Resolution 073-1976 RESOLUTION NO. 73-1976 WHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Regulation has conducted a biological survey on the '~ale Harbor Bridge Project and in said survey has made proposed changes in the plans of the Department of Transportation State of Florida's Project No. 90060- 3535, Proposed Filling in Whale Harbor (S.R. 5), Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to enter the biological survey into the records of a public meeting as required by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that it has entered the biological report into the records of the public meeting and it hereby reaffirms its approval of Project No. 90060-3535, Proposed Filling in Whale Harbor (S.R. 5), Monroe County, Florida, as previously endorsed by Resolution No. 23-1976. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Department of Transportation State of Florida for appropriate action. DATED April 13, 1976. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE ?' FLOR:DA~ By ~~--~. ~ May rand Cha1.rman (Seal) At te s t : RALPH Vt ViibTE, CitPJ ~\ \c' '~ p~\~~ d j Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION 2562 EXECUTIVE CENTER CIRCLE. EAST MONTGOMERY BUILDING. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 Jon," w, lANDllS,Jl, sllc_n ..... April 9, 1976 Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 Gentlemen: Whale Harbor Bridge, D.O.T., Windley Key and Islamorada, D.E.R. File No. 44-37-3682 A biological survey of the above referenced project has been performed by our staff, and the following comments are provided: The applicant proposes to construct a 645-foot long concrete bridge between Windley Key and Islamorada, to emplace fill to create the bridge approaches, to construct a seawall, and to dredge to facilitate installation of pilings. The majority of the work will take place below the mean high water line and will be immediately north of the existing Whale Harbor bridge. Submerged vegetation in the immediate area consisted of turtle grass and an abundance of macroscopic algaes. Wetlands vegetation consists of red, white and black mangroves as well as buttonwood and other species indica- tive of these areas. Many encrusting sponges including large basket sponges are:'in the area. The immediate impact of the project upon the area would be the elimination of the wetlands and submerged vegetation by the proposed filling. This extensive filling may result in the loss of breeding, nursery and feeding grounds and in destruction of habitat. Wetlands and submerged vege- tation are also valuable in maintaining water quality because of their capacity for filtration and nutrient assimilation. Their elimination may result in local water quality degradation. The removal of the existing vegetation along the approaches and apron will result in siltation and stabilization problems in the near future. Long-term impact may result by continual sediment runoff from the apron and approach area, possibly silting over adjacent vegetated ~\ Monroe County Commissioners Page Two April 9, 1976 bottoms. The adverse impact of this project could be reduced if the amount of filling along the causeway were reduced and the bulkhead were repositioned so that it does not impede the flow of the water under the bridge. The latter could be accomplished by constructing the bulkhead at more of an angle. 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