Resolution 389-1992 Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 389 -1992 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 86, GOVERNMENT LOT 2, ~ SECTION 06, TOWNSHIP 66, RANGE 33, KEY VACA,o MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROXIMATELY MILE ~ MARKER 52. '-C. r-...; 'TI (,..<:: C!J \,..1 'or; -" ~.'\ ~ i,AJ WHEREAS, the property more specifically described by metes and bounds in exhibit 1 attached, and herein described as Part Govern- ment Lot 2, Section 06, Township 66, Range 33, Key Vaca, Monroe County, Florida, is currently zoned Suburban Residential and Native Area; and WHEREAS, the subject property is requested to be Suburban Resi- dential in its entirety; and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat for Marathon Villas attached as exhibit 2 shows the tentative plat for Marathon Villas; and WHEREAS, it can be seen that the proposed Lot 5 of Marathon Villas on exhibit 2 is within the area currently zoned Native Area; and WHEREAS, the staff recommends denial of the boundary changes as indicated in Staff Recommendation by Tiffany Stankiewicz and Tyson Smith dated April 24, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Senior Biologist, Robert Smith, recommends denial of the boundary changes as indicated in staff report dated April 10, 1992; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries were not placed in error with the adoption of the September 15, 1986, Land Development Regulations, and therefore the subsequent maps were not in error, as they did follow the previously demarcated Suburban Residential and Native Area boundaries; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: 1) The action of the Planning Director, which recommends denial of a boundary change in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpreta- tion Number 86, dated August ~, 1992, is hereby found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Mon- roe County Code, and therefore approved; and that 2) The above described property zoning boundaries for Part of Government Lot 2, shall remain as Suburban Residential and Native Area as currently indicated; and that 3) The above conclusion of law, is predicated upon the finding of facts and conclusions outlined in the staff recommendations which this Board hereby adopts as its own. 2 4) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Monroe County Planning Department. 5) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at special meeting of said Board held on the ?7th day of A:ugust , A.D., 1992. Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner Stormont Yes Yes Yes YP.S Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ .. ~ By: \U~~';;~~~rma: ~ (SEAL) Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk By,~.A~~~f Deputy Cl~ ~ 3 ,... N ~ Il. 41 U ~'I-~ C ctI 041 LI.lIO C')..CU- CU ~ c cn.s::::_ CU'l- C- en 103:~U')U CU::so:::r.....C) C:::O OIO_US-N-eC _-e"","CI.t)C 0 _ .._ C 1.0 -to>> . CU 41 _ 10 C .s:: 0 10 en<X).s:::: UM - -to>> 'I- z: _ M ~ C s.. 'i'C:J ::s .. -eN CUV1 O~ o en 1.0 C .....s:::: 'I- C V110 ::S1O'I--e~C 0 CS- ocu ::S3U 1.0 eo 0 s.. .Q." s.. I.OCU.....CUOCV-~ -eo .c~U'l-Us..CCU-C ~_ U C C U _ U Lt) 10 _ S- CU cueo 10 en 0 CO _ .s:UV1.s::::s..~aJ~CU"'" enen +JlOeneo .s::::\D'I- C cueo >_ IO~ 0 ~ eo - .o. 41 -e C V1 o 10 eo _ - 0." - f->,enS-::sIOCU.....~CCU _ 100 s.. 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XZ Z:l.J OCD 0( WOlLa: "'w 1(1) 0(0 Z >>Z~O a:COf-W-"': laJ40z5~Z ~o..:loO(:l.J o~8m~86 lLzw58a:Cl: O~o- w Zoo:l- 'ILX Ol-z<laJ ~ -z ... i= .o~o((t) a:co~ .Jo(~ OZlL Z ~ ail- n.oow-mz _ wo...:l l-t-1-~_1U0 ~O(/)t-a:.Jo IW<W~a: I-(/)wmn.o~ {N I- - In - .~ J: >< ~ -I ~ o laJ -I . , M E M 0 RAN DUM To Lorenzo Aghemo, Planning Director Tiffany Stankiewicz, Planning~e~~i9ian Tyson Smith, Planning Technic'a~ April 24, 1992 . I ~- --- From: Date: RE Boundary Determination #86, Gov't Lot 2, Key Vaca RE: #00104160; {Proposed Plat Marathon Villas, Lot 5} An application for a Boundary Determination has been completed. Listed below are the recommended findings & conclusions. II SUMMARy OF INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE (ATTACHED) Application by Silvio and Rolando Soto. A copy of the REDI Strip Maps, 26th Edition, 1991, page 153. A copy of the REDI Aerial Photo Map Atlas from the 26th Edi- tion, dated 1991, at a scale of 1" = 600', page 62. A copy of Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15, 1986, page 219. A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Charles Pattison, page 11 of 21. A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Donald Craig, page 228. A copy of the Existing Conditions Map of the scale 1" = 2,000', page 3 of 7, dated July 2, 1985. A copy of the FDOT 1985 aerial photo, sheet 189. A copy of the tentative Plat for Marathon Villas. A copy of the Biologist report dated April 10, 1992 III RECOMMENDED FINDINGS OF FACT The current Land Use District for the entire parcel is Na- tive Area and Suburban Residential. The subject property is currently undergoing the process for a Preliminary Plat approval for Marathon Villas. The current Land Use District for the portion of land pro- posed to be lot 5 of Marathon Villas Plat is Native Area. The previous zoning (before September 15, 1986) of the prop- erty was GU. The review of the records found that the Board of County Commission did not specifically consider this site during the preparation of the Land Use District Maps. The JUly 2, 1985, Existing Land Conditions Map denotes the -BSOTO.01/TXTDR,April 24, 1992 property as having Tropical Hardwood Hammock (426) vegeta- tive characteristics. The FDOT 1985, aerial photograph denotes the vegetation char- acteristics to be Fringing Mangroves (612), and Salt Marsh & Buttonwood Associations (640) for the proposed location of Marathon Villas, lot 5. IV RECOMMENDED DETERMINATION The Land Use District Maps signed by Charles Pattison is pre- cise and therefore the current boundary lines of Suburban Resi- dential and Native Area should remain in place. Therefore the proposed location of lot 5, Marathon Villas zoning should remain as Native Area (NA). The Boundary Determination is recommended for denial. BSOTO.01/TXTDR,April 24, 1992 :""'\-;....,.~~~ "ED ;-'! I., 4 :....., 'j, ~ . ~. '..._ '.,,'d'~ ;.... ~ ~." . ~1p ~~ --: r;;92 ,. ~ I.. f ~ I .- '. '~'''.''f~ DEPT, ,,',:,- "'t":'" ......../Ir" .. ..J ,_I':,:, w; VI::/ON !,,. MEMORANDUM To: Pat McNeese, Director, Environmental Resources Lorenzo Aghemo, Director, Planning From: Robert Smith, Senior Biologist, Environmental Resources f "~. . April 10, 1992 ".- Date: Re: '/ Soto, Boundary Determination # 86, Govt.lot .3--; Key Vaca - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INTRODUCTION: Pursuant to your directive a site inspection was performed on the above referenced parcel. The purpose of this inspection was to review a Boundary Determination. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The site in question is located in Marathon on the north side of the airport. The parcel is bordered on the east, south and west by paved roadways. To the north lies Florida Bay. The parcel was reviewed in detail in a Habitat Analysis performed by myself under the name of Carlin about two years ago. The parcel is comprised of two tropical hardwood hammocks separated by a wetland tract and bordered on the north by a fringing mangrove community. The subject parcel is depicted on Existing Conditions map # 189 as a mixture of saltmarsh & buttonwood however it is in fact a tropical hardwood hammock. The subject of review is the north- ern hammock portion of the parcel. While Tropical Hardwood Ham- mock was consistently zoned as Suburban Residential in this area no area immediately adjacent to the northern hammock has this landuse category. RECOMMENDATION: the The biologist recommends boundary changed as the that the subject parcel not have existing boundary accurately re- fleets the vegetative character of the parcel. While the north- ern hammock would reflect the character of Suburban Residential, since no other Suburban Residential land use district is adja- cent to this tract the more appropriate method might be via a map change. TIME EXPENDITURE:N/A cc: T.Stankiewicz T.Smith , to.. \ .... \ -.............. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , , '- FLORIDA SAY IS \ \ ... \ ...... \...... V AC.A KEY AD ~. P....uant to Section 9.5-24(aH2Jfh) of the Monroe County Code. the boundarle. of the Land Use DI.trlct Map are Interpreted to be located as Indicated above and brl.fly de.crlbed aa: Remove the SR/NA boundary line aR Rhnwn Rn. rh~r rhp SR boundary is extended as shown. Director 01 Planning Sheet# 228 Key Marathon Date BOCC Re.olution I I I I I .. .. .. .... 1 j ...., N 1 1 r=400' PROPOSED \ \ \ \ \ \ \ to.. \ ................. \ .... \ --..... FLORIDA BAY \ .... \ .... \ -.....- \ .... \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , , '- .. .. I liS , , , ......... ,...... AD 1,8E.~. I . · I , . . !~~ H~:~ I V,ICA KEY N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# 228 Applicant: Soto, Silvio Key: Marathon (Vaca) . FUe# 86 1W=400 I and Rolando Mile M..ker: 52 EXISTING . - - - --.-. . I fJ) It.l ~ r:: l/)c. - It.l ~ O? ct:::~ -~ <C -LL, I <C It.l fJ) N Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. 26th Editlon,19 91 1"= Pane. or Sheet# Applicant: Soto, Key: Marathon 153 Flle# 86 I f Silvio and Rolando (Vaca) "'e Marker: S? I ! ' ':~..' ~"> · - i .' . ~.--~" I >~ ,. ". .... ".~ }Jlo - if ,~ :- , a~fl?:; . t~~~~~ .~ ~ [I-'~-""~~-"""::'~>> ", l;~"--' . i:~. ~ _:!~.: -' ~..i' ~. ,{ - ,('. ..~ ..."".. - - ~: !-, -- . I i !t i I N j ;I Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. 26th Edition,19 1 / 86 I =lI.o#: . ......." 1"=600' I Pane! or Sheet # [' h? Applicant: Soto, Silvio Key: Marathon (Vaca) and Rolando 52 Mile Marker: , DR , '0 lL Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Pane' or Sheetift 11 of 21 File., 86 Applicant: Soto, Silvio and Rolando Key: Marathon (Vaca) 'M'e Marker: 52 ~ 1._ ') . ) . oJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" /~ ~-:=// / ...----' N I 1"= 600' ~ .~-.. f' @ I I ! ~jw 1 i ~ i 1 i ~r 1 ~ , (.!)(!) ...... Z ...... a:: a:: ? _.TTL:: :::AT ~USSE_ 311o~ K Er ..~ 36 STIR~U KEY ] N ~ I 11 "=2000' J VA I (t) E~isting Land Conditions Maps Monroe County, Florida July 2,1985 Panel or Sheet# 3 of 7 Applicant: Silvio and Rolando Key: Marathon (Vaca) File# Soto Mile Marker: 52 86 811 --'---. - ,. ,:.- :'.~:Cie:~~' -..-..' .,;:..,..../_..,. Po ";~;.-r.. ~.,. 1 j j 1 .,~"i::: .~..:-' .. i I J N I /1 VI Monroe County Pre-SeDternDer - , ~onlng "15,1986 MaDS .. 1"=200' Panei or Sheet# Applicant: Soto,Silvio Key: Marathon (V~ca) 219 , and Flle# Rolando 86 Mile Marker: 52 Z01llDf11W-l r :O~f11~f11I o -lOOO> f11 Or~~-l-l-l ,. Q , Cf'10f11 - ..' ( Zm-[l1001l I -l!Jl~Z""l1Z0 > I r- -<l>~l>~9'~ r ~ I I"" I -lcnz~~-l6 l: I 0 -I IJl L__ J' ~1l~~:l)OZ ~ 0 I .. .\ ~ f11 OO~O f'1 - c < 1:. .1 ~ 1):l)OZf11Z""l UJ J"II \J L_ Oll ~ 000 OW ~ ~ I () '1l I ro~lDO~8 r ~ " ~ ~ , \ " rCl>OC1J< ]I r ~-- .. ~ Z-CZ (T1 ~I ~ - 0 c.. l' 1J-i~r-i~1) -U '" .~I t <.. >-<Zf11-< Z 1J I Q Q~" UJt .-1 .. r-- 1 (T1-i :o",Of'1 - I .. ~(])Orcz 0 :s I ~ ZX' . o-l-l ~ L__ , P <D (T1 1) ~ Z ;0 I ::.- ~ I (J)- r -l I _~~-lo:oO ~ ~ r-- O~:l):D'>l>-l I ~1JtT1- Z _" m r Z .1 ~_cnoo~o 5 I , .0 o' r- '- r- -, (TItl>~ I ZOZ-i~~ ~ --- \l' -i:oOf11~- , ;;('1 0 Z - ." f1l r 0 0 ~ Q ~ U' }-. -l.,' -- ,. -- I"~ f '> ~......\f<;"'f ~ \ ~ "'<I; , "",II' ~~9' 41: ('r~' . nl, *.~''''' .........'.. '.4' I, . . I FOOT 1985 Aer"ia1s Sheet 189 Marathon: Key Vaca Scale: 1"=200' APPLICATICN FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT: €. PHONE #~-i:2~. ADDRESS: ~l S~v.~~~ ~I,fl. ~etS AGENT: ~ ~. PHONE #~~ ADDRESS: ~IS\V.~S-~JAI~~I,1=l ~~. KEY: ~ MM # B~, SUBDIVISION: ~ \J\\~As ~'(f?/trdJ/ 12 53 wr(S) : BLOCK ( S ) : BAYSIDE: -A.- RE: # PLAT BOOK: PAGE: OCEANSIDE: MISC. LOCATICN INFORMATION (A'ITACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) ~ ~ij'eC), REQUEST CHANGE FroM ~A? TO ~ . REASON FOR REQUEST: ~~E.. ~F Lat B CJt- \ H-E.' ~~ro 16UJtDi...I~ ~A az ~ . kJA ct2 ~. , PRESENT LAND USE: DESCRIPTICN CF EVIDENCE SUPPORTIN:; REQUEST: ~ ~ ~ :t14-~. ~.\f,I19L~E- s. Jteu. rJ. FEE OF $250.00 TO BE SUBMI'ITED WITH APPLICATION. CHECK OR MONEY CRDER IS PAYABLE TO THE MONROE CaJNI'Y PLANNIN:; DEPARTMENT. I HEREBY CERTIFY THE UNDERSTAND '!HAT THE SUBM REVOCATI CN OF THE B INFORMATION IS TRUE, COMPLETE, & ACaJRATE. I I OF FAISE INFORMATION MAY LEAD TO THE N. SIGNA'IURE COmER): DATE: 1-44~. fl:BOONDRY!TXTFcmt, JAN. 11, 1991