Resolution 074A-1968 , 1968. Au~ust 11th Dated MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA, that the decision of the Zoning Board, made at its public hearing held July 26, 1968, denying the request of Frank Gordon for a variance to permit expansion of an existing trailer park on Part of Sec- tion 32, Townshil- 61 South, Range 30 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, be, and the same is hereby reversed, and the appea.l filed by the said Frank Gordon, requesting the Board of County Commissioners to re- verse the decision of said Zoning Board be, and the same is hereby granted. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF' COL;NTY COMMISSIONERS OF WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Monroe County, Florida, at a public hea.ring on July 26, 1968, duly ca.lled and held in accordance with the zoning regulations of Monroe County, Florida and the law. of the State of Florida, considered the request of Frank Gordon for a variance to permit expansion of an existing trailer park on Part of Section 32, Township 61 South, Range 30 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, after taking testimony and hearing all persons desiring to be heard, said Board denied said request, and WHEREAS, the said Frank Gordon filed an appeal with the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, in accordance with the laws applicable thereto# asking said Board to reverse the decision of the Zoning Board, and WHEHEAS, on Septernber 10, 1968, the Board of County Commissioners heard such appeal, and after reviewing the record and proceedings and action taken at said public hearing on July 26, 1968, and hearing all persons desiring to be heard, voted to reverse the decision of said Zoning Board, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to pass a Resolution reversing the decision of said Zoning Board, now, therefore, RESOLUTION NO. 74 -1968 ~~, 1'<:""', 8U-l..) !{f)---j l. itfi .... /1 ......f?W-W , i:~ ~."!I!I' .. - ;';" '~ RESOLUTION l'HEREAS, TEE Zm:PlG r.Oi\RD OF Hm!POE COUNTY, FLORIOA COUNTY COMMISSION Held a ~ Hearing on SEPTEMBER 10, 1968 , duly called and ttelp in accordance tdth ,the Zoninq Regulations of r~onroe County, Flori da and the 1 at'Js of the State of Flori da cons; de red the teques t of_ FRANK GORDON for change of zoning on PARi OF ,SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 61 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST. (KEY LAfH;O) from classification VARIANCE TO PERMIT ~XPANSION OF AN EXIS: I~~ to as defined in T? PI<. the i1onroe C0unty Zoning Ret)ulations and U.:EREAS:, after tiJ.H:inq t-esti!1'!ony for and against said request said Board determined that said request should be ApPROVED REVERSED THE ZONING BOARDS ACTION NOti, THEREFORE, CE IT RESOLVED 15'1 THE ZmlmG BOARD OF HONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the request of FRANK GORDON for a change of zoning on ----'- PAR T 0 F S E C T ION 32 . To W N S HIP' 61 SOU T H , RAN G E 39 E A ST. ( KEY LA R G () ) - --. VARIANCE TO PERMIT EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING TP. ~K. from to as defi.ned in the r~onroe County Zoni ng Regulations and the same is hereby ApPROVED Date S E P T E M B E R 10, 1 968 1" :.I STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF t:lormoE ---