Resolution 033-1975 RESOLUTION NO. J 3.. -1975 A RESOLUTION RELATED TO THE PRE- PARATION OF A COASTAL ZONE PLAN FOR THE SOUTH FLORIDA REGION WHEREAS, the Congress declared in the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 that it is a national policy "to preserve, protect, develop and where possible, to restore the resources of the nation's coastal zone for this and succeeding generations . . . For all Federal agencies engaged in programs affecting the coastal zone to cooperate and participate with State and local governments and regional agencies in effectuating the purposes of this Act", and WHEREAS, it \Vas the legislative intent ,,.,hen the Florida Coastal Coordinating Council was created that there be "a coordinated effort of interested Federal, State, and local agencies of government" to plan for and effect a solution for problems within the Coastal Zone, and WHEREAS, the South Florida Regional Planning Council is the regional planning council for Florida District 10; duly organized by inter local agreement between the counties in District 10 under Chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, the defined purposes of the Council under the inter- local agreement include: to cooperate with Federal, State, local and non-governmental agencies and citizens to insure the orderly and harmonious coordina- tion of State, Federal and local planning and development programs in order to assure the orderly, economic and balanced growth and development of the Region, consistent with the protection of the natural resources and environment of the Region and to protect the health, safety, welfare and quality of life of the residents of the Region, and WHEREAS, the Act recognizes that "local governments are closest to those who will be most affected by a management program and that many sub-state units often make a useful contribution to the develop- ment of the programlt, and WHEREAS, it is required prior to approval and funding of a management program that there be a finding by the United States Secretary of Commerce that the State of Florida has developed and adopted a management program enabling the opportunity for full par- ticipation by local goverments and regional planning organizations and has established an effective mechanism for continuing consultation and coordination between the management agency and local governments and regimnal agencies, and WHEREAS, the Coastal Coordinating Council and the Divis~on of State Planning request South Florida Regional Planning Council's participation in coastal zone planning in State District 10, on a contractual basis, and mIEREAS, South Florida Regional Planning Council negotiated in good faith with representatives from the Division of State Planning and the Coastal Coordinating Council in order to draft a mutually acceptable agreement; and to this end said representatives agreed upon a draft contract which would later be ratified by all parties, and WHEREAS, the Director of the Division of State Planning authorized immediate commencement of work based on said draft con- tract, and WfEREAS, notwithstanding the draft contract negotiated and the authorization to begin work, the Coastal Coordinating Council sub- sequently rescinded the draft contract and terminated further nego- tiations. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Honroe County, Florida recognizes the importance of the Coastal Zone Management Act and the need for an effective mechanism for con- tinuing consultation and coordination among governmental bodies involved in coastal planning and management, and That in order to insure the opportunity for this full parti- cipation in Region 10, the Board of County Commissioners of .Honroe County, Florida urges the adoption of a process which will lead to the incorporation of the interests and concerns of all governmental agencies in the Region, and LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commis- sioners of Honroe County, Florida protests, to the Governor and to the United States Secretary of Commerce, the actions of the Division of State Planning and the Coastal Coordinating Council, that exclude the South Florida Regional Planning Council, the instrumentality of local governments in sub-state Regiona 10, from the development of the coastal plan and management process in Region 10, and The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Flori~a, asks the Go~ernor to direct the appropriate State agency to execute the negotiated coastal planning contract with the South Florida Regional Planning Council and to insure a continuing, effective role for the Council, as an instrumentality of the local governments in RegionalO, in the development of a coastal zone plan and its imole- mentation. DATED February 11, 1975.