Resolution 162-1975 RESOLUTION NO.162 -1975 HHEREAS, Monroe County, Florida, holds certain portions of Old State Road S-905 Right-of-Way according to the vacated plat of Fisherman's Paradise Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 176 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, lying in Township 59 South, Range 40 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, containing 1.26 acres, more or less, and WHEREAS, Ocean Reef Club, Inc" owns a strip of land lying in the N.W. 1/4 of Section 13, Township 59 South, Range 40 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, containing 0.82 acres, more or less, which said strip is a paved right-of-way which said owner desires to exchange for the right-of-way described in the above paragraph, and WHEREAS, said County desires to acquire the lands described in the above paragraph for County road purposes, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that that portion of Old State Road S-905 Right-of-Way according to the vacated plat of Fisherman's Paradise Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 176 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, lying in Township 59 South, Range 40 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, containing 1.26 acres, more or less, being more particularly described in Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, be exchanged with Ocean Reef Club, Inc., for that strip of land lying in the N.W. 1/4 of Section 13, Township 59 South, Range 40 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, containing 0.82 acres, more or less, being more particuarly described in Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and that the Chairman and Clerk of said Board be and they are hereby authorized to execute the necessary acceptance on the Deed of conveyance from Ocean Reef Club, Inc., and cause same to be recorded in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. DATED November 4, 1975, -2- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, /\ ' 'j ~.// /1 By !/ /f~ 4/;.~;?C/~~?~ Hayor Pro Tern and Vice Chairman Attest: ,. .'/r./~/ ,. ,. /,- 1 ~,~- Z' ' ;' .- ~ (""./ ,/ .. "~' /'/ /' //.." /t./ ./ ( /,- ... >" \ 1./, ,/ {(- l L-- I----f.-.~/ .: Clerk (Seal) LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL "A" A strip of land being dedicated for public right-oF-way. lying in the N.W. 1/4 of Section 13, Township 59 South, Range 40 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Center of said Section 13; thence proceed on a true grid bearing S 880 15' 01" W along the South line of said N.W. 1/4 for 751.08 feet to an intersection with the Westerly right-of-way line of Old State Road $-905. according to the vacated plat of Fisherman's Paradise Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 3,Page 176 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, thence proceed N 30 43' 14" W along s~id Westerly right-of-way line, for a distance' of 2.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described parcel; thence proceed S 880 15' 01" W along a line that is 2,00 feet Northerly of as measured at right angles to and parallel with the South line of said N.W. 1/4: for a distance of 734.93 feet to an ir.tcrsection with. the Southeaster1yright-of-way line of New State Road 5-905. according to Florida State Road Depart~entls Right-of-Way Map, Section 90520-2601. sheet 6 of 10, last revised January 10, 1973, said point being on a circular curve concave to the Southeast, sa~d point bearing N 56027. 1B- W from the center of said curve; thence proceed Northeasterly along said Southeasterly right-of-way line, along the arc of said curve, having {or its elements a radius of 3744.72 feet and a central angle of 00 56' 34" for an arc distance of 61.62 feet to an intersection with a line that is 52.00 feet tlortherly of as measured at right angles to and parallel wi th sai d South 1 i ne; thence proceed N 880 15' 0111 E a long the 1 ast described parallel line for a distance of 697.20 feet to an intersection with said Westerly right-of-way line of Old State Road S-905,.thenc~ proceed S 30 431 14" E along said Westerly right-of-way line for 50.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ' Said parcel contains 0.82 acres, more or less.