Notice to Owner NOTICE TO O\\'N"ER (:Pt'eliminaty N otice,FS Sec 713,061 Notice of Intent to Claim Against Bond, FS 713 ) Date: 10/01/2003 \VARNING TO OVlNER lJNDER flORIDA LAW, YOUR FAllJJRE TO IVIAKE SURE 1HAT JM. SCAFFOLDS }\..1\ID/OR J,&....'I\>1. BUILDING SUPPL Y,INC, IS PAID; MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR PA'Y"mG lWICE. TO AVOID A LIEN AND PAYING 1WICE, YOU MUST OBTAIN A WRJITEN RElEASE FROM US EVERYTIME YOU PAY YOlJR CONTRACTOR. O\\ller: MONROE COUNTf Cer+..ified Mail #:7002-0860-00004-0847 -3308 The undersigned hereby informs you that he has furnished, Ot' is furnishing services, or materials as follows: Toilets,Scaffolds.Roll-oft7 Debris Containers, Storage Containers, etc.. For the improvement of the real property identified as, and recorded in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida; OLD GREENBRIDGEl\fi\{ 1161/2 ON1HESTRETCH Unclet,the onlet' given by: COSTAL MARINE CONSTRUCTION Florida law prescribes the serving of this Notice and restricts your right to make payments under your contract in accordance with 113,06, Florida Statutes. If job is bonded UNDER SECTION 713.23 FLORIDA STATUTES,SEC,255,05 flORIDA STATITIES OR 270 U.S,c. the firm sending this Notice will look to the bond (surety Co,) for protection unot paid. ffpayment Bond exists, furnish a copy to the undersigned or provide name and address of Bonding Company. Failure to provide this information may render you liable for damages, This notice is Required by law to be sent as a Preliminary measure and does not automatically indicate that there is any credit problem, This Notice is not a LIEN,CLOUD,NOR ENCUMBERANCE upon Title to your propert; nor is it a matter of Public Record, Request for m'om statement of account must be addressed to l&M. SCAFFOLDS OF FLORIDA)NC. BY: cc:File: COSTAL l\IARINE CONSlRUCTION Kelly Dennis,Agent J& M, SC.A.FFOLDS OF FLORIDA,INC, ], & M. BUILDING SUPPLY (305)852-4962/ FAX 852-0035 Under the Florida law, those who work Of' provide materials and are not paid have the right to enfon:e their claim for payment against your property, This claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor faUs to pay subcontractors or materials suppliers, or neglect to make other legally required payments, the people who are owed money may look to your property for pavTt'lents; EllEN ~:?U HA'V"E PAID ymJR CO~T'MCTOR ill FUll ' J c.c.:~ CA'I