Resolution 175-1975 RESOLUTION NO. 175-1975 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A LOCAL FILL PERMIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES,253.124(8). WHEREAS, ESTES FISHING CP~P, INC. wishes to conduct maintenance excavation and with the spoil material to fill certain lands leased by it from the State of Florida as a fish camp lease in Section 27, Township 63S, Range 37E at Whale Harbor Channel, Monroe County; WHEREAS, it has requested the county for a permit to dredge and fill said lands, and WHEREAS, Florida Statutes, ~253.124(8) requires a permit to be issued by the local governing authority to fill reclaimed submerged lands that have been eroded by artificially induced erosion, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the County Commission does hereby authorize ESTES FISHING CAMP, INC. to dredge and fill on this property as shown on the attached survey sketch dated November 12, 1974. Section 2. That the County Clerk be and she is hereby directed to mail a certified copy of this Resolution to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida, Southeast Region, 200 S.E. Sixth Street, Courthouse Square Building, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. 2 day of December 197 5 . _ADOPTED this -~~-~/ . ~ ,//' /(T~ . CHAIR11AN, BD. OF COUNTY CO~MISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY ATTEST: , ..----=::> .' ~.d'J D~ I ...... u, (.;v/ t' '- --z., '- C TN~ CLERK ,..' v 2'-.......: i<e Normal High Tide :> ,,~;~~,,},:\ \1 i.~' ):: "'''\''. j, ",,0\)'"'' . . .. ~" . P:roj~~ e" :,}f:l ":;! Site \ ~ );~~ N ':>e..~~ c. ~ ~ .! ; 'l- ~ilo/e It l'0 "..: '1,) ,,{}>c>?J ~ 24:~~~~l1t1e~ 23 C. / ~C>~ 2726 \.'" ~ o Yards 1000 L . Source:N.O.S. Chart 141-SC · \Originol Na"tural Limestone Bottom Typical Section of Dredge Area Tidal Range According to N.D. A.A. Tide Tobles 0.0' M.L.~ Silt a Mud Deposited by Tidal Action to be Removel - --- ..- - - NOTES: 4.) are in feet and refer to Mean Sea Level (Shown thus: -21) LEGEND: Area of maint. dredging E2 Spoil deposit area Typicai Section Spoil Dike / / / / ~ 9J 3) by: Estes Fishing Camp Inc. Rural Route 't fslamorada Monroe County t Florida MAINTt.NANCE DREDGING AND RE- CLAMATION OF ERODED LAND. NOVEM8ER 12. 1974 ~ --...J~ ::::J ~ Ci ~ ~ -