Resolution 110-1974 County has recognized the need for placing additional duties ,:0 t);/ "/ the Development Di rector and his department. and, ':',} /1\/ ij WHEREAS, the Bo ard of County Commiss ioners in the past I: '\,. ,/ -..:~. <..; /1 ~~ ~7l ~0 / q & iQ.,"" RESOLUTION NO. 110 -1974 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of _Monroe has des ignated the Development Di recto r as See re ta ry and Treasurer of the Monroe County Waste Collection and Disposal District of which the Board of Commissioners are ex-officio members of, and along with being designated the Board's auth- orized representative to file on the Board's behalf for Fed- eral and/or State funds that are available for disaster relief, and as being placed as Director of all Manpower Projects and Programs which have been approved by the Board of Commissioners in the best interest of the general public, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM,MISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, in an open meeting assembled in Key West, Florida, this 27th day of August, 1974, as follows: 1. That Development Director, Jack K. Burke, he hereby by action of the Board of Commissioners as their authorized representative be designated as Project Director of any addi t ional Pro grams that the Board 0 f Commis sioners deem necessary as to abide by rules and regulations of any pro- gram that be placed under the jurisdiction of the Board of Commissioners. 2. That said Jack K. Burke, County Development Director, is authorized as Project Director of the various Manpower Projects to be paid additional compensation of 2.8% of the Manpower Program as he assumes additional duties not related to his position as Development Director. 3. That said Jack K. Burke, County Development Director, is authorized to furnish such information and take such other action as may be necessary to enable the Board of Commissioners to qualify for programs funded by the Federal and/or State Governments. :; /" -2- 4. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.