Resolution 069-1975 RESOLUTION No. 69-1975 WHEREAS, The Sheni66 06 Monnoe County, Ftonida, h~ p~evio~ty ~eeom- mended that he be authonized to allow 60~ County P~on~, in addition to :Ume cJLed..U:6, ex:tJta good :Ume allowa.nee -60~ meJU;tonio~ eondue:t 06 exeeptionai ind~tny, in aeeo~danee with the p~ov~io~ 06 ~ub~ection (3) 0-6 Section 951.21, F tonida Statute6, a.6 0 -6 J anuaJrY 1, 1 967, and WHEREAS, It ~ neee6~aJty -60~ the BoaJtd 06 County Comm~~ion~ to adopt a Re6o.f..u.;Uon authonizing ~ueh p~oeeduJte, now theJ1.e60~e, BE IT RESOLVEV BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIVA, that the Sheni-66 06 monnoe County, Ftonida, be, and he ~ heJteby authonized to allow 60~ the 60liowing eounty p~on~: VANNY PEREZ Oniginai Va;Ce 5-26-75 New Re1.eMe Vate 5-12-75 In addition to :Ume cJLed..U:6, ex:tJuI good :Ume alloLtttnee 60~ meJU;tonio~ eondue:t 06 exeeptionai ind~tny, in aeeo~danee w1th the p~ov~io~ 06 ~ub~ection (3) 06 Section 951.21, made by ~a1d Sheni66 6~om t~ date be, and the ~ame aJte heJ1.eby app~ove.d.