Resolution 040-1975 RESOLUTION NO. 40 -1975 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING, ADOPTING, ACCEPTINr. AND RATIfYING THE EXECUTION or GRANT AGREHIENT FOR PROJECT NO. A-12-0044-0l BETWEEN TIlE UNITED STATES OF AHERICA AND HONROE COUNTY BOARD Of comt! SS lONERS, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners: SECTION 1. That said Board hereby authorizes, adopts, ap- proves, accepts, and ratifies the execution of Grant Agreement between the Federal Aviation Administration on behalf of the United States of America and Monroe County Board of Commissioners. SECTION 2. That the execution of said Grant Agreement in- quadrupli ca te on b ehal f 0 f s aid [fan roe County Bo a rd 0 f Com- miss ione rs by IIa rry Ea rris, Chai rman of the Mon roe County Board of Commissioners, and the impression of the of~icial seal of the County of ~fonroe and the attestation of said execution hy the Clerk 0 f the Boa rel, is hereby Butho ri zed., adopt ed, approved, accepted, and. ratified. SECTION 3, That Jack K. Burke, Development Director, is hereby Rutho ri z eel to execut e paymen t reques ts under t hi 5 Grant fip,-reement on behal f of sai d nonroe County Boa rd 0 f COT'lJ'1is s ioners . SECTION 4, That the Grant Agreement referred to hereinafter s hall be a tt ached hereto and made a part 0 f this Pesol ut ion as though it were fully copied. herein. The following Resolution was introduced by Conunissioner Howanitz seconded by Conunissioner Shipley read in full, considered and adopted. DATED ~iarch 11, 1975.