Resolution 182-1975 RESOLUTION NO. 182 -1975 WHEREAS, WALTER C. ZENNIEL, President, General Products Division, has requested the Department of Transportation State of Florida to sell him all of Sabal Street adjoining Lots 102, 103, 105, 106 and 107 of the Resubdivision of Yacht Club Island, Duck Key, as shown on map recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 82 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, as shown on the attached sketch. A legal description of said street is atta,ched hereto and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, the said Department of Transportation State of Florida has requested the Board to advise it if said Board has any objections to the declaring of Sabal Street surplus to be sold to the adjoining property owner by said Department, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO}~ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that it hereby advises the Department of Trans- portation State of Florida, that said Board does not have any objec- tions to the Department of Transportation State of Florida declaring said land surplus and selling to the said WALTER C. ZINNIEL, President, General Products Division, the street known as Sabal Street adjoining Lots 102, 103, 105, 106 and 107 of the Resubdivision of Yacht Club Island, Duck Key, as shown on map recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 82 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Department of Transportation State of Florida for appropriate action. DATED December 9, 1975. OF By (Seal) Attest :-----/ ./- M/<<- ~J~ L-- / Cle~ f~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SABAL STREET That part of Sabal Street according to the Resubdivision of Yacht Club Island, Duck Key, Section 4, according to the plat as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 82 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, lying southeasterly of the northeasterly prolongation of the northwesterly line of Lot 107 of said Yacht Club Island, Duck Key, Section 4 Subdivision, and lying southeasterly of the southwesterly prolongation of the northwesterly lot line of Lot 102 of said Yacht Club Island, Duck Key, Section 4 Resubdivision. '). c. '"":' ",' ') ! Uf).! I-'~ 10 SEe ~o,~05Qt!~.?601 ROtD ~O. _____.____ COLINTY _~Nfif2E_ FA F NO. TOWNSHIP 65 - S RANGE~-E SECTION "~ 2$' I ! RESU BDIVISION OF YACHT PB. 5 DUCK KEY, SECTION 4 ---- .. ----4 _ f SEAVIEW DRIVE -... .. <;) k <;) L '''-' ~ i~ 't...:.. !... ::: IJ) 109 lOB lOT -~\ 100 -, tL '" \ -0 ~\ \ ~ ':.~.. \, .. /0/ Q, , \ \. \ ... -\ 3~ CL c , /02 ~\ \ 9113P \ tL~ \, \ ~-It'" - 0 't- \ 9J7~,'-- :r.,\"3,~'~1-59;'::'~' 1'~~\. ~ c>'" \~ ,_ .-s 5ODI5 5~ tI 99'" I \ /35.58 'ES" . \ -~ " 't~:'!~ \. I .S3C'f,;O! Lt' ~ I /..-/ 13 . ... --. ---------- - ~ / ... - 98 103 r 2$' T~' '?! I '" '.... cc.. <;) ~ ,"> ~ ~ "'l: .. -.J .., '" .., I ! 0' ;0'" ~.. 11250' i~ 3'ESM'r. I .. ,'0 _ ~ 1'.5' I I J I 110 <;) 0\ 106 9/.67' 9i.6'" i ~ .. ~03 -: / ~-~ ;.-~- ,/ - /' -~~ ...- /' ~ \ /~ III 104 I<) 00 1:J5 \ // -- ,- ~-:;--- ATLANTIC OCEAN THAT PART OF SABLE STREET ACCORDING TO THE RESUBDIVISION CF Y,4CHT CLUE IS!..AND, DeCK KEY, SECT/ON 4, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT AS ilECCF:'ED IN Pf..A T BOOK 5, PAGE 82 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUN TY, ~L:;RIDA, LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE NORTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NOR TH WE STERa LiNE OF LOT lOT OF SAID YACHT CLUB ISLAND, Di. .~K rEy, SECTiON';' S:./5D/ViSION, AN/:, LY/.';'G SOUTHEASTERLY Of THE S(i:.JT.-:- y,,-ES-:EFfLY F',t;'OLC_'\':AT/CJ~ ~r 7""/-;: !r':;',I1)T!7Y;~F.S~.:PLY LOT :"'J.A~'F OF' LeT l~-- vF SAID 'rA::,-j; C:'L.E /Si.A','[', f:L:r rEYl C'ECT/DA 4, RESi S:-.'V/SICN. AREA Ft...FiENT TRACT f------- - D~.~~R~~AETN~ ~~ t---- iPt.RCEL SK~TCH FROM OFFICiAL RiGHT OF , OF SE':'TiJN_.9C"_c?-260/___STATE ROAD iN",' -"'; ','!?JE "'LORiDA TRA"lSPORTATION WAY '''.AP ,_ COJNTY I I"LCRiCA ~.r-'~A ......~- /1, 481 sQ. ft CATED /2- (;.5 _____ REVISED AREA CF RE\~~.INDER SH,)..:I'~:; R::>HT OF WAY OR EASEMENT Rl :>HTS iN RELATl()~ TO PR:l?ERTY OF ,- SCt.",E ! /0' ._ c:;,t.v" 5'1: ::::-5E':""'~_:!_~-E: /;'"-..:;.'3- ~7