Resolution 071-1976 RESOLUTION NO. 71-1976 WHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Regulation has conducted a biological survey on the Cow Key Channel Bridge Project and in said survey has made proposed changes in the plans of the Department of Transportation State of Florida's Project No. 90060-3511, Proposed Filling in Cow Key Channel (S.R. 5), Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to enter the biological survey into the records of a public meeting as required by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM}1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that it has entered the biological report into the records of the public meeting and it hereby reaffirms its approval of Project No. 90060-3511, Proposed Filling in Cow Key Channel (S.R. 5), Monroe County, Florida, as previously en- dorsed by Resolution No. 24-1976. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Department of Transportation State of Florida for appropriate action. DATED April 13, 1976. BOARD OF COUNTY CO}~1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . \ '1\1 BY~~ Ma yo .. a ~......J (Seal) Attest: RALPH W. WHiTt, CliRK %\('~ P~.~-L.~ .. \ C erk - (l \ .EC..O..... STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION 2562 EXECUTIVE CENTER CIRCLE, EAST MONTGOMERY BUILDING TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 April 9, 1976 JOU," W lANDIIS,JI. Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 Attention: Mr. Ralph White, Clerk Gentlemen: Cow Key Channel Bridge, D.O.T. No. 900075, . Monroe County, D.E.R. No. 44-37-3681 A biological survey of the above referenced project has been performed by our staff, and the following comments are provided: The applicant proposes to replace an existing deteriorated section of bridge with a concrete structure supported on 40 vertical pilings. A relatively small amount (approximately 120 cubic yards) of fill material is to be placed below mean high water for the bridge approaches. Approximately 110 cu. yds. of material are to be dredged in setting the pilings. The subject bridge spans Cow Key Channel and connects Stock Island with Key West. The upland and slope substrate consist primarily of coral rock fill. Submerged bottoms consist of a deep layer of fine sand and silt over cap rock. This is vegetated by filamentous green algae and scattered turtle grass. Shoreline vegetation along the southeast embankment includes red, white and black mangroves, railroad vine, glasswort, and sea purslane. The northwest embankment has been cleared. On the southwest embankment shoreline vegetation is sparse, while some turtle grass and filamentous green algae are found below mean high water. ~A . I . ,..- Board of county Commissioners ~ge ,Two April 9,1976 The proposed project should have minimal adverse effects provided the following conditions are incorporated: 1. Removal of the existing structure should entail no filling or other disturbance of adjacent vegetation. 2. Adequate turbidity controls should be utilized during filling and drilling activities. 3. Fringe vegetation disrupted by project construction should be replaced to stabilize slope and provide shoreline buffer. 4. Surface runoff should be directed to the upland to allow filtration by percolation. ,~~ ~ Dan F. Farley, Director O~. Division of Environmental Permitting DF/jtp . - .ft.... \.. _..-...,-~----_. _._.'-_.~'-~ -. , .