Resolution 102-1975 RESOLUTION NO. 102 - 1975 WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida that pursuant to Section 205 of the Highway Safety Act of 1973, the Federal government wi II rrovide 100% financing for all local governmental entities that participate in a Pavement Marking Demonstration Program; WHEREAS, a Pavement Marking Demonstration Program wi I I provide centerl ine striping and edgel ine striping on many mi les of Monroe County roads which do not have adequate striping at the present time; WHEREAS, the purpose of this program is to determine if an overal I striping system wi I I reduce the number of traffic mishaps and increase the overa II traff i c safety in the country; WHEREAS, this program wi I I provide great benefits to the resi- dents of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, in order to implement this program it is necessary to submit to the Florida Department of Transportation a resolution author- izing the County Road Superintendent to act on behalf of Monroe County in this matter and an executed agreement between the County and the Florida Department of Transportation covering the striping to be done; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this Board is hereby authorized to execute the agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit "I", between Monroe County and the Florida Department of Transportation concerning the Pavement Marking De- monstration Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the County Road Super- intendent is hereby authorized to act on behalf of Monroe County con~ cerning this program. , Signed bY'~e{i~~r:;ounty Corom. Attested by~_.. L. DATED July 8, 1975 e, 0 C er Board of county cornmissionel Monroe county, Florida