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Resolution 099-1975
RESO LUn ON No. 99-1975 WHEREAS, :the. ShvU..n 6 0 n Mo YlJtO e. coun:tlj, F lof1.-.Uia ha.J.J pJr.e.v,,[oMllj Jr.e.Qomme.nde.d :that he. be. authoJr..-tze.d :to a..t..tow 60Jr. Coun:tlj P~on~, ,,[n ad- cL.U-ton :to Lime. Vl.e.~, e.x:tJr.a good Lime. a..t..towanQe. 60Jr. meJ!ftoJr..-tOM Qonduc;t 06 e.xQe.ptional ,,[ndMVr.Ij, ,,[n aQQoJr.danQe. wilh :the. pJr.ov.L6,,[On6 06 f.Jubf.Je.mon (3) 06 Se.mon 951.Z1, FloJr.,,[da S:tatute.f.J, af.J 06 JanuaJr.1j 1, 1967, and WHEREAS, il ..w ne.Qe.f.Jf.JaJr.1j 60Jr. :the. BOaJr.d 06 Coun:tlj Comm..wf.J,,[on~ :to adop:t a Re.f.Jolution authoJr..-tz,,[ng f.JUQh pJr.oQe.dWte., now :theJ1.e.60Jr.e., BE IT RESOLVEV BY THE BOARV OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIVA, :that :the. ShvU..66 06 MonJr.oe. Coun:tlj, FloJr..-tda, be., and he. ..w heJ1.e.blj authoJr..-tze.d :to a..t..tow 60Jr. :the. 60Uow,,[ng Qoun:tlj p~on~: OJr..-tg,,[nal Vate. New Re1.e.a.f.J e. Vate. ROBERT AMATO LEO PAYNE 7-1Z-75 7-15-75 7-28-75 6-28-75 7-01-75 7-14-75 ANGELO LETO In adcL.U-ton :to Lime. Vl.e.~, e.xtJr.a good Lime. a..t..towanQe. 60Jr. mvU..- :tOJr..-tOM Qonduc;t 06 e.xQe.ptional ,,[ndMVr.Ij, ,,[n aQQoJr.danQe. wUh :the. pJr.ov..w,,[On6 06 f.Jubf.Je.mon (3) 06 Se.mon 951.Z1, made. blj f.Jaid ShvU..66 6Jr.om:t~ date. be., and :the. f.Jame. aJr.e. heJ1.e.blj appJr.ove.d. Dated July 1, 1975. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MO~ ;OUNTY. FLORIDA By 7T~~of ~ Mayof and Chairrnai'f. // ,;7~~ .. ( Seal)