Resolution 352-1992 , James B. P't{ios-'r f"1P' Public SafJt~bi'vihort.. "tl . RESOLUTION NO. 352 - 1992 '92 JUL 23 P 2 :1 8 '):,/-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF C L r MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION ~l)HRO[ I GRANT APPLICATIONS TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES, TO FUND AN EMERGENCY TRANSPORT VEHICLE PROJECT AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF SAME BY THE PROPER COUNTY AUTHORITIES. . .....,.--- \-lL , r\ L.t JUH if FL.t,. WHEREAS, The Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services, is accepting applications for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Matching Grant funds, and WHEREAS, the grant is for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 1992 and ending on September 31, 1993; and WHEREAS, the total grant application is for $ 55,000.00 ~% match requirement; and , with a WHEREAS, the $13,750.00 match requirement is proposed for inclusion in the County budget request for Fiscal Year 1993; and WHEREAS, the emergency transport vehicle project will, if awarded and accepted, be used to re-chassisjrefurbish one (1) ambulance; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That said Board has been notified of the availability of matching grant program funds from the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services. 2. That the Monroe County Department of Emergency Medical Services is hereby authorized to submit applications for grant funds to the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services, to improve and expand Monroe County's EMS systems. ...; 3. That said Board hereby directs the execution of the grant applications by the proper County Authorities. 4. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Board and execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. ~ASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~ day of July , A.D. 1992. Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner stormont Yes Yes Yes Not present Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . .. d.l_ By ,\..U"l\~.~;~r ~.~ ~~ (Seal) Attest : DANNY L KOLHAGE C . , lerk -L2L ~1.j)/ Cl k r APpro~~ to form and legal SUffi?; U- By: County Attorney's Office ID Code to be Assigned by State EMS Office: MZ _ _ _ Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Office of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) MATCHING GRANT APPLICATION 1. Legal Name of Agency/Organization: Board of County Cornnissioners, Monroe County, Florida Name and Title of Mayor /Chainnan , Grant Signer: Wilhelmina Harvey, - Mailing 490 63rd Street, Suite 140 Address: Marathon, Fl. 33050 County: Monroe Telephone Number: (305) 289-6002 SunCom Number: 472-6002 2. Name and Title of Contact Person: James R. "Reggie" Paras, Public Safety Director Mailing 490 63rd Street, Suite 140 Address: Marathon, Fl. 33050 Telephone Number: (305) 289-6002 SunCom Number: 472-6002 3. Legal Status of Agency/Organization: (Check only one) Your rlSC8l year: 10/01 9/30 Private Not for Profit (you mull provide copy of certificate) BEGINS ENDS Private for Profit .lL Public 4. Agency/Organization's Federal Tax Identification Number nine digits VF 2.......L --2- ~ ~ ~ L -L --2.... s. Identify the one ltate plan objective thi. project primarily addreuc.: Objective #: 13 . 6 6. Type of Project: (Check only one): CommunicatioDl Continuing Profe..ional Education (medical director mutt .iiD Item 16a) ..x.. Emergency Tranaport Vehicle. Public Education Syltcm Evaluation/Quality AllUraDCe Reacarch McdicallReacue Equipment (.ignabJre. required for ItelDl 16b and 16c) Doc. your project include the purchaac of any communicatioDl equipment? yes x No HRS Fonn 1767, March 89 1 ',' For both the need and outcome statements: include all available numeric data, the time frame for the data, the data source, the number of people who will directly receive project services, and other information which clearly identifies your need and expected outcome for this project. 7. Need Statement (use only the space below): The vehicle maintenance reJ?Orts and records in the Monroe County EMS Office show that one of nine ambulances operated by our service currently has an odometer reading of 49,167. Based upon past experience and anticipated usage, the vehicle will accumulate another 24,583 miles within the next 12 rronths. Therefore, according to our existing vehicle maintenance program, the vehicle should be rechassis/refurbished. 8. Outcome Statement (use only the space below): The project will provide for an existing ambulance to be rechassis/refurbished. The result will be increased operational reliability and decreased downtime for repairs. 9. Improvement and Expansion of Prehospital EMS. Describe how your project improves and expands prehospital EMS. Also, show how it builds coordination and cooperation with other EMS systems. The project will ensure that this vehicle is operating properly and efficiently and therefore able to respond to requests for EMS. 10. Research Projects Only: If you are !!2! conductiDl a re_rch project, Kip thia item and '0 to Item 11. If you are conductiDla re_rch project, attach at the end of the application concise ltatementa of the hypotheail, deliJll!method, inltrumenta, method I to protect human IUbjecta, any lirnitationa involviDl the ltudy. research illBtnlmenta, fonnl and liltillJl of other relevant ltudiel. 11. Major Work Activities and Time Frames (Use only the space below): Develop specifications and bid project within 6 rronths after grant begins. Have rechassis/refurbished ambulance operational within 11 rronths after grant begins. 2 APPLICANT State Cash Grant CATEGORIES Match Funds TOTAL 12. Salaries and Benefits: TOTALSAL~andBENEnTS 13. Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES APPLICANT State Cash Grant CATEGORIES Match Funds TOTAL 14. Equipment: Refurbish/rechassis (1) ALS pennitted emergency transport vehicle @$55,000.00 13,750.00 41,250.00 55,000.00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT COSTS $13,750.00 41,250.00 55,000.00 3 APPLICANT State Cash Grant CATEGORIES Match Funds TOTAL 15. Final Summary - Total of salaries and benefits, expenses and equipment, all combined $ 13,750 $ 41,250 $ 55,000 :::===:====:: ======== ========= The above figure The above figure The above figure must equal 25 percent mUM equal 75 mUM equal the of the total Percent of the 111m of the total preceding two columna Note: You may attach a page or pages to explain and justify as necessary the need for any and all positions, expenses, and equipment in terms of the items, their quantities, their costs, and their roles in the project. 4 " APPLICATION ITEM 17 (signature required) REQUFST FOR MATCHING GRANT DISTRIBUTION (ADV ANCE PAYMENT) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS) Governmental Agency and Non-profit Entity ONLY In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 401. 11 3(2)(b) , F.S., the undersigned hereby requests an EMS matching grant distribution (advance payment) for the improvement and expansion of prehospital EMS. Payment To: Board of County Comnissioners , Monroe County, Florida . Legal Name of Agency/Organization 490 63rd Street, SUlte 140 (City) Address FL (State) 33050 Marathon (Zip) SIGNATURE: t \_~:~'1~._ Printed Name: Wilhelmina Harvey thorized Official DATE: July 15, 1992 itle: Mayor /Chainnan SIGN AND RETURN WITH YOUR MATCHING GRANT APPLICATION TO: APPROV;;;;AI;. 'fOFOl7!/f Department ofHea1th and Rehabilitative Services ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, LERK AND LEPlJ~C!E"CY. Office of En;~;n:a::g~::~ces (HSTM) By f~ Deputy Clerk ~'" ._-l~ 1317 Winewood Boulevard ,.,,~~;:._.':.t:'rl~."t .0 .!",r;.....,~. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Matching Grant Amount: $ Approved By: For Use Only by Department of Health and Rehabilitative Service., Office of Eme1'lency Medical Service. Grant ID Code: M2 ---- Date: Signature, State EMS Grant Officer State Fiscal Year: Amount: $ Oraanization Code 60-20-60-30-100 E.O. HS Obiect Code Federal Tax IO V F: --------- Grant Beginning Date: Ending Oate: 6 18. ASSURANCES AND APPLICATION SIGNATURE Certification of Standards Statement I, the undersigned, certify that if granted funds under Chapter 401, Part II, F.S.; as amended, all applicable regulations and standards will be adhered to including: Chapter 401, F.S.; Chapter 100-66, F.A.C.; Minimum Wage Act; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 ISC 20000 et. seg.); DHEW Regulation (45 CFR Part 80); Rehabilitation Act (Sec 504); Developmentally Disabled Assistance and Bill of Rights of 1975 (p.L. 95-602) as amended by Title V of the Comprehensive Rehabilitative Services Amendments of 1978: Confidentiality; Human Rights; Habilitation Plans; Employment of the Handicapped; Services for Persons Unable to Pay. Statement of Cash Commitment I, the undersigned, certify that cash match will be available during the grant period and used in direct support of this grant project. State and federal funds will not be used for matching requirements, unless specified by law. No costs or third- party contributions count towards satisfying a matching requirement of a department grant if they are used to satisfy a matching requirement of another state or federal grant. Cash, salaries, fringe benefits, expenses, equipment, and other expenses as listed on this application shall be committed and used for the department's final approved project during the grant period. Acceptance of Tenns and Conditions I, the undersigned, accept the grant tenns and conditions in Appendix B of the booklet, "1992 Florida EMS Matching Grant Program", by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and acknowledge this when funds are drawn or otherwise obtained from the grant payment system. Disclaimer I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the facts and information contained in this application and any follow-up documents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. I further understand that if it is subsequently determined that this is not correct, the grant funded under Chapter 401, Part II, F.S. and Chapter 100-66, F.A.C., may be revoked, and any monies erroneously paid and interest earned will be refunded to the department with any penalties which may be imposed by law or applicable regulations. Notification of Awards I, the undersigned, understand the availability of the notice of award will be advertised in the Florida Administrative Weekly, and that 30 calendar days after this Florida Administrative Weekly advertisement I waive any right to challenge or protest in anyway the decisions to award grants. Maintenance of Imorovement and Expansion I, the undersigned, agree that any improvement or expansion brought about in whole or part by grant funds, will be maintained for five years after the project ends, unless specified otherwise in the approved application or unless the department agrees in writing to allow a change. Any unauthorized change within the five years will necessitate the return of grant funds involved, plus interest if any to the department. '{ -- July 15, 1992 Date Signature of Authorized Grant Signer (Individual Identified in Item 1) NOTE: Please check to insure that all required signatures have been made for Items 16, 17, and 18. The application will not be considered for funding without any required signature. ATTEST: ANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By 7 A~r:ltl:JTO FORM AN~ t;~cr. ('" , . Attorney'& Office