Resolution 056-1974RESOLUTION NO. 56-1974
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida
have previously deeded all roads of Indies Island, Duck Key, Plat Book 5,
Page 82, to the State of Florida, and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida,
by contract with the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, have agreed
to maintain the above roads, and
WHEREAS, the owner, Duck Key Land Sales, Inc., has requested the
Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to inform the State
of Florida, Department of Transportation, that it has no objections to approving
the proposed plan for expanding present right-of-way and construction of any
roads which will involve the Department of Transportation's transferring title
of the old right-of-way and acceptance of the new right-of-way, and
WHEREAS, the County of Monroe will not incur any expenses and derive
substantial benefits from the above proposed plan, now, therefore,
FLORIDA, that said Board recommends and has no objections to the State of Florida,
Department of Transportation deeding certain existing roads and accepting back
the proposed new right-of-way for roads as more fully described in Exhibits A
through E,attached hereto and made a part hereof, to Duck Key Land Sales, Inc.
when said new roads have been constructed in accordance with the State of Florida,
Department of Transportation's specifications and requirements.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that copies of this resolution
be sent to the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, for appropriate
DATED May 14, 1974.
Tli� o11ot•i:i.`ions to be added to Due]c Key — Section T, Prlrt
i - Toilis Havpoi' 1ecordc-d in p bl.ic rec0-i'ds of Monroe Coup -by, FlorJCJa -
ri.a U = bok 7 a Pale c �a
i u-cIi li(-y Ji'1_ `3 T6 i del17_nU,
J.- Duck iiezi I_J, R ! aht o ff' .'?ay u5 f eLt Easterly from the !North Ri -it
Oi ':r=Y line QI' �1-O! f Cou,,'se D 'i Ve -to The South R? ght of W'ay line of Pei Dle
Beach Lane except for Lot. 63 Block 3 and widen Duck Key Drive iiesteily
'.f.tol;l the North R_.gt_t of i,,;Gy line of Golf Course Drive to the South
bcun\dai: y of Lot 12 Block 111, vQ?? r-in� -1. b-29 _fi cres. .
Jack W. Winaatc
FL. L. S. Reg.r''2551r �-
Dated May 62 1974
.Orlando, Florida
From the irtcrs ci1nocenterlines 'of :_cl� Kcf Lr�,"e and C�1f roUr . e
D AN run. , .� HOC'';.' 0011 ^, 107, 84, ft. to the P. C, of 4 '%urva concave in
AstprTy ej=-tjon 800w PJ-•lt)r:,f-,,68 ft. )I T'[ivr1n-2,;1.5c, ft,
along the nr, c of said o r,, a; Th i,ce' S S0U25118" E. 52.50 ft;. to the,
point C,.i, t7t::J'1.tiI1.21 , sai(.i.point of f1eg t2ning MAE on, the :?:':st O'ght
of .'gay line o _uc% Key I:�ri•� �11 e re run Northerly � " ast
... i.J Drive,, , . ,i hence . along the �J
M yf. or Way line ne of !:uqk Key Drive to the Northwest corner of Parcel
2, ;-,hence A -,'1OV1,E" E., 21.71 feet to a point, said point being
a paint on a curve concave in a Northerig di action (11 = 1302911S-
T=815,63- ft,); Thence along the are of said ct,1rve.192,01• ft, to its
FA,; Trance . 66956,009 L, 565,00 MA Thence 8. 23004100" E. 60.00
ft.; Thence 3, 660561000 i•i, 565,00 ft. to the PA, of a curve concave
n a ;,Iortherly direction ( ZI _ 13029110 R=875.63 ft.); Thence 206.14
M along the arc. of said curve; Thence S, 80025' 28" Y-T, 21.78 ft. to
the east Fight of Way line of Duck Key Drive; Thence hortherly along
the al R:i_ER -off' ';ay lire of Duch Key Drive to the point of beginning,
Containing .1, 0 ,2
' �� •a(/V ._�
Jack 1-7. Wingate
FL.' L.S. Reg. #2554
Dated �iay 6, 19M
Orlando, Florida .
_Y.o m ,.be, ,'.c'_ I,hc:,.wt corne'r° Of Lob 187 Block 71 ruck AW,i zi 1-_
Part 1, .-'?l corner being ti ^ KC. of curve Co[l.l:avein a i orbtilerly
l i0c:ot:} m ( •'' _- 1.. !"' 1. ��i� r?O O M f0 °j, run along % e arc -of said
r :ro l - cr. . Oe e N. � 056, i v. B. 74. 95 f � , i W SG.t & j
%1_. u�., .l:L, 7 _-. .rIC' . CC ) CO • �� l �� °s Th � ce'i.e
60,03N r Thence ce S. Af`>° ,M= , . .1;74, 95 f Le to a point; on a ca_•ve•
= a = 1;: `'34.128t4 R-2h3� 73 y" - h Thence i:':�+7.n� 194-15 ft.
along the ar
�oft a ` r,', O ^17Y'-4 f ,`�'11PIZc 3. 22034429" j•'.J e fj` l e l.=Y 7 ft . to the point A
1_ ning 0 5 r
• I
• I
• ' I
• i I
Jack W. Wingate
L, L'. S. Reg. #2554
Dated 1,ay o, 1974
Orlando,, Florida
• is
. I
• l
Page 1 of
U A - Vacate' The Eollowin. Roads: _
Descr-+ ntibn
Ciil:b --Road I,or � }i T t Y
,_ o_ the intersection' at the I•,Ior-cr= ±'.ig;'�'�--
O-.e.Wa,r Line of ar'nor ;:rives
of Pt'r� tting, ' ree.n Court F. rth of the intersection
at the. ! oith aig
of -Way line of harbor Drive.
De s cri_n lion
A!--,. of (' Circle Forth of Grccnbriar Road,
A j-i_ Of that portion of Pebble Beach Lane East of the
intersection of ':,-te
Easy propertdr lire of Lot o^^, Block •7 and the E'or'uh and South Rig :t.-of-,, V
:Lines of Pebble Beach Lane to the intersection of the
' a-,
line of Road.,
Descr ±>>tion
' >
!?l; of Ea Road East of the intersection at the East
RIght os._i•,ay
li nr ,, of 'Warn C r ,chanter. Drive ,
DscY ipti(In
4 f>
1.1 of •_volf c'ol'C'se 'rrci—ve frpZl the ini-C:" f io T
sc..�:: � n at m
:.S �
Os"'I_arter i�^:i•4
he i;orth �o,zr,i_:^y oi' '',l,ic: 1.6, Duck ;ey - �� i
Lect- on
I art T _
F r ^-g• o S t b:i � Sion line.
<<11 O_- �=ra, 1bL'" � ad .fro; t the t'iC.St l }' � '1 r
ti "
to i.he in
of Di.zck Key Drive, `
• c � ®EXHIBIT "E"
D C'i..
fi All of 01 'O! Shnnt ^- from the; _intershtion at • Gols Course Drive
l•O 1•}1C� l t�+` s �`'� u oP of the, ll;o?'th Er i gIn
• �.�.bt of way line of Greenbriar Road.
A-1 1 of that. F7oJ. Lion . Uf �'e �'Tli�.� .). �3 �' Road r T � intersection
� s�
l.T._ T�_.4...-i `1d Lt'a.�iv o_ tA('. l2"iGe:$c.Ct].of! Of l"r11e
j-,:ast property Luje, of lot 5, Flock 8, and •tQ North gad South OEM
10. All of ?Ia'},, ,r T :ri -re :"rom the 5.rite;:'section of the East F.:i Qt of Way''
)_Lne of rn).c k Heey Drive to the East bout.dary of Block 16, Duck Key -
Section I — Part 1.
7J. W. tdingate
FL I„ Sv leda #2554
Dated may b, 1974
Orlando, Florida