Resolution 011-1976 RESOLUTION NO. 11 -1976 WHEREAS, Section 372.925, Florida Statutes provides for matching state funds for special districts or local authorities charged with the responsibility of controlling or eradicating afluatic plants, such funds to be administered by the Department of Natural Resources, NOlI! THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COU~-JTY COMMISSIONERS OF nONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereby certifies to the DepartMent of Natural Resources that it has sufficient funds bud!;eteo for the fiscal year October l, 1975 through SepteMbcr 30, 1976 to match state funds o~ $9,000.00 with $18,000.00 of County Funds in salaries and equipment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that Jack K. Burke, Monroe Count v Devclopment Director, is hereby designated by said Board as its agent and is hereby authorized to furnish such information and take such other action that is rCfluired by said Dcpartment of Natural Rcsources, State of Florida. DATED January 20, 1976. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNT:;;;:, FLOR DA By - _ I~ Mayor an hcf~rman ~ (Seal) At t e s t:/--'--; L~~i!C( 3~5e;( r j