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Resolution 381-1992
RESOLUTION NO. 381. 1992 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 337-.1992 -.-- WHEREAS, Resolution No. 337-1992 heretofore enacted for the purpOse of amending Tourist Development Funds 107-111 and 116-121, contains certain erroneous account numbers, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Commission to rectify by amendment such errors, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNIY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN1Y, FLORIDA, that the following items: \Q ,., 1'..) , :-r: - CJ C: , , Wi ~ -::-J "u .., .' :::J b :'0 -...: .J FY 1992 Current Budget 794,524.02 15,000.00 (40,476.20) 341.719.63 1,110,767.45 Increase or (Decrease) (39,822.80) 1,574.18 1,912.43 (23.672.56) (60,008.75) Revenues 10700000o 312100 Bed Tax 107 00000o 361000 Interest 107 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve 107 00000o 389002 Balance Forward Total Revenues - District I FY 1992 Proposed Budget 754,701.22 16,574.18 (38,563.77) 318.047.07 1,050,758.70 Appropriations 107 110300 552471 District I Events 60,198.44 (60,008.75) 189.69 Various All Others Unchanged 1.050.569.01 Q..QQ 1.050.569.01 Total Appropriations - District I 1,110,767.45 (60,008.75) 1,050,758.70 1WO PENNY - DISTRICT n FY 1992 Increase FY 1992 Currem oc Pr~osed Budget (Decrease) Budget 62,264.22 3,932.28 66,196.50 5,500.00 (1,083.68) 4,416.32 (3,388.21) (142.43) (3,530.64) 83.121.86 4.485.19 87.607.05 147,497.87 7,191.36 154,689.23 Revenues 108 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 108 00000o 361000 Interest 108 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve 108 00000o 389002 Balance Forward Total Revenues - District n Appropriations 108 110300 552471 District II Events 74,114.63 7,191.36 81,305.99 Various All Others Unchanged 73.383.24 Q..OO 73.383.24 Total Appropriations - District II 147,497.87 7,191.36 154,689.23 Page 1 'lWO PENNY - DISTRICT In FY 1992 Current Bud2.et 165,194.63 6,000.00 (8,559.73) 51.404.87 214,039.77 Revenues 109 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 109 000000 361000 Interest 109 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve 109 00000o 389002 Balance Forward Total Revenues - District m Increase or (Decrease) 4,992.35 (4,929.08) (3.16) (4.924.40) (4,864.30) FY 1992 Proposed Budget 170,186.98 1,070.92 (8,562.89) 46.480.47 209,175.47 Appropriations 109 110300 552471 District ill Events 5,019.97 (4,864.30) 155.67 Various All Others Unchanged 209.019.80 Q.OO 209.019.80 Total Appropriations - District m 214,039.77 (4,864.30) 209,175.47 'lWO PENNY - DISTRICT IV FY 1992 Increase FY 1992 Current or Proposed Bud2.et (Decrease) Budget 166,705.50 23,109.52 189,815.02 8,500.00 (4,202.32) 4,297.68 (8,760.28) (945.36) (9,705.63) 85.418.29 n.149.89} 84.268.40 251,863.52 16,811.95 268,675.46 Revenues 110 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 110 00000o 361000 Interest 110 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve 110 00000o 389002 Balance Forward Total Revenues - District IV Appropriations 110 110300 552471 District IV Events 8,549.14 16,811.95 25,361.09 Various All Others Unchanged 243.314.38 Q..OO 243.314.38 Total Appropriations - District IV 251,863.52 16,811.95 268,675.46 'NO PENNY - DISTRICT V FY 1992 Increase FY 1992 Current or Proposed Budget (Decrease} Budget 189,347.95 46,786.28 236,134.23 7,300.00 (2,311.10) 4,988.90 (9,832.40) (2,223.76) (12,056.16) 93.086.20 (200.44} 92.885.76 279,901.75 42,050.98 321,952.73 Revenues 111 00000o 312100 Bed Tax III 00000o 361000 Interest III 00000o 38900 1 Less 5% Reserve III 00000o 389002 Balance Forward Total Revenues - District V Appropriations 111 110300 552471 District V Events 11,683.04 42,050.98 53,734.02 Various All Others Unchanged 268.218.71 Q.OO 268.218.71 Total Appropriations - District V 279,901.75 42,050.98 321,952.73 Page 2 TWO PENNY - P&A Revenues 116 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 11600000o 361000 Interest 116 00000o 38900 1 Less 5% Reserve 116 00000o 389002 Balance Forward Total Revenues - P&A FY 1992 Current Budget 2,559,210.31 35,000.00 (129,710.52) 582.025.93 3,046,525.72 Increase or (Decrease) 72,424.15 (20,721.46) (2,585.13) (89.674.87) (40,557.32) FY 1992 Proposed Budget 2,631,634.46 14,278.54 (132,295.65) 492.351.06 3,005,968.41 Appropriations 116 110200 552480 Promotional Advertising 2,179,925.35 (29,808.32) 2,150,117.03 116 110200 552640 Capital Outlay 60,000.00 (10,749.00) 49,251.00 Various All Others Unchanged 806.600.37 Q...QQ 806.600.37 Total Appropriations - P&A 3,046,525.72 (40,557.32) 3,005,968.41 TWO PENNY - ADMlNISTRA11VE FY 1992 Increase FY 1992 Current or Proposed Budget (Decrease) Budget 296,351.90 8,386.58 304,738.48 2,595.00 (595.00) 2,000.00 (14.947.351 (389.581 (15.336.92) 283,999.56 7,402.00 291,401.56 Revenues 116 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 116 00000o 361000 Interest 11600000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve Total Revenues - Administrative Appropriations 116 110400 552344 Admin. Reserves 3,919.30 21,902.00 25,821.30 116 110400 552343 Contractual Services 190,565.95 (14,500.00) 176,065.95 Various All Others Unchanged 89.514.31 Q...QQ 89.514.31 Total Appropriations - Administrative 283,999.56 7,402.00 291,401.56 TRlRD PENNY - DIS'IRlCT I FY 1992 Increase FY 1992 Current or Proposed Budget (Decrease) Budget 1,220,467.01 (61,171.74) 1,159,295.27 15,000.00 (191.80) 14,808.20 90,000.00 (27,323.90) 62,676.10 (66,273.35) 4,434.37 (61,838.98) 1,536,733.97 (1,345,428.81) 191,305.16 Q...QQ 1.161.836.51 1.161.836.51 2,795,927.63 (267,845.37) 2,528,082.26 Revenues 117 00000o 312105 Bed Tax 117 000000 361000 Interest 117 00000o 361001 Interest - Bchs 117 00000o 38900 1 Less 5% Reserve 117 00000o 389003 Balance Forward 117 00000o 389004 Balance Forward - Bchs Total Revenues - District I Appropriations 117 110500 552888 Reserves for District 190,000.00 (190,000.00) 0.00 117 110501 552990 Admin. Reserves 5,428.72 2,527.59 7,956.31 117 110502 552465 District Telemarketing 195,000.00 (80,372.96) 114,627.04 Various All Others Unchanged 2.405.498.91 Q...QQ 2.405.498.91 Total Appropriations - District I 2,795,927.63 (267,845.37) 2,528,082.26 Page 3 THIRD PENNY - DISTRICT n FY 1992 Current Budget 95,643.97 14,000.00 (5,482.20) 158.962.03 263,123.80 Revenues 118 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 118 00000o 361000 Interest 118 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve 118 00000o 389002 Balance Forward Total Revenues - District n Increase or (Decrease) 6,040.36 (7.310.58) 63.51 f26.388.22) (27.594.93) FY1992 Proposed Budget 101,684.33 6,689.42 (5,418.69) 132.573.81 235,528.87 Appropriations 118 110500 552888 Reserves for District 22,667.61 (22,667.61) 0.00 118 110501 552990 Admin. Reserves 287.38 36.20 323.58 118 110503 552990 Capital Projects Reserves 216.05 (216.05) 0.00 118 110504 552990 Special Events Reserves 4,839.98 (4,747.47) 92.51 Various All Others Unchanged 235.112.78 0.00 235.112.79 Total Appropriations - District n 263,123.80 (27,594.93) 235,528.87 THIRD PENNY - DISTRICT m FY 1992 Increase FY 1992 Current or Proposed Budget fDecrease) Budget 253,755.18 7,668.75 261,423.93 15,000.00 (12,497.76) 2,502.24 (13,437.76) 241.45 (13,196.31) 138.640.67 f80.208.57) 58.432.10 393,958.09 (84,796.13) 309,161.96 Revenues 119 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 119 00000o 361000 Interest 119 00000o 38900 1 Less 5% Reserve 11900000o 389002 Balance Forward Total Revenues - District m Appropriations 119 110500 552888 Reserves for District 80.208.57 (80,208.57) 0.00 119 110501 552990 Admin. Reserves 849.61 137.63 987.24 119 110504 552990 Special Events Reserves 7,500.00 (4,725.20) 2.774.80 Various All Others Unchanged 305.399.91 Q.OO 305.399.91 Total Appropriations - District m 393,958.09 (84,796.13) 309,161.96 THIRD PENNY - DISTRICT IV FY 1992 Increase FY 1992 Current or Proposed Budget (Decrease) Budget 256.076.03 35,498.50 291,574.53 46,000.00 (20,762.58) 25,237.42 (15,103.80) (736.80) (15.840.60) 584.906.11 (117.008.56) 467.897.55 871,878.34 (103.009.44) 768,868.90 Revenues 12000000o 312100 Bed Tax 120 00000o 361000 Interest 12000000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve 120 00000o 389002 Balance Forward Total Revenues - District IV Appropriations 120 110500 552888 Reserves for District 117,224.17 (102.589.47) 14,634.70 120 110501 552990 Admin. Reserves 1,799.25 (419.97) 1,379.28 Various All Others Unchanged 752.854.92 Q.OO 752.854.92 Total Appropriations - District IV 871,878.34 (103,009.44) 768,868.90 Page 4 THIRD PENNY - DISTRICT V FY 1992 Current Budget 290,857.07 42,000.00 18,000.00 (17,542.85) 661,068.08 Q.,.QQ 994,382.30 Revenues 121 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 121 00000o 361000 Interest 121 00000o 361001 Interest (CC) 121 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve 121 00000o 389002 Balance Forward 121 00000o 389003 Balance Forward (CC) Total Revenues - District V Increase or (Decrease) 71,868.32 (25,001.30) (5,401.30) (2,073.29) (355,830.09) 233.543.99 (82,893.67) FY 1992 Proposed Budget 362,725.39 16,998.70 12,598.70 (19,616.14) 305,237.99 233.543.99 911,488.63 Appropriations 121 110500 552888 Reserves for District 121,480.97 (81,711.89) 39,769.08 121 110501 552990 Admin. Reserves 2,054.52 (1,181.78) 872.74 Various All Others Unchanged 870.846.81 Q.QQ 870.846.81 Total Appropriations - District V 994,382.30 (82,893.67) 911,488.63 Total All Revenues 10,653,865.79 Total All Appropriations 10,653,865.79 are hereby amended to read as follows: (598,113.62) (598,113.62) 10,055,752.17 10,055,752.17 Revenues 107 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 107 00000o 361000 Interest 107 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve 107 00000o 389002 Balance Forward. Total Revenues - District I FY 1992 Current Budget 794,524.02 15,000.00 (40,476.20) 341.719.63 1,110,767.45 Increase or (Decrease) (39,822.80) 1.574.18 1,912.43 f23.672.56) (60,008.75) FY 1992 Proposed Budget 754,701.22 16,574.18 (38,563.77) 318.047.07 1,050,758.70 Appropriations 107 110300 552471 District! Events 60,198.44 (60,008.75) 189.69 Various All Others Unchanged 1.050.569.01 Q.,.QQ 1.050.569.01 Total Appropriations - District I 1,110,767.45 (60,008.75) 1,050,758.70 Page 5 1WO PENNY - DISTRICT n FY 1992 Current Budg.et 62,264.22 5,500.00 (3.388.21) 83.121.86 147,497.87 Revenues lOB 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 108 00000o 361000 Interest lOB 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve lOB 00000o 389002 Balance FOIWard Total Revenues - District n Increase or (Decrease) 3,932.28 (1,083.68) (142.43) 4.485.19 7,191.36 FY 1992 Proposed Budget 66,196.50 4.416.32 (3,530.64) 87.607.05 154,689.23 Appropriations lOB 110300 552471 DistrictllEvents 74.114.63 7,191.36 81.305.99 Various All Others Unchanged 73.383.24 Q.OO 73.383.24 Total Appropriations - District n 147.497.87 7.191.36 154.689.23 1WO PENNY - DISTRICTm FY 1992 Increase FY 1992 Current or Proposed Budget (Decrease) Budget 165.194.63 4.992.35 170.186.98 6,000.00 (4.929.08) 1.070.92 (8.559.73) (3.16) (8,562.89) 51.404.87 f4.924.4O} 46.480.47 214.039.77 (4.864.30) 209.175.47 Revenues 109 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 109 00000o 361000 Interest 109 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve 109 00000o 389002 Balance Forward Total Revenues - District UI Appropriations 109 110300 552471 District III Events 5.019.97 (4.864.30) 155.67 Various All Others Unchanged 209.019.80 Q.OO 209.019.80 Total Appropriations - District m 214,039.77 (4.864.30) 209,175.47 1WO PENNY - DISTRICT IV FY 1992 Increase FY 1992 Current or Proposed Budg.et (Decrease) Budget 166.705.50 23.109.52 189.815.02 8,500.00 (4.202.32) 4.297.68 (8.760.28) (945.36) (9.705.63) 85.418.29 n.149.89} 84.268.40 251.863.52 16.811.95 268.675.46 Revenues 110 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 110 00000o 361000 Interest 110 00000o 38900 1 Less 5% Reserve 110 00000o 389002 Balance FOIWard Total Revenues - District IV Appropriations 110 110300 552471 District IV Events 8.549.14 16.811.95 25,361.09 Various All Others Unchanged 243.314.38 Q.OO 243.314.38 Total Appropriations - District IV 251.863.52 16.811.95 268,675.46 Page 6 'IWO PENNY - DISTRICT V FY 1992 Current Budget 189,347.95 7,300.00 (9,832.40) 93.086.20 279,901.75 Revenues 111 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 111 00000o 361000 Interest 111 00000o 38900 1 Less 5% Reserve 111 00000o 389002 Balance Forward Total Revenues - District V Increase or (Decrease ) 46,786.28 (2,311.10) (2,223.76) f200.44) 42,050.98 FY 1992 Proposed Budget 236,134.23 4,988.90 (12,056.16) 92.885.76 321,952.73 Appropriations 111 110300 552471 District V Events 11,683.04 42,050.98 53,734.02 Various All Others Unchanged 268.218.71 Q..QQ 268.218.71 Total Appropriations - District V 279,901.75 42,050.98 321,952.73 TWO PENNY - P&A FY 1992 Increase FY 1992 Current or Proposed Budget (Decrease) Budget 2,559,210.31 72,424.15 2,631,634.46 35,000.00 (20,721.46) 14,278.54 (129,710.52) (2,585.13) (132,295.65) 582.025.93 f89.674.87) 492.351.06 3,046,525.72 (40,557.32) 3,005,968.41 Revenues 116 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 116 00000o 361000 Interest 116 00000o 38900 1 Less 5% Reserve 116 00000o 389002 Balance Forward Total Revenues - P&A Appropriations 116 110200 552480 Promotional Advertising 2,179,925.35 (29,808.32) 2,150,117.03 116 110200 552640 Capital Outlay 60,000.00 (10,749.00) 49,251.00 Various All Others Unchanged 806.600.37 Q.QQ 806.600.37 Total Appropriations - P&A 3,046,525.72 (40,557.32) 3,005,968.41 TWO PENNY - ADMINISTRATIVE FY 1992 Increase FY 1992 Current or Proposed Budget (Decrease) Budget 296,351.90 8,386.58 304,738.48 2,595.00 (595.00) 2,000.00 f14.947.35) f389.58) f15.336.92) 283,999.56 7,402.00 291,401.56 Revenues 11600000o 312100 Bed Tax 11600000o 361000 Interest 11600000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve Total Revenues - Administrative Appropriations 116 110400 552344 Admin. Reserves 3,919.30 21,902.00 25,821.30 116 110400 552343 Contractual Services 190,565.95 (14,500.oo) 176,065.95 Various All Others Unchanged 89.514.31 Q..QQ 89.514.31 Total Appropriations - Administrative 283,999.56 7,402.00 291,401.56 Page 7 THIRD PENNY - DISlRICT I Revenues 117 00000o 312105 Bed Tax 117 00000o 361000 Interest 117 00000o 361001 Interest - Bchs 117 00000o 38900 1 Less 5% Reserve 117 00000o 389003 Balance Forward 117 00000o 389004 Balance Forward - Bchs Total Revenues - District I FY 1992 Current Budget 1,220,467.01 15,000.00 90,000.00 (66,273.35) 1,536,733.97 Q.QQ 2,795,927.63 Increase or (Decrease) (61,171.74) (191.80) (27,323.90) 4,434.37 (1,345,428.81) 1.161.836.51 (267,845.37) FY 1992 Proposed Budget 1,159,295.27 14,808.20 62,676.10 (61,838.98) 191,305.16 1.161.836.51 2,528,082.26 Appropriations 117 110500 552888 Reserves for District 190,000.00 (190,000.00) 0.00 117 110501 552990 Admin. Reserves 5,428.72 2,527.59 7,956.31 117 110502 552465 District Telemarketing 195,000.00 (80,372.96) 114,627.04 Various All Others Unchanged 2.405.498.91 Q..OO 2.405.498.91 Total Appropriations - District I 2,795,927.63 (267,845.37) 2,528,082.26 Current or Proposed Budget (Decrease) Budget 95,643.97 6,040.36 101,684.33 14,000.00 (7,310.58) 6,689.42 (5,482.20) 63.51 (5,418.69) 158.962.03 (26.388.22) 132.573.81 263,123.80 (27,594.93) 235,528.87 Revenues 118 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 118 00000o 361000 Interest 118 00000o 38900 1 Less 5% Reserve 118 00000o 389003 Balance Forward Total Revenues - District II Appropriations 118 110500 552888 Reserves for District 22,667.61 (22,667.61) 0.00 118 110501 552990 Admin. Reserves 287.38 36.20 323.58 118 110503 552990 Capital Projects Reserves 216.05 (216.05) 0.00 118 110504 552990 Special Events Reserves 4,839.98 (4,747.47) 92.51 Various All Others Unchanged 235.112.78 0.00 235.112.79 Total Appropriations - District II 263,123.80 (27,594.93) 235,528.87 Current or Proposed Budget (Decrease) Budget 253,755.18 7,668.75 261,423.93 15,000.00 (12,497.76) 2,502.24 (13,437.76) 241.45 (13,196.31) 138.640.67 (80.208.57) 58.432.10 393,958.09 (84,796.13) 309,161.96 Revenues 11900000o 312100 Bed Tax 119 00000o 361000 Interest 119 00000o 38900 1 Less 5% Reserve 119 000000 389003 Balance Forward Total Revenues - District m Appropriations 119 110500 552888 Reserves for District 80,208.57 (80,208.57) 0.00 119 110501 552990 Admin. Reserves 849.61 137.63 987.24 119 110504 552990 Special Events Reserves 7,500.00 (4,725.20) 2,774.80 Various All Others Unchanged 305.399.91 Q.OO 305.399.91 Total Appropriations - District III 393,958.09 (84,796.13) 309,161.96 Page 8 R"evenues 120 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 12000000o 361000 Interest 120 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve 120 00000o 389003 Balance Forward Total Revenues - District IV Appropriations 120 110500 552888 Reserves for District 117,224.17 (102,589.4 7) 14,634.70 120 110501 552990 Admin. Reserves 1,799.25 (419.97) 1,379.28 Various All Others Unchanged 752.854.92 Q,OO 752.854.92 Total Appropriations - District IV 871,878.34 (103,009.44) 768,868.90 THIRD PENNY - DISTRICT V FY 1992 Increase FY 1992 Current or Proposed Budget (Decrease) Budget 290,857.07 71,868.32 362,725.39 42,000.00 (25,001.30) 16,998.70 18,000.00 (5,401.30) 12,598.70 (17,542.85) (2,073.29) (19,616.14) 661,068.08 (355,830.09) 305,237.99 Q.QQ 233.543.99 233.543.99 994,382.30 (82,893.67) 911,488.63 Revenues 121 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 121 00000o 361000 Interest 121 00000o 361001 Interest (CC) 121 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve 121 00000o 389003 Balance Forward 121 00000o 389004 Balance Forward (CC) Total Revenues - District V Appropriations 121 110500 552888 Reserves for District 121,480.97 (81,711.89) 39,769.08 121 110501 552990 Admin. Reserves 2,054.52 (1,181.78) 872.74 Various All Others Unchanged 870.846.81 Q.QQ 870.846.81 Total Appropriations - District V 994,382.30 (82,893.67) 911,488.63 THIRD ,p~NNY - DISTRICT IV FY 1992 Current Budget 256,076.03 46,000.00 (15,103.80) 584.906.11 871,878.34 Increase or (Decrease) 35,498.50 (20,762.58) (736.80) (117.008.56) (103,009.44) Total All Appropriations 10,653,865.79 (598,113.62) BE IT FUR1lIER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board, upon the receipt of the above, is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items, as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 5 t h day of August , AD. 1992. Mayor Harvey Yes Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Cheal Yes Commissioner Jones Yes Commissioner Stormont Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTI COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN1Y, FWRIDA . .. ~ ~.tl~.J~ .~, ~~ Mayor I Chainnan Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. / ~UDate orney s Office BY (SEAL) Attest: ~ L. KOLHAGE. Clerk (4~1',I)L Clerk . FY 1992 Proposed Budget 291,574.53 25,237.42 (15,840.60) 467.897.55 768,868.90 10,055,752.17 V 41'.;l. Page 9