Resolution 434-2004 OMB Schedule Item Number 4 Resolution No. 434 - 2004 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2004, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that there shaD be transfers of amounts previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2004 as, hereinafter set forth to and from the following accounts: Fund # 102- Road and Bridge From: 102-5410-22507-560630 Capital Outlay- Infrastructure Cost Center # 22507- Construction In-House Projects For the Amount: $193,023.00 To: 102-5810-86501-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center # 86501- Budgeted Transfers 102 Fund #401- Card Sound Bridge From: 401-5410-22505-560630 Capital Outlay- Infrastructure Cost Center #22505- Card Sound Road R &R For the Amount: $172,549.00 To: 401-5810-86503-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86503- Budgeted Transfers 401 Fund #414- MSD Solid Waste ..i1 From: 414-5130-85537-590990 Reserves- Other Uses Cost Center #85537- Reserves 414 For the Amount: $92,719.00 To: 414-5810-86506-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86506- Budgeted Transfers 414 r'" C' . I :J1 ''''0 C:-.~ ~ :~'''' I~'l r ,- .. ::.-"' :~. :.J} From: 414-5130-85537-590990 Reserves- Other Uses Cost Center #85537- Reserves 414 For the Amount: $15,950.00 To: 414-5810-86506-590923 Debt Service Cost Center #86506- Budgeted Transfers 414 Fund #504- Fleet Management Services From: 504-5190-23502-530521 Gasoline Cost Center #23502- Fleet Management Fuel For the Amount: $45,023.00 To: 504-5810-86507-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86507- Budgeted Transfers 504 Item 1 12/15/2004 Page 4 of24 From: 504-5190-23519-560640 Capital Outlay- Equipment Cost Center #23519- Vehicle Replacement For the Amount: $14,477.00 To: 504-5810-86507-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86507- Budgeted Transfers 504 Fund # 148- Planning, Building, Zoning From: 148-5150-51000-530340 Contractual Services Cost Center #51000- Comp Plan For the Amount: $177,174.00 To: 148-5810-86509-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86509- Budgeted Transfers 148 Fund # 147- Unincorporated Svc Dist Parks & Recreation From: 147-5720-20525-560630 Capital Outlay- Infrastructure Cost Center #20525- Islamorada Parks & Beaches For the Amount: $79,160.00 To: 147-5810-86514-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86514- Budgeted Transfers 147 Fund #117- TDC District 1,3 Cent From: 117-5520-77040-530340 Contractual Services Cost Center #77040- IDC Bricks & Mortar For the Amount: $32,812.00 To: 117-5810-86531-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86531- Budgeted Transfers 117 Fund # 118- IDC District 2, 3 Cent From: 118-5520-78030-530340 Contractual Services Cost Center #78030- IDC Special Events For the Amount: $18,933.00 To: 118-5810-86532-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86532- Budgeted Transfers 118 Fund #119- IDC District 3,3 Cent From: 119-5520-79040-530460 Repair & Maintenance Cost Center #79040- IDC Bricks & Mortar For the Amount: $24,538.00 To: 119-5810-86533-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86533- Budgeted Transfers 119 Fund #120- IDC District 4, 3 Cent Item 1 12/15/2004 Page 5 of24 From: 120-5520-70040-530460 Repair & Maintenance Cost Center #70040- TDC Bricks & Mortar For the Amount: $26,513.00 To: 120-5810-86534-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86534- Budgeted Transfers 120 Fund #121- IDC District 5, 3 Cent From: 121-5520-71040-530460 Repair & Maintenance Cost Center #71 040- IDC Bricks & Mortar For the Amount: $32,938.00 To: 121-5810-86535-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86535- Budgeted Transfers 121 Fund # 149- Municipal Policing From: 149-5130-85545-590990 Other Uses Cost Center #85545- Reserves 149 For the Amount: $12,350.00 To: 149-5810-86537-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86537- Budgeted Transfers Unincorporated Layton From: 149-5130-85545-590990 Other Uses Cost Center #85545- Reserves 149 For the Amount: $3,107.00 To: 149-5810-86538-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86538- Budgeted Transfers Islamorada From: 149-5130-85545-590990 Other Uses Cost Center #85545- Reserves 149 For the Amount: $4,225.00 To: 149-5810-86539-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86539- Budgeted Transfers Marathon Fund 403- Marathon Airport From: 403-5130-85535-590990 Other Uses Cost Center #85535- Reserves 403 For the Amount: $57,826.00 To: 403-5810-86504-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86504- Budgeted Transfers 403 Fund 404- Key West International Airport From: 404-5130-85536-590990 Other Uses Cost Center #85536- Reserves 404 For the Amount: $35,838.00 To: 404-5810-86505-590910 Indirect Costs Cost Center #86505 Budgeted Transfers 404 Item 112/15/2004 Page 6 of 24 BE IT FURTHER RESOL YED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above, is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items, as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15th day of December AD 2004. Mayor Spehar Mayor Pro McCoy c:;:::i7&'-~~~" Commissioner Neugent .1(~i ....;:,.. ' - ---;'..,:1:..,) C", Co .. Ri i!;i",?~j( .' "~~.~\ mm~ss~oner ce I/'~'./ ,:.;" i '?fiJ f\ '~i;\CommlSSloner Nelson Jr','//'t<".. """,.:, \ /~";:;"'.NY,, ~i';"~~;-\ (\5",tHr"~1 _" ..'___ ,_~_,-, lJAGE, Clerk ','. ". ""'::'"':;:';.'~ ;~.: .~- ,;~--::..,,, t;t;_ " i/ w- '-""",Jl.i)l':":J. t::7',~.~,<, BY~:/~~ -" Deputy Clerk ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ,{~J~ >n ~~ By Mayor/Chairperson UZANNE A. HUTTON Date SISTAN(~~~ORNEY Item 112/15/2004 Page 7 of 24