Resolution 112-1974 RESOLUTION NO.112-1974 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, published notice of its intention to have a public hearing on the proposed budget for the fiscal year October 1, 1974, through September 30, 1975, and that pursuant to said notice a public hear- ing was held on the 3rd day of September, 1974, at which time said budget was publicly discussed and any person present desiring to be heard was heard, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following budget be and the same is hereby adopted as the official budget of the Board of County Com- missioners of Monroe County, Florida, for the fiscal year October 1, 1974, through September 30, 1975: Balance on hand beqinninq of fiscal year: General Revenue Fund Fine and Forfeiture Fund Road and Bridge Fund Airport Revenue Fund Airport Operation and Maintenance Fund Airport Development & Replacement Fund Airport Interest & Sinking Fund 1955 (Also Liquid Investments) Airport Interest & Sinking Fund 1956 Airport Reserve Fund (Also Liquid Investments) 1965 Certificates of Indebtedness Interest and Sinking Fund Monroe County 1962 Sub-Station Marathon Building Fund Law Library Card Sound Bridge Interest and Sinking Fund Card Sound Bridge Revenue Fund Total 2,141,896.69 400,000.00 300,000.00 63,748.42 10,000.00 30,000.00 93,968.53 892.50 46,798.16 425,083.31 4.91 5,574.14 364,795.75 32,164.00 Anticipated Receipts: County Taxes Racing Commission Funds State Gasoline & Fuel Taxes State Revenue Sharing Federal Revenue Sharing Beverage Licenses Airport Receipts Airport Grants Fines, Forfeitures & Costs Law Library 3,914,.926.41 3,373,452.07 264,000.00 815,000.00 397,600.00 433,603.00 50,661.00 66,900.00 14,018.75 224,100.00 8,500.00 -2- Anticipated Receipts: (Continued) Card Sound Bridge Tolls Federal Grants in Aid Federal Grant (Civil Defense) Interest on Time Deposits Other Receipts Sub-Total Less 5 Percent Total Total Funds Available 332,000.00 349,290.14 14,600.00 104,017.00 784,278.65 7,232,020.61 361,601.04 6,870,419.57 10,785,345.98 State Budget Law requires 5% per cent deduction on anticipated receipts. Proposed Expenditures: Salaries (General Fund) Fees and Commissions (General Fund, Tax Assessor & Collector) Maintenance County B1dgs. (General Fund) Salaries & Expenses Circuit Court (General Fund) Salaries & Expenses County Court (General Fund) Salaries & Expenses State Attorney Salaries & Expenses, All Other Judicial (General Fund) Registration & Elections (General Fund) Veterans Service Offices Health and Welfare (General Fund) Civil Defense (General Fund) Parks and Beaches (General Fund) County Dog Pounds Zoning (General Fund) Public Library (General Fund) Publicity (General Fund) Other Administrative Expenses (General Fund) Translators (General Fund) Sheriff's Budget (Fine & Forfeiture Fund) Other Administrative Expenses (Fine & Forfeiture Fund) Road Maintenance, Construction, Lights, Fire Control (Road & Bridge) Card Sound Bridge Funds Law Library Fund Monroe County 1962 Sub-Station Marathon 148,214.28 779,163.09 762,010.90 101,963.06 123,061.03 32,798.08 29,900.00 91,226.83 42,397.61 602,926.49 39,782.94 201,011.05 46,611.60 326,036.97 242,891.42 131,014.51 824,819.31 230,000.00 1,528,931.00 62,941.06 1,042,950.28 322,400.00 13,149.14 1.00 -3- Proposed Expenditures: (Continued) Airport Operation (Airport Fund) 220,875.69 Debt Services, Jail, Courthouse Annex 79,437.50 Reserve & Contingencies (All Funds) 2,758,831.14 Total Expenditures DATED September 3, 1974. 10,785,345.98