Resolution 071-1974RESOLUTION ' NO': 71 `=19 74'
WHEREAS, the:Zoning Board.of Monroe Coiinty; Florida, at a public,
hearing on March 221;'. 1974,, duly called' and held in accordance with:.the' zoning
regulations of Monroe County, Florida,•and the'laws:of the:State:of Florida, .
considered.the:request-of Ronald .Gillman for a change:of zoning on Lots:4; 5,
6;'Block"20:of Twin Lakes Subdivision in Section':15, Township:61 South;:
Range 39'.'Sast (Key Largo); and
WHEREAS, after'takiiig testimony and -hearing all persons desiring, said.Board granted: the: request- for the.change of zoning from
BU-1 to:BU-2A'with an existing BU-1,'and
WHEREAS,.the'Upper:Keys.Citizens Association appeal with:'.
.the'Board.of'County:Commissioners_of Monroe'County;.Florida; asking,the:Board.
to reverse the:decision of'the:Zoning Board:in accordance:with_the'laws
applicable thereto; and
WHEREAS, on the..'18th. day of June;: 1974�,: the Board. of County: Commis
sioners held such:an appeal and Mr..Don Schloesser'appeared'..on behalf of the:.
Upper:Keys Citizens Association and after.reviewing the:.record and -proceedings.
and said:. action taken -in said .public hearing held on'March:22 1974�;'.and: hear-
ing the:argument-of both:of the.above parties, voted:to.reverse .the Zoning
Boardin granting said request for change of zoning from BU-1 to.BU-2A'with :
an existing BU=1;'. and -
WHEREAS, it is necessary .to:pass a resolution confirming the:above
action'of said Board .of"County:Commissioners; now;:therefore,:
FLORIDA; that the:decision of the:Zoning Board made at the:public hearing one
March : 22:;: 1974,,' granting the: 'request of Ronald Gillman for ' a change of zoning
from BU=l to. BU= 2A' with,an existing BU-1 on Lots 4;'5; 6;'Block:20'of Twin
Lakes' Subdivision in Section :15; Township .61 South;: Range 39'. East (Key' Largo)
is hereby'. reversed. and .the'.said. Ronald Gillman is hereby- denied. a change of
zoning from'BU-1 to.BU-2A with an existing BU=1.
DATED. June .25:;: 1974�.: