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Resolution 070-1976
STATE OF FLORIDA YEAR 1976 COUNTY RESOLUTION ON USE OF SECONDARY ROAD FUNDS RESOLUTION NO.-70-1976 COUNTY Monroe WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 206.47, Florida Statutes and Section 9, Article XII Constitution of the State of Florida, the Florida Department of Transportation will receive a portion of.the surplus of this County's pro-rata share of the 5th and 6th cent gasoline tax to be used within this County; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 339.08 and Section 339.081, Florida Statutes, the expenditure of such funds shall be as pr&scribed by regulations of the Department and pursuant to an adopted resolution by this Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 334.21, Florida Statutes, -the'County is required to submit to the Department of Transportation a plan of work for the construction and maintenance of roads and streets within its jurisdiction for the five-year period beginning July.l, 1976 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Florida Department of Transportation is hereby re- quested to use the aforesaid funds for the purposes and projects listed in EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof and that the Department consider the listed items in accordance with priorities shown and to the extent of available funds in the preparation of its annual program of work for the above -listed fiscal year with the remaining requests constituting a. continuing program to be scheduled in accordance with estimated available funds during the succeeding four years. 2. That the actual scheduling of work by the Department on the re- quested projects be in the order of priorities listed insofar as is practicable, but not to the extent of retarding the whole program or precluding the grouping of similar type projects in one co.nstruction contract. 3. That allocations and expenditures of funds by the Department shall not be restricted by an estimate of cost shown herein, and that this Board concurs in% the use by the Department of any available funds necessary incidental to making those road projects listed in Exhibit "A" fully .operating facilities within the termini described in said Exhibit, and as shown on the accompanying map.- 4. That if, at any time, this County's secondary funds programmed allocations become over or under -programmed in the amount of 10%, the Depart- ment will adjust the Secondary Program with the approval and recommendations of this Board to bring said program into balance. 5. That the methods and standards employed by the Department for the determination of major improvement features, including specific alignment, types and width of pavement, types of materials, and the Department's standard specifications for construction are concurred in and approved by this Board. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED IN OPEN SESSION April 13,- 1976. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF Monroe COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: Cl r o Board RESOLUTION ON USE 'OF SECONDARY ROAD FUNDS ADOPTED FOR -FISCAL YEARS 1976-1980 COUNTY OF Monroe ' SECTILIN I; ,� 'Me'Board of County Commissioners co '• • ,• 1 ' ncurs in' the use of 'aforesaid funds for the following purposes and projects", and their, inclusion in, the Florida -Department,. of Transportation's Annual Budget and Program' of Work for the abovo-listed five- oa I. i• •. .period, I.. .f., DESCRIPTION (a) Right -no I f -Wa . y for the following Primary Roads Budget:.Item State Job ' State Road.,, Number' ' A ". Number Number Description 416629 90040-1901 ' 'SR 5/U,S :7/Marathon' From'.HalIs Land/Hog Key to,North•Ke 'Colony Beach Causewa 5 �. (416658) y, ,8 mlles $200;000 • .' • • - 4 16689 • ' •�• 900,50- 1509 SR' 5/U.S I • • , �• � ;i Long Key Bridge No, 23; 2,3' MI.Ies '(Keys Bridge Replacement Program) !.' 416682 9Q030-1523 SR 5 U;S' Spanish Harbor Channel; Bridge 4.16683. 90030-1524 SR 5/,U;S;".I' •No, .,15; 3,311 feet (.Keys Bridge Replacement Pao ram ' Ohio' Bahia Honda Brld �e No, g 416684 '' ,.,90030=1.525 SR 5/U.S�, I.'. ' 9 17; 1,005 ffet (Keys Bridge Replacement Program) $250,000 ` Ohio Missouri Channel 'Brid e .NO, . 18 416660 ', 90020�I5I6 9 ;'I,394 feet (Keys Bridge Replacement.Program) ,'. SR 5/,U,S I' Channel Bridge i';,• 416672' 90020-1524 �: HerelshC 9 No,, I I; 0;'8 ml les (Keys Bridge'�Replacement Program) 4I6673. '( 90020-I525 r flannel Bridge No. 4•I 4 16674 Harr I s• Gap Channe I Br(;dg'e No.," 42. ' .'90020-1526'. North Ha ' 416675;',' 90020-1527 Harris Channel Bridge No. ' 416643 9Q060-8524 ; Park Channel Bridge No' 8 ' „ ' U.S I from SR 905 (Lake Surprlse) to Dade Count /L (tf) Oth.er',Projects ( ) • ' ' Contrlbution to the preservation of Duval Street (Resolution No. 160-1974) In Key West ' $100,000 - (Contribution to the.construction a B Reso I n g_ ) n of lke Path' In Key Largo i' ( l ui o No 1975 i $ 50, 000 PRELIMINARY PRINT `arid other. high -priority primary projects as may be deemed'"Wece-<C;;,r, - -•- •-••.•. .......... DATE:. E:. MAR 4 n 1Q7F • Monroe 1 C0LINT Y ' ,• ' PRIORITIES• f 01', FIVE-YEAR SECON'D.M ROkD PROGWI -PRELIMINARY PRINT FOR YE,11tS' 1976-77 T1IR000�'1 1980-81 DATE: MAR 3 0 1976 SECTION II; ; Thi.s""Board requests that -the following listed items! he considered 16 this County's continuing five-year Program the -use of 'Secondary Road: Funds, It is understood that, the Department will Program the following .Listed ' projects in 'order, of priority and sub je,ct toy the' availability of funds, , D,O,T, SECTION Proj, - i1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME FROM TO TYPE OF WORK PRIORITY B,I•;-No, No, No, RD, NO, LENGTH 1 426662 90508 . '. 1602 N/A / Du li Duck Key Resub, 2 Bridges d'App oaches on BImInI Drive ' GPS '• (P B 5,' pg,,82) .I Brldge h Appr 1 Bridge ach on Seavlew Drive $ 62,500. App,r ach on Harbor Street 2 426667 , 90505 1622' 1,0 ml,, Paradise PolAt Cove North Drive (P B' 4, F9, 55) Stlllwright Pt. No. 2 , (.P B 5,. P9 , 13) ' North Q l ack - GPS water. Lane '�: $ ' 47, 000 ` 3 r. 426663 90530, , ,� 1622 --.' I',6 ml ; Sand Sub division . (P B I, P9, 65) Ave, D, E,'F.• GPS $113,000 4I.1�.m1, Burton, Planter SR 5 Harris Park ' GPS Firs t & Beach 79,'S00 5 0.83 m I , Norths l de Drive 20th Street - P es ' r , Kennedy*Drlve 1 GPS 58,500 ; 0„87 ml, Duck Key Avenue I4th'Street - Roosevelt Boulevard GPS ` 7• 0.80 ml. United Street White Street Whitehead Street GPS 8 . a N/A Grants Plaza:, (SR 5 Marathon) � � 57,000 GPS 8A Left Turn Lane 0;68 ml, Key Haven Road SR 5 - 150 Ft. Past Cypress Ave GPS $ ©8.,000 ;; A n t o 1 I A Monroe C0U ''Tl' MAR 3 O 1976 L PRIORITIES FOR VI1�E-YEAR SECONDARY ROAD PROGRA'�I FOR 1'EARS' 1976-77 T1IROUG1i 1980-81 I SECTION II; 'This -Board requests that the following listed itemsbe considered in this County's continuing five-year program ;•-.for the use -of Secondary Road Funds, It is.understood that the Department will program the following listed projects in order,of priority and subject to the availability of funds. WN t;td:. Crr u wry Petwe;CwT. �JQs. (eel. • hAAy id; ►ct-7d J�d'Po ot-r) -9 18.9-. SECTION profs PROJECT DESCRIPTION ' PROJECT NAMC FROM TO TYPE OF 1�'ORK PRIORITY-—�t�e, No', No RD, N0, LENGTH 9 18~a 2.27 mi, Porpoise Point Sec,' 4 Diamond Drive '(P.B, 5, Pg. 118). $15G.P.S. 9,800 Boca Chica Ocean Shor s 61.1 Roads i _.. (P.B. 5, Pg 49) 10 0.81 mi. Johnsonville Sub. Avenue "F" " .. G.P.S. 07 (P.B. 1, PG.53) Coppi tt Sub, Avenue "G"& $51,000 (P.B, 3; Pg.,116) Fifth Street ' I; Similar Sound Sec, B -Tamerind Road (P.B. 4, PG. 66) 0.85 mi Ocean Isle Estates Garden Cove R & ; G.P.-S. (P.B, 5, Pg. 14) Andros Road $59,800 12 0.58 � mi. Plantation Key Colony Woods'Avenue G,P.S., (P.B. 3,. Pg. 182) 40,800 Key Heights Sec. 2 Ocala Dr:, Tampa Dr, �•.' (P,B. 3, Pg. 159) , Sebring Dr. & Co oa Dr, 13 1 CQ® 0', 82 mi . Sugarloaf Shores Sec. #2 Dol phi n St,, Oleander Lan. G, P, S (P.B. 3, PG, 53) La Brisa La., Ke , stone Rd, $57,700 & Alamander Dr. „ 1 Monroe COUNTY AJAR 3 0 1976 L PRIORITIES FOR I`II•'E-YEAR SECONDARY ROAD PROGRAki FOR YEARS 1976-77 T}IROUW 1980-81 i 1 SECTION II; This Board requests that the following listed items be considered in this County's continuing five-yeai program for the'use of Secondary Road Funds, It is -understood that the Department will program the following listed projects in order of priority and subject to the availability of funds, 14 MoN94,v C:AUNry I..ko'J'6wr d�lo � L1�C►�� rv1+��% 0� {`�7•� i:�'cPowr) rB; f SECTION proj , PROJECT DESCRIPTION PR10Dal ITY °--z�—;'.^.., No, No, RD, NO. LENGTH PROJECT NAME FROM TO TYPE OF NORK E 14 2.42 mi. Linda.Loma Sub. Linda St.& Road,"B" G.P.S-. (! (P.B. 4, Pg. 19) ' $110,400 11 Eden Pines Colony (P.B. 5, Pg. 26) All Roads Eden Pines Colony 1st. Ud. .' (P.B, 5, Pg. 39) All Roads ; Eden Pines Colony 3rd Add. (P,B,.5, Pg.59) A11 Roads 15 - III 2.59 mi. Palm Villa Oleander Blvd;, Palm Dr., Poinciana Rd, G:P,S. (P.B. 1, Pg. 89) Coconut Hwy,, Hibiscus La,, Ave, "A", $182,300 Avenue "C" & Division St,16 ; 13 01 2,14-mi. Ramrod Shores 1st Add, Angelfish Rd,; D 1ph.in Rd,, G;P.S, (P.B. 4, Pg. 51) Sha*nnahan Rd,, M riposa Rd,, $)50,700 Ramrod Shores Marina Albatross Rd.,'& Grass St. i (P.B.' 4, Pg 161) 17 2.81 mi. Breezeswept Beach Est. All Roads G.P.S. (P.B. 4, Pg., 143) $197,800 .18 ).'jp- 0.85.'mi . Cutthroat Harbor Est. B1 ackbeard La. 3uccaneer La., . G. P..S, i 0 1�5 i (P.B. 4, Pg, 165) John Silver La,, Port Royal La,, $59,800 Long.Ben La,,.D bloon La,, & Cutlass' La,