Resolution 316-1992 Extension Service RESOLUTION NO. 316-1992 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA. AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A GRANT APPLICATION WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND. AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF SAME BY THE PROPER AUTHORITIES FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF DESTROYED CHANNEL MARKER IN DUCK KEY BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as follows: 1. That said Board has been notified of the availability of funds from the Florida Department of Natural Resources, Boating Improvement Fund. 2. That the Monroe County Extension Service acting for Monroe County has received preliminary approval for the submission of a grant application to replace destroyed channel marker #2 Duck Key for which a grant in the amount of $2,347.00 will be sought. 3. That said Board hereby directs the execution of this application by the proper County Authorities. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 29th day of June , A.D. 1992. MAYOR, Wilhelmina Harvey COMMISSIONER, Jack London COMMISSIONER, Douglas Jones COMMISSIONER, A. Earl Cheal COMMISSIONER, John Stormont Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Seal) Attest: Danny L. Kolhage /J(;,f~~~~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~.--- c.J..\ BY ~'-~.'-- ~ ~'-~ ......--~ Mayor/Chairman \ (;) APf1~; AS TO F'1RM . A"'"'.' .~". "-.f.. '.~ . ':C' .'~y. ~j I'.... ...,. "_.'v. iI',.. ___ B . / vw~ ' D::;t;) . t/; 7't v",,;o I J STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOu~CES Florida Boating Improvement Program project Application project Identification 1. Types of Project: Acquisition Development x Planning Launch Site New For Office Us~ Only Docking Facility Expansion Date Received Channel Marking Renovation Project Number OL~er (specify) Emergency Channel Marker Repair Duck Key #2 County Monroe 2. Project Title: Duck Key #2 3. Project Location: Duck Key. MonTO~ r.onnt"y. 1i'lnrida 4. Brief Description of Project: Monroe County is on report wit"h t"hl> U.s. Coast Guard for the di~~T~p~nt" ~;d t"n pavi8a~i9R 12 Thl~k KI>Y s. Grant Requested: $ 2.347.00 Source of Other Funds: $ Estimated Total Project Cost $ 2.347.00 6. Applicant Identification: Applicant County: Monroe Located in City of: Key West (if applicable) Liaison Agent : Kim Blanco Appointed Representative of Monroe County, Board Name of County of County Commissioners Address: 5100 Colle~e Rd. Key West. FI 33040 Phone No. (305) 292-4501 7. Signature: ~~ Date: June 12, 1992 .. ~ ~LORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ., Florida Boating Improvement Program Project Application Part A: Identification For Office Use Project *: Date Received: Appli~ant Information Applicant: Project Title: Monroe County Duck Key 12 Legislative District in which Project Site is Located: State Senate: State House: Liaison Agent: Title: Kim Blanco Marine Projects Coordinator Address: 5100 College Rd. Key West, FI 33040 Zip Code: Telephone: (10~) 'Q'-l..'i01 I hereby certify that the information provided in this application is. true and accurate. Signature: 7~~ ; Date: 6-12-Q' Project Information Grant Amount Requested: $ 2,347.00 Funds are Utilized as Match for: LWCF FRDAP Project Type (check one): Acquisition Development x Retroactive Site Control (check one): Acquiring ..._ ":'ased OWn If Leased, Date of Expiration: Brief Project Description: Emergency repair of channel marker 12 Duck Key DNR 42-034 Revised 8/25/89 Page 1 10 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Florida Boating Improvement Program Project Application Part c: ACquisition For Office Use Project *: Applicant: Monroe County Project Description Total Acreage: Land Water Legal Description: (attach additional pages if necessary) Section Township Range Brief Description of property's physical Characteristics: Channel Marker #2 Duck K~y Price: Negotiated $ Purchased $ Date of Acquisition: Retroactive Proposed Required Attachments Location Map: Provide a detailed street, road or highway map locating the project site along with driving instructions from the nearest federal or state highway. Site Plan: Provide a conceptual site plan displaying location of planned facilities. Resolution: Provide an official resolution by the applicant(s) requesting funds for the project. Boundary Map: Provide a boundary map clearly identifying the project boundaries. DNR 42-034 Revised 8/25/89 Page 3 11 MAILING ADDRESS: . US Department at Transportation United States Coast Guard Commander Seventh Coast Guard District Brickel~ r~d~a Federal Bldg. 909 SE First Avenue Miami. FL 33131 Staff Symbol: (oan) Ph: (305) 536-5621 16518/37 June 8. 1992 Ms. Kim Blanco Monroe Cooperative Extension Services 5100 College Road. Public Services Key West. FL 33040 Dear Ms. Blanco: The pr~vate aids to nav~gation listed on the attached form have beE!n reported discrepant. Discrepanc~es must be corrected rapidly. Please report correction to us by telephone followed by wr~tten confirmation. You will notice that the attached discrepancy report is designed to be used for return communication. Please fill. in the blanks as appropriate, fold, staple and mail it to this office when the repairs have been compl.eted. Please contact Mr. Nodal (305) 536-5621 if you have questions. When calling please refer to Coast Guard file number and aid name. Sincerely, ~L) 1):T? W. DUNLAP ieutenant Commander, U.S. Coast Guard ~ Ass't Chief, Aids to Navigation and Waterways Management Branch Seventh Coast Guard District By direction of the District Commander Encl: (1) Self-addressed Discrepancy Report (2) List of Coast Guard abbreviations (3) Aids to Navigation-Sources of Supply and,Services Copy: Officer-in-Charge, Aids to Navigation Team Key West ~- ~~_. .... -- _..--"..~",....~~.~ Name: Monroe Cooperative Ext Service 5100 College Rd, Pub Se Key West, FL 33040- Ms. Kim Blanco 37 Jun 08, 1992 ATTN: File: The Following Private Aids to Navigation have been reported discrepant: AID NAME LIGHT LIST # DISCREPANCY *Duck Key Ch DBN 2 13185.00 DESTROYED These discrepancies and any others I have noted: (Check appropriate line and complete as necessary) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) have been corrected as of (date) have not been corrected for the following reasons: (Please indicate which aids) (3) I am discontining these CLASS II or III (Voluntary) private aides). This constitutes my 30-day notice to you. I understand that before CLASS I (Required) private aids may be discontinued, written permission must be granted by your office. Sincerely, ... -.!nr~ - ~2M.'" - ._, r ;,!: I 'Tr",'C:__~-~_='_='" -" -" , , . , ~~~TF~ " "J ... <.r=-~l , ". .I.... "(" .... ___ .~.: ,I . . .. /"." / .' FRANKXEEVAW8ih"ON~,'N"Q:-'~-; / MECHANICAL. GENERAL CONTRACTORt MAIN OFFICE 296 N E 6011'1 STREET MIAMI. FLORIDA 33137 THEPHONE 305764-9441 KEY WEST BRANCH 2nd STRF.H.SYOCj( '~LAf\lD I(E;Y WEST. FLORIDA ~3040 TELEPHONE 305294 -0520 Date: JURe 10 1992' ------~-------_._--_. .-- -.---- . To: Kim Blanco ---------,.----.---.--- ---_.--- Attn: --------.....------,...'..-.. ~._-- -.-..-....---- Fax Numb e r ____-1il::!.-'t.9..!____M-_.Md_____ From: Frank Keevan & Sont Inc. ----------------------------- Tot a 1 n u m b e r 0 f P age s t ran s m ~ t t e d tIn c: 1 u d , n S t h ~ spa 9 e __~_ Remarks: -Kimr We prtiFlfieto.replace.DaybellCl)n No. 2 'W1th-p1.hn8~;'. ___~~"'_____-__..__. ...._......___._-___._.____. __...,.............. ....... .'. .__....ka to.. _.,,>-<10,..... ........--- - At Duck Key for the sum of I. S~.34'.OO _____________________.__~___________._~__,.__~_~._~~___~_~~___~~w__. ----------------------- ----- .------.- --.......-..--.. -..-..... .---..- _......-..~--_.:. Note: If all pages are not received. or are not leg1blet please contact Frank Keevan & Son. lne Key West office: Telephone (305) 294-0520 Fax Number: (305) 296~0761 ~~ " . '-;if!'i;--";.j::.r-:-~"~'''' ~.~.~ PU!JO N..i PHOPOSAL ---..- -. -""""'-~--~--...-..-__.- ~,~0\ ~;0~'.'Y'\.. !) - (C)tJi<:B,\~:~.il "", f',"":"\\-~ _ ~..y \ ,> l,(e t \ ('"\. \.. \ ()/----. -..l---.,..Ptll" PR(lPOSAL SU8Mn li;~ l r:> ..-..-. --r~-;:;ONI----". ---.... - --[-D~-ri'--~-- ---- --~.. ___h _~Ji~ 14.=~ loa NAM( r"jl\..."" ~19}.U:':~ ,: U!D_tL...f-~~_~ ~_~. )!] :3crvlce .. ..~ -....... --.-....--.--.--.- ,(~Uf S f~Il' tll' ..-_.._-. .- -.,,--------.--.- _..-------.. (IIi .--.------. J".'~' '_..n STA l[ ----- .--......-.-- --- - ..._--~ --.. .....--'..---... ---...~.__......------.. - ~_-.-....-. .-.--~- --..-. ...- .. -...-.-~.~...-....------~__....h .''- ___ ____..__.____ ... r t . A~ ~ 5'J"l,~-,~~g~ _-l~j)L~ll} c:.2S c~::: ,",' . ,,_c- ::c::.-::_-,_":-=:C-:- .... .-.- - . . ---"_.~. ...--- - .=:.:.._---=-=.'7=-::_:::..== ,fJ. '. to. "by \i!t,m't to>. ,I"ol,o," ."d .;I;r"~It I 'v, ~EPLACE ^ND REPAIR CHANNEL MARKER '- - T\: j,'5 _)1 i -p Ptl:Lnq. l ile.1 ilei (~c.; .)c~dosi.de. law n~rker signs and new Marine Treated tt -, .. a ~f D '.ck l\ey ....--- ---." -.-'----_"___m ~. ___. ....._.__ _ _.___.... __.,,~ .____._...____ ~_....---,----._-........_.- ......"..-----.--......-- ~..... _._~_.._._- _ 'l' h i (~, y ..I.~ '_9 _ J:l3.D.. ~~ .!.:.~~ d n ()' J, r.-; 'Ne ~....l.'r (; ,,"'.,;.. , , 'V"l.Ih !..b", .',J "'4'~.,.11 - ,c"'pl.;I. ,,, au;""d<l"'~ w,th Ih& 000". IPO(l/""'onl, f.lr ~h. ...,,, 01 -- ----.._- ---'.'-"-. ---........-.- 3200.00 d"II,),1 I~._. _..___.__ ---.1 w,rh Polly"'.'" 10 b. IT'_ j~ " I"III/WI . -. .--~. p- --------..-..-- -..--._ .__.. M..______.._.,__ _.. --..'........_-.-_.-....-.~---_.. --.--- '- .-....-.. -....-..-.-----.....- . -~._-----"'......--. ~..-_._---.. Ad '~\(~l.!.i!fl It ....J...t.,ll.nJ ""r, 4l,r:...o\.'. -'O"":iil"I;Qnl ;, b. .. ,,,~(,I.,j A..! 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S''i,)'f~f' --- --" .-.-. ---- ~...",-.._- i~ t, .," .,.' .. __~i !11"~~,i~ ~:~:!!~;jl..",.:- .:;;~.ill,.,=_. -"*"""",,,,,",,'::U;.,,*-,..AI.,,,- .L_. : \-:11\ I '+".1'-: 1';\-':' 1 f ,I:: i'-tn.': II "1"11>-", I i ~! 1 ' : ': :.\ .. 1 r:_'1~:> COI'-l(_)'fl::;:uc:r(]F6 'J J NC:" j ,:,701 h T H (NLI"~UE'. C:)UL.F' \"H1FUYlHCH'I,) FL. ,. ~;:.~:,(}~::iO '74:'::.--54'3B ----------------- --~-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------ ------- -------- I' II'i [Ii.. f,"I\leD (Vi. C" 1-1. F' ,. [~. ~XTFNSION SERVICE fC'{ l'JF:~3T ~ FL" DUel::: f:TV CHr:il't1\lEL. 1~\{.H~I':EF:: :N:'::'. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CCli"\ s,. t l"U.C t i 01"\ eel'::::' t FiC, t i 1T1F.\ t t~ 06-12~1992 Page 1 -..- -_. --. -- -. ------- -- --.---.---- -- -------------- ----- -----_.---- --------- ------ ---------------- -- ---------------- --.----------------------- f''\ (11 c"_.m t -- -- - - --- ---- ------- --- ---- -------------- - ---,-------------------------- ---------------_._---------------------~------------_.---------- D <2)=', C !., i p t i (,;) 11 INTRODUCTORY/PLANS/PERMIT ~lE THANf~ YOU FOR YOUR INVITATION TO BID THIS PROJECT. WE ARE A STATE LICENSED GENERAL CONTRACTOR ~ OFFER OUR SERViCES FOR ALL ASPECTS OF CONSTF\UCTION INCLUDING PLANS, CONSTf\'UCTlON OF CUSTOM HOMES, SEPTIC SYSTEMS, REMODELING, REPAIRS, DOCKS ~'. SPRAY-CRETE. f.~H(.,~,II'~I;:::L. l'I{1f.~~<[F~ f:;;[f-'A I f~ :;:.~ 'i ':t27 " '7':5 CONTRRCTOR WAS INFORMED THAT PERMITS wOULD NOT BE REQUIRED. IF PERMITS OR LETTER OF EXEMPTIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT THEY WILL BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO CDMf1ENCEt1ENT OF WORK AND WILL BE CHARGED AS EXTRA TO PROPOSAL AT COST OF PERMITS + PROCESSING. WE nAVE BEEN CONTACiED BY 1(IM BLANCO FROM MONROE COUNTY MARINE F'ROJECTS EXTENSlON SERVICE TO REF'lACE DUCK KEY CHANNEL MARKER ~2. WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN LIMITED INFORMATION SO WE HAVE INCLUDED ALLOWANCE TO COVER THE NECESSARY COSTS. THIS PROPOSAL INCLIJDES DRIVEN CONCRETE PILE. AS PER GENERAL HECONl1ENPATIONS FAXED BY KIM BLANCO MARI!IlE PROJECTS COORDINATOR. SPECIFIC LOCATION & DEPTH OF WATER WAS NOT GIVEN 10 CONTRACTOR. if:" CHANNEL MARF,ER IS TO BE H~STALLED IN WATER DEPTH OVER 15' TO t~AX. DEPTH OF 20' ADD $'+00. tT IS NOTED AND UNDERSTOOO THAT INSTALLATION SHOULD BE MODIFIED IF NECESSARY TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF PRUDENT SOUND ENGINEERING PRACTICES AND THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT. PROPOSAL HAS INCLUDED 2 TRIANGULAR SHAPED 48" X 48" REFLECTIVE .080 GAUGE ALLUMINUM SIGNS. MARINE PROJECTS COORDINATOR DID NOT HAVE SPECIFIC SHA~E OR SIZE OF SIGNS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT. ~~y CHANGES MAY VARY COST OF SIGNAGE. F'C, YI"'lE~,i"i ~:,Ci."I[DL.l!._C:: $'2 ~ 000. 01) DUE UPON ACCEPTANCE. BALANCE DUE uPON CGMF'lETlON. ~ 1 -;C1r:--~r~ -\11-1::::'~' \ F ,'C I i I~I~", I-':~', . :i"-.-' C,: -';. . -- -.- - ............. ~,,~ --. _. -.--- - -- - -.- - -, .- ......."'-_........ ----.--' -"---"- - . . ~ I~' X T i'::. 1'1 q ! C r\; Co) ': f' \.' .' i - F DUC:Y I<EY CH(~NNEL.];: i:f<? MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA :/ ';' ~r r:~ L.. j 'I "1 ',.., ~.,,' t.~" C I) j'.'j " l~'> \I Cr 'I !<[ -/ !..:JE~ (;~ T " CQnstructiQn Cost E~tim3te 06-12-1992 Page 2 Ik~~:.;c t' i p t j on (."TiD'_Ti t ~. - ~ - -....... - _....' -..... -... - ---- - - ---- - - -.......- --.. -... ""........- - - - -- --.- -- --- _. - _....,-- - - -... --... -- - - ~ ----- -- -.... - ....----- - --_.- ---..... ..-....-.....- -- - ---........... -_.......---- - ----- --......... -.........- CONTRACT AGREEMENT WE HERESY SUBMIT SPECIFISATIONS AND EStIMATES FOR: CONSTRUCTION Of SAID WORK DESCRIBED ABOVE. THE FOLLOWING COSTS HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO COVER THE DESCRIBED WORK ABOVE. IF NOT LISTED ABOVE ADDITIONAL WORV WILL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL COSTS. ANY ALTERATION OR DEVIATION FROM SAID CONTRACT INVOLVING EXTRA COSTSl WILL BECOME AN EXTRA CHARGE OVER AND ABOVE THE CONTRACT. AUTHORIZED AGENT SHOULD BE AVAILABLE TO MAKE ANY ALTERATIONS OR DEVIATION. NET 7 DAYS, A SERVICE CHARGE OF 1 1/2% PER MONTH (18% PER ANNUM) WILL BE CHARGED TO ALL ACCCOUNTS PAST DUE. IN EVENT THAT A DISPUTE OR LITIGATION MAY ENSUE FROM THIS PROPOSAL OR ANY EXTRAS CHARGED TO SAID JOB, IT IS AGREED THAT IF CONTRACTOR PREVAILS, CUSTOMER \~ILL PAY FOR ALL EXPENSES INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COURT COSTS, ALL MATERIAL IS GUARANTEED ro BE AS SPECIFIED. ALL WORK TO BE COMPLETED IN A WDRf~,MANLn:E MANNER ACCORl) ING TO STANDARD PR.ACTICES. ~L~ AGREEMENTS CONTINGENT UPON STRIKES, ACCIDENTS, DELAYS OR EVENTS BEYOND OUR CONTROll CAUSING MATERIAL COSTS AND EQUIPMENT OPERATION TO ESCALAiE RADICALLY. OWNER TO CARRY FIRE, TORNADO, & OTHER NECESS Y INSURANCES, OUR WORKERS ARE FULLY COVERED BY WORKERS CO . AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Note: This or'QPosal !Ray be withdl'awn cays. ACCEF'TANCE OF F'ROPOSAL- The above p!'iCE'Sl sp'-'cific<ltions and ::ond.hans ~.t'e s~tisfactm'y and are her'eby <I::ceptEd. Payments ~s wt I ined above, SIGNATURE S:GNATURE_._ DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: I I ~I"!' I ',',I 1111::,' I ! I" I I"" I'.' 1 F'UI 'Ui;":,:::::;-:: f'U - 11 " I ____~__---_._---.----------..~------M'--------------,.__------------------------------------------~---------------~~~~ ... ":\: J',:.' I F~ / TEN~; I ON ~;!,)-;:') T ('F' 1-:'[::''.( liJF:~T 'J I I.." DUCK KEY CHANNEL ER #2 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA :.!,:I:V\ 8~~u. ~1w[:!IMul;::',,(~:~ c:,,jn~.tt'uctjCJll CCl~;.t Fsti.(1I'~\'(;(~ 06-12-1992 P~ge ' -.- - -- - - ---- -- --....------- -- --.- - - --...- - - --- - - --- - - - - -- - - .--- - ---~_..........._-_..... ----- - - -......... - ---- ----...... -..- -- --- --- -- -.....- - - -- ---- - -- ...... ~ ---~ ~ .....--- -~- - - -....- De'::;c I":t. pi; i. on (~lrnoun t -~------------------.----------~----------'------_...---------_._--------------~----------------------------'~---------------~--------- Tnt,,!. L:li"\ 2 'I (i27 " 9':'J ... .... ..". ~,., "... ,.... ..,_ .._. ._... .", ",'." _._ .. _m ..... ."" ..... "... m ._._ _~. "..' "". ~...