Resolution 279-1992 ,.... f I [r- r- (,....... ""1 r-- r"\,.....~ rJ n r I~_ .=.: 1 ;- J - .' 0' ',C._;;- ') Extension Service '()7 ..,l_ .., . -1 f', 0 "i~ ! Iii> ., RESOLUTION NO. 279 - 1992 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A GRANT APPLICATION WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND, AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF SAME BY THE PROPER AUTHORITIES FOR THE EMERGENCY REMOVAL OF A DERELICT VESSEL IN MARATHON. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as follows: 1, That said Board has been notified of the availability of funds from the Florida Department of Natural Resources, Boating Improvement Fund. 2. That the Monroe County Cooperative Extension Service acting for Monroe County has received preliminary approval for the submission of a grant application to remove a derelict vessel HDV091 009 in Marathon, Florida that poses a threat to navigation, A grant in the amount of $1,736.00 will be sought. 3. That said Board hereby directs the execution of this application by the proper County Authorities. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 10th day of June A.D. 1992. MAYOR, Wilhelmina Harvey COMMISSIONER, Jack London COMMISSIONER, Douglas Jones COMMISSIONER, A. Earl Cheal COMMISSIONER, John Stormont . Ye'!> Yes Yes Yes Yes '\ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . . ~\ BY ~~::~;/~~~;r~::~ ~ '~~ (Seal) Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk ..62L;., ~ ~~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM ANDLErr~CY By I Attorney's Office STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Florida Boating Improvement Program project Application project Identification l~ Types of Project: Acquisition Development x Planning For Office Use Only Launch Site New Docking Facility Expansion Date Received Channel Marking Renovation Project Number OL~er (specify) Emer~encv Removal of Derelict Vessel DV091009 " " County Monroe 2. Project Title: 3. Project Location: Marathon~ Florida 4. Brief Description of Project: Vessel was posin~ a threat to navig~~inn Blocking a channel between two businesses in Marathon-City Fish ~nd Kpy~ Boat Works. 5. Grant Requested: $ 1~ 736.00 Source of Other Funds: $ Estimated Total Project Cost $ 1~ 736.00 6. Applicant Identification: Applicant County: Monroe ConDt:y Located in City of: Kev West (if applicable) Liaison Agent : Kim Blanco Appointed Representative of Monroe County, Board Name of County of County Commissioners Address: 5100 Colle~e Rd. Kev West. FI 33040 Phone No. (305) 292-4501 . ~ ' .----:;?~ ~ Signature: -;;;q./j??J ~6~::!""..-:l"""'-- 7. Date: 5-21-92 ~ "FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ., Florida Boating Improvement Program Project Application Part A: Identification For Office Use Project ~: Date Received: Applipant Information Applicant: Monroe Cnllnf"y Project Title: EmerJtency Removal of DP-TPlil"f" V..",,,,..l :lnY09100V Legislative District in which Project Site is Located: State Senate: State House: Liaison Agent: Kim Blanco Title: Marine Proiects Coord;n~toT Address: 5100 College Rd. Key West, FI Zip Code: 33040 Telephone: (305) 292-4501 I hereby certify that the information provided in this application is,true and accurate. ~;1 U-r- Signature: Date: 5-21-92 Project Information Grant Amount Requested: $ 1. 736.00 Funds are Utilized as Match for: LWCF FRDAP Project Type (check one): Acquisition Development X Retroactive site Control (check one): Acquiring ~_ ~ased OWn If Leased, Date of Expiration: Brief Project Description: Emergency Removal of Derelict Vessel DV091009. This vessel was posing a navigatinal hazard. DNR 42-034 Revised 8/25/89 Page 1 10 .30 Porm: Application for Derelict Vessel Removal Grant FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Application For Derelict vessel' Removal Grant through the Florida Boating Improvement Fund Part I 1992 Date Name of Applicant: Monroe County Mailing Address: 5100 Colle2e Rd.. Key West. FI 33040 Contact Person: Kim Blanco Telephone i (30j 292-4501 Total Amount of Requested Grant Funding: $ 1.736.00 No. Registered Vessels: *No. Derelict Vessels: population: projected Completion Date of program. * Attach a copy of the Florida Marine Patr~l Derelict Vessel Report for each vessel to be considered for removal with grant funds. (Copies of these reports may be o~tained from the local FMP District Office.) proposed method for handling the removal and disposal of the designated Derelict Vessels: tJ Use of own resources GU Use of contractual services: A. ,'D. Marine Salvage Specify proposed contractor, if known Par t I I Designated Derelict vessels'To Be Removed FMP I. D. i of Vessel 1 DV091009 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Length of Vessel Est. Cost per Linear,Ft. projected Total Cost of Vessel Removal/Disposal Designated Disposal Site (Specify Artificial Reef Site or Landfill Loca tion) 30' $100.00 $1736.00 Long Key Land Fill Monroe County, Florida -..1. Part IV As duly authorized by Monroe County , I hereby make application on behalf of the applicant for a Derelict Vessel Removal Grant pursuant to 16N-16.29, P.A.C. I certify that the above supplied documentation is correct to the best of my knowledge and that the grant applicant agrees to the conditions , , specified in this application. ~;'~r- ,./ Signature 5-21-92 Date Marine Projects Coordinator Title (305) 292-4501 Telephone No. DNR 20-232-FMP 2-86 Lawton fhiles Governor April 30, 1992 ~~\@ Jim Smith Setretary of State Boh Butterworth Attorney General Gerald I.ewis State Comptroller Tom Gallagher State Treasurer !lob frawford l'ommissioner of Agriculture Betty fastor fommissioner of Education FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Vir!(inla 8. WethereU Execuflve Dlrectm Ms. Kim Blanco Marine Projects Coordinator Public Services Building 5100 College Road Key West, Florida 33040 Re: DV 09-1009 Dear Ms. Blanco: The Florida Marine Patrol has determined that this submerged derelict vessel is blocking the channel into Keys Boat Works on the bays ide of Marathon. This vessel is interfering with navigation and should be removed immediately. Sincerely, ~ fuwUL-,l~~L/ Officer Vicente Lopez Via Major R. H. McCullers Florida Marine Patrol District Nine 2835 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 cc: Bill Keenan RHMjvljdc DV-1009VL:JIC Administration Beaches and Shores I.aw Enforcement Marine Resources Recreation and Parks Resource Management State Lands )FFENSE'INCIDENT RErun r NARRATIVE CONTINUATION REPORT' ...".."..,...,.."....."..,..",..,.,........,.........,.." ,....,..",....,Dv..,Q9",~",..",""Oo.9.,. ......'......................................,......-...................,....,................................................................, ..................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................,..................................................................................... ,..,',.,..,I".~,....,.~,..,U,M""'."",I,DE:N,-:T,\:r.Y,"""'"",'"'""""",."""..""",,,,'..,.., ",'""""""..,...."""",..", """""".."""',..,"""""""",.,~""',..,'",.~""..""""""""""',...,',..,.......,"" I .".., ,..~'.., "m..',.."I::.:.~t?,p.,!2..0x.,.,' ...3.0" ,~,,, FT." 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(",--- :n B <r .0 . ,u...u~~__i,:~. ~~......._:~ ,"li, I ,I, I 0" _ ~. ..~'-",".c,_~""";~~lEf,,t'-""",, ..-..- .,.-.--..-- - ;;; o '1' i;" '" ---.................. ,- -.-- +.....~'--- ,~ ) ;' /' // ".'\ ;, / , €l c.-, ~ T. '" " " f'1~",--~='4--~'?':~2 \ '0;-.:' ..-, :!l , ;~:C;C r ': f~ r..' ;:',.- ton Chil~ ~ WHrnN ,r liar. ;,;"uth S~fVl:H'- ~f Stf.f~ FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUhCES Ma.rjor) Swneman DoU';M Buildit:!I: 3900 Commo>nwe3.lth 8Qul..vard ' NIa.h3..4;.st~, Florida 32399 [lC1b fM1CI'll~rtlt .\UM",1t: Vet,~T1l' f"~!7J.j u:"i, S~t< ((,;nplIoliol Tom ()u.Italh"" Statt 'j"tl\8Utfl May 4, 1992 F.qlJ. CI11.'II ford r(rrrrn;~vl'lV \')f ),t'+~JJtI)H: Setty Ca.~lor C(lI':I!tli&<ior'~r of &iijca!j~" Ms. Kim 'Blanco Marine Projects Coordinator Monroe County 5100 College Road Key West, Florida 33040 ~~~~~@ W0W~ Re: Derelict Vessel #091009 Removal FBI? project No. 892017 Dear t-1s. Blanco: This is to conf:;rm OllX' telepl10ne c(n";'/(~~;[,,':It ;01: of today concerning the removal of Derelict Vess81 #091009 wit~ Florida 80ating Improvement prograrn (FBIP) funds. The rem(w.:,\l is approved contingent upon our receipt of a ~ompl~ted FB!P project application and a resolution by the County Commission approving the proj ect and the expenditure of the funds h'OI'l t,he F8IP fund. Please submit the application and r~s01ution by June 4, 1992. If you need further information, please call our office at (904) 488-7896. Si~cerely, / ./ ~/'J _ ,/ ,,~< /k .' . ,,', .<:;,~ ') :1'.' er~-'5, :e:.",,,. 4._ -., , ~)-"'.'V d - Cynthia S. Kelley Community AssistAnce Consultant Bureau of Local R~cre~tj.on Services Division of Recreation and Parks Mail station #585 CSK/tw 'Aalni~tnlio~ Ikuhl'$ and Sh",t>; I..,. Fn!""tt'lMht 'Il"'-IM RMCII~.~ ~('(r'~. :1";'; ;'~i'~.'t ;te.,.(l!l'(~ ~.I\!,({l'lMt S:':'!4' t.a."d; l(-,T, ,i Lawton Chiles Governor December 16, 1991 Jim Smith Sll(retary of State Bob Butterworth Attorney General Gerald Lewis State Comptroller Tom Gallagher State Treasurer Bob Crawford Commissioner of Agriculture Betty Castor Commissioner of Education FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES \1rg1n11l B. Wetb~"lU Ex~~uti\'P Dlr<'.ctm' Marjory Stoneman Houglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Ms. Kim BIanco Marine'Projects Coordinator Monroe County Post Office Box 2545 Key West, Florida 33040 ~..<J~~..~..@.~ ~~~~I"." (. " .I . ,.. I "..0> ' , SUBJECT: Using FBIP Funds to Remove Derelict Vessels /' k //J1 Dear Ms .~lanco: This letter is in response to the County's question, can Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP) funds be used to remove derelict vessels? The answer is yes. If the County wishes to use it's FBIP funds to remove derelict vessels, the Bureau would need a completed FBIP application along with the County Commission Resolution supporting the project. Also, we would need the corresponding Florida Marine Patrol report on each derelict vessel that the County wishes to remove. If you have any questions, please call us at (904) 488-6321 or Suncom 278-6321. Sincerely, /~/e( Bill Keenan Grants Specialist Bureau of Local Recreation Services Oivisiorl of Recreation and Par]~~ Mail Station #585 BK/tw " MlI1l1l~ttatillh !li'~ and Shores Law Enfore,-mNll Marine Resources Rrcreation and Park, Resource Mana~eRlent State Lands ~- ,,,",,,,,,,,,,.....''''-- _._~~:",';'~~~."",-.."_.,~,,,,.~~-~. - -'-- A & D MARINE SALVAGE 1~16 Flagler Ave. Key West) Florida 33040 (305) 292-3666 Robert F. Andresakis Klm Blanco Marine Frojects CoorOlnator Monroe Cooperat;ive Extenslon Servlce ,100 GOl.1.6ge Rd. Key West, PI 53040 He: Bld For Removal. or Derel1ct Vesse~ H100y Loca~ion ~ EHS~ Slae or t;h~ rock JettlBs ln tne Channel oehina t;ht:l Keys Boat I,';orks - Larat;1'wn, ,ft'l. 1-1s. Blanco: ~e propose to furnish all labor. materials1snc equipment to perform the removal and disposal of the above mentloned work in accordance with all specifi ca ti on s for the total SUlT! of: $ h73eO.OO - All tipping fees are incl.t...aea. 11 I) 7'3~. vu. '(fA-. 'I'hi s work will corrmlence after a Notice to .h'oceea has been given. ~he removal will be completed ~SAP to prevent the vessel from being D navigational ha~Brc. Respectfully submitted, A & D :r-:arine / ,.' sa)vage. inc. C .i' > _ ,it,( I, I Johnson Andresakis // /.,-- - - Ma:rrlene Co-Owner for Hobert (Bobby) F. Andresakis - Gwner/iresiaent ~r"' 1 r.' Y l' r , ,'f J : ~. .. l'"1 1. 24 Hr. Serv ice SI!IRIT-A ~--"'~.'."~_--""1. '_, ,',- II) .... ~- . . -......."'._,._.,.,.,._.....~_.~ MARINE TOWING & ,ASSISTANCE. Our Experience vvill save you Tilne and lv/oney YHF Ch.16 Q (~ . ~-\'~""" (' ..' \'" ,\. \J'~ <.'.c, rJ \ c... _)....\'-.~_'"'I \....~).~'-_ (' (' , \::\c'r.:.\:', ~ 'i Y'.\ '0'\()"S' \ \\ <:. '-\(0- """""C \.:..) \""e.,.,,,\~ '~':.x~ t._...A-~Cs.?-~ \:..::,. \y'{),5...()..... -~"'J:',(\ <~\)\~ \\ \'-0'--'.:) q"V.:\ \ ~ 0, \s''\' :,\ b \ e \::) \~(:~ (,,,\{)',,,l2.. -~\ \,', s \J~<:)os ~~ \ \'{)M y 5..... \C.V=\ rz_ ~"'\ .\.\-'<..., y"; ~ C,(:\1c'.,\~.\ . J 'J . r' \- ,\~ e "''l~ () \;, \' (' \\',C}.J (A..\(~ \ ("\c \\_,1.'.\ {:' ,. ,\, ~., ..., , \: (t. c-.:, f, .....__'~'\~: ~ \>( ~.t.... ~,/ ,~~ .ft.... r,?)\ c\ ~ ~'<: <:.. -:ti \ ''1 '.:' t...."'} (', Co) ;_~ '.~_\.~":.__~ . '~H'~ \) \e. (~~~'> <:'- ,'ec (x',~ - ....:> \ ... . (.,S ~)(\ cc.:::.. 'c:'" \,- \.r,:; ~...;-r' ~..' v .. '~1 ' \.""-~, -"' \ ---,,--~--- " ~.~.~\..,,\?-'2- DUKE PONlJN . P.O. 8tH 244 . fHg Pl\:,; (305) 872..2152 ;; ~;:, t d & :):) () 4 :] I, ( H" ~': I,' FRANK KEEVAl'l & SON, INC, MF.C~ANIGAL & GENEA.l\1. CONTRACTORS MAIN OFFICE 296 N f: 60'h STREET '.":\," ~:.O~D~ 3)' '~l~ ~ t ~.t r).t'H,>~l. ,~\,>:--' ~~.. ~~4 ~ KEY WEST BRANCH {1'\.1 sn'.q',T Sloe.; IS\.MJi~) Kf'Y ltifSl ",-OR:OA. 1".':;"1', l t .. f 03 .~ .\ ...., ,~,.~ ~ ?.,~. .::. :' , Dm, _?7_(f !!_m/tJ7-_ --- To, -,tJf x7~.~'!..1<" Attenl _.~7 13c...Jj" JJ ,~,Q__, ID~'lQJ Fa): No. I-b. '7 7-..... ~~ (..) 1 From: Frank Keevan & 50n) tne. Tota 1 number of pages tnmsmit tp.d. :I nc lud ing this ptlg(; _.....~,_,I._...."_" "/,---:? {} .,. Rt'ms rk s; ..Jj32.fgj,,6:.\.,.. r'c.~ ~f1i!:!1':?-"'))L ......4.) J,~:i '... .._:i'::~~.':i~L.. 3 J >) ofr7'. ;k'L., 'f} fl'-l~;JL_LJi-(~, /.r:4f:iL::,/]'J&..J!:lJ/::'(:~i,,:.Li/~:)~ )~j:l..~J!..:~-.. ~J ~ .-<?--:~;.- L'l2d.L~-"'::"'~ ?'~{Z'~Lj~4-0'~tJ!.1 'liE\':2 ~- t-.ote: If all paget! tH'"", ,"",d~ ",'I,,,,l.,,cd, ,.'l' ""'CO ",,1: l....fil\.l(',. pl~".'" """,',t.".t Frank Keevan ::. Son. Inc, Telephone (]05- 294-0520 ) Fax No, ( 305- 296-0761 ~:--9~~ ,~ ----.' - .., -- ~0/ ~-~~