Resolution 333-1992 .. Planning Department ~.1)OLU,!,ION NQ~_~~:.199?_ A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AFFIRMING PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO,14-92 GRANTING A DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE REQUEST F I LED BY MONROE COUNTY FOR APPROVAL OF A MAJOR CONDITIONAL USE ALLOWING EXPANSION OF THE MARATHON AIRPORT, WHICH WILL INCLUDE A NEW TERMINAL COMPLEX, AND AIRCRAFT APRON AND PARKING AREA EXPANSIONS. THE PROPERTY IS IJOCATED AT 9000 OVE:RSEAS HIGHWAY I AND I S DESCRIBED AS BEING SITUATED IN SECTION I, TOWNSHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE 32 EAST, TALLAHASSEE MERIDIAN, KEY VACA, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, on August 29th, 1991, Peter Horton, Direc'tor of the Communi ty Services Division, acting for and on behalf of Monroe Count~y applied for a Major Conditional Use which would a.llow for t:he construe.tion 0t~ a 23,000 square foot expansion t.o the E"!Xj, st:ing narathon Airport and vlill include a new terminal complex, and aircraft apron and parking area expansions; and WHEREAS, the subject property, known as the Marathon Airport, is loca'ted at 9000 Overseas Highway, and is more particularly described as being situated in Section I, Township 66 South, Range 32 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Key Vaca, Monroe County, Page 1 of 5 MJMARAIR. 31/TXTDR, 91067 Initials Florida, Mi Ie Marker 52. District (AD); and The Land Use Designation is Airport by 8th, WHEREAS, the staff report to the Development Review Committee Antonia Gerli, Development Review Planner, dated September 1991, recommended approval of the Major Conditional Use request, subject to certain conditions being met; and WHEREAS, the report to the Development Review Committee from Robert Smith, Senior Biologist, Environmental Resources Department, dated October 2nd, 1991, recommended that a number of conditions be addressed; and WHEREAS, the Development Review Committee scrutinized the proposed development on October 2nd, 1991, and recommended "that the 8i te plan be revised to list all comments submitted by the participating agencies. Also the Traffic Study be revised to discuss U.S. 1 access."; and WHEREAS, the staff report to the Planning Commission by Steve Ferri s, Planner, dated March 2nd, 1992, recommended approval of the proposal, subject to certain specified conditions; and Page 2 of 5 MJMARAIR.31/TXTDR,91067 Initials WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed expansion on May 15th, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at reviewed the Development Review Committee Departmental staff reports, and heard applicant and the public; and said public meeting report, the various testimony from the WHEREAS, the Planning Commission voted unanimously at said public hearing to approve the proposed airport expansion subject to certain specific conditions; and WHEREAS, on May 18th, 1992, the Chairman of the Planning Commission issued a Development Order for the proposed expansion as Planning Commission Resolution # 14-92; and WHEREAS, according to Section 9.5-69(e) of tl1e !'1Qnro_~__9ounty Cod~L_A~enQ.ecL that development order has been placed on the Consent Agenda of this Board; and WHEREAS, no person has appealed that Development Order to this Board, and no member of this Board desires to remove the Development Order from the Consent Agenda; NOW THEREFORE, Page 3 of 5 NJMARAIR.31jTXTDR,91067 Initials BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. ------- That Planning Commission Resolution #14-92, including all the terms, conditions and requirements contained therein, is hereby attached to this resolution and made a part hereof. Section 2. ----- That Planning Commission Resolution #14-92, including all the terms, conditions and requirements contained therein, is hereby affirmed. Section 3. That this Board's Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law are predicated upon those specified in Planning Commission Resolution #14-92, and which this Board hereby adopts as it's own. Sect!gl1--1. That as required by Section 9.5-72(a)(1) of the ~on~Qe County Cod~~~nged: a. Application(s) for a building permit(R) shall be made within six (6) months of the date of this approval; and that b. All required certificates of occupancy shall be procured wi-thin two (2) years of the date of issuance of the initial building permit. _$e9J~j..Q!L___~. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Monroe County Planning Department. Page 4 of 5 MJMARAIR. 31jTXTDR, 91067 Initials , ' Section 6. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commi ssioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the ~9th day of June, A.D. 1992. Mayor Harvey Yes ---- Mayor Pro Tem London Yes --- Commissioner Chea.l Yes -- Commissioner Jones Yes ----- Commissioner Stormont Yes -- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ~:'''~aJ~-:1.'~~_ MAYOR/CHAI;-~~--~---- (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK ~V-f DUTY CLER I1l' Page 5 of 5 MJMARAIR.31/TXTDR,91067 Ini t.ials , ' ?lanning Department RESOLUTION NO. 14-92 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTING A DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE REQUEST FILED BY MONROE COUNTY FOR APPROVAL OF A MAJOR CONDITIONAL USE ALLOWING A 23,000 SQUARE FOOT EXPANSION TO THE MARATHON AIRPORT, WHICH WILL INCLUDE A NEW TERMINAL COMPLEX, AND AIRCRAFT APRON AND PARKING AREA EXPANSIONS. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 9000 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, AND IS DESCRIBED AS BEING SITUATED IN SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE 32 EAST, TALLAHASSEE MERIDIAN, KEY VACA, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Commission during a regular meeting held on May 15th, 1992, conducted a public hearing on the reques~ filed by Monroe County, Community Service~ Division, Peter Horton, Director, for approval of a Major Conditional Use allowing for the construction of a 23,000 square foot expansion to the Marathon Airport which will include a new terminal complex, and aircraft apron and parking area expansions. The property is located at 9000 Overseas Highway, and is described as being situated in Section 1, Township 66 South, Range 32 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Key Vaca, Monroe County, Florida, Mile Marker 52. The Land Use Designation is Airport District (AD); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission information via the following: was presented with 1. The Major Conditional Use Application filed by Monroe County, Community Services Division, Peter Horton, Director; with the consulting firm of Dames & Moore acting as agent; and 2. The case file assembled by staff of the Planning Department for the Planning Commission's hearing on this matter (which includes numerous reports and plans prepared by the consulting firms of Dames & Moore; Petsche & Associates, Inc. and Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc.) and which file by reference is hereby incorporated as a part of the record of said hearing, and which includes, but is not limited to, the following: MJMARAIR.27/TXTDR,9l067 Page 1 of 6 (G(Q)LP)f (1'{i~ Initials , ' A. The staff reports prepared by Pat Environmental Resources and Development Review Coordinator, and April 27th, 1992; and McNeese, Director of Steve Ferris, Acting dated March 2nd, 1992 B. A report titled Marathon Airport Terminal, Application f~r De~e10~ment APP~ov~ll prepared by Da~es & Moore, and dated June 1991; and c. A report titled Marathon Airport Terminal, Application for Development Approval, Sufficiency Response, prepared by Dames & Moore, and dated November 1991; and D. A report titled Marathon Airport Terminal, Application for Development Approval, Second Sufficiency Response, prepared by Dames & Moore, and dated January 1992; and E. A report titled Plan, prepared by 1992; and Marathon Dames & Airport, Stormwater Moore, and dated Master February F. Three (3) sheets of blueprints at a scale of I" = 30', titled Marathon Airport, Topography, prepared by Petsche & Associates, Inc., signed and sealed on January 22nd, 1992; and G. Four (4) sheets of blueprints at a scale of 1/8" = 1', all titled Marathon Airport Terminal Building, and respectively labeled: A-101, First Floor Plan; A-l02, Second Floor Plan and Partial Roof Plan; A-l03, Partial Plans, and A-202, Elevations; prepared by Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., signed and sealed on January 27th, 1992; and H. Two (2) sheets of titled Marathon Existing Land Uses Moore; and blueprints at a scale of I" = 200', Terminal DRI Aerial Photograph, and FLUCS Codes, prepared by Dames & I. Three (3) sheets of blueprints at a scale of I" = 20', all titled New Terminal Facility, Electrical Site Plan, and respectively labeled; E-20l, E-202 and E-203, prepared by Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., signed and sealed on January 27th, 1992; and J. Three (3) sheets of blueprints at a scale of I" = 20', all titled New Terminal Facility, Landscape Plan, and respectively labeled; L-201, L-202 and L-203, prepared by Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., signed and sealed on February 28th, 1992; and K. One (1) blueprint sheet at a scale of I" = 10', titled New Terminal Facility, Planting Plan @ Terminal, and labeled; L-204, prepared by Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., signed and sealed on February 28th, 1992; and MJMARAIR.27/TXTDR,9l067 Page 2 of 6 ~ (G(Q)LPW Initials /4 ... .w. M. N. Two (2) sheets of blueprints which are not to scale, titled New Terminal Facility, Landscape Details and Schedules, and labeled respectively; L-205 and L-206, prepared by Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., signed and sealed on February 28th, 1992; and One (1) blueprint ::;hee~ a~ a scale of :i.': = 50', titled New Terminal Facility, Terminal Facility Site Plan, and labeled; C-100, prepared by Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., signed and sealed on January 28th, 1992; and Three (3) sheets of blueprints at a scale of I" = 20', all titled New Terminal Facility, Geometry Plan, and respectively labeled; C-201, C-202 and C-203, prepared by Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., signed and sealed on January 28th, 1992; and o. Three (3) sheets of blueprints at a scale of I" = 20', all titled New Terminal Facility, Grading Plan, and respectively labeled; C-30l, C-302 and C-303, prepared by Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., signed and sealed on January 28th, 1992; and P. Three (3) sheets of blueprints at a scale of I" = 20', all titled New Terminal Facility, Marking and Striping Plan, and respectively labeledi C-SQ1, C-502 and C-503, prepared by Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., signed and sealed on January 28th, 1992; and 3. The sworn testimony of Pat McNeese, Director of Environmental Resources; Steve Ferris, Acting Development Review Coordinator and Robert Smith, Senior County Biologist; and the comments of Garth Coller, Assistant County Attorney; and 4. The presentation by Peter Horton, Director of Community Services Division, on the proposed airport expansion which also included the testimonies of various members of the consulting firm; and 5. The sworn testimonies of the following citizens who spoke in support of the proposed airport expansion: Ms. Betty Vail, Mr. Ray Kitchener and Mr. Herb Kehoe; and 6. The letter from Stuart Smith, District Permit Engineer, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), to Peter Horton, dated May 13th, 1992, that serves as an understanding upon which the FDOT will issue permits for access, drainage, landscaping and placement of utilities; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: 1. That the project complies with all pertinent portions of Section 9.5 of the Monroe County Code, Amended; and that Page 3 ole(Q)LP\~ ! Initials ~/~ MJMARAIR.27/TXTDR,91067 2. Nonconforming parking, have been brought into practical; and that landscaping, compliance access, to the and bufferyards maximum extent '") -' . Waiver of the 200 foot setback for the project area only is granted because it enhances the ability of the proposed conditional use to maet the general stan~~rds ~C~ o~t fvr ~ll conditional uses and does not violate safety criteria established by the Federal Aviation Administration; and that 4. Attachments to fences are allowable under the conditional use procedure, and is warranted on site for security reasons; and that 5. The project is in compliance with Section 9.5-295 of the Monroe County Code, Amended, because adequate provisions have been made for the installation of improvements in accordance with the standards of the Florida Department of Transportation; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the preceding Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, support their decision to GRANT the request filed by Monroe County, Community Services Division, Peter Horton, Director. for approval of a Major Conditional Use allowinq for the construction of a 23,000 square foot expansion to the Marathon Airport which will include a new terminal complex, and aircraft apron and parking area expansions; and to issue this Development Order for construction of the project as shown and specified on the plans and drawings (specifically, sheets A-101, A-l02, A-l03, A-202, E-20l, E-202, E-203, L-201, L-202, L-203, L-204, L-205, L-206, C-100, C-201, C-202, C-203, C-30l, C-302, C-303, C-501, C-502) reviewed by the Planning Commission during their public hearing on this request involving the airport property located at 9000 Overseas Highway, and described as being situated in Section 1, Township 66 South, Range 32 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Key Vaca, Monroe County, Florida, subject to the following conditions and restrictions: 1. That the required 200 foot front yard setback is hereby waived to allow a setback of fifteen (15) feet, as measured from the County-owned right-of-way property known as Old State Road 4A, and fronting the project area only; and that 2. A one (1) foot high barbed wire attachment may be added to the top of all the proposed six (6) foot high fencing; and that 3. The irrigation cistern shall be relocated to the area shown in the project's landscaping plans dated 1/28/92, and described as directly north of the existing generator building; and that 4. Correspondence from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) indicating their intent to approve landscaping, Page 4 O~(Q)LPW Initials !J!}{ MJMARAIR.27/TXTDR,91067 , ' drainage, and access driveways shall be provided to the County Planning Department prior to issuance of any building permits and may require minor changes to these items as hereby approved by the Planning Commission; and that 5. The sewage treatment plant (STP) shall be designed to provide ter~i~r7 trea~e~t t~~t will redu=c the level of phosphates and nitrates in the effluent, and all required Department of Environmental Regulation permits in relation to the STP shall be obtained prior to the issuance of County building permits for said plant; and that 6. Construction practices which reduce soil erosion shall be in- corporated in the construction of the project, subject to the approval of the County Biologist; and that 7. A permit from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) covering stormwater management on the project site area shall be obtained prior to issuance of any building permits. This permit and any other permits obtained from the SFWMD shall minimize the accumulation and creation of standing water ponds close to the runway which would attract waterfowl; and that 8. The construction management practices, as presented by Dames & Moore, agent for the applicant, as specified in their letter to Steve Ferris dated April 23rd, 1992, shall be a requisite placed as a condition upon any building permits issued by the County in conjunction with this project. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of May, 1992. Chair Haskell YES . Vice-Chair Mravic YES . Commissioner Kloski YES . Commissioner Mannillo YES . Commissioner Miller YES . PLANNING COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA //~~~":La(/JL I Monica Haskell, Chair By Signed this 1<6 day of ~ , 1992. MJMARAIR.27/TXTDR,9l067 Page 5 o~~ ~QjLPW Initials (~ NOTICE This Development Order shall not take effect until approved by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners, which action request shall be placed on the Consent Agenda of the Board at its first regular meeting following the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of mailing of no~i~o ny th~ njrp~~or of Planning 0f the issuance of this Development Order, and during that time period shall be subject to appeal as provided in Section 9.5-69(e) of the Monroe County Code, Amended. In addition, the request for approval of this Development Order may be removed from the Consent Agenda by a majority vote of the Board, at said meeting, and who shall then schedule the item for a public hearing on the record. An appeal or removal from the Consent Agenda shall stay the effectiveness of this instrument until resolved. Also, pursuant to Chapter 9J-l, Florida Administrative Code, this instrument shall not take effect for forty-five (45) days following proper rendition to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, and within the forty-five (45) day review period the De- partment of Community Affairs can appeal this instrument to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission, and that such an appeal stays the effectiveness of this instrument until the appeal is resolved by agreement or order. MJMARAIR.27/TXTDR,91067 Page 6 o~ ~:CQ)LPW Initials ~ , ,.