Resolution 338-1992 Community Services Division RESOLUTION NO. 338 - 1992 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNlY, FLORIDA RENDERING A DEVELOPMENT ORDER PURSUAN'G TQ CHAPTER 380, FLORIDA STATUTES, ON AN APPU~("~ FOR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL FILED BY TIlE MO. COUNlY BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS FOIgUIE MARATIlON AIRPORT TERMINAL EXPANSION DEVELOPP!BNT OF REGIONAL IMPACT. :-'-- -, ~ ,., -- r r'1 ~ 0 r- r => U1 " .:tJ ;:s '1 0 !,,:'"") .h:. :.::; "D .c. " "Tl :- rl !> WHEREAS, on August 22, 1991, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (peter H. Horton, as Agent) filed an Application for Development Approval (which together with later filed sufficiency responses is hereafter referred to as the "ADA'1 of a Development of Regional Impact ("DRI'1, with the South Florida Regional Planning Council, the Monroe County Growth Management Department, the Florida Department of Community Affairs and other governmental participating review agencies pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 380, S. 380.06, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the ADA proposes the expansion of the Marathon Airport Terminal, which will consist of a commercial aviation terminal building, aircraft apron expansion and automobile parking area; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is the governing body of the local government having jurisdiction pursuant to Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, to consider and approve ADAs for DRI; and WHEREAS, on June 30, 1992, the Board of County Commissioners held a duly noticed public hearing on the ADA and heard and considered testimony and documents received thereon (including the South Florida Regional Planning Council's Report, dated June 1, 1992); and WHEREAS, all interested parties and members of the public were afforded an opportunity to participate in the Board of County Commissioners public hearing on the subject DRI; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has reviewed the above referenced documents, as well as all related testimony and evidence submitted by each party and members of the general public. - 1 - . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNlY, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. This Resolution shall constitute the Development Order (this "Order") of the Board of County Commissioners issued in response to the ADA filed by the Monroe County Commissioners for the expansion of the Marathon Airport Terminal. The scope of development to be permitted pursuant to this Order includes the land use, operations and activities described in the ADA and the supporting documents which are combined as Composite Exhibit A, attached hereto. Section 2. The Board of County Commissioners, having received the documents referenced above, and having received all related comments, testimony, and evidence submitted by each party and members of the general public, finds that there is substantial competent evidence to support the following findings of fact: A. The real property, which is the subject of the ADA, is legally described as set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto. B. The Marathon Airport Terminal Expansion development component and phasing is identified in Table 1. TABLE 1 MARATHON AIRPORT TERMINAL EXPANSION PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ExIsting Phase I Phase II (Present - (Jan 1, 1994- Dee. 31, 1993) Dee. 31, 2003) Total Terminal Complex (Acreage) 0.8 acres 6.4 acres 0.7 acres 7.1 acres Terminal 2,600 Sq. Ft. 1 19,000 Sq. Ft. 4,000 Sq. Ft. 23,000 Sq. Ft. Parking 88 spaces 267 spaces 70 spaces 425 spaces Aircraft Apron 1.0 acres 1.2 acres 2.2 acres The existing terminal building wiD be replaced by the .- terminal, C. The proposed DRI is located in an area of critical state concern as designated by Section 380.05, Florida Statutes and complies with the land development regulations established for said Section and the provisions of Section 380.06, Florida Statutes. D. The proposed DRI is consistent with the adopted local comprehensive plan and land development regulations. E. The proposed DRI is in accordance with the applicable Monroe County zoning district regulations. F. The proposed DRI will not unreasonably interfere with the achievement or the objectives of the adopted State land development plan applicable to the area. G. The proposed DRI is consistent with the Regional Plan for South Florida. . 2 - H. The proposed DR! will not create a material adverse impact on air quality, groundwater quality, surface water quality, stormwater management systems, soils, vegetation, wildlife, potable water, wastewater management, solid or hazardous waste management or disposal, energy demands, or transportation systems. I. The South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC), has conducted a comprehensive review of the impact that the proposed DR! will generate. The SFRPC assessment is outlined in Exhibit C., attached hereto. J. The proposed terminal building will be built to withstand Category 5 hurricane winds of 155 miles per hour. The second story of the building will be designed to withstand a storm surge of 13 feet, and will serve as a hurricane refuge. K. This order is consistent with the report and recommendations of SFRPC and satisfies the provisions of Sections 380.06(14) and 380.06(15), Florida Statutes. Section 3. The Board of County Commissioners, having made the above findings of fact, reach the following conclusions of law: A These proceedings have been duly conducted in accordance with applicable law and regulations and, based upon the record in these proceedings, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners is authorized to conduct its development as described in this Order, subject to the conditions, restrictions, and limitations set forth below. B. The review by SFRPC, Monroe County and other participating agencies and interested citizens reveals that the terms and conditions of this Order and the ADA adequately address public facilities needed to accommodate the impacts of the subject DR! in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. To the extent that the ADA is inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this Order, the terms and conditions of this Order shall prevail. Section 4. Having made the above findings of fact and drawing the above conclusions of law, it is ordered that the ADA is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions, restrictions, and limitations: A. Substantial Deviations. Further review pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, shall be required if a substantial deviation as defined in Section 380.06(19), occurs. A substantial deviation may occur by a material failure to comply with the commitments contained in this Order, or by activities which are not commenced until after the expiration of the period of effectiveness of this Order. All changes in this Order and substantial deviation determinations shall be consistent with Section 380.06(19), Florida Statutes. B. Annual Reports. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners shall submit an annual report on the progress of the DR! to the SFRPC, the Florida Department of Community Affairs and other agencies as may be appropriate on July 15, 1993, and on July 15 of each following year until - 3 . all terms and conditions of this Order are satisfied. The annual report shall include at a minimum, a complete response to each question outlined in Exhibit D, attached hereto. C. Transportation. Incorporate the following into the project design and operation: 1. Actively encourage and promote ridesharing by establishing a car and van pool information program; 2. Encourage transit use by provision of bus shelters, development of turnout lanes, or provision of other amenities to increase ridership concurrent with the provision of transit services; 3. Provide on-site bicycle storage facilities to encourage use of alternative modes of transportation; and, 4. limit project vehicle access points to the off-site roadway network to the number and locations shown in Exhibit E, attached hereto. D. Soil Erosion and Air Pollution. Incorporate the following into the project design and operation: 1. Mulch, spray, or grass exposed areas to prevent soil erosion and minimize air pollution. E. Stormwater Manaiement. Design construct and maintain any additions, expansions or replacements to the stormwater management system to meet the following standards: 1. Prior to the issuance of the development order, resolve issues regarding the proposed stormwater cistern system and insure that the region's potable water supply is not negatively impacted. 2. Retain the first flush (at least first half inch) of runoff from project roadways, parking lots, and loading docks in vegetated retention areas. 3. Prevent direct discharge of stormwater which has not been treated pursuant to Condition E.2 to surface waters. 4. Install pollutant retardant structures to treat all stormwater runoff at each of the project outfall structures (down-turned pipe or other approved device) and at the drainage structures which contribute runoff from impervious areas to surface water, in accordance with the master drainage plan, and periodically remove pollutant accumulations. F. Wildlife. Ensure that the burrowing owls are not disturbed. Conduct educational seminars prior to construction activity to educate workers on the appearance of the habitat of the owl and instruct in proper avoidance measures to protect the burrowing owls. G. Tree Preservation/Landscapina Relocation. Submit a final tree preservation/relocation landscaping plan for the below listed species. This plan shall be submitted to SFRPC staff for review and approval prior to the removal of any tree or any clearing activity. This plan shall include: 1. Location of existing Brittle Thatch Palm, Florida Thatch Palm, Prickly Pear Cactus, Manchineel, West Indian Mahogany and Coconut Palm; - 4 - 2. Identification of plans and proposed site for relocation and a statement of the need for and survival potential of the plants to be relocated; and, 3. delineation of the preservation areas of the mangrove forest and tropical hardwood hammock areas except to allow for the removal of vegetation up to 250 feet from the centerline of the runway pursuant to Federal Aviation Regulations part 77. H. General Landscapin~. In other additional project landscaping, use only those plant species identified in Exhibit F, attached hereto, for project landscaping. Additional species may be used in project landscaping only if written approval is provided by SFRPC staff. Such approval will be based on the following criteria: 1. does not require excessive irrigation or fertilizer. 2. is not prone to insect infestation or disease, 3. does not have invasive root systems, and, 4. other criteria as may be appropriate. As feasible use xeriscape principles in design and implementation of project landscaping. I. Exotic Plant Removal. Remove all exotic plant species on the terminal expansion site and associated parking area as the expansion plan is implemented. J. Historical and Archeolo~cal Resources. Notify state archeological officials at the Division of Historical Resources of the Florida Department of State of construction schedules, and delay construction up to three months in any area where potentially significant historical or archaeological artifacts are uncovered, and permit state and local historical preservation officials to survey and excavate the site. K. EneriY Conservation. Incorporate energy conservation measures into the design and operation of the project. At a minimum, construct all development in conformance with the specifications of the State of Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction (State Energy Code). Consider using natural gas and/or renewable energy sources (e.g. solar heating) for water heating, space heating, and cooling. L. Affordable Housina. Prior to issuance of building permits, address the issue of affordable housing for low and very low income employees of the terminal expansion and ensure that any unmet need for these employees will be satisfied. M. Public Services. Capacity shall be available for the adequate provision of public facilities to serve the Marathon Airport Terminal to meet the requirements established in the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. Section 5. Definitions. Unless the context indicates otherwise, the definitions contained in Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, shall control the interpretation and construction of any terms of this Order. All section references contained in this Order shall refer to Florida Statutes (1991), unless otherwise indicated. .5- Section 6. Commencement and Termination of Development. Physical development of the subject DRI shall commence by December 31, 1993, unless the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners extends the time period for commencement. Physical development means development as defined in Section 380.04, Florida Statutes. Compliance with the conditions of approval outlined in this Order shall be addressed prior to the issuance of certificates of occupancy for the facilities permitted by each phase of development. The termination date for completing the DRI development project shall be December 31, 2003, provided that the applicant, its successors and assigns have complied with Section 10 of this Order. The termination date may only be modified in accordance with Section 380.06(19)(c), Florida Statutes. Section 7. Expiration of Order. This Order shall remain in effect until December 31, 2010. If approved, any development activity for which plans have been submitted to Monroe County for its review and approval before the expiration date of this Order may be completed. Section 8. Down-zoningllntensity Reduction. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners may not down-zone or reduce the intensity or unit density permitted by this Order until December 31, 2003 unless Monroe County can demonstrate that: A. Substantial changes in the conditions underlying the approval of this Order have occurred; or B. This Order was based upon substantially inaccurate information provided by the applicant; or C. The changes established by Monroe County are to be essential to the public health, safety, or welfare. Any down-zoning or reduction of intensity shall be effected only through the usual and customary procedures required by statute and/or ordinance for changes in local land development regulations. For purposes of this Order, the term "down-zone" shall refer only to changes in zoning or development regulations that decrease the development rights approved by this Order, and nothing in this paragraph shall be constructed to prohibit legally enacted changes in zoning regulations which do not decrease the development rights granted to the applicant pursuant to this Order. The inclusion of this Section 8 is not to be construed as evidencing any present foreseeable intent on the part of Monroe County to down-zone or alter density or intensity of the subject DRI, but is included in this Order to comply with Section 380.06(15)(c)(3), Florida Statutes. - 6- Section 9. Consolidation of ADA Information. The applicant shall integrate all original and supplemental ADA information into a Consolidated Application for Development Approval (CADA) and submit two copies of the CADA to the SFRPC, and one copy to the Florida Department of Community Affairs within 30 days of the effective date of this Order. The CADA shall be prepared as follows: 1. Where new, clarified, or revised information was prepared subsequent to submittal of the ADA but prior to issuance of this Order, either in response to a formal statement of information needed or otherwise, the original pages of the ADA will be replaced with revised pages; and, 2. Revised pages will have a "Page Number (R) . Date" notation, with "Page Number" being the number of the original page, "(R)" indicating that the page was revised, and "Date" stating the date of the revision. Section 10. Recordation of Notice of Adoption. The applicant shall record, within 30 days of the effective date of this Order, Notice of the Adoption of this Order with the Clerk of the Monroe County Circuit Court pursuant to Section 380.06(15), Florida Statutes, specifying that this Order runs with the land and is binding on the applicant, it successors, and assigns, jointly or severally. Section 11. Effective Date. This Order shall take effect 45 days from transmittal of this Order to the Department of Community Affairs, the SFRPC, and applicant; provided however, that if this Order is appealed, this Order will take effect on the day after all appeals have been withdrawn or resolved pursuant to Section 380.07(2), Florida Statutes. Section 12. Incorporation of Consolidated Application for Development Approval. The Consolidated Application for Development Approval is incorporated herein by reference and relied upon by the parties in discharging their statutory duties under Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and local ordinances. Substantial compliance with the representations contained in the ADA is a condition for approval unless waived or modified by agreement among the SFRPC and the applicant, its successors, or assigns. Section 13. Responsibility for Monitoring. The Director of Monroe County's Community Services Division or his designee will be responsible for ensuring compliance with all conditions of this Order. Monitoring shall be accomplished by review of the Annual Report, Building Permits, Certificates of Occupancy and by on-site observations, as appropriate. .7- Section 14. Violations. In the event the applicant, its successors, or assigns violates any of the conditions of this Order or otherwise fails to act in substantial compliance with this Order (hereinafter Itviolator'), Monroe County shall stay the effectiveness of this Order as to the tract, or portion of the tract, in which the violative activity or conduct has occurred and withhold further permits, approval, and services for development in said tract, or portion of the tract, upon passage of any appropriate resolution by the County, adopted in accordance with this Section, finding that such violation has occurred. The violator will be given written notice by the County that states: 1) the nature of the purported violation, and 2) that unless the violation is cured within 15 days of said notice, the County will hold a public hearing to consider the matter within 30 days of the date of said notice. If the violation is not curable in 15 days, the violator's diligent good faith efforts to cure the violation within that period will obviate the need to hold a public hearing and this Order will remain in effect unless the violator does not diligently pursue the curative action to completion within a reasonable time, in which event the County will give 15 days notice to the violator of its intent to stay the effectiveness of this Order and without further permits, approvals, and services as to the tract, or portion of the tract, in which the violation has occurred and until the violation is cured. For purposes of this paragraph, the work Ittractlt shall be defined to mean any area of development identified on the Marathon Airport Terminal Expansion Master Development Plan (Exhibit G). In addition, the phrase "portion of a tract" means a division of a tract into more than one ownership as created by deed or plat. Section 15. Directions to Clerk. The Clerk of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners shall forward certified copies of this Order to the South Florida Regional Planning Council and Florida Department of Community Affairs upon adoption of this Order. Section 16. Severability. It is the intent of this Order to comply with the requirements of all applicable law and constitutional requirements. If any provision or portion of this Order is declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be void, unconstitutional, or unenforceable, then such provision or portion shall be deemed null and void, but all remaining provisions and portions of this Order shall remain in full force and effect. .8. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a specT:.dl meeting of said Board held on the 30th day of June , A.D., 1992. Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tern London CommissiQ,ner Jones Commissioner Cheal Commissigner Stormont (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK B~C,~~ DEPUlY CLERK/ Yes Yes Yes Yes ---Yes BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNlY ~"~~~~-;_~~.J.\ '- ~,.~' ~ ., --~ By: MAYOR/CHAIRMAN Date: .9- COMPOSITE EXHIBIT A MAMmON AIRPORT THRMINAL . Application For Development Approval . Application For Development Approval (Sufficiency Response) . Application For Development Approval (Second Sufficiency Response) · March 30, 1992 Letter to South Florida Regional Planning Council (Dick Ogburn) COMPOSITE EXHIBIT A APPUCATION FOR DBVHLOPMENT APPROVAL This documentation has been supplied with Agenda Item J-7 of the 6/29/92 BOCC meeting. (Resolution granting a Development Order for a Major Conditional Use for the Marathon Airport Terminal). We have avoided the duplication of this documentation to save time, money, and most importantly, trees. COMPOSITB EXHIBIT A APPUCATION FOR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL (SUFFICIENCY RESPONSE) This documentation has been supplied with Agenda Item J-7 of the 6/29/92 BOCC meeting. (Resolution granting a Development Order for a Major Conditional Use for the Marathon Airport Terminal). We have avoided the duplication of this documentation to save time, money, and most importantly, trees. MM 4tS I MARATHON MM 51./ I ~\b.' ~:::~~ ,~V TRAFFIC IMPACT AREA FIGURE 3 South Florida Regional Planning Councif Marathon Airport Traffic Impact Area (MM=Mile Marker) A"""'" ,..iN: .............,......,.:..., Source: ADA Not to Scale PART III - COMMENTS FROM OTHER REVIEWING AGENOES This section contains comments sent to the Council by other agencies reviewing Marathon Airport Terminal Expansion Application for Development Approval. 16 IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT Prepared by South Florida Water Management District Issued April 30, 1992 I PROJECT SUMMARY Project: Developer: SFWMD 10 No: Location: DRI Threshold: . Marathon Airport Terminal Monroe County , 91-372 Section l/Township 66 South/Range 32 East, Monroe County !9.3 acres (new terminal and aircraft aprons only) Airport New commercial passenger terminal; new aircraft apron area; parking improvements New airport passenger terminal Size: Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: II GENERAL PROJECT-RELATED INFORMATION The Marathon Airport DRI is a proposed expansion to the existing airport facility which is located on Marathon Key in Monroe County (see Exhibit 1). The proposed improvements include a new commercial aviation terminal building, which triggered the DRI review process, and expansion of the existing aircraft apron parking area and automobile parking areas. The specific locatlon of these improvements is shown on the attached master development plan in Exh i bi t 2. Deve 1 opment is scheduled to occur in two phases: 1992-1993 and 2003-2011. . III POTENTIAL FOR ADVERSE REGIONAL IMPACTS SUMMARY CateQorv Minimal SiQnificant Major Surface Water Manaoement - Quantity X Surface Water Manaoement - Quality X Water-Related Veoetation/Wildlife N/A Water Use X IV CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In reviewing the available information, District staff has concluded that the Marathon Airport Terminal DR! could be developed in such a manner that regional adverse water resource-related impacts would not be likely to occur with regard 17 to surface water management quantity and quality, water use, and water-related vegetation/wildlife. Surface Water Manaqement The major drainage divide on the existing airport site follows the crest of the main runway. The runoff north of the runway crest currently flows to the north into an adjacent mangrove area and ultimately into Florida Bay. The area south of the runway crest is divided into two subbasins: The Southwest Subbasin and the Southeast, Subbas in. The runoff south of the runway crest is intercepted by runway swales, existing drainage wells, or the FOOT retention ponds along u.S. Highway #1. The entire airport site lies within the 100 year floodplain. The proposed stormwater management system will consist of dry retention areas to attenuate and treat stormwater runoff and drainag~ wells to provide off-site conveyance of the runoff after treatment. Swales will capture the runoff from developed areas and route it to the proposed ponds and wells. The applicant indicates that the proposed design details, including pond configuration and control structure elevations, will meet or exceed Distri~t criteria. The applicant anticipates that the general stormwater management system will consist of shallow dry ponds with drainage wells located within them. Weirs with bleed down orifices, as required, will be constructed around the wells to retain water in ponds for the required water qual ity treatment prior to discharge. According to the applicant, the 25 year/72 hour design storm event will be used to size all stormwater management facilities. The ultimate re~eiving bodies will remain the same: Florida Bay to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to the south. An application for Conceptual Approval of the proposed surface water management system (No. 911023-S), has been submitted and is currently being reviewed by District staff for compliance with District criteria. . Water-related Veqetatton/Wildlife There are approximately 7.7 acres of mangrove dominated wetlands and 31.1 acres of tropical hardwood hammock within the current airport boundaries. These areas lie outside of the boundaries .of the proposed DR!. In addition, there is a burrowing owl's nest located on the airport site. The applicant has indicated that no construction is proposed within 200 feet of the nest. Consequently, the proposed improvements to the existing airport facilities will not impact these existing sensitive areas. Since there are no wetlands or ,water-related vegetation/wildlife within the DRI boundaries, the Environment checklist and footnotes have been deleted from this report. Future renovations and/or expansions to the airport site should be designed to preserve and enhance the existing wetlands, where possible. ,18 Water Use Potable water supply will continue to be provided by the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority. At this time, the utility has an adequate permitted allocation to serve the proposed airport expansion. Non-potable water demands for landscape irrigation and for fire fighting purposes will be supplied by a cistern located under the proposed airport terminal building. The cistern will collect storm water runoff from the roof of the building and will hold treated effluent from the terminal. I For additional details concerning the above, see the Water Supply and Development checklist and footnotes on pages 5 and 6. The District is recom~ending Development Order Conditions (see below) requiring that specific conservation measures be incorporated into the project design. Permits This project will require the following District permits prior to commencement of construction: 1. Surface Water Management Permit - for conceptual approval and for construction and operation of the surface water management system. J 2. Water Use Permit - for any proposed dewater~~g activities associated with the construction of project lakes and/or roaQ or building foundations (see Section V, Disclaimer, second paragraph, for additional information concerning pending revisions to the District's water use permitting criteria). The applicant must provide verification that the proposed system designs will meet District criteria in effect at the time of permit application. Recommended Develooment Order Conditions 1. For the purpose of potable water conservation, Marathon Airport Terminal shall utilize low water use plumbing fixtures, self-closing and/or metered water faucets, and other water conserving devices. 2. For the purpose of non-potable water conservation, Marathon Airport Terminal shall utilize xeriscape principles in the design of the project's landscaping. 19 V DISCLAIMER This review has been performed by South Florida Water Management District to provide the South Florida Regional Planning Council with a general technical assessment of the water-related impacts of this project from the District's perspective. It is a technical review of the project based on the information provided by the DRI applicant. It is not a permit under Chapter 373, F.S., nor is it a commitment for said permits. This review does not constitute final agency action and it is not binding on this agency. Permit evaluation, pursuant to Chapter 373, F . S., wi 11 be based upon the cri teri a in effect and the informatibn available at the time of permit application. Consequently, the appl;cant is advised that this could result in a change in the District's technical assessment from that which is contained in this review. The review of the water supply section of this ADA has been based on current regulatory criteria regarding water use permits in the South Florida Water Management District. Please be advised that the existing "Basis of Review for Water Use Permit Applications in the South Florida Water Management District" is currently being revised to incorporate recent policy changes regarding urban and irrigation demand management elements. Certain provisions under the new criteria, particularly with regard to reclaimed water use and water conservation, may influence future permitting requirements for this project. Please be advised that the water supply aspects of the project must meet the water use permitting criteria in effect at the time of permit application. 20 COMPOSITE EXHIBIT A ~ DAMES & MOORE ONE NORTH DALE MABRY HIGHWA Y, SUITE 700, TAMPA, FLORIDA 33609 (813) 875-1115 FAX: (813) 874-7424 March 30, 1992 Mr. Dick Ogburn South Florida Regional Planning Council 3440 Hollywood Boulevard Suite 140 Hollywood, Florida 33021 RB: MARATIfON AIRPORT DRI Dear Dick: Please find attached responses to concerns raised by the South Florida Regional Planning Council in the most recent SIN. Please nO,te that we have repeated the questions raised in your transmittal of concerns and have attempted to address the issues that are the focus of the questions. Please note that while your questions reference a base year of 2010 on passenger projections, we have responded utilizing the ultimate passenger forecast in the RS&H Terminal Study of 1991. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. Sincerely, DAMES & MOORE f)fMtfi~l John N. laRocca Associate JNUsab Attachment ....' I \JI\oabul'D.kr\ub\~,;z ~1,-"-',!J(30~)"1.:J~5 BOCARATOS(407)994~ ORlA....OO(407)I4I.2727 SARASOTA,;;3)378~5 TA.\IPA(813)87S.1J15 TAllAHASSEE(~)~~,5615 JAO;SO"\'I~ '. ,'~:-::;(o ~lfF\:.. ~. 'f\:": '1::1 IDA SIN. MARATIION AIRPORT THRM1NAL 1. The "dynamic market recapture" approach died In the MaratbotJ Alrpon TermItJJIJ AR2 SnxlT(Febnwy 1991), and used to esdmatr future enplaned pu-t'F'" at Marathon AIrport, appears 10 be based aD the assumpdon that meraII anmty passenger trafBc wW reach 709,200 In the .,ear 2010 (see ~tnrbed tables), mmpared 10 219,248 enplaned passengers In 1990 (an lncn:ase of llImQ11t half a mIllJOD enplanemen1S). Bgen assnmlnl future populadon growth at hJstorlcal rateS, this would be equfnlent 10 an average of more than four enplanemenll per year fbr each permanent and seasonal resident of Monroe County In the Jar 2010. Tbe Marathon Alrport'sshare of that trafBc would quadruple 10 8l,558 In the same period, and the sfze of the terminal ~ft!llon Is based on tbae projectloca. Whfle Council staff agrees that It Is reasonable 10 project that the Marathon AIrport oould recapture lost market share with an Impnm:d 1amIDa1 &.d1fty, In the oonte:l:t of recent polley dedsJons by Monroe County, would It be appropriate to oonsfder an e:spanaIOD of the tamJnaI which II based on a smaDer lncreue of overall trafBc 1n1D the countyl Respondent5 Note: Responses include reference to the RS&H Area Terminal Study, 1991, where projecdons are esdmated through the year 2011. Although the passenger projections for the Marathon Airpon are proposed to be 84,703 enplaned passengers by the year 2011 (RS&H Area Terminal Study, 1991), the proposed terminal facility is not based on those total passengers. The FAA standards (Advisory Circular 150/5360-9) advises that the terminal size for small airports with less than 250,000 enplanements should be based on peak hour considerations. The FAA further advises that terminal building designs should be based on about 150 sJ. to 250 s.l. of gross terminal area per peak hour passenger (Advisory Circular 150/5360-13). Although a forecast method of dynamic market recapture was used to justify the need for the termin~ improvements, the improvements are not based on the total of 84,703 enplaned passengers. Instead, the terminal expansion is based on the peak hour projections. The peak hour passenger level is based on aircraft arriving and departing during the peak hour. In other words, it is a composite of inbound and outbound passengers. In order to avoid under or over design of a terminal, a typical peak hour passenger unit is used which represents the 90th percentile of the true peak hour. In 1991 the peak hour passengers totaled 73. Based on FAA guidelines, this would equate to a terminal size of 11,000 s.f. to 18,050 s.l wp' I \JI\.......-~\....\).12 I BXHIBrr B LEGAl.. DESCRIPTION · Parcel"!" A parcel of land described as commencing at a concrete monument on the West boundary of Section I, Township 66 South, Range 32 fa.lit, at a point 125.28 feet North of the Southwest Corner of said Section I, and run North 67051' East 54 feet for POINT OF BEGINNING: thence continue North 670'1 East 7058.68 feet to the beginning of a curve to right having a radius of 2980.93 feet and a central angle of 10000'; thence Northeasterly along said curve to right 520.27 feet to point of tangency; thence North 7,051' East 806.43 feeti thence North 22009' West 118'.18 feet; thence South 670,1' West 7962.84 feet to a point 50 feet East of the West Hne of Section 1; thence South 00002'30' West 1077.41 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNINGi and Parcel "2" A parcel of land in Section 1. Township 66 South, Range 32 East and in Section 6, Township 66 South, Range 33 East, Vaea Key, Monroe County, Florida, being the northerly 40.00 feet of State Road 4-A adjoining the southerly boundary of that certain Parcel"l" acquired from the State of Florida, State Road Department by Quit Claim Deed. Parcels 1 and 2 containing 197.4 acres more or less. 011 Note: This legal de$Cription Includes the ~nd commonly knowo as the Marathon Airport property. The proJect area ,ubje~ of this DRI encompswes 10.6 acre. and i. Included within the boundaries of the ~rall Ai1'pQrt property. AIlIQIIr"._\N\M2 ln11oOOH01O South Florida . Regional - , Planning Council EXHIBIT C June 5,1992 The Honorable Wllhelmina Harvey Mayor, Monroe County 500 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mayor Harvey: The South Florida Regional Planning Council has adopted the enclosed Marathon Airport Terminal Expansion Development of Regional Impact and forwarded copin to the Department of Community Affairs and other reviewing entities. "This report is provided for your use in reviewing the project and preparing a development order. While the staff of the Council is available to assist in resolving any matter regarding this report, the Council has no, legal mechanism through which it can act on this report again, except through appeal procedures. Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J-2.025, Florida Administrative Code, set criteria for development orders. Please review these criteria, as well as the enclosed Council recommendations, carefully prior to issuing a development order for this project. Copies of any development order issued with regard to this project must be transmitted to the Council and the Department of Community Affairs, which have 4S days thereafter to make an appeal decision. If we can be of further assistance, please calL Sincerely, I ", , "Y l U<.f,:: ~~ / Carolyn A. Oekle Executive Director , ,. ./ i ~......./.'- \. \.. CAD/kc Enclosure cc: See attached list J1\monr....uh\sab\lHl2 1737S-008-!5Ol5O 3440 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite '140, Hollywood. Florida 33021 Broward (305) 961-2999, Dade (305) 620-4266, FAX (305) 961-0322 ~~RATHON ~IRPORT TERMINAL Florida Department of Commerce Ms. Wynelle Wilson Bureau of Economic Analysis 406 Fletcher Building Tallahassee, FL 32399 Ms. Marion Hedgepeth Florida Dept. of Environmental Regulation 1900 South Congress Avenue, Suite A West Palm Beach, FL 33046 Florida Department of Natural Resources Mr. David Trimble Bureau of Environmental Land Management 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., Room 508 Tallahassee, FL 32399 Florida Game & Fresh Water Fish Commission Mr. Ray Fernald Office of Envimnmental Services 110 43rd Ave., S.W. Vero Beach, FL 32962 South Florida Water Management District Mr. Jim Golden 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Mr. Jim Snyder Florida Dept. of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Mr. Bruce Offord 1900 So. Congress Ave., Suite A West Palm Beach, FL 33046 Florida Department of State Mr. George W. Percy, Director Div. of Historical Resources and State Historic Preservation Officer R.A. Gray Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Monroe County Mr. Bob Herman, Acting Director Growth Management Department Public Service Bldg., Wing II Stock Island 5825 Junior College Road Key West, FL 33040 Monroe County Mr. Peter Horton, Director Community Services Department Public Service Bldg., Wing II Stock Island Key West, FL 33040 Florida Department of Transportation Mr. Servando Parapar 602 S. Miami Avenue Miami, FL 33130 City of Key West" Mr. Ted Strader Planning Director P.O. Box 1409 525 Angela Street Key West, FL 33041 Mr. Bob Ernst 7525 Gulfstream Boulevard Marathon, FL 33050 Mr. Mark Yanna . U.S. fish & Wildlife Service P.O. Box 2676 Vera Beach. FL 3296l-2676 ,South Florida Regional Planning Council . MEMORANDUM AGENDA ITEM #00 Date: JUNE 1, 1992 To: COUNCIL MEMBERS From: STAFF Subject: MARATHON AIRPORT TERMINAL EXPANSION. MONROE COUNTY · Location: 3440 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite #140, Hollywood, Florida 33021 Broward (305) 961-2999, Dade (305) 620-4266. FAX (305) 961-0322 · Proposed Development and Phasing TABLE 1 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Existing Phase I TERMINAL COMPLEX 0.8 Acres 6.4 Acres Tenninal 2/600 Sq. 'Ft.1 19/000 Sq. Ft. Parking 88 Spaces 2h7 Spaces AIRCRAFT APRON 1.0 Acres 1.2 Acres Phase II 0.7 Acres 4/000 Sq. Ft. 70 Spaces 1 This building will be replaced by the new'terminaL SOURCE: ADA, SFRPC Major Issues and Conditions The project is generally consistent with the Regional Plan for South Florida. The Applicant has agreed to: · construct the terminal building so that it may be used as a hurricane refuge; · incorporate energy conservation measures into the design of the project; and, · ensure that the burrowing owls will not be disturbed. Recommendation Approval subject to conditions. 2 TOTAL 7.1 Acres 23/000 Sq. Fl 425 Spaces 2.2 Acres DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR MARATHON AIRPORT TERMINAL EXPANSION Located in Monroe County SOUTI-I FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL June, 1992 . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page UST OF FI CURES.................. ..... ........ ............................... ............ ........... ............. .......... ......... .......... .......... i UST OF TAB LES .......... .................... ...... ................ .................. ................. ............. ...... ..... ..................... ...... ii UST 0 F EXliIBITS ...................... ....................................................... ............. ............ ................... ............iii I INfR 0 D VerI ON.......................... ......... ........................... ................. ...... ....;........ ........................... ........... 1 PART I. PROJECT D ESCRIPTI ON...................................... ............. ......... ............... ....... .......... 2 A. APPLICANT INFO RMA TI ON.................................. ........................... ................ 2 B. PROJECT INFORMA nON .................................................................................. 2 PART II. PROJECT IMP ACTS AND ISSUES ..;.......................................~.................................. 6 A. ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES........................................... 6 B. ECO NO My....... ............. ................ ..... .................... ................. .......................... ...... 8 C. PUBLIC FA CI LITIES ........................... ................................................................. 11 D. TRANSPORTATION .........................................:..................................................13 PART III. COMMENTS FROM OTHER REVIEWING AGENCIES..................................... 16 PART IV. CONSISTENCY WITH THE REGIONAL PLAN FOR SOUTH FLO RID A ................................. ......... ......... ..... ....... ............................ .................. .......... 27 . PART V. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................ 28 Figure No. t 2 3 LIST OF FIGURES TItle Page Project Loca tio n ................................... ............. ................ .............................................. 4 Master Development Plan ............................................................................................ 5 T raffle 1m paet Area.................................................................. ..................................... 15 Table No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LIST OF TABLES Title Page Proposed Developmen t ......... .......... .............................. ....... ..... ..... .............. ...... .......... 3 Project Cos ts . ........... ............................ ................... ..... .... ............. ......... ...... .................... 8 Permanent Em p loymen t Impacts ................................ ................................. .............. 9 Direct Fiscal 1m pacts . ........~.................... ......... ................................................ ............. 11 Water, Wastewater, and Solid Waste .......................................................................11 Estimated Annual Energy Consumption ................................................................12 Project Tri p Gene ra tio n.......... .......... ................. ......... ....... ......... .............. ........... ........ 14 . ii LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit No. 1 2 3 4 TItle Page Recommended S pedes Us t .............................. .... .............. ......... ....... .............. .......... 33 Project Access Locations .................. ................ ...... ........ ........ ......... ............................ 37 Annual Sta tus Report ............................ ......................... ...................... ....................... 38 Master Deve lop men t Plan .~~............ ................................ ...... ......... ............... ............. 42 ill . PART I - PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. APPUCANT INFORMATION Project Name: Marathon Airport Terminal Expansion Applicant: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Public Service Building Stock Island Key West, Florida 33040 ,,^ )' Date of Acceptance of Application: 'fi,~ 26; 1992 Date of Receipt of Local Public Hearing Notice: April 28, 1992 Deadline of Council Action: June 16, 1992 Date of Local Public Hearing: June 30, 1992 Type of Development: Airport Terminal Expansion Location of Development: Monroe County B. PROJECT INFORMATION The proposed terminal project is located at the Marathon Airport near mile marker 52 on Vaca Key, as depicted in Figure 1. The existing 2,600 square foot terminal building was constructed in 196~ and is undersized to meet the needs of commercial aviation traffic at Marathon. In order to meet this need the County has proposed the development of a new terminal complex. The proposed project consists of development of a commercial aviation terminal building, aircraft apron expansion, and automobile parking area. The terminal complex will be constructed in two phases. Phase I will include approximately 19,000 square feet of terminal area, 267 parking spaces and 1.2 acres of aircraft apron expansion. Phase II will include an additional estimated 4,000 square feet of terminal area and 70 long term parking spaces. Phase I is scheduled to commence in 1992, with construction being completed in 1993. While a construction date for Phase II has not been finalized, a 2003 construction date is being used for planning purposes. The development proposal is outlined in Table 1 and shown in Figure 2. The Applicant states that the proposed terminal building will be built to withstand Category 5 hurricane winds of 155 miles per hour. The second story of the building win be designed to withstand a storm surge of 13 feet, and win serve as a hurricane refuge. At present, there is no hurricane refuge in Marathon capable of withstanding a Category 5 storm event. 2 INTRODUCflON This assessment of the proposed Development of Regional Impact (DRl) known as Marathon Airport Terminal Expansion has been prepared by the South Florida Regional Planning CounciL as required by the Florida Environmental Land and Water Management Act. The assessment is based on informatiop supplied by Monroe County staff, state, federal and regional agencies, official plans, consultants, and field inspection~ Additional research relative to specific issues was conducted by Council staff where needed. I In accordance with the Act, this assessment provides an overview of the positive and negative impacts likely to result from the proposal. The recommendations are intended to assist the County Commission in reaching a decision on the proposed development through consideration of regionaL in addition to local, impacts and issues. Copies of any development order issued with regard to this project must be transmitted to the South Florida Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. TABLE 1 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENf Existing Phase I TERMINAL COMPLEX 0.8 Acres 6.4 Acres Ter.rnnal 2,600 Sq. Ft.1 19,000 Sq. Ft. Parking 88 Spaces 267 Spaces AIRCRAFT APRON 1.0 Acres 1.2 Acres 1 This building will be replaced by the new terminaL SOURCE: ADA. SFRPC 3 Phase II 0.7 Acres 4,000 Sq. Ft. 70 Spaces TOTAL 7.1 Acres 23,000 Sq. Ft. 425 Spaces 2.2 Acres I},~~ " ~"':.:::::.~ "'....~. ~v South Florida Regional Planning Councif FLORIDA BAY VACA KEY HAWK MARATHON CHANNEL AIRPORT PROJECT LOCATION Marathon Airport/Terminal Expansion Source: ADA Not to Scale FIGURE 1 '&'''''....:'..'' dR, :':':':'>.,.-./:::::::-. c ( ~:-l~-t:~~::~-=~~:~~3~~;~::~?/=:::= , u, . _..m"'..........'''.. "" ,.,,/~,...'"_....................~......M.".."M".. 5 2:t . " ~:.:-...:...-_........~:.....~I...~4,. ,,_....~i.~ n' ;" ~ t.... i . ^..~\. ~. .aL,:,,~Q;U ! MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN FIGURE 2 I South Florida Regional Planning Councif Marathon Airport/Terminal Expansion . I Not to Scale Source: ADA PART 11- PROJECfIMPACfS AND ISSUES A. ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES 1. Air Ouality The project has been reviewed by staff of the South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPq and the Florida Department of Environmental" Regulation (FDER). It has been determined that the automobile traffic for the proposed project will not exceed the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for carbon monoxide for the buildout year. Therefore, the applicant is not required to conduct air quality modeling. 2. Water Quality a. Groundwater Depending on tidal action, the seasonal high groundwater table depth under the site is 2 to 3 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). The natural land elevation of the site is 4.5 feet NGVD. The project lies over the Biscayne Aquifer and special care must be, taken to minimize the entry of additional pollutants to the groundwater system. asterns are proposed to collect storage volumes of run-off. Such cisterns should not permeate the groundwater table elevation. The applicant reports the source of their non-potable water for irrigation will be the on-site cistern system and reuse of water from the on-site water treatment plant. Condition 2 in Part V of this report will minimize impacts to the groundwaters which m':'f result from the proposed development. b. Surface Waters . Particularly in South Florida, both ground and surface waters are hydrologically connected. A problem in one system often becomes a problem for the other. The soils on-site have severe limitations to filter pollutants and special care must be taken to minimize the entry of additional pollutants to the groundwater system. Condition 2 of Part V of this report will minimize impacts to the ground and surface waters which may result from the proposed development. The applicant has conducted a water quality analysis. While the samples did not exceed state standards, the analysis provides important baseline data. The waters of Monroe County surrounding the site are designated as Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW) pursuant to Chapter 17, F.A.C. These rules prohibit degradation of ambient water quality in OFW. Condition 2 addresses the need to safely manage stormwater to ensure the quality of nearby waters. 3. Stormwater Management A major continuing source of ground and surface water pollution is stormwater- runoff. Runoff generated at the beginning of a rain event (the first flush) contains most of the pollutants that are washed from impervious areas, such as parking lots and roadways. The first flush should be retained on site and cleansed so that pollution of the Florida Keys offshore waters is minimized. 6 The project contemplates three drainage areas covering a watershed area of 298.6 acres. The North Basin, approximately 94.2 acres, generally encompasses the north half of the airport site, bounded on the south by the centerline of the active runway. Two 24-inch diameter concrete culverts carry discharges to the Dodge Lake outfall and on to the Gulf of Mexico. The remaining southerly portion of the site is divided into East and West Basins along a 6.0 foot elevation contour in the vicinity of the existing fire station. These two basins include both on-site area and offsite areas of US 1 right- of-way, for which an existing permit from the South Florida Water Management Disbict (SFWMD) was obtained during Florida Department of Transportation construction of improvements to the highway. Under that permit, a total of nine Class V injection wells were constructed. These two basins also discharge overflows to offshore waters. The terminal expansion and other improvements are expected to increase the impervious area by 10.8 acres. Because there will be no development in the area served by the North Basin, the applicant proposes no modifications to the existing drainage system. For the East and West Basins the applicant proposes to construct a new detention facility (a O.l3-acre pond), lower the bottom of two existing ponds, and install 17 additional 24-inch diameter Class V injection wells. This will enable this portion of the system to retain the 25-year 24-hour and the 25-year 72-hour storm events with no offsite discharge, in accordance with SFWMD and Monroe County drainage design criteria. Condition 2 in Part V of this report will minimize the impacts of stormwater from this project on water quality. 4. Land and Soils According to the application for development approval, the soil type is Rockland. Portions of the area have already been filled. Umitations of the soil type are severe and include bedrock dose to the surface and severe seepage potential. Any limitations for construction due to soils will be overcome by the use of standard engineering techniques. 5. Flood Prone Areas The proposed project is within the 100-year flood area and has been designated as AE by the Federal Insurance Administration of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The site has a base flood elevation of 6 and 7 feet NGVD. The runway apron and parking lots will be elevated to 6 feet NGVD and the finished floor elevation of the terminal will be 8 feet NGVD. The surface water management system will be designed to ensure that roadways do not flood in a ,5-year!25-hour storm event and that flood levels do not exceed the first floor in a 100-year/3 day storm event. 6. Veietation and Wildlife Several native vegetative associations exist on-site including salt marsh and buttonwood associations, mangrove fringe and tropical harwood hammock. Usted species include the Brittle Thatch Palm and the Florida Thatch Palm, (both commercially exploited species). The remaining four species are all listed as threatened species, the Prickly Pear Cactus, the Manchineel, the West Indian Mahogany and the Coconut Palm. Usted wildlife (FGFWFq is limited to. the 7 burrowing owl which is listed as a Species of Special Concern. Conditions 3 and 4 in Part V of this report wiU minimize the impacts to these listed species. B. ECONOMY 1. Proiect Costs The applicant estimates a total project cost of $7.6 million. Phase I, which is scheduled to be completed by 1993, would expand the terminal to approximately 19,000 square feet Phase IT, which would be constructed in 2003, would add approximately 4,000 more square feet to the terminal building. Approximately 98 percent of the expenditures are expected to be spent in the Region, as shown in Table 2. TABLE 2 PROJECf COSTS (thousands of 1991 doUars) Proiect Costs Amount Spent % Spent Item Phase I Phase II Total In Region In Region Land 0 0 0 0 0 Labor 3,990 420 4,410 4,410 100 Materials 2,660 280 2,940 2,940 100 Interest 0 0 0 0 0 Preliminary Planning 270 0 270 135 50 Other Q Q Q Q Q TOTAL 6,920 700 7,6W 7,485 98 SOURCE: ADA The Applicant projects a need for 26 full-time construction employees in Phase I and 10 construction employees in Phase II. Although no estimates have been carried out to this effect, it is reasonable to suppose that the induced effects from the jobs created during the construction period, and the resulting increased income in the region, would have an impact which is somewhat larger than that estimated for the direct project cost 2. Permanent Employment The applicant states that a total of 36 new permanent jobs will have been fiUed at project completion, in the year 2003. These jobs, most of which would, be created during Phase I, would result from the additional terminal activities proposed in the project, and would include employees in both the airlines and the food, gift shop and rental car concessions. . These projected new permanent jobs, organized by SIC code, were introduced into the Regional Science Research Institute (RSRI) regional input-output model, which produces an estimate of the overaU annual impact of the project on employment, the value of output, wages and value added for each county in the South Florida region. The totals take into account both the direct and indirect impacts which new jobs a,nd new income have on the local economy (fable 3). 8 However, to the extent that additional tourist traffic results from the proposed terminal expansion, the project could have an impact on the local economy which goes beyond the direct and indirect employment and income generation indicated in the table. In this case, it is reasonable to suppose that the indirect impact of the terminal expansion would be larger than the simulations carried out with the input- output model indicate, because the increased tourist traffic is not captured fully by the model The fiscal analysis provided by the Applicant recognizes this premise. TABLE 3 ALLOCATION OFREGIONAL EFFEcrs AMONG CONSTITUENT COUNTIES A. EMPLOYMENT (IN JOBS; NOT NECESSARILY FULL-TIME EQUIVALENTS) SO. FLA. PALM BROWARD DADE MONROE REGION BEACH AGRICULTURE .1 .1 .0 .2 .1 AGRI. SERV., FORESTRY, & FISH .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 MINING .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CONSTRUCTION .3 .4 .0 .8 .2 MANUFACTURING .2 .8 .0 1.0 .1 TRANSPORT. & PUBLIC UTILITIES .2 1.6 9.0 10.8 .2 \JHOlESAlE .3 1.8 .0 2.2 .3 RETAIL TRADE 2.2 3.2 13.1 18.6 1.1 FINANCE, INS., & REAL ESTATE .6 1.4 .0 2.0 .3 SERVICES 2.2 4.8 14.2 21.1 1.2 GOVERNMENT .1 .1 .0 1.2 .0 ADMIN. AUXILIARY .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 TOTAL 6.2 14.3 . 36.4 56.9 3.6 B. VALUE OF OUTPUT (IN THOUSANDS OF 1982 DOLLARS) SO. FLA. PALM BROWARD DADE MONROE REGION BEACH AGRICULTURE 2.3 3.1 .1 5.4 2.5 AGRI. SERV., FORESTRY, & FISH .9 1.3 .1 2.2 1.0 MINING .3 .7 .0 1.0 .1 CONSTRUCTION 7.3 10.5 .4 18.1 4.0 MANUFACTURING 17.4 43.1 .1 60.6 6.4 TRANSPORT. & PUBLIC UTILITIES 7.4 113.9 419.1 540.5 10.4 \JHOlESALE 11.3 63.9 .5 75.6 8.3 RETAIL TRADE 44.3 66.7 278.7 389.7 22.1 FINANCE, INS., & REAL ESTATE 43.0 93.5 1.3 137.8 22.7 SERVICES 57.7 135.1 841.9 1034.6 30.2 GOVERNMENT 2.7 7.2 .1 10.0 1.5 ADMIN. AUXILIARY .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 TOTAL 194.6 538.9 1542.1 2275.6 109.3 . 9 C. TOTAL YAGES (IN THOUSANDS OF 1982 DOLLARS) SO. FLA. PALM BROWARD DADE MONROE REGION BEACH AGRICULTURE .5 .7 .0 1.3 .6 AGRI. SERV., FORESTRY, & FISH .2 .3 .0 .5 .2 MINING .1 .1 .0 .2 .0 CONSTRUCT ION 4.8 6.9 .2 11.9 2.7 MANUFACTURING 3.6 9.0 .0 12.7 1.3 TRANSPORT. & PUBLIC UTILITIES 1.9 28.9 162.9 193.7 2.6 ~HOlESALE 5.0 28.3 .2 33.5 3.7 RETAIL TRADE 18.7 28.2 92.9 139.8 9.4 FINANCE, INS., & REAL ESTATE; 8.4 18.3 .2 26.9 4.4 SERVICES 20.8 48.7 143.4 212.9 10.9 GOVERNMENT .8 2.1 .0 2.9 .4 ADMIN. AUXILIARY .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 TOTAL 64.9 171 .5 399.9 636.3 36.3 D. VALUE ADDEO (IN THOUSANDS OF 1982 DOLLARS) SO. FLA. PALM BRO'JARD DADE MONROE REGION BEACH AGRICULTURE 1.2 1.7 .0 2.9 1.4 AGRI. SERV., FORESTRY, & FISH .5 .7 .0 1.2 .6 MINING .2 .5 .0 .7 .0 CONSTRUCTION 5.7 8.1 .3 14.0 3.1 MANUFACTURING 5.8 14.5 .0 20.3 2.2 TRANSPORT. & PUBLIC UTILITIES 3.9 60.0 251.6 315.5 5.5 WHOLESALE 8.4 47.4 .3 56.2 6.2 RETAIL TRADE 29.7 44.7 150.3 224.7 14.8 FINANCE. INS., & REAL ESTATE 31.3 68.1' . .9 100.2 16.5 SERVICES 35.0 81.9 ' 410.3 527.2 18.3 GOVERNMENT- 1.3 3.4 .1 4.7 .7 ADMIN. AUXILIARY .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 TOTAL 122.9 330.9 813.9 1267.7 69.3 The results of the simulation indicate that the permanent new employment (which does not include jobs created during the construction phases of the project) could generate a total of up to 56 new jobs in the region, with 36, 14 and 6 in Monroe, Dade and Broward counties, respectively. This employment is estimated to generate approximately $636,000 (in 1982 dollars) in total annual wages. The average wage of $11,183 (in 1982 dollars) is slightly below average when compared to other. projects evaluated by Council staff, and reflects the preponderance of low-paying' retail and service jobs expected at the site. The project, by its direct and indirect effects, could add as much as $1.3 mimon in value added to the regional economy each 'ye-ar. 3. Fiscal Impact The Monroe County Airport is exempt from the payment of ad valorem taxes and impact fees for public facilities. On the other hand, the applicant estimates that the project will generate additional revenues of nearly $800 thousand per year by the year 2011. These direct fiscal impacts, which would result from the growth in tourist traffic and a consequent increase in sales and gasoline taxes and the payment of fees for commercial leases, are summarized in Table 4 below. . 10 TABLE 4 DIRECT FISCAL IMPACTS (thousands of 1991 dollars) REVENUE GENERATION SUMMARY FOR SELECTED YEARS Revenues 1993 2003 2011 Sales Taxes Received 94 184 298 Gasoline Taxes Received 6 11 19 Commercial Leases 221 327 480 TOTAL 321 522 797 SOURCE: ADA The costs of providing infrastructure and services to the project have not been incorporated in Table 4. The applicant indicates that a watermain extension costing $150,000 will be required for Phase I, and the overall project costs include wastewater treatment, stormwater management and internal access improvements. C. PUBLIC FACILITIES 1. Water, Wastewater, and Solid Waste TABLE 5 Table 5 summarizes the project's impact on water, wastewater, and solid waste. WATER, W ASTEW ATER, AND SOUD WASTE Public Average Peak Facility Demand Demand Potable 0.0068 0.017 Water MGD MGD Non-Potable 0.0032 0.008 Water MGD MGD Wastewater 0.0068 0.017 MGD MGD Solid Waste 0.316 1.738 TPD CYPD MGD = Million Gallons Per Day TPD = Tons per Day CYPD - Cubic Yards per Day SOURCE: ADA 11 . Source Available Capacity Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority Yes On-site Underground cistern On-site treatment Waste Mgt. Inc. Yes 2. Energy Table 6 summarizes the estimated annual energy consumption by the project. TABLE 6 ESTIMATED ANNUAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION Fuel Source BTUs (Million) Kilowatt Hours (Million) Electricity 141 .041 SOURCE: ADNSFRPC Florida Power and light uses a variety of fuel sources to generate electricity. Although the exact percentage of electricity produced from each fuel source varies from year to year, FPL has projected the following combination of fuel sources to produce electricity for the period 1990 to 1995: nuclear, 26.7 percent; oil. 16.2 percent; natural gas, 18.9 percent; coal. 2.3 percent; and additional sources (mostly purchased electricity), 35.8 percent. FPL reports that natural gas and oil are the most efficient of these fuels, followed closely by nuclear and gas turbine. The most efficient method of producing electricity involves technology that will require alteration to existing plants.. These alterations will allow for the use of additional fuel sources such as fuel oil. coal derived gas, or natural gas. Such alterations to existing facilities will result in significant improvements in efficiency. Energy consumption can be reduced by designing more energy efficient buildings and by constructing new buildings in conformance with the State of Florida energy efficiency Code for Building Construction (State Energy Code). Condition 8 requires construction to conform with the State Energy Code. Another method of reducing energy consumption is to use natural gas whenever feasible for water heating, space heating, and cooling. The applicant has proposed to incorporate certain design and construction techniques into the proposed development which will yield efficiency ratings that exceed the minimum rating in the State Energy Code. The applicant will use insulations, ventilation, and construction techniques that will yield a higher energy efficiency rating in office buildings. 3. Police, Fire and Emer~ency Medical Services Local officials report that they expect to be able to serve the project. The Monroe County Sheriff indicates that the proposed Marathon Airport Terminal improvements will result in an airport classification which will mandate certain security provisions. The anticipated additional personnel needed includes a five (5) person squad with a salary budget of $115,000. An additional $3,000 per employee is anticipated for start up costs, employment and uniforms in addition to any cost of living increases in the next two years. Other expenses would include a vehicle and its associated costs, plus 12 . any equipment which may be required. An initial budget estimate would be approximately $165,000 - $175,000. The fire chief indicates that in order to keep up the fire fighting needs of the community and the airport, the fire station located at the airport will need to be doubled in size. In regard to emergency medical services, the Administrator for the FISherman's Hospital indicates that the hospital is a 58-bed facility located at Mile Marker 48, which is approximately 3 miles from the project site will be able to accommodate the needs of the project. Emergency services are provided by the Monroe County Emergency Services Department which has an average response time of 3.5 minutes within its service district. D. TRANSPORTATION 1. Existing Traffic The traffic impact area includes a six-mile portion of the US 1 from Mile Marker 48 to Mile Marker 54 (Figure 3). Since the adopted Comprehensive Plan for Monroe County is currently determined not in compliance by the State, the Level of Service (LOS) "CO standard for US 1 as required in the Stipulated Settlement Agreement entered into between the County and the Department of Community Affairs is used. Of the 12 US 1 segments studied, no segment currently operates below LOS "CO during the afternoon peak hour. 2. Future Backlrround Traffic Impacts a. Provammed Improvements No roadway improvements are programmed within the traffic impact area. b. Future Traffic Growth The future condition vehicle traffic growth analysis was developed for years 1993 and 2003, the years of projected opening for the Phases I and II terminal expansions. Non-project traffic was estimated using both historical traffic growth rates and projected population growth rates for specific areas in Monroe County. 3. Proiect Traffic Impacts a. Trip Generation Project traffic projections reflect demand based upon ultimate capacities of the project for Phases I and II as documented in the "Marathon Airport Terminal Area Study" Tripmakers were categorized into three groups to facilitate the analysis including commercial air passengers, well-wishers and employees. Total project vehicle traffic in addition to the existing airport-generated traffic for Phases I and II is shown in Table 7 below. 13 TABLE 7 PROJECT TRIP GENERATION 1993 2003 PM Peak Hour Trips 137 64 Phase I II Year TOTAL 201 SOURCE: ADA 4. Additional Improvements Needed to Accommodate Proiect Traffic At project buildout, all the twelve US 1 segments studied are projected to operate at LOS "B" or better. Hence, no off-site improvements will be needed. Condition 9 contained in Part V of this report addresses the number and general locations of the project access points to US 1. 14 The projected peak hour passengers for 1996 is 130 passengers (based on a projected 36,023 enplaned passengers), requiring a terminal size of 19,500 s.f. to 32,500 s.f. The projected peak hour passengers for the year 2001 is 165 passengers (projected 53,246 enplaned passengers), requiring a terminal size of 24,750 s.f. to 41,250 s.c. Using the most conservative estimates of 150 s.c. per peak hour traffic, the Phase I terminal expansion is based not only on the current need, but on the projections of 36,023 enplaned passengers in 1996 while Phase IT improvements are based on approximately 51,100 enplaned passengers. In conclusion, although the enplaned passenger projections have been provided, the terminal expansion is based on a much smaller increase of passengers. 2. We would like to see a general dUcusalon of the relennt conafderadODl In the determ1nadon of meraD termlDallfze, addressing the fbllowlng: L The MuatbotJ AIrport Terminal .An::lI Study stata that Ideal terminal size II a function of peak hour passengers. What II the projected relationship ~l.....-.u overall and peak hour trafflc fbr Marathon AIrportl The relationship between the overall and peak hour traffic for Marathon Airport var:les slighdy. It is generally based on a .003 to .0036 multiplier of the total enplaned passengers. As described in Question 1, the peak hour passenger level is based on aircraft arriving and departing during the peak hour. In other words, it is a composite of inbound and outbound passengers. In order to avoid under or over design of a terminal, a typical peak hour passenger unit is used which represents the 90th percentile of the true peak hour. b. How Jlczfble II the current terminal design fbr adjust4..ut In the ewent that a smaller projection of annual trafBc were used to determine Ideal 1Ize? The current Marathon Airport terminal design is not flexible for adjustment in square footage. The terminal size is based on current passenger needs and FAA guidelines for peak hour passenger enplanements. .;:. c. What &ctcrs would aft'ect the poteDdal CUlt sm.op wblch might JaUlt from modUlations In the 1enDInaI alze? 1.1 It poesfble with current data to praent rough esdmates of maaII alII1I for a range of terminal sizes? Extreme losses would result from any modifications to the terminal size at this time. Any modification to the terminal size would cost the project the FM funding wp' I \Jl\lDaI'aIhon.q1N\ub\U2 (the FM is funding 50% of the project). The TM requires that construction bids and project application must be transmitted by August 15, 1992 in order to receive grant funding no later than September 30, 1992. A change to the square footage would require a redesign of the terminal and facilities (i.e. wastewater treatment plant) and the resubmittal of a Major Conditional Use Application in accordance with the Monroe County Land Development Regulations. The Major Conditional Use Review takes approximately six months. It would not be possible to redesign the terminal, obtain County review and approval of the project and ultimately receive grant funding. d. What other concerns czbt with regard to the ldealllze of the terminal for the most I.lkeIy scenarios mer a 20-year pla.nnlng hortzon? The Applicant has no other concerns with regard to the size of the airport terminal over a 20-year planning horizon. ...,., I \J1'm.........n.'lue'....'~ SUBJECT: WATER SUPPLY AND DEVELOPMENT - Marathon Airport Terminal ORI No. 91-372 Proposed Potable Water Source: Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority Permit No.: 13-00005-W Expiration Date: 06/14/95 Permitted Allocation: 556'BGY. (15.23 MGO) Current Usage: 12.0452 MGO Projected Demand of DRI: 6,800 GPO (.0068 MGD) Proposed Non-Potable Water Source: Cistern Under Proposed Terminal Projected Demand of ORI: 3,200 GPO (.0032 MGO) IACCEPTABLE I I RESPONSE I I IN I I APPLICATION I Building(l) RESOLVABLE AT PERMIT TIME MINOR I MAJOR I I MAJOR I I REGIONAL I I ISSUES I I. PROJECTED DEMANDS OF PROJECT A. POTABLE WATER 1. Use Generation Rates X 2. Conservation Practices X(2) B. NON-POTABLE WATER 1. Use Generation Rates Xn) 2. Conservation Practices X(2) 3. Wastewater Re-use X( 1) II. WATER USE IMPACTS A. ON-SITE 1. ProDosed Sources a. Groundwater b. Surface Water c. Wastewater Re-use d. Reverse Osmosis 2. Resource Caoability 3. Imoacts a. Salt Water Intrusion b. Pollution/Contamination c. Envi ronmenta 1 N/A N/A X(l) N/A X N/A X X I I I I I I I I B. OFF-SITE 1. Verification of Availability from Utility X(3) 2. Resource Caoability X 3. Imoacts a. Salt Water Intrusion N/A b. Pollution/Contamination N/A c. Environmental N/A d. Other LeQal Users N/A FOOTNOTES: See following page. . 21 WATER SUPPLY AND DEVELOPMENT FOOTNOTES: (I) (2) (3) The applicant has indicated a non-potable demand of 3,200 GPO for the irrigation of 1.77 acres of landscaping. The source for the irrigation water will be a cistern located under the proposed terminal building. The cistern will hold storm water runoff from the roof and treated waste water from the terminal. Water from the cistern will also be used for fire fighting purposes. The applicant's response to Question 17, Water Supply, did not mention the use of potable and non-potable water conservation techniques (e.g., water conserving plumbing fixtures, xeriscaping, etc.). The District is recommending that such techniques be incorporated into the project design (see Recommended Development Order Conditions). The existing Marathon Airport Terminal is currently supplied by the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority. Verification of the availability of potable water from the off-site utility was supplied by the applicant in the form of a letter from Mr. Michael Peifer, Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, dated May 20, 1991.' This letter was included in the ADA submittal and contained information regarding additional piping requirements for connection to the utility's supply lines to serve the terminal additions. . 22 SUBJECT: SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT Marathon Airport Terminal DRI No. 91-372 Drainage Basin: N/A Receiving Body: N/A IACCEPTABLE I I RESPONSE I I IN I I APPLICATION I RESOLVABLE AT PERMIT TIME MINOR I MAJOR I I MAJOR I I REG IONAll I ISSUES I I. SYSTEM DESIGN (1) I A. QUANTITY CONSIDERATIONS I. Discharge method, location and route to receivinQ water X 2. Floodolain encroachment N/A 3. Net basin storaQe X 4. StaQe/storaQe X 5. Control elevations X 6. Water manaQement areas X 7 . Minimum drainaQe X 8. OverdrainaQe X 9. Outoarcels N/A 10. Exfiltration X II. Floor and road crotection X 12. PassaQe of uostream flows N/A 13. Capacity of receiving water (ore vs. cost) N/A B. QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS l. Standard BMP's X I 2. Speci a 1 BMP's a. Sensitive receivinq waters X(2) I b. On-site use of wastewater X(3) I c. Location of on-site oercolation conds I N/A I d. Proximity of on-site perco- lation conds to SWM system I N/A I I 3. Use of natural system I X I I 4. Hazardous materials a. Use/Qeneration X(4) I b. ManaQement/disoosal X(4) I 5. Exfiltration systems X I FOOTNOTES: See following page. 23 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT FOOTNOTES: (1) (2) (3 ) (4) The Master Stormwater Management Master Plan was not submitted with the ADA. The Plan was subsequently submitted to the District with Surface Water Management Permit application No. 911023-5. The application is currently being reviewed by District staff for compliance with District criteria. At this time, it appears that all necessary water quantity and quality considerations of the system design can be addressed during the review of the permit application. Dry pretreatment equal to 1/2" over the project area will be provided pri~r to discharge into Class V drainage wells. See footnote no. 1 under the Water Supply and Development checklist. Accordi ng to the app 1 i cant's response to Question 20. B.l of the ADA, hazardous materials will not be used, stored or generated on-site. . 24 . a.' ,,&......VW"-~ .......- ~ -- ~ FLORIDA BAY HAWK MARATHON CHANNEL AIRPORT o 0.5 1 ~ 2 aa.ES J ~ DAMES & MOORE LOCATION MAP - CML ENCINEDUNGfWATER RESOuaCESfWASn: MANAGEMENT =:~~~CES/GEOTECRNICAL ENCIHEEJUNGI f ~--....u-&. AJlCH~ ~~="y.~'lIlD TAMPA (1\3) 17$.111.5 I'1NEU.u (IU).o.<lC7 EXHIBIT 1 25 SCALE MAPA o o ~ I' I : : , , , w I I ,II f I I i ~ - , I _J_ . . , - f , '~~~ I ' ~"" t.ii z ~ '" f.:I ~ ~!: I ~~-" "'=a. I~-J ~~c' .~"'I ~"';l '< I! ! 4;1 , .:::1 ! ~ ;f' ~ ~ I ; I I J j i . ' ; 1 .<<: <<I a .. ~ J. 'I , ;;. I~e .:. ., ----- fl 1--- ! O=- .1 !! ~i :0, 't it tr:ll~ Yi:'i:~',r im- ~~; . 'I"-'~~i:'~ ' , e ~.. ~ -;~ts!sl~ - 1,'-1;", · -~"!;l!-It .. . !II 'I.." ~ f ;I~it;!i! : , w i!;JirU ! .. I"y~,_"; , "" ..'re' ry i ~ :11 ;t:; i ~ !~Il.n~i~ I \oJ 1I1'~,1i' .. ~ t~~II'!I;1 ' "'!.i,~. ~ iil':.JI"" ~ ! I-:'ii.~yl ....... u~..I.. .... a: C) a.. a: C: z : C) ~ ~ I < :E (I> EXHIBIT 2 26 :' I ill Ii --.. -- ~ -, ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ . -', , ~_-.I PART IV - CONSISTENCY WITH THE REGIONAL PLAN FOR SOUTH FLORIDA Council staff has reviewed the application for consistency with the Regional Plan for South Florida. The proposed development is generally consistent with the Regional Plan, with the following serving as examples: . The terminal facility will serve as a hurricane refuge. This is consistent with Goal 7.5 which calls for adequate shelter capacity. I The applicant has proposed a stormwater management system which is consistent with Goal 8.1 regarding efficient water Use practices, Goal 82 regarding protection of ground water quality and quantity, and Policy 8.4.4 regarding measures to be taken to prevent water quality degradation. . . The proposed landscaping plan will help control the spread of invasive exotic plant species in the region and is consistent with Goal 10.1 regarding land management practices, and specifically Policy 10.1.1 regarding the removal of invasive exotic plant species and Policy 10.1.9 regarding the promotion of using native plants in project landscaping. . The applicant has proposed to incorporate a series of energy conservation measures into the project design as well as construct the project in accordance with the State Energy Code. These steps are consistent with Goal 12.3, which calls for a per capita reduction in energy consumption. . The terminal expansion will enhance intermodal linkages between' ground and air transportation which is consistent with Policy 20.1.8. Staff comparison of the proposed development vis-a-vis the Regional Plan for South Florida indicates that the proposal is generally consistent with the Regional Plan. 27 PART V - SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary The Development of Regional Impact Assessment for the Marathon Airport Terminal Expansion development indicates that the project would have the following positive regional impacts. . Generate a total of approximately 56 new jobs in the three south Florida counties. . Increase the regional economy's annual value-added by about $1.3 million. Council evaluation indicates that the proposed project should not create adverse impacts on soils, animal life, or vegetation, However, in terms of adverse regional impact, the project would: . Produce an average potable water demand of 0.0068 MGD. . Produce an average of 0.316 tons per day of solid waste. . Require a demand for 0.041 million kilowatt hours of electrical energy. . Produce 201 p.m. peak hour trips. Recommenda tions Based on consideration of the above specified positive and negative iinpacts, it is the recommendation of the Council to the Monroe County Comin'ission that the Application for Development Approval for the Marathon Airport Terminal Exparision DR! be APPROVED subject to incorporation of the following conditions into the development order to increase the probability of realizing positive regional impacts and mitigating, reducing, or eliminating adverse regional impacts. THE APPLICANT, ITS SUCCESSORS, AND/OR ASSIGNS, ]OINfL Y OR SEVERALLY, SHALL: 1. Incorporate the following into the project design and operation: a. Actively encourage and promote ridesharing by establishing a car and van pool information program; b. Encourage transit use by provision of bus shelters, development of turnout lanes, or provision of other amenities to increase ridership concurrent with the provision of transit services; c. Provide on-site bicycle storage facilities to encourage use of alternative modes of transportation; and, d. Mulch, spray, or grass exposed areas to prevent soil erosion and minimize air pollution. 2. Design, construct and maintain any additions, expansions or replacements to the stormwater management system to meet the following standards: 28 a) Prior to the issuance of the development order, resolve issues regarding the proposed stormwater cistern system and insure that the region's potable supply is not negatively impacted. b) Retain the first flush (at least first half inch) of runoff from project roadways, parking lots, and loading docks in vegetated retention areas. c) Prevent direct discharge of stormwater which has not been treated pursuant to Condition 2b to surface waters. d) Install pollutant retardant structures to treat all stormwater runoff at each of the project outfall structures (down-turned pipe or other approved device) and at the drainage structures which contribute runoff from impervious areas to surface water, in accordance with the master drainage plan, and periodically remove pollutant accumulations. 3. Ensure that the burrowing owls are not disturbed. Conduct educational seminars prior to construction activity to educate workers on the appearance of the habitat of the owl and instruct in proper avoidance measures to protect the burrowing owls. 4. Submit a final tree preservation/relocation landscaping plan for the listed species. This plan shall be submitted to SFRPC staff for review and approval prior to the removal of any tree or any clearing activity. This plan shall include: · location of existing Brittle Thatch Palm, Florida Thatch Palm, Prickly Pear Cactus, Manchineel, West Indian Mahogany and Coconut Palm; · identification of plants and proposed site for relocation and a statement of the need for and survival potential of the plants to be relocated; · delineation of the preservation areas of the mangrove forest and tropical hardwood hammock areas allow for the removal of vegetation up to 250 feet from the centerline of the runway pursuant to Federal Aviation Regulations part 77. 5. In other additional landscaping, use only those plant species identified in Exhibit 1 herein for project landscaping. Additional species may be used in project landscaping only if written approval is provided by Council staff. Such approval will be based on the following criteria: · does not require excessive irrigation or fertilizer, · is not prone to insect infestation or disease, · does not have invasive root systems, and, · other criteria as may be appropriate. As feasible use xeriscape principles in design and implementation of project landscaping. 6. Remove all exotic plant species on the terminal expansion site and associated parking area as the expansion plan is implemented. 7. Notify state archeological officials at the Division of Historical Resources of the Florida Department of State of construction schedules, and delay construction up to three months 29 in any area where potentially significant historical or archeological artifacts are uncovered, and permit state and local historical preservation officials to survey and excavate the site. 8. Incorporate energy conservation measures into the design and operation of the project. At a minimum, construct all development in conformance with the specifications of the State of Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction (State Energy Code). Consider using natural gas and/or renewable energy sources (e.g. solar heating) for water heating, space heating, and cooling. 9. Limit project vehicle access points to the off-site roadway network to the number and locations shown in Exhibit 2, hereiIl. 10. Prior to issuance of building permits, address the issue of affordable housing for low and very low income employees of the terminal expansion and ensure that any unmet need for these employees will be satisfied. 11. Integrate all original and supplemental ADA information into a consolidated Application for Development Approval (CADA) and submit two copies of the CADA to the Counci~ and one copy to the Department of Community Affairs within 30 days of the effective date of the development order. The CADA shall be prepared as follows: a. Where new, clarified, or revised information was prepared subsequent to submittal of the ADA but prior to issuance of the development order, whether in response to a formal statement of information needed or otherwise, the original pages of the ADA will be replaced with revised pages. b. Revised pages will have a "Page Number (R) - Date" notation, with "Page Number" being the number of the original page, "(R)" indicating that the page was revised, and "Date" stating the date of the revision. 12. Submit an annual report to the Council, and the Department of Community Affairs on each anniversary date of the effective date of the development order. The annual report shall include, at a minimum a complete response to each question in Exhibit 3. 13. Record, within 30 days of the effective date of the development order, notice of the adoption of the development order with the Clerk of the Monroe County Groot Court pursuant to s. 380.06(15), F.S., specifying that the development order runs with the land and is binding on the applicant, its successors, and assigns, jointly or severally. 14. Ensure that adequate service provisions are made available to the Marathon Airport Terminal to meet the requirements established in the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. 15. Identify in the development order any approved development, including the acreage attributable to each approved land use, open space, areas for preservation, and green belts; and the structures and improvements to be placed on the property, including locations, acreages, gross square footage, number of units, and other major characteristics or components of the development. 16. Establish December 31, 2003, as the date until which the Marathon Airport Terminal Expansion Development of Regional Impact shall not be subject to down-zoning, unit density reduction, or intensity reduction, unless it can be demonstrated substantial changes made by the applicant in the conditions underlying the approval of the development order have occurred, or that the development order was based on 30 substantially inaccurate information provided by the applicant, or that the change is clearly essential to the public health, safety, or welfare. 17. Establish compliance dates, including a deadline for compliance with conditions of approval or requirements associated with phases, and include a termination date that reasonably reflects the time required to complete the development. For purposes of this paragraph, physical development means development as defined in s. 380.04, F.S. The termination date for completing development shall be December 31, 2003, provided that the applicant, its successors, and assigns, complies with Condition 13, herein. The termination date may only be modified in accordance with s. 380.06(19)(c), F.S. 18. Establish an expiration date for the development order. 19. Establish the effective date of the development order as 45 days from transmittal of the development order to the Department of Community Affairs, the South Florida Regional Planning Council, and applicant; provided however that if the development order is appealed, the development order will take effect on the day after all appeals have been withdrawn or resolved pursuant to s. 380.07(2), F.S. 20. Meet the following state criteria for issuance of a DR! development order: a. The development order shall specify: · The name of the development. · The authorized agent of the developer. · The name of the developer. · A statement that: The Application for Development Approval (ADA) is approved, or The ADA is approved subject to conditions, specifying the conditions, or The ADA is denied, specifying the reasons for denial and changes in the development proposal, if any, that would make it eligible to receive development approval. b. Findings of fact and conclusions of law addressing whether and the extent to which: · The development unreasonably interferes with the achievement of the objectives of an ado,pted state land development plan applicable to the area; · The development is consistent with the local land development regulations and the adopted local comprehensive plan; · The development will be consistent with the recommendations of the Council DR! Assessment pursuant to s. 380.06(14), F.S.; and, · The development makes "adequate provision for the public facilities needed to accommodate the impacts of the proposed development" or the County commits in the development order to provide these facilities consistent with the development schedule. c. A legal description of the property including acreage. 31 21. In the event the applicant, its successors, or assigns violates any of the conditions of the development order or otherwise fails to act in substantial comp6ance with the development order (hereinafter -violator"), stay the effectiveness of the development order as to the tract, or portion of the tract, in which the violative activity or conduct has occurred and withhold further permits, approvals, and services for development in said tract, or portion of the tract, upon passage of any appropriate resolution by the County, adopted in accordance with this section, finding that such violation has occurred. The violator will be given written notice by the County that states: 1) the nature of the purported violation, and 2) that unless the violation is cwed within 15 days of said notice, the County will hold a pub6c hearing to consider the matter within 30 days of the date of said notice. If the violation is not cwable in 15 days, the violator's diligent good faith efforts to cure the violation within that period will obviate the need to hold a public hearing and the development order will remain in effect unless the violator does not diligently pursue the curative action to completion within a reasonable time, in which event the County will give 15 days notice to the violator of its intention to stay the effectiveness of the development order and withhold further permits, approvals, and services as to the tract, or portion of the tract, in which the violation has occurred and until the violation is cured. For purposes of this paragraph, the word -tract- shall be defined to mean any area of development identified on the Marathon Airport Terminal Expansion Master Development Plan (Exhibit 4). In addition, the phrase 'portion of a tract- means a division of a tract into more than one ownership as created by deed or plat. 22. Designate an official to monitor compliance with all conditions of the development order and specify monitoring procedures that, at a minimum, require development order conditions to be reviewed by Monroe County prior to issuance of any development permit. 23. Incorporate the Consolidated Application for Development Approval, as revised pursuant to Condition 11, by reference into the development order as follows: ''The Cons06dated Application for Development Approval is incorporated herein by reference and re6ed upon by the parties in discharging their statutory duties under Ch. 380, F.S., and local ordinances. Substantial compliance with the representations contained in the Application for Development Approval is a condition for approval unless waived or modified by agreement among the County, the South Florida Regional Planning Council, and the app6cant, its successors, or assigns.- 24. Incorporate the Council DRI Assessment by reference into the development order. 25. Attach copies of all exhibits referenced in the development order. 32 CJ) ~ Q) > o C'tS u~ -o~ C..Q ~u.. O..c: ~.... <.J~ ..... 0 ~ -0 fJ) HC 1lQ-~ H \101 0 ~ ....~ r::lCJ) Q)-o CQ) '--0 >C ....Q) CJ)E -gE ..co fJ)~ o~ .... CJ) .- .....J ...... -- ~ - ~ ...... ~ ~ w > co ................. QI ..... .... ........ w w a. .... ........ ....... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c. ... CO~ 0.0 -- QI ~ ........ ~ ~ ~ ~ G C <II QI ~ III 0 0 III '0 ~ M ~" W ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ QlIII>-<II..c... w ""..c.a::l w 1II0~ j I ; i ; i I I ! ! j j j J i j i j j j -- Lt"l CO 0'1 .- >- ~ ~ ...... .. ...... e .... ~ ~ ~ ~ 0. ~ w ...... ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ Co ~ .... 0 e u .. ~ ...., e ..c ., i I ! J j j ...... w QI :0 o ~ .... .... .... QI ..c (I) ...., c. C. <II j ...... w ~ CO e - CO ..c u w o f-< ...... ...... >- w w ~ .a <II ., e .. <II .... ... ..c u ...... I i J ...... e w QI .... ...... .... .... ., - I >- e o l>o ...... ...... ., <II .... ::l e CO '0 lit CO ... ~ ., .a 0. 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',' .:.....~..............."!'~...,r.._.... * PROJECT ACCESS EXHIBIT 2 South Florida Regional Planning Councif Marathon Airport/Terminal Expansion ~ Project Access ~""."" "/:Ntt.,, Not to Scale Source: ADA 37 EXHIBIT 3 FORM RPM-BSP-ANNUAL REPORT-l STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DIVISION OF RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT BUREAU OF STATE PLANNING 2740 centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 904/488-4925 DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT ANNuAL REPORT Subsection 380.06(18), Florida Statutes, places the responsibility on the developer of an approved development of regional impact (DRI) for submitting an annual report to the local government, the regional planning agency, the Department of Community Affairs, and to all affected permit agencies, on the date specified in the development order. The failure of a developer to submit the report on the date specified in the development order may result in the temporary suspension of the development order by the local government until the annual report is submitted to the review agencies. This requirement applies to all developments of regional impact which have been approved since August 6, 1980. If you have any questions about this required report, call the DRI Planner at (904) 488-4925. Send the original completed annual report to the designated local government official stated in the development order with one copy to each of the following: a) The regional planning agency of jurisdiction; b) All affected permitting agencies; c) Division of Resource Planning and Management Bureau of State Planning 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 38 Format your Annual Status Report after the format example prov idea be 1 0"" . ANNUAL STATUS REPORT Reporting Period: to Month/Day/Year Month/Day/Year Development: Name of DRI Location: City County Developer: Name: :Jompany Name Address: Street Location City, State, Zip 1. Describe any changes made in the p~oposed plan of development, phasing, '~ in the representations contained in the Application for Development Approval since the Develop-, ment of Regional Impact received approval. Note any actions (substantial deviation determinations) taken by local government to address these changes. Note: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit A a detailed description of each change and copies of the modified site plan drawings. Exhibit A should also address the following additional items if applicable: a) Describe changes in the plan of development or phasing for the reporting year and for the subsequ~nt years; b) State any kno~n incremental DRI applications for development approval or requests for a substantial deviation determination that were filed in the reporting year and to be filed during the next year; 39 c) Attach a copy of any notice of the adoption of a development order or the subsequent modification of an adopted development order that was recorded by the developer pursuant to Paragraph 380.06(15) (f), F.S. 2) Has there been a change in local government jurisdiction for any portion of the development sinc~ the development order was issued? If so, has the annexing local government adopted a new pevelopment of Regional Impact development order for the project? Provide a copy of the order adopted by the annexing local government. 3) Provide copies of any revised master plans, incremental site plans, etc., not previously submitted. Note: If a response is to be more than one or t~o sentences, attach as Exhibit B. 4) Provide a summary comparison of development activity proposed and actually conducted for the reporting year as well as a cumulative total of development proposed and actually conducted to date. Example: Number of dwelling units constructed, site improve- ments, lots sold, acres mined, gross flqQr area constructed, barrels of storage capacity completed, p~rmits obtained, etc. Note: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit c. 5) Have any undeveloped tracts of land in the development (other than individual single-family lots) been sold to a separate entity or developer? If so, identify tract, its size, and the buyer. Provide maps which show the tracts involved. Tract Buyer Note: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit D. 6) Describe any lands purchased or optioned adjacent to the original Development of Regional Impact site subsequent to issuance of the development order. Identify such land, its size, and intended use on a site plan and map. Note: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit E. 40 7) List any substantial local, state, and federal permits ~hich have been obtained, applied for, or denied during this reporting per~od. Specify the agency, type of permit, and duty for each. NOTE: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit F. 8) Provide a list specifying each development order condition and each developer commitment as contained in the ADA and state hq~ and vhen each condition or commitment has been complied vith during the annual report reporting period. NOTE: Attach as Exhibit G. 9) Provide any information that is specifically required by the development order to be included in the annual report. 10) Provide a statement certifying that all persons have been sent copies of the annual report in conformance vith Subsections 380.06(15) and (18), F.S. Person completing the questionnaire: Title: Representing: . 41 c :~~..~:::~~:;;;~;~::~::::.:.:::::..~~.it~~-~~f~~:~~~=~~:.'~,':':::,~...;:;~;5=M~;::~M~~.;-~,~~1:::t:' ".:~~...""":::.._,;,,...:,:'!. ,:-":...;,"~;"'_~t<<'"f;'~"mt"';;~/H":, ~ .. /,.1' I . ^.,w' ;:I~~~~ '1!}v MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN EXHIBIT 4 South Florida Regional , Planning Cound[ Marathon Airport/Terminal Expansion . Source: ADA Not to Scale 42 EXHIBIT D FORM RPM-BSP-ANNliAL REPORT-l STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DIVISION OF RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT BUREAU OF STATE PLANNING 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 904/488-4925 DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT ANNUAL REPORT Subsection 380.06(18), Florida Statutes, places the responsibility on the developer of an approved development of regional impact (DRI) for submitting an annual report to the local government, the regional planning agency, the Department of Community Affairs, and to all affected permit agencies, on the date specified in the development order. The failure of a developer to submit the report on the date specified in the development order may result in the temporary suspension of the development order by the local government until the annual report is submitted to the review agencies. This requirement applies to all developments of regional impact which have been approved since August 6, 1980. If you have any questions about this required report, call the DRI Planner at (904) 488-4925. Send the original completed annual report to the designated local government official stated in the development order with one copy to each of the following: a) The regional planning agency of jurisdiction; b) All affected permitting agencies; c) Division of Resource Planning and Management Bureau of State Planning 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 Format your Annual Status Report after the format example ,prov.ided be 1 0"'" . ANNUAL STATUS REPORT Reporting Period: to Month/Day/Year Mont.h/Day/Year Development: Name of DRI Location: City County Developer: Name: :lotnpany Name Address: Street Location City, State, Zip 1. Describe any changes made in the p~oposed plan of development, phasing, ~ in the representations contained in the Application for Development Approval since the Develop-, ment of Regional Impact received approval. Note any actions (substantial deviation determinations) taken by local government to address these changes. Note: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit A a detailed description of each change and copies of the modified site plan drawings. Exhibit A should also address the following additional items if applicable: a} Describe changes in the plan of development or phasing for the reporting year and for the subsequ~nt years; b} State any known incremental DRI applications for development approval or requests for a substantial deviation determination that were filed in the reporting year and to be filed during the next year; 2} Attach a copy of any notice of the adoption of a development order or the subsequent modification of an adopted development order that was recorded by the developer pursuant to Paragraph 380.06(15) (f), F.S. Has there been a change in local government jurisdiction for any portion of the development sinc~ the development order was issued? If so, has the annexing local government adopted a new pevelopment of Regional Impact development order for the project? Provide a copy of the order adopted by the annexing local government. c} 3) Provide copies of any revised master plans, incremental site plans, etc., not previously submitted. Note: If a response is to be more than one or t~o sentences, attach as Exhibit B. 4) Provide a summary comparison of development activity proposed and actually conducted for the reporting year as well as a cumulative total of development proposed and actually conducted to date. Example: Number of dwelling units constructed, site improve- ments, lots sold, acres mined, gross flqQr area constructed, barrels of storage capacity completed, p~rmits obtained, etc. Note: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit c. 5) Have any undeveloped tracts of land in the development (other than individual single-family lots) been sold to a separate entity or developer? If so, identify tract, its size, and the buyer. Provide maps which show the tracts involved. Tract Buyer Note: If a response is to be more than one sentence; attach as Exhibit D. 6} Describe any lands purchased or optioned adjacent to the original Development of Regional Impact site subsequent to issuance of the development order. Identify such land, its size, and intended use on a site plan and map. Note: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit E. 7). List any substantial local, state, and federal permits which have been obtained, applied for, or denied during this reporting per~od. specify the agency, type of permit, and duty for each. NOTE: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit F. 8) Provide a list specifying each development order condition and each developer commitment as contained in the ADA and state hqw and ~hen each condition or commitment has been complied ~ith during the annual report reporting period. NOTE: Attach as Exhibit G. 9) Provide any information that is specifically required by the development order to be included in the annual report. 10) Provide a statement certifying that all persons have been sent copies of the annual report in conformance with Subsections 380.06(15) and (18), F.S. Person completing the questionnaire: Title: Representing: . EXHIBIT &- c ~~~:=~~::~~::.:::..~~ ":'" ~..="=, ~~~~~[~~-=5'~i.;~~~~~~~~..~..:~:::~::::~;;"",,:~:::~~~:;::::t~~:~;:.~ '. '" ~~~:;;;::~;::~:."..,- - -- "";;"""'0,-\". :';~__""__"____"",",I"_"'W"_' ....."':""ft~......-.........,-;.. '"'""'-~:.&', /', ';. ...... . ~;. jJ . South Florida Regional Planning Counci[ PROJECT ACCESS Marathon Airport/Terminal Expansion ~ Project Access Source: ADA ~.:::::., ::::::::::"':"':':::;:::;'. Not to Scale eJ'J "- (1) > o ('0 U\:J .- \:J"- c:.2 ~u.. O.c "-~ lJ~ \:JO c:fJ) an c:o ('0"- 0'1 0 - eJ'J ........... , (1)\:J ~ ~ C:(1) ~ .- \:J >c: .....(1) eJ'JE .gE "-0 .J::.u fJ)(1) ...... 0:::: 0 ~ eJ'J .- ....J EXHIBIT F '"' .. c .... '"'" > >- .... .., .... III o 0 .c ~ '"' .... ~ c _ .. o III .., e. ~ .... :;J .. III '"' >. lit .. .c .. .. lit - .." J.4 ~ .... '" 0"11 .... tIO .c ... III III tIO ~ nI C '" 0 - x u C ..., III ~ .. o III X ...... ..., '"'" '"' '"' ........ ...........c>.. ....... ......... >- '" ... Ill.... >. ~ .... ..... ........ u ~............ GI f"""4 ...... ....>..Q..... ...... >............ ftS ........ .........,..... 41.......... OUl...... I.t ........... ...c............ w ............:2 · C t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ GI . ........ ~ ~ ~ ~ . c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S en ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :.c~ ~ lIJ ~lIt~:; :.'"'~ :::....::2:::'5e~ lit .........c_ Cl>.'O='>......_1lI ... era...."'c ....................c:ao f'""4Q1 C ..............A...... ......Q,I.....,~ cQ ~ .c ce. 0.............., III ." III ........ > lie. IlQ nI >- C ~ ..., - ...... Cl ..., j J J J j j j j j j j j I I Ii' : J f j j ~ ! "'" ." 0 0 '"' > C .c 0 III ... :;J ... '"' .0 :;J ow >. '"' .0 ow ... .., =' :;J 0 ... '"' '"' e. III 0 III ... "'" '"' '"' '" ... III > > C ow >- '"' tV ... .. .0 '"'" C .... III '" ~ '"' .... QI QI '"'" .., .. 0 - .... .. ... C - .... .... >. > C C '"' ... III e. .... QI .... III .... ow ... 0 tV - iii '"' ... ..., ... '"' .0 .. OJ - ow ... "" u > :;J C :;J QI .. ... '"' ... .... . > .. .. ...... - '"' .... 0 .. I .... e. III ... III III >- C .c .a ... OJ tV e. OJ .... a. II .. nI III - C tV <J ... .. .. - 0 0 C "'" - 0 > II :;J C 0 tIO III II) ~ e. II) u ~ .. IlO C U ... 0 '"' ... IlO g. "" :;J ...... =' & III 0 U QI nI QI ..., C .... .... III nI ...... 0 u ..., :;J tV U ...... ... .... .c nI ow .. - ... Q/ IlQ 1 0 ... '"' u ...... Cl ow U .. .c tIO ... tV .a I ..., ..:I I f-o '" ..., ... ..., ...... J a. .... C .c a. ..., ...... - j I .... .. .... - U III >c e. III .. '"' ! ! 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".. ~.".._.~_.......\ !.,i-.....-.'''''''''''...''''''''....'\ !../..,~"'...._..""...,.""."".'""--MM52f.--..-"---"._--"-:-"~---'~" ''';:,.,.,..--."._,.......~....,... ! i . tAi~ ~~ MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN South Florida Regional Planning Councir Marathon Airport/Terminal Expansion A ~ Not to Scale Source: ADA , . COMPOSITE BXHIBIT A APPIlCATION FOR DBVELOPMHNT APPROVAL (SECOND SUFFICIENCY RESPONSE) This documentation has been supplied with Agenda Item J-7 of the 6/29/92 BOCC meeting. (Resolution granting a Development Order for a Major Conditional Use for the Marathon Airport Terminal). We have avoided the duplication of this documentation to save time, money, and most importantly, trees.