Resolution 172-1975 RESOLUTION No. 172-1975 WHEREAS, the SHenlnn On Monnoe County, Flonlda, ha~ pnevlou~ly necommended that he be authonlzed to allow non County Pnl~onen~, In addltlon to tlme cnedlt~, extna good tlme allowance no~ menltonlou~ conduct On exceptlonal lndu~tny, In accondance wlth the pnovl~lon~ on ~ub-~ectlon (3) on Sectlon 951.21, Flonlda STatute~, a~ on Januany 1, 1 9 6 7, and WHEREAS, It l~ nece~~any non the Boand On County Comml~~lonen~ to adopt a Re~olutlon authonlzlng ~uch pnocedune, now thenenone, BE IT RESOLVEV BY THE BOARV OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIV~, that the Shenlnn On Monnoe County, Flonlda, be, and he l~ heneby authonlzed to allow non the nollowlng county pnl~onen~: Onlglnal Vate New Relea~e Vate JERRY BENSON 12-30-75 12-16-75 In addltlon to tlme cnedlt~, extna good tlme allowance non menltonlou~ conduct On exceptlonal lndu~tny, In accondance wlth the pnovl~lon~ On ~ub-~ectlon (3) on Sectlon 951.21, made by ~ald Shenlnn nnom thl~ date be, and the ~ame ane heneby appnoved. Vate: November 25, 1975 Monnoe County Boand on county~c m '~~lon ",- //. By '7~ p ,,) 1 ,I \ 1'..../'