Resolution 086-1975 RESOLUTION No. 86-1975 WHEREAS, The ShvU66 06 MOYl!1.oe County, FloJU..da, hM pJr..ev..iou.6ly Jr..ec.om- mended that he be authoJr..ized to allow 60Jr.. County P~on~, ..in addition to time c.Jr..e~, extJr..a good time allowanc.e 60Jr.. meJr..LtoJr..iou.6 c.onduc.t 06 exc.eptional ..indu.6tJr..y, ..in ac.c.oJr..danc.e with the pJr..ov~..iOn6 06 ~ub~ec.tion (3) 06 Sec.tion 951.21, F loJr..ida S:t.a;tu;te6, M 06 J anuMY 1, 1 967, and WHEREAS, It ~ nec.e6~MY 60Jr.. the BOMd 06 County CommJ...M..ion~ to adopt a Re6olu.t/ton authoJr..iz..ing ~uc.h pJr..oc.eduJ1.e, now thelLe60Jr..e, BE IT RESOLVEV BY THE BOARV OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIVA, That the ShvU66 06 MOYl!1.oe County, FloJr..ida, be, and he ~ helLeby au;thoJU.zed to allow 60Jr.. the 60liow..ing c.ounty p~on~: OJr..ig..ina1. Vate New ReteMe Vate 6-09-75 6-19-75 6-02-75 FRANK RUn EKA JAMES LUNDBLOOM KENNETH GRISSOM 5-26-75 6-05-75 5-26-75 In addition to time cJte~, extJr..a good time allowanc.e 60Jr.. mvU.;toJr..iou.6 c.onduc.t 06 exc.eptiona1. ..indu.6tJr..y, ..in ac.c.otuianc.e with the pJr..ov~..iOn6 06 ~ub- ~ec.tion (3) 06 Sec.tion 951.21, made by ~aJ..d ShvU66 6Jr..om t~ date be, and the ~ame Me hVteby appJr..oved. V I {