Resolution 065-1976 RESOLUTION NO. 65 -1976 WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (hereinafter referred to as "FAA'I) has determined it to be in the interest of the United States that the Grant Agreement between the Federal Aviation Administration, acting for and on behalf of the United States, and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "Sponsor"), accepted by said Sponsor on the 25th day of June 1974, be amended, now, there- fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO}1MISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA as follows: 1. That the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereby accepts Amendment No.1, to the Grant Agreement dated 25th day of June 1974, between the United States of America and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, for Project No. 8-12-0037-01 for the development of Key West International Airport. 2. That Harry Harris, Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized and directed to execute said amendment on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of tfunroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized and directed to impress the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and to attest said execution. 3. That attached hereto is a copy of said amendment which is hereby incorporated into this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that two certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to Chief, Airports District Office, Federal Aviation Administration. DATED April 6, 1976. -j ~ ) . - .'a:. he~/~~ BOARD OF COUNTY C0?1MISSIONERS ::~,;~:A,~ ~iY~airn:;?" (Seal) U fi f t r t' ',' f". I:. ., '1'.]' ~p; f../ ~ . .\ t:lit!~ -' PAGE 1 (Y" .. PAGES UNITED STAlES Of AMERICA f.fJ)ERAl. AVIATION AIJ.fINISTRATION " 4 Contract Ho. DOT-FA-74-SD-8732 Key West International Key West. Florida AMENDl'1EHT tiO. lTO GRANT ABRE9IEHT fm PROJECT "lID. 8-1Z-D037-D1 '\ ) # - - WHEREAS. the federal Avtatf. Admfnistratlon(here1nafter referred "to as ItFAA") has detenltn8d ~t to be in the interest of the United States that the Grant Agreement .be~tiIe Federal Aviation Adm1ntstration. acting for and "on behalf or the Un1ted States. and the Board of Coun1a' Cor.In1ssioners. Monroe County. Florida (hereinafter referred 'to as the "Sponsor"). accepted by said Sponsor on the 25th day of Ju~ 1974. be amended as hereinafter. provided. . NCII ntEREfORE. Wln~ESSETH: Thct in consideration of the benefits to accrue to the parties hereto. the FAA on behalf of the United States, on the one part, and the Sponsor on the other part. do hereby rutually agree that said Grant Agreement be amended as fonows: Delete paragraph 17 on page 3d and substitute therefor the following: 17. It is understood and agreed that the sponsor will acquire, with or without federal funds adequate property interests satisfactory -to the Administrator in the runway clear zone for Runway 27 as prescribed in Sections 152.9 and 152.11 of the Federal Aviation Regulations ~th1n UiO calendar years frCl11 the date this Grant Agreement Amendment 15 executed. It is mutually understood and agreed that where fee acQUisition or avigatlon easEITlent of real property is undertaken to satf~fy the requirements of Special Condition No. 17, the Sponsor ~11 comply with relocation and real property assurances of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisit10n Policies Act of 1970 as set forth in AOPendix 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof the Grant' Agreement... The united States shall not be obligated under any provision ..her~ofunless th is JVnendment has been accepted by the Sponsor on or before April .15 , 1975~ or such subsequent date as may be pr.escribed in writing by the I~.dmi nistrator. ~ t -, ", t H ';' - ',' t," ~ ., ... 'J' (' "'j ,\. . ..........."~ Ji.. I"! , ..1' ,; 't-;. I L ','f _, "I' ~... I. \;.. .. 'nI - ?,..ut. ; - P]\G:::~ H :.1~:....~,J i,/Ef.kHf. tile ih.!rti~~ u~reto have c!useJ thh Amendment to sdd Gr(ln~ AgrL..ae.Jcnt 10 DC duly ~xecuted as of the day of 1575. . .. ACCEPTED : E Chief ~ Airports District Office (Name of Sponsor) BY ( S EAL) TITlE r'.ttes:: : - . Ti ::i e : C ~'~TlFlC.ATE OF S?Gi~SOn I S ATTffiNEY .... . acting as Attorney for the Board cf County Conmissicners, ~lonroe County. Florida (here;naftcr called "S~)onsor"), do hercD.v certify: i; Be_ 1 ha'{e exar.~i i1i:j the f oregoi ng Amcndm~nt to the Grant Agreement ~:i'd ~ile p"'oceedin~ls taken by said Sponsor relating theretc~ and find tr r.1. the ,:!xecuti or, ther'eof by sa1 d Sponsor has been duly author; zed ar;: is in all respects (me and proper and in accordance with the 1a\15 0-;- the 5t.1te of florida, and further timt, in r.1Y opinion. said :..' ~n;jment to tile Cirant ;-,greem'=!r.t const; tutes a legal and binding (,::liC!atio~ of thE: ~!>onsor in accordance with th~ t.enTls thereof. . Florida, this day of 1976. _ .~ ~j a't Titie