Resolution 005-1976 RESOLUTION NO. 5 -1976 WHEREAS, the State of Florida owns certain lands in Sec- tion 5, Township 64 South, Range 37 East, said lands being under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation State of Florida, and WdEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to obtain a portion of said land for the purpose of placing a translator broadcast tower to be used for broadcasting purposes within the translator broadcasting system to be established by said Board, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO}rnISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Department of Transportation State of Florida be and it is hereby requested to deed a portion of either Parcel A or Parcel ~ 260 feet by 250 fee~ said parcels being de- scribed in that certain fee simple deed of gift as recorded in Official Record Book 525, pages 735-737, copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, to Monroe County, Florida, for the purpose of constructing a translator broadcast tower to be used for broadcasting purposes within the translator broadcasting system. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that certified copies of this resolution be forwarded by the Clerk of said Board to the Department of Transportation State of Florida for appropriate action. DATED January 6, 1976. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF 110NROE COUNT~/ORIDA /1 _ By /:~.,r.. 'd7' /7-.r.M/,;-t:- Mayor an .. Cha~rman (Seal) Attest :..___. / ) ( /~~12~ff- ,.-/ ! Clerk 1.1318 '. "' "\ . I,' , \ , ' , '0--..- \ ,\ , . . . i:r525. fAC~ 135 , FEE SIMPLE DEED OF GIFT -tt.. This L"IDEliTURE, ma.de this /3 -day of December, A.D~ 1972, between \rdITNEY BOURNE ATWOOD, a single person, of Lands End, Sheep Lane, Locust Valley, of the County of Nassau, and state of New York party of the first part, and I STATE OF FLORIDA, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that: the said party of the first part, for a good and valuable considera.tion to her in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledGed, has granted, bargained, sold and trans-! ferred, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell ~~d transfer unto the said party of the second part and its successors and assigns forever, all those two cert~in1:ar- ~ '-0 cels of land lying and being in the County of MO~~ .md ~ :. -. '=' ITI State of Florida, more particularly described as J'oll{:ff.s::::l r,'. -, ~.~.: N 0 ::; :.n eo :-0 PARCEL A ,-, ,-. ::::0_ ;0 ...,r- r'~ - tT1 All tha.t part of Section 5, Township 64, ~~ttr;: g ~. 0 :;0 (') C.11 c Rnnge 37 East, described as follows: ~ Frao the intersection of the Northwesterly right-of- way line of the Over3eao HiC;hwo.y (U.S. lIighwa.y Ill) and the Ea.nt line of Section 6 as established by R. L. Stewa.rt as the sa..":le is shoim on 0. 3UrVey dated June 27, 1958, made by G. A. Craw::;haw, run North 450 48' 45" East aJ..ong said North- westerly riGtt-of-wayline a dist~~ce of 368.05 feet; thence run North 2[~O 6' 15" West a distance of 753.06 feet more or less, to the hic..'1. tide line of Florida Bay and the point of beGi~~ing of the lands herein described; from said point of bec;irminc; run South 2l~ 0 6" .15" Eo.nt a distance of 1606.28 feet more or less to the hiGh tide line of the Atl~~tic Ocean; thence Southwesterly me~~derine said high tide line to the East line of said Section 6. thence North alone the East line of said Section 6, 752.68 feet more or less to the intersection of ::;aid Ea::;t line of' Section 6 with the liorth- westerly riGht-o~-way line of said Ovorse~s Highway; thence continue l:orth alone; the E3.st line of sa.id scgtion 6 a dis- tancc of 672 fect to 0. point; thence North 24 61 15" West a: distance of 240 ~eet more or less, to the high tide line of . Florida Bay: thence Northeasterly r:lconderinc; said high tide . linc to the point of bCGinning, excep~1ng therefrom the said, rieht-of-'..o.y of the Overseas Highway. . ~ " . JIJ,SO EXCEPTn~G: All that part or portion of the above des- cribed land lyinS I:Qrth of U. S. Route ill. ALSO EXCEY.i'nrC: P Ai\CEL 1 A parcel of land in Lot 7 in Section 5, Township 64 South, Rn.nge 37 East, Upper Eatecurnbe Key, Honroe County, Florida, I I I I 1 I . , 11' II 'r :1 :1 il Ii I :i 'I :/ !, II I 'I " !I ",,-- , ~~t-625 PACE 736 I .. - --. _.. r------ j 2 - :1 II :' " il 1/ " " " :1 I. il '! " I as shown on '!Plat of Part or Government Lot 1 and allot Lot 2 and 3 of Section 32, TO'~5hip 63 South, Range 37 East, and all of Lot 1, Section 5. Town5hip 64 south, Range 37 I East, as surveyed for Lee Pinder by Geo. V-a.cDonnld, C. E." I and recorded in Plat Book 1 at Page 41, Public Records ot Monroe County, Florida, and more particularly described as I follows: , Beginning at the intersection of the dividin~ line between' J Sections 5 and 6, Township 6<<. South, Range 37 East, as es- ", tnblished by R. L. stewart in June, 1910, with the Northerly 1 right-Of-way line of Old State Road 4-A (S-905)" run North I 55 04' East along said Northerly ri~~t-of-way line ofoOld I State Road 4-A, a distance of 100 feet; thence North 4 42' 40" West, a distance of 124.08 feet to the Southarly right- of-way line of State Road NO.5; thence South 45 48' 45" West along said Southerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 5 a distance of 100 feet to the said dividing line be- tween Sections 5 and 6; thence South along said dividing line, a distance of 111.2 feet to the point ot beginning. . " , , . <I' PARCEL 2: A parcel of land in Lot 7 in Section 5, Township 64 South.. Range 37 East, upper Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, Florida.. as shown on "Plat of Part of Government Lot 1 and all ot Lot 2 and 3 of Section 32.. Township 63 South, Range 37 East and all of Lot 1, Section 5, To'tmship 64 South.. Range 37 East.. as surveyed for Lee Pinder by Geo. HacDonald, C. E." and recorded in Pla.t Book 1 at Page 41, Public Records of Monroe County.. Florida, and more particularly described as follows: ji d :, I! " !i Beginning at the mean high tide line on the shore of the :1 Atlantic Ocp-an on the dividing line between Section 5 and ;1, 6.. Township ()4 South.. Range 37 East.. as established by I ij R. L. Stewart in June, 1910, and run North on said dividing i'.. Ii line, a distance of 553 feet, more or less.. to the Southerly I ' . !: right-of-way line of Old State Road 4-A (S-905); thence 1 ;i North 550 04' East along said Southerly right-of-way line il oS Old State Rond 4-A, a d1sta..'"lce of 200 feet; thence South I 1:1,1 2 42' 50" East.. a distance of 599 feet mare or less.. to the I " said mean high tide line; thence South 72 44' West along '. said mean high tide line.. a distance of 200 feet, more or less.. to the point ot beginning. " , f ;i i! 11 " " ,~ PARCEL B A parcel of submerged land in the Straits of Florida in SectionS, Township 64 South, Range 37 East.. upper Mate- cu.nbe Key.. Honroe County.. Florida.. more particularly des- cribed as follows: ., Ij !i ;! :i , Commence at the intersection of the dividing line between Sections 5 and 6, To~mship 64 South, Range 37 East, as esta.blished by R. L. Stew~rt in Ju."1e 1910 With the sou- tther~ right of way line of Old sta.te Road 4-A (S-905); thence proceed North 550 04' East along saidosoutherly right of way line 200 teet; thence pl'oceed Sou.th 2 42' 50" East for a distance of 599 feet more or less to the Mean High Tide Line on the shore of the Straits of Florida and the ..~ , , . . ' ,. ~~~ 525 PACE 737 I ' , ' 3 Point of Beg~~~~ of tho parcel hereinafter described; thence Sguth 32v 52' Ea~t for a distance of 200 feet, thence: Nosth 61 15' East for a distance of 275 feet; thence North ' 49 42' East for a diatnnce of 299..2 feet to the most Sou- : therly corner of a parcel of submerged land previously con- veyed to Brink by Trusteesoof Internal Improvement Fund Deed No. 21602; thence North 50 35' West along the Brink parcel . for a dist~~ce of 200 feet to a point on said Mean High Tide Line; thence r;emder said l,~ean High Tide Line in a South- westerly direction for a distance of 515 feet more or less to the point or place of Beginning; Subject, as to Parcel B to the reservation of certain phosphate, minerals, metals and petrole~~ contained in the deed fro~ the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the state of Florida to party of the first part, recorded in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida on December 14, 1966 as instrument No.. 144241. TOGETHER ,~th all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances with every privilege, right, title, interest and estate, dower and right of dower, reversion, reminder and easc~cnt thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining: TO HAVE AIID TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. , In WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first pa.:-t has hereunto set her hand and seal the J 3~ay and year above written. , , : in our p~esenc~.. ! S~ ~) ="ney lourn~o - . : Signed, Sealed and Delivered ~~~J=. FrcGerick Eo Winkler ~~~~~ rJt'f'.'N ~. tfl '>~~, ~~) This instrument prepared by: Frederick E. Winkler, Esq. Messrs. Bisco, Winkler & Higgiston 645 Madison Avenue New York, N.Y. 10022 ... . \ .\ \ . J "?"K:J'/::~ #<1.5 TO ~:M AND.LEGJLITY _~'.i~ ""- ~ VUc..RNG:Y.. ~ / RESOLVED, that said County through its Board of County Commissioners, comply with the request of said Department and pro- cure, conveyor vest in said State the free, clear and unencumbered title to all lands necessary for said portion of said Section, and deliver to the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION said lands physically clear of all occupants tenants, fences, buildings and/or other structures and improvements situate upon or encroaching within the limits of the lands required for said portion of said Section and that the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of said County to said Department the Contract in the form hereto attached; STATE OF FLORJ;DA COUNTY OF MONROE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of resolution passed by the Board of County Commissioners of MONROE County, Florida, at a meeting held the 9th day of September , A. D., 1976, and recorded in the Commissioners minutes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal this 14th day of September , A. D. 19 76 ( SEAL) -2-