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Resolution 089-1974
RE-S.'OLUTI.0_N:.NO'.:89'. WHEREAS,: 'th-d. 'Board of: CoVnty Cdminissioneirs. of. Mohro& Co_uhty,..Florida,.-.fed.l thdt 'it is. -to: the b6.dt :interest and safety of.'.thd travelingpublic.:to: have: 'a larger sign and caution' light. at thd. lnterse-dtionof: State' Road;' 5 :and Florida Keys: Memorial Hospital Road.. 'Said -sign now:'indicating thb. 'H&s'ita:l -is-.:felt to - be too* small and :that a caution: light would eliminate- 'the pres.elit traffic. hazard which.'said small- sign: :and lack: of.: caution, light -is causing,: now*,' therefore'.,. BE IT 'RESOLVED. BY .THE *BOARD.' OF COUNTY COMMISS10NERS.'OF MONROE -COUNTY, FLORIDA, that th&'Department of: Transportation.' Sta:te:bfl' -Florida, be. and it 'is hdre.bY requested to. 'Place''.a ca'ution, lightanda larger . sign des:ignating thd '.road toi - the 'Florida Keys - Meuiorial Hd-spital- -for' th-d 'reason. hdreinabdv'e 'set. -forth.". BE, '=, FURTHER RESOLVED.* BY SAID;. BOARD 'that the'.'.Clerk 'of: said: Board bd '.instructed to- forward certified copies -of: thi.s -redo--' lutlon.'.to'. thd. 'Departmerit, of: Transportation: State of" Florida for: appropriate. action.� DATED. July: -30-,`.�.19,74,.'