Resolution 006-1976 RESOLUTION NO.6 -1976 RESOLUTION TO ACHIEVE DEDICATION OF CERTAIN SOVEREIGNTY LANDS FOR PURPOSES OF PUBLIC ROADWAY WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, are desirous of receiving dedication of certain sovereignty lands, the legal description of which is attached hereto, for the express and sole purpose of extending an existing county road which said sovereignty land is abutting and contiguous thereto, and WHEREAS, said sovereignty land if acquired will be paved and put to use as a county road and will from date of dedication by the State of Florida be administered by the county and the same will be put to no commercial use, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that all necessary applications be completed toward the end that the certain sovereignty lands, the legal descrip- tion of which is attached hereto, be dedicated by the State of Florida to the County of Monroe for the sole purpose of extending the existing county road across said sovereignty lands and that the lands acquired not be used for other purposes. DATED January 13, 1976. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FL,ORIDA /' /'/ / /j/ ~ ~ ~~cl-?~'~ ',,'1~, ;/ Mayor an al an / (SEAL) By At t e s t---:--) / /~. "~~?5 ( ,../.,.,"/;.;'7 .I. /'". -------1 ?If/ // i: /~ -+<-/ ! C erk r.. ') f..J DESCRIPTION OF A PORTION OF SOVEREIGN LAND BETWEEN VACA KEY AND STIRRUP KEY Situated in the County of Monroe and State of Florida and known as being a portion of sovereign land lying between Government Lot 2, Section 6, Township 66 South, Range 33 East on Vaca Key and Government Lot 1, Section 31, Township 65 South, Range 33 East on Stirrup Key and bounded and de- scribed as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the Marathon Flight Strip located as described in a conveyance for roadway purposes granted the County of Monroe by instrument recorded in Official Record Book 35, Page 201 of Monroe County Records; thence North 22 degrees, 9 minutes, 00 seconds West along an easterly line of lands conveyed to Monroe County as as a- foresaid 50.00 feet; thence South 67 degrees, 51 minutes, 00 seconds West along a northerly line of land conveyed to Monroe County as afore- said 578.75 feet; thence North 31 degrees, 24 minutes, 00 seconds West along an easterly line of lands conveyed to Monroe County as aforesaid 1390.00 feet to a point on the mean high tide line within the northerly shore of Vaca Key and principal place of beginning; Course 1: Thence westerly along the said mean high tide line, on the northerly shore of Vaca Key, to a point thereon which bears South 77 degrees, 6 minutes, 38 seconds west 52.73 feet from the principal place of beginning; Course 2: Thence northerly, crossing Florida Bay, on the arc of a curve, deflecting to the right, 74.33 feet, having a ra- dius of 229.08 feet, the chord of which bears North 22 degrees, 6 minutes, 18 seconds West 74.00 feet to a point on the mean high tide line within the southerly shore of Stirrup Key; Course 3: Thence easterly along the said mean high tide line on the southerly shore of Stirrup Key to a point thereon which bears North 71 degrees 48 minutes, 22 seconds East 50.29 feet from the northerly terminus of Course 2 hereof; Course 4: Thence southerly, crossing Florida Bay, on the arc of a curve deflecting to the left, 62.82 feet, having a radius of 179.08 feet, the chord of which bears South 21 degrees 21 minutes, 1 second east 62.50 feet to a point of tangency; Course 5: Thence continuing southerly across Florida Bay, bearing south 31 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds East 16.74 feet to the mean high tide line on the northerly shore of Vaca Key and principal place of beginning. The bearings herein are relative to an assumed meridian and given for the purpose of delineating angles only; distances are in feet and decimal parts thereof.