Resolution 429-1992 R. Paras ~lblic Safety Division RESOLUTION NO. 429 -1992 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE AN E. M. S. COUNTY GRANT APPLICATION AND RELATED REQUEST FOR GRANT DISTRIBUTION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. The Chairman is hereby authorized to execute an E. M. S. County Grant Application and related Request for Grant Distribution to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services of the State of Florida, copies of same being attached hereto. 2. The monies from the E .M. S. County Grant will improve and expand the County's pre-hospital E.M.S. system. 3. The grant monies will not be used to supplant existing County E.M.S. budget allocations. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the J'''''~day of SlfItetfl!.L, A.D. 1992. , c. e:::: Cl r- C7) '~..i. Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner Stormont Yes --ves --ves --ves --ves cJ.... , '. ~. E: . ~ ... BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA u.. &: 'z r:: ~.L C u.., ,..,..... "'"'-. I ~..,~".. i: r:5 0 z- 0:: <: :z . .. ~ By \.....:> .~.. --. - .~~ Mayor/Chairman .... .,~ . ~ I --7~j:Y's O,iic9 C ') 7 }Ju.f,C( L '<..../ '-' ..) q r\.,. , r-. 1l \ 1992 FLORIDA EMS COUNTY GRANT PROGRAM '. I .. ' .~. . .: ~ .' . ." ,-' ....' - .:" : .. Florida I Depanment of Health and Rehabi(itative Services Office of Emergency Medical Services I ' '* .~ . $ ~1l'~.'''I .;P STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABIUTATIVE SERVICES OFFICE OF EME'RGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 1992 EMERGENCY MEDICAL iERVlCES COUNTY GRANT APPUCATlON GRANT NO. . . 1. Board of County Commissioners (grantee) Identification: Name of County: M:1nroe Couni:3, Florida Business Address:. 4QO 63rd strP.et, suite 140 Maratron, Fl. 33050 Phone # (.JQ.SI~-6002 Suncom #472 ~ 6002 2. CertificaJion: I, the undersigned official of the previously named county, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief all iriformarion and data contained in this EMS County Grant Application and its attachments are true and correct. Printed Name: Wilhelmina Harvey Title: Mayor SignatUre:~ ~~ ~"t\ .....::~"..~~~.~ate Signed: q - d-5 -, ~ (Aut~OUnty ~d:V · t 3. Authorized Contact Person: Person designated authority and responsibility to provide the department with reports and documentation on all activities, services, and expenditures which involve this grant. Name: Janes R. "Reggie" paros Title: Public Safety Director Business Address: 490 63rd street, suite 140, MaratOOn, FI. 33050 Telephone:( 305) 289-6002 Sun Com: 472-6002 4. County's Federal Tat Identification Number: 59-6000-749 By Oat. 1 ~ ~,...; , ,.:,::i> .. .. .. . . S. Resolution: Attach a resolution from the Board of County Commissioners certifying the monies from the EMS County Grant will improve and expand the county's prehospital EMS system and that the grant monies will not be used to supplant existing county EMS budget allocations. 6. WorkPlan: Work Activities: TIme Frames: Bid am purchase radio cannuni.cations equiJ;Jl'eIlt wi thin six (6) rconths after grant begins. Install and have all cannuni.cations equiptelt, operational, within ten' (10) rconths after grant begins. '-. ,.........". 7. Proposed Expenditure Plan: Prepare a line item budget. Recipient of Line Unit Total Line Item Item Price Ouantity Cost nroe County Transnitter-Re- $23,992.00 .6 $143,952.00 ceiver, UHF, 225W, Continuous Duty Satellite Receiver, 4,847.00 5 24,235.00 UHF Anterma System, UHF 4,489.00 11 49,379.00 Receiver Voter 7,312.00 3 21,936.00 Catparator Tone Rarote Control- 2,551.00 3 7,653.00 ler and Encoder Mise. Related Hard- 2,294.33 1 lot 2,294.33 ware & Accessories Engineering 20,000.00 20,000.00 $269,449.33* Figure incltrles roll-over am interest accrued fran FY 92 in the artDlU'lt of $215,319.48. Attach additional pages if necessary for item 7. 2 . I " ~,.~... ,~ ~ 'f "" REQUEST FOR COUNTY GRANT DISTRIBUTION (ADVANCE PAYMEN1) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS) ---" .", '-. COUNTYGRANTPROGRAM __ "_ ~ro ?,l\~I'" "'Ii' ('~ , i" \i\')","" ,! . . ''In>' ',~M.:\' J" ~ wilh tMprrwi.rIoIU Of8.ct~401.113(2)(a),F.S.,IM lUltknigMd Mrwby .1\ " " : ' requau "" EMS COIIIfIy grtUII distributioll, (adWln" payrMnt) for 1M impro.".nt and . ..3..,-' . "". GJHJnSioll qf~pilal EMS.' . , ',' . ~ ~ . , Paymem To: Board of Co\m Camdssioners M>nroe Com Florida ame 0 a 0 WIly ommlSSloners -ayee I ~ 490 63rd Street, Suite 140 . Aaaress Marathon, Florida 33050 fUry) (~ttl1e) (~IP) , - A oTtzing Co1\, Ojfidal SIGNATURE: ~ I 'l..1l~ ~ . .... , ~'.~DOIe: 'f - ~ 5" _ ~ ~ Primed Name: Wilhelmina Harvey Title: Mayor SIGN AND RETURN WITH YOUR GRANT APPLICATION TO: Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Office of Emergency Medical Services By EMS Cou1ilY. Grants 1317 Winewooil Boulevard Date Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 For USI Only bI Department of Heahh and Rehabilitative Services, Olficl of Emergency Medical Services Amount: $ I Grant'Number: Approved By: Signature, State EMS Gram Officer Date: Fiscal Year: AmoUTll:$ 'tf!!IJ.~rl/.l7if~ * O"f)~~ Federal Tat J.D. V F ------------ Btginning Dale: Ending Dale: RS F_ 1684 3 ...,_-:-:-~IIiI!-~-..- .;:~~~~~- I , I I ~' ....--i I ' '-' Appendix D EMS COUNTY GRAN _ GENERAL CONDITIO S AND REQUlREMEN 'S .. "-' EMS COUNTY GRANT GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. ~ gl'tWH hn'my dg1'ftG 10: (a) imptYI..,. tl" ulllin, fUllllty olprehospital EMS activities,lUlIlcu, or 10 uendS' pIIIlMllflDnaUty lInd morbidity: and (b) to C%pQIId 1M GUIlt. Ilu or number of airtln, prtlwlpitaJ EMS Qaivillu or '""" 1M der/w,;" wluvlca to 1M provldd IUW dacrlb<<l 111 thH EMS CO""'Y IrQlt/ appUauion W lu dqtznnwu approved revilioM onflk In tM Slm, of Fli1rIdQ, D,ptUtm,nl of Hullh twl RehabililmlYl SrfIca, OJIIce of EMS, TallaJuusu, FIorldG. 2. PnhospllaJ EMS activitl" will bl nntl~rtd I1y 1M gl'dlflM in a ntaIIMr ccnuill,,,, With Chapt,r 401, Florida Statutu, Chap", 10D-66 F",rlda Admillisl,ativc Cod, and 1M work plan in ,Ih, ,ranl"'1 EMS county grant applicatiolt dnd ill d.pannu!nt appro"tled "vi,iolll on jf~ In Ihe Ilate's OJIIc. of EMS. 3. 7M grillll.. dl"u 10 ,,,,,,IIm.nl prOlll,lo," of Ih/s grillll ill dccorddnc. wilh fld.rld, SIal', and local laws, and rula, ~'uUu;on.r, and pol/au thDJ penain 10 EMS. 4. 1M grant_ .nsura IIuu EMS county granl fund.r willltOl N used 10 IUpplant Dr r'p14<< any OIh,r pndl. 1M EMS CDIUUy grant /finds will nol ", usNl lor any stal' EMS ,"",chin, granl r~ui'nn.ntl. 5. 'lhc gTdlllet IluUI not lIS. Dr dlsclo" IIny Inlomtdlloll co"",,,,'n, d "c/pilnl of pnhaspilal (letlvitia liNk, t/aU ,ranI for any purpos. nOl in conformt,>, wilh Itatll r.guI4lI0111 and I,d,ral "fulaliolll (45CFR, Part 205.50) UC.pl upDn wrlll,n COlli"" of the T<<ipi~'" or his ruponzib" par~nl or gU4l'd11l1l wMn dUlhoriud by kJw. cs. llldUnt Rtporti,.,: G. cu.", RlM PM1MlitM II s.weer 10 diau wlU be fN'OVId<</lIItiUI' litis Irant 1M pl'OWtkr d1td IUIY lubt:tJnmu:rOTf ,hall, In atXO~ wilh 1M ell.. 1'Wc pNYCitIlon I)III.m, ' rqKIrt IhDu nponClbIl '"lUll/OM IUltIiI in HIUR 213-6, I'di'd'''''' 5, lit lit_ ntQIt1I., prumlHd ill HRSR 215-60' distrlCl optlrGli"l FOrM",.,. , b. Abust, N",-CI and Exploltal;on Rrrtllll In complian~ with Chapt.r 415, "'.$., an aI/{ltJ)W 0/ Ih. granIte who know" 0,. has nta.rolUlble muse 10 IIUPfer. thai a child, 41f!d penon or dlsClbl<<Jiadull1l or hili "III MUlM, n.gkct<<l. or uploited, slJllll ImmMiat~ly tYport .ruch knowl<</g. or 'lUpic;~,. to IhI Clmral abus. r.gill"1 and I,acldng 31Sl..! 011114 "an""nl an Iht s;,.gl, "lJIewid, toll-Jr.t l,kphoM numb., (J-800-96A.BUSE). ! 7. EMS county Irantl dr~ subj,ct ! 10 tla. dvailability of funds, 771. dtpan""nt'l perf~rmanc. and obl',mio" 10 pay IInd,,. Ihis granl is con,lngfmt llpoll a suJ!1c1.", allnual approprimion by Ih, :Florida LlglslalfU"e. .' I I. . 'In. granlell it not resrrlct&:l 10 Ilayln~ within Ih. lill' 111m amounts ","crtd. in Ih, approwd " budget. How~v.r. ,h, ,rani., musl Ilay w,~hln Ih, apprt)ved 1010.1 Iram blULg,t 11M not exc<<d any bud",ed illdlvidual salary mort ,hlln 10 percenl. I , I 9. Tral't!fl and p'" diem Upl1UU shall be in complltJnce wllh s,etion 112.061, F.S. i /0, ,771, gra'II', ,hall be rupoIlSibl. j", any IIMOllnt nfl'et~d in Ih, approv.d budg~I whle,. is in UCtIl of Ih, Irani dward. Th, granl., I~all b. rnponsibl, for all "peMU and cost Whl1 occu, IHfort muJ qfter lhe grant begllU or tnds. I 11. Th, departm.nt shall ptYIYid. Ih, ,rant~. HRS 10103 QJK/ d,cals. 'nr. 8TQIII.e shall qf(1!1l, in a prominem/t)clltion, the HRS logos and detail to all 1"1nt purmtul" lU part of lh~ approved bud~et JiM 11MU dNignaftd by Ihe depanIMnt M "qUirin'i them. J 2. All C()mput.r equipfMnI (hard~ dnd lojtwarf!) mUSI be C()mpalibl, wilh Ih, stall O.(1l<< of EMS compuler syslems. Costs for compUlflr lNluipmtnt and actlvili" which {u'e not comparibl. with t~ Ilale O.Q1~1! of EMS compUlIT $Yllem Ihall be disallowed. For t<<hllical tusi,lanCl 10 MlenniM ~/.m CDmpatibility, coli/act: I . I I I I I ; Bob Smilh OJliCl 01 EMS IJJ 7 W/~ Bou~vard TallllJuvlH, Florida 32J99-0700 (904) ~7.1911. "(j .. -- 1 J. 77N ,raItl~~ a,,., ,lull dU t:OIMflUllcaJlo#v tlctlvlll., and equlpIMlfI .U H appro'" In wrltln, by ,~ F'IDri4Il DqaffIrN.lII oj' CkMrGl ~mcu, DlvI6km of O:Hnmunictll/Olll aI nqulrflld by slI",lo" 401.tn4, ".$. Any <<MIl/or tommumCGIiOlll actlWlilS ad <</fIIpmiIIII which t/Q If<< I'fMW lueA tlpproWlI IMIl N dlsl.llJot4,wJ. '17U.r tIpfH'OWJl m"", H dtllld qftll" 1M ,g.ctive d41il of tM ,rani and prior 10 any commillMnI 10 pw-chtue ,hil nqWllld .qu;pmilm and/or uMc:a Dr boIh. 'DUI tlpprowd u r'fu;r. lit MliJiJioll to tuty plWViDUI Dlvilloll of CoIMIIUl/CGlioAl n~ltM, twWew, t>>1U:qI1NIl or othw .proWll dDud priO/' 10 1M ~",iw dIIl~ o/tM ,rant, u. 1M ,rtmlU ,hall OWII all IIfnU Includin, fadlilla, 'MIUcUs, tIIId ilqulpntlnl purduued by EMS county ,NN /Mnds UnWl OIMrwU' dacrilHtd III thil ,ralll appUCtlt/OIl lIIfd/or tIWtII'd. '171, 'Ttlllt. shall clearly rI<<um.,., ,Iw till/glUM'" qf fadlilia, .....hic/n, tIItd equlpmitIJI owMl'lhip G1fd lUa,., and mailllain ,his d<<umenlallolllO II U dWlilab" durin, any audit. 1M 0WMr .rMll H I'Cfpt'IIIlbl4 fol' th~ prop'" wunuac., l/C'OUIIII, ,.""Inl"" tmtl mmntillUUl<< of facil/lia, whI., GIld ilfulpm.nI plll'f:haJM with coUNy EMS ,rtIIII fiwb. J,. 11Y II'tUII.. musl ilMlUe/tlciliIiU, ""hicl~I, and ilqulpmilnt pul"dwld by EMS county ,ranl/uMI shall H "". sol illy /01' improvln, and upanding prt- hospilGI EMS Ih,ou,holU 1M/I' usqul life wh"h.r owMd by lhil gl'tVUil. or OIM,. ,.<<ipi.lUl. J6. Th. ,rtW.. a,nu iluu a contpkt. topy of 1M EMS NOI;CI of GrtUII AIIlftIfd, dqxlTflMnt approvM bud,tt, IIpprov<<l gnw cluing.., if any, IUtd ,mhI appUCdlitm, mlASl be 011 fil4 wilh Ih6 CO""" person re.sp<Jnsibk for dlIYctly 4dmln/s,.;n, 1M ,,.anl. 17. 1M ,rruu., hu sub-'I'tlnI6.(I) or contracto,.(I} iUUJ iU.JilMeI ,lulU provldll IICCUI 10, W fumish wIHu.vn" (lI/omtlllIOll is neceullry for Ih, departrrral to moll/IOl' 1M ,rtIIII Includlnl CI"",, 10 all mMl ncords. 18. A V'Mor ()",bud.rnum haJ Iu#n "'abll,,lt.. wilhln Ih. DepanlMnl of BaNd1e, tWJ ,/1ItUI<<. Th. dlUiu of Ihis IndlvilJlMIllllcludc IIttll., (I.f an GdVOCQl6 for ~ wM mtry IH ~'ncin, probkms In obtaining lilMly fXIY'1Iillll(s) from a SitU. Ilg'''", Th, ...,NIor ombutbman IM1 N colllact<<l III (904) ~2924 01' by callin, 1M Slat' Complroll,,', HOIliM. 1..at>>Sf8.J792. ..~. I 19. 7'11. Grrw.. G,Ner 10 comply ~thln 'M proWslOM of'~ctltHf 216.347, Florida S!II/~Ia, which prohlblt.r th~ a~ndituN o/gf'tlltl funds fo,. ,''' PU1'p()I. ollobbylng ,he u,lslal~ 01' tI Slali ag.ney. I EMS COUNTY GRANT GENERAL REQUlREM~NTS I I na. ,yqu;"menu an Gn I"t"ral part ~ 1M EMS' COUnly 8mnt. In Ih, ,wm of a co'flllct, 1M foUowln, 1Yqulnm,,,,sshall alway.r h. conlmllin,... ' i I 1. A final financial "Pon sMIl b, lubmlllH detailin, all ufUndllure.s of thu 'I'QII/. Bills lor I,u or orh" compt!Malion /01' 111",1", or expe,un shall N maill/ailllld by 1M ,ranlct. In .ruJJld'nl d"allfor a profH" p,,-audil Qnd posl-tludlt of Ih. ~TtIIII" 's ,..cords. i ~. To Ih, UI~n1 pmvithd by law, lh,; ,l"tUIJe~ h,nby a,rm 10 indemnfh and hold ,,,, depatf1Mnl hnrmws from GIIY and all clalm.r 0,. thmandi/or any ,fHrsollal ;/fjUry 0,. propnTy Jamag, resullin, or occurring In CO"'ltfctlon wllh any at:livil;~J' conduafJd und., th~ ,rnlll a,r~vnent and shall in~sl;'(U. tAll such claims of eVt!ry natu" tII ;1' IXpensll. In addilion, to Ih~ MI.nt proYidM/ by law, th. _ranl_. h,,.,by a,rm to b6 rup"'lIlbt. for any IlfiUIY or ProfHrI1 damag, ruul1illB from any a"Ivi,iu conduct'" under Ihls EMS grant. ! I I J.. 771. ,ralll'4 a,rus 10 ru. 'h. fGcllillR, whJcw, and lqulpm,nI purchased under thu:'MIIl, 'o/~ly jor EMS Ihrou,hoU/ 1Mir IUqul lif" '0,. ,hil ,m",,, mlloSl r~/urn 10 Ihe depantnilnt fwJds 6qulWll,n, to Ih.. remalllill, Yalu_ oflh, facililles, V(!hlclu and ~uip",'m . I I 4. All (:0111'11 grams GI', mad, In acco;""ce wllh IIIClioll 401.113(2)(a), ".S., and Ihllll H!nu:uJ, Ihl'OUlh all EMS NOlie. Df Cr."t Award. 1M NoII<< 01 Oral" AWQrd and ApJHndlx D oJlhu b9oId# contain by rqenll" aU rlt,uUuions. rvl&s, GntiOlhilr condil/OM ,ow"'i"g Ihis ,mN. 'the Dilptl~ agn. 10 reque.sl advan" dUlribution (paym.IU) of Ih. ,ran, amoulII whltn Ih~ Noti<< oj GI'tIIJI Aw~ U s.", to Ih, ,ram", 7hh paym,nt ;., usually 8.'" 10 ,h. ,rt"'''~ by ,hI Dt!porrm'nI of &nldn, anJ . ..~ '- FIIf/IM6. 0/11'10/ tIN ~. qfter 1M MIl" qf fIWIU'r/ II MIMI. s. AIty ~1tU dw 1M ,rrw.. UN/.,. th. It,."" o/IIW IrtIIU may k wilhMltI IUIIIl all Iplc/III and , JlNmdGl NpOI'II "'".from 1M ,rant", tmd Mct.muy <<4ill8mtM1 1MrwD. ltaw ".,. dpProVWI by Ih, Mpanmat. 6. Allllm11. CONl/'WM. and provillon.r DI thiS 'rani dNJ otMr tlppNcflbk tIot:Ii1Mnu lit Ih" b001cJM au he1Vy uqfffrrud. A~ 0/ 1M ,rant "mu and C9ffd/lloM U tK'knowllldgllll by 'M IrlUll. wMn .ftw.U ar, tITawn Dr otMrw/J, obta/Md /rom tII. IrtUII paymInl syst-. 7. All EMS COfWy ,rtW jiwb zhdll " dqo.Jiled by Ih, ,ranle, In an d<<OlInt mainla;nlt! by 1M IraNft. GIld shlllJ 1M IUllg. IInlq". aC'CQM",I"g code dalgNUDr lor all ,rani d'poIi" Glut dl4b~ or ~nditura Ih,r,o/. AU EMS colIIIIy grant.ftwb lit 1M am11U11 mII/nlaI_ by Ih, ,rtUIIH IhtUJ H tlRl)unt<</ lor Ilpd,dI,ly /rom all Dlh. grant" fundi. 8. AU EMS county grtllll jiw/s IhtJll hi lIS. , IDkly lor P~pilGl tleliwl;. ill oIllN,._ lit ,h, allac:htMnu 101M Noll<< of 0mnI Award. Any l1li118<<1 EMS coUlJty ,rdlll fundi ,."alni", In Ih, QSS;11IId Inwu at:W1UII aI 1M ,nd Dllh, ,ronl period, includ;ng aCCl"lMld INtlWl, shall be rqH)rrld 10 th, dq"mm'nt. ,."ain ;n th. grant"" Decoll'" a,1d shaU II. appll<<l lOWdrd 1M nGI "ar', EMS collnty g'DIII funding 1WJ"'fWnllUl. by disallowed C9unry lrant apendilulY sluJU H ,"111'MitJ 10 ,h, county granl DCCOIUII IMIIlla/MiI by ,h, grtJlltt, wilh;n 45 dttyl qft". 1M U.rU4n~ of th, dlpalTlMnI', nollc, 0/ tkt,rminaz;on. TIt, COIl of 1M dilalloWld Ilmt(l) shall H 1M r.ponsibilily of ,''' COUlUy. REVISIONS TO EMS COUNTY GRANT 1M II'tWU 6JuUl oblain wrin", tIflproVtll /rom thl 1qannwu'6 EMS ''''''' oJllmo 011 1M EMS CoUnty "JnIIII auu." &qUSI dD~ (Ap"ndix B) In Ihi, ,1OOICkt priOT 10 Gny of IhllDUtnWng chdn,., to Ih, ITiW blMig<<: ' , . 1. IntrotUlclnl a ItIW lin, II"" In tM "1pro"'" 6wJ,.. I 2. InCfWUing any budgeted indivldual/, Itlltuy , mort Ihan /0 'If"'''. J. Introducing a Iub-granl~~ Dr CO~,.aClor ''''UuloMhlp wh.r. 110M /.r specifically lden/(fiItJ '" 1M approvtJd I b~,~ ' . I ! REPORTS AND I DOCUMENTATION I Th, ,ra"'.' shall s~nd 10 Ih~ d.partmenl onll ~rl",",1 and IWO cople3 o/tach rtquirtd rtport atIOllj'l: 1. Thil ExPflndilur. Rllport (Appe, ~ C) IndlCalln, all agnld upon bud,<< apendilur-f. 1M IYqlllrm d.ad/lnll/or providing Ih. department with Explndllur, "pOrtl an (II followl" I do April 30, 1991,/or a",lvlllu Oerob.,.~. 1992 th/'Ou,h March 31, 1993 I I I b. July J/, ]993, lor a"'iv/liu April J ~ 1993 through Jun. 30, 1993 I c. October J/, 199J,/or aer/vilies July II, 1993 through S.plemlMr 30, 1993 (final report) I 2. '17J1I Program ACllvity R~port ~ dw OctDbIt' J]. /993. II mllSl coNaln a wrlltltn lummQl)' I Indlcdling Ih. de,,... 10 which th, EMS system wa.rNimprolWl and expandedlhrough Ihil gram G.lIOfIoWI: a. Commun/tGftDI" Equlp""nt 11M SY81''''' I II Iht county II'tUIl InclutUs COmmunif.aliolll Iqu;pnNnt and .ry"""". m. g1'tUJlu a,lYn to IlIbmll tI briq OM pa,. r.porr 10 Ih, dltpanmt!nI dacribJ,., Ih, Impro"Yment and uptInIlon brou,1u about ~ 1M purdlall 0/ CYJmmunlevulDIU activitlu, s.mew. , dJtd equipment pu,chllled wilh 1m", funds and itJ i/itld in th. IN"'.. 'I orig/nill appliCQ/;OIt. b. Em.,."ney Transport V,hickS 1/ Ihl COilfit)' Irani lncludu 1M p",chas" I/CMrlng, basic IV' support (BLS) or adwmcrtd life If.'Ppon (AL$) pmnlllln, 0/ an "".,.gency lranspon YIIt/Ck, or 1M IYj'urbllhlng 0/ dn aUlin,1JU or ALS pmnlll<<l ~', :2'ffF '\'.."~~: ~ ~ INItIptIrI will., IIw fI'tI/fI- IIIIW1 to prov4M 1M ~ tIN folk1wl,., hrfomttulon dbofII wlUcIa ~ whit ,MIII,/IJNb: IUlmHr of tJmQIMq GIld IftMMWfIMCy 1Wpt>>I.M,. t",al mllH,~ G<<IWd,. 1IlIIIIMr' of." ill InCl,' nlllllbu 0./ dql 0111 t( HniCf,. "...,. 1Qp01U' ttnw (m<<IIfII'fd /rtHII th, t. GII EM3 tlllpMdw b NIIIJI. "",11 1M trt1W .mVCI Oil lCM6)ftw """""1 Mill. . C. MIllU:tlJ/R"". Eq~1II If 1M NWIly ~rQllt IncludG purdw. MJ "". oJ MY Dr all ~"ipIMlII which mftIl $tandGl'd.r In Chdpt". JOO-66, F.A.f:., Dr Is approWld by tIN provid.r's tMdlcczl dir,aor, Ih. ,mill" alTWI 10 proVl'd~, ,h. d~panm'n1IM follow;ng IIfIomt4lion aboUl *luipm.nt p"rchas_ with ,rant juNb,. th. II"",,,,, o/lndlv/(/ual il&Stan~u wh,,.. drJibrilltuon 4nd poWlf rac~ 100U were usld. d. Pub/k EtlIlCOIIJI" I ASSURANCE OF I COMPLIANCE CREDIT STA.TEM~N.X I 1M Irant" MIura tJuu wh.r, tICIMllu 'Ilppon<<l by ,his gl'll'" produc~ original wriling, 10Und re<<JrtJJllg, piCtorial rl!produaiDlU, drawings, or olh., lraphic npra'n1alIOIlJ and works of any limil4r lUJJun, notica, ilflomuuJollal pamphlels, prUl'lrtkases,. I Cldwnis,mtfnll, dumptiDM 0/ the spolllorshlp of Ih, program, '",arch nporu, and similar pubfic /wli", p"pared a,1d r,l,asU by Ihe provider 1.1 Indude th, lIalmtent: "SpollJor. by .. Oranl" Organif,tUIOII and th, SldI. of Florida, D,pcmm,,,, Df1i~alth and R.J,abilllalive S~rviCfS, Offic, 0/ Emerg,ncy, Medical S,rvit:U. If Ihe sponsorship rtt/.r~nce il I,. written malerial, th, words .Stal. of Florida, Department of Hltl/lh (md RehabililatiVtl Stf'Vicu, di/ice 01 Em,rgency Mt!dJcal S,rvlcu. shall apfHar in :/M sam. lit. I."." or typ, III Ih, naIM ollhe frame,'s , orgaluf,tU/on, I 0", copy 0/ any such mal,rials will be "iII 10 the dlJHlnm.",. 1/ Ih, Nun" gram /IIc1udu public "'uCtUion aalvitits or swvlca. Ih, granu, a,rl!" to prov;d, Ihe d~panm,,,, Ih.followin, informallo" aboUl (laiv;ll,s or s.rvicu COMUt:r<<l wilh ,r~1Il funtU.' Ih, "limber 0/ p4I1iclptuIU GIld nwnb., 0/ partlcipGlIll wIIo S"~1y completed ,I., IN/IIi", cou,.,.. I. Cow..,I'1o/,ulIJNJl UII<<ItWII If lh. county grant IIIlIOlva coN;nuln, pro!&fIlfJltal MIICQlloft actlvltia or Invlcu, th, II"tUIIU Dlnu to pNvid. 1M Upanm,1U 1M 1011owin, /lfIormalion abollt actlviliu or luvltW conduct. wllh ,rtlnt ftutJs.' ty~ 0/ trtUnin, "'MilaM,. n","blr 01 pdniclpanll,. and 1M nllllfHr of Indlviduau IUCCOSfuJly compl.ling any lrainin, COurlt. /. Syst,m EraluadolllQUlIIJJy Allurrmc, 1/ Ihe colUtly gralll 'nvolver system 'valuClfionlqualiry Q.fIUrant:<<, Ih, gl'lu,u. a,nu 10 submll a britt/ onl! palt report d&cribln, Ih, improllmt,,,, anIl apal",iOll brou,h! QbOIll by any quality Ulllr(ln~ 01' eWlluat;on act;viliu conduct <<I with granlJunds. Progrczm AClivlt'j D1&d ExfHIlt/ilun npont will b, used U~ ~IU"NI -_qufII. mon/forin, altd audltin, oJ Ih, ,rtWu. 'lMN rqHHU mlUt H lUbin/11M wllhin Ih. Ilnut./rtJnNs .r~t:f/l-. Th, 11'tIIIl<<, hlJ SlIbe,raIflll(l) or COIIll'tlctor(s), and tWlg""(I) Ihall provld. acru.r to and ,/'unaish whtUnw infofmdliOtl Is ".eusary lor us to monitor Ihis granl ineludlll' aCCUI 10 all "li'"1 ncord.l. ""'.":' t";" C.OPYRIGHTS 771, gTdntu assureslhat wher~ actiwties supponed by I mil ITIUIl produ" original writing, sound r~cprdJng.r, pictorial "product/OM, drawings or olher :graphic l"p"'s~/"atio" and works of any similar ndl~rt, th. dqHlnm~nl has th, righl to US~, duplicatl and 'dildo" lueh malerlau in whok or In part, in any nuJIg",,!or any purpol~ whaJ$~wr al", to ha~ olherl Q41ln, on behalf oJ Ih, d~pa"'ment to do so. (f Ih, mat~rial.r so d~VtI/qp'" are subject 10 C'Opyrlghl, IrCld4Wlflrlc, or paten/, legal Iltle and evt'Y right, Interest, clpim, Or thmalld oflUly kind In and 10 any paltnl, tratklnark or ropyright, or appllcallon/o,.,he sam., will \IUI in th. $Int. oj' FIDI"iJa, D~nm~," 0/ oSla/e,/or,he ~clu.tl... we and Hllejll of th, ,tat,. Pursuanl tOIt!ct/on Z86,02J. F.S., IU1 "'''011, Jlnn or <<JrpO,a,iOIl, Including parties 10 Ihillrallt, lhall H e",1t1.J 10 lISt Ih. copyr;ghl, pat,nl or lrademark witholll Ih# prior wrlll,,, COIJI,nt o/Ih, D,partmelU qf $1m,. .. CTYJL RIGIlTS CERTlFlCAIJJll:/. 7h_ ,rtIIII<< orrJiMrlIy glva Ihis IISSlU'ance in consitUraJion oj and for Ihe plUpOse oj "blallll", /.J,ral ,nuw, 1tHut.r. contracts (CiC"pt Ctlnrrc2CfS of Insuran" or gu.aranry). propmy. dlscolUlU. or olh.r f<<JRal jflUUl"'al a,rlislaltc. 10 programl or aCflvltlu receiving or beMfiling from /lderal financial allln""",. No fed.ral Jundt an provided by this IICUI grant pro,ram, bw complian" with civil righls k,lsltuloll is nquired. 1M ,rant_ auurel tlull II wlU comply with: 1. rul6 VI of tM Civil Rights Act 0/ 1964. (U amend_. 42 U. S. c. 2()()I)d<< IMJ., will"" prohibill discrimlNllion Oil thl HIli oj Mef. color. or IUJtlo"al origin In programs and aaiviliu ,,"Mn, or bfMjflill' from federdJjl1UJllCial4Ulstan<<. 2. ~CflDlt 504 OJIM RMabillltJIiWl Aa oj 1973. III tJ1IIDId<<I. 29 V.S.C. 794, which prohlbll$ discrimination on 1M basis of handiCdp In pro,rlllftS and aCllvitlu ncelving or be""";n, .from federal ftnancUll tUllllanCl. J. 'ntJ. Xl of 1M Edlu:t#10II ~I' of 1972, u tJJ*ndIJ, 20 V.S.C. 1681 ,II uf., whldt prohiblU dUCI'IIItINIlIOll 011"" basil of sa In _lICtIIkM prof""" iIIId IICIIMlII.I rw<<lWn, (1r kMJflllll from f-JmIl jllJlJlldal t1UUlan<<. 4. 7Jw Ag' DLrcrlmlllGlion Aa 011975. a.r lIIMndU. 42 V.S.C. 6101 It uq.. whla. prohiblu dilt:rlmIMlll1n .0" 1M balls of 11" In progrlllM or IICtlvitl411 melvin, or NMfttln, from fliim1.l jlMnclal IIIIUtiI/U.W. 5. 2M OnuIibar Bud,_ RtcollclllDllOll Act of 1981. P.L. 97-", Mllt/tlt prolllblt.l discrlmllllUlon on 1M bozis of IG and Mlglon In prv,ranu and actlvIJla n~lvIn, 01' beMJIll", from 1<<1.,."., jflllUlAtll QUutlUlt'L 6. All ",ultultHu, ,uidltUMI. IUId Itandlutb /4n4fuUy _pl. """'Ih" plWtitltlln, luuwa. 7. U.S. Depal'tlMnI of H.tlllh and Human SUVlCG bgulDliou for l"roIilCflon 0/ Hunum SUbJ.al (45 CFR, tU tIIItmd<<l) n,onJi", tM prot<<:llon oj IuIman NMU'ch ,ubjecu. 1M granl_ dgIWI IJust tomplian~ with Ihl.r 4U~ ~rutl'w" II ~ndltlOll of coNinu<<J r~/p' of, or beMJil from stat" EMS fun4s, and ,h(ll il l.t ~{~. I I I blndin, "PO" Ihe gram.. IUC<<UOrl. tran.tfj, and a..igMfll/or Ihe pD'Iod during which such IIISir"Gn" 1I provid<<1. 7h, gralll.e junh.r (UIUru tlfaJ till conlracrors. subconlraaon. 'IIb-granteu, or fothen w;lh whom It an-all'lS 10 provide suvlCG or ~nq1I.f 10 participanu tJI" ,mplO)WI in connection with 'fUJY of ill progrQlltS and aalvltlu an nOl discrlmlfUUlng agallllllhOle panlclpants or employea In violation of ,''' pM.Ydlng lIalU"', re,"lculoIJI, ,uid~Ii~, ond Ilandardl. III the ,vat of lallury 10 comply. "'- ,ranle, undu,tandr that Ih, d,panmtnl may. at III discretion. suk a coun ord.r requiring compllcVIe. wl,h Ih. l.mII of mls Q.UUftlnc. or ,uk; other approprlall Judicial or odmlnlstrculvtt r.lI", to Includ. tWillan~ ""n, lennlnaled and ft;nher lUluttln" "'Ing unlM. , FlNANCldL AND "OTHER DOCUME~TS 711. ,raI".' shall ensu,.. tJust any jinc2ncial .1rldn, pap.rl or DIM' oJfIclal docum,nts ,,1aJ,d ~o ,his proj,a ar, mad,. availabl, to the depanm.nt: or lis dulgn" upon nquat, for a plfiod of five ytc2U from Ih. ,ndln, dati of ,h, granl. I I I I I I I i 24 . . "t~;:: cC'