Resolution 074-1976 -", RESOLUTION NO. 74-1976 WHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Regulation has conducted a biological survey on the Tavernier Creek Bridge Project and in said survey has made proposed changes in the plans of the Department of Transportation State of F10ridals Project No. 90060-3537, Proposed Filling in Tavernier Creek (S.R. 5), Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commis- sioners of 'Monroe County, Florida, to enter the biological survey into the records of a public meeting as required by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that it has entered the biological report into the records of the public meeting and it hereby reaffirms its approval of Project No. 90060-3537, Proposed Filling in Tavernier Creek (S.R. 5), Monroe County, Florida, as previously endorsed by Resolution No. 26-1976. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Department of Transportation State of Florida for appropriate action. DATED April 13, 1976. BOARD OF COUNTY COMHISSIONERS OF MONROE C,y, FLOR~jt' I ~(;tq.-p.f~ ayor and Chairman By (Seal) A;~~;~:~p~',~~ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION 2562 EXECUTIVE CENTER CIRCLE, EAST MONTGOMERY BUILDING TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 REUBIN 0'0. ASKEW GOVERNOR JOSEPH W. LANDERS. JR. SECRETARY April 9, 1976 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 Gentlemen: Tavernier Creek Bridge, O.O.T., Key largo Monroe County, O.E.R. No. 44-37-3648 A biological survey of the above referenced project has been performed by our staff, and the following comments are provided: The applicant proposed to construct a 320-ft. long bridge over Tavernier Creek on South Key largo. Subject waters are Class III. Fill will be placed below mean high water to create the bridge approaches. A proposed bulkhead, with backfill, will protect the south side of the bridge approaches. Tavernier Creek Marina is located just northwest of the project. Property to the southeast and northeast of the project is vegetated primarily by mangroves. The proposed bridge is to be located immediately south of the existing bridge, which is to remain in place. The submerged bottom substrate at the work site is composed of shell fragments overlaid in some areas by organic debris and marl. Sparse vegetation (macroscopic marine algae) was present along the west side of the project area. Several species of algae grew scattered along the east side of the project area, and an area of Cuban shoal grass was observed just east of the end of old State Road 5. ~<\ ... Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Page'~ April 9, 1976 Numerous species of vertebrates and invertebrates inhabit waters of the subject area. These include angelfish, parrotfish, grunt, snapper, moray eel, sergeant-majors, cow fish, barracuda, gastropods, polychaetes, coelenterates, and decapods. The proposed project will eliminate the area to be filled from marine productivity. A stabilized shoreline along the east side will also be partially filled during the construction. An attempt has been made to reduce impact by lengthening the bridge, thereby reducing the fill. The structure is preferable since water passage is not restricted or interrupted. Although a small area of Cuban shoal 9t'ass will be destroyed, it is anticipated that algae will revegetate the disturbed ar.ea. DFF/jtk Sincerely, ~b L-, Dan F. Farley, Director ()'Y Division of Environmental Permitting --~.._.- - -- --"---" .- ... eX) ~ fA. o o Zw w~ wO 1-"1 ~z :eO xi= 0(;; Q:z Q.<t Q.Q: ~I- v ~ w w X en 10 10 If) f ~ < :E o ..... I I @ o 10 It) . , < <> ~ ~ ~ ~ w - !J ~Ci; :i C>~ o ~l4J c:r 1-- kJ q~ ::r 0 a: :s ct q: ;:) m a:a . ~ ~ ..... 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