remove Robbie's Safe Harbor Marine, Enterprises, Stock Island from the Coastal Barrier Resources System; and WHEREAS, the property was owned by the Federal Government during 1987 when the Department of Interior held public meetings in Monroe County for the purpose of taking public input for recommendations on the addition or removal of property from the Coastal Barrier Resource System and no recommendation to remove the property was presented; and WHEREAS, prior to the effective date of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act, on October 18, 1982 the site had been a fully developed and operational marina; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that it supports the necessary legislation to remove Robbie's Safe Harbor Marina Enterprises, Stock Island from the Federal Coastal Barrier Resource System. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 17 th day of November A.D. 2004. Mayor Murray Nelson not prp!'lpnr Commissioner Charley "Sonny" McCoy not present Commissioner George Neugent yes ~C9mmissioner David Rice yes 1 L Commissioner Dixie Spehar \>-:. \~. ..... .'. .... j \, '.i- (SEAL)' · '.:;:>::Ii~:':'::.'~: i::.....~: ':.t. K~~GE, ~lerk 'fi' , ", / C D ~'!.,-. .---;:;: Deputy Clerk yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR2) c;O~, FLO{;7 By ~ "I ~,."J Mayor/Chairp son MONROE COUNTY ATTO PROVED AS T