Resolution 453-2004 Mayor Spehar RESOLUTION NO. 453 2004 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT'S OPINION TO PLACE THE BURDEN OF FUNDING JUVENILE DETENTION ON THE STATE; URGING THE MONROE LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION TO OPPOSE LEGISLAnON THAT AMENDS, MODIFIES OR CHANGES THE STATE OBLIGATION FOR PAYMENT FOR JUVENILE DETAINEES; URGING THE GOVERNOR TO OPPOSE AND, IF NECESSARY, VETO ANY SUCH LEGISLATION; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL OF COPIES OF THE RESOLUTION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 985.2155 of the Florida Statutes requires that a county pay the costs of the Department of Juvenile Justice for providing detention care to juveniles; and WHEREAS, on November 12, 2004, the Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit in and for Leon County, Florida, declared that Section 985.2155 of the Florida Statutes to be unconstitutional as forbidden by Article VII Section 18 of the Florida Constitution; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County has continually opposed efforts by the state to impose unfunded mandates on local government; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY: Section 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County fully supports and applauds the decision of the Second Judicial Circuit Court and strongly discourages the State Department of Juvenile Justice from pursuing appeal of this decision. Section 2. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County does hereby express its opposition to any proposed legislation which attempts to shift the cost of juvenile detention to the counties either directly or indirectly by increasing other costs to the counties so as to off-set the State's obligation for said detention. Section 3. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County urges the Monroe Legislative Delegation to resist, work against, and defeat any efforts to adopt legislation that would shift the cost burden of the detention of juveniles from the State to the counties, in contravention of the Second Judicial Circuit Court's opinion. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County further urges the Governor to oppose and, if necessary, veto any such legislation. Section 4. The Clerk of the Board is authorized and directed to send copies of this Resolution to members of the Monroe Legislative Delegation, the State Department of Juvenile Justice and to the Governor. Section 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective upon signature by the Mayor. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15th day of December, 2004. Mayor Spehar Mayor Pro Tem McCoy Commissioner Nelson ____C.ommissioner Neugent .~~"~~\~missioner Rice ,<.(...~~,~~~'~j~}...-:., '/. ~/ \ \..::-~ ""\ ,., 'I<'I.'-~ ~2"," " h " \.. .'\' 0 :.J;; ". '"" \. ,,'. ;1<' _ 0 r::;.j;:;/ \\ _ ''''> il...... f fS. . . . \ ",.,.) f1lf' f- '....,.1 t ,.',_ _--~~\ ~' '~J,~~ ~t~LHAGE, Clerk <":~i.~ '<,"C'C'ot; Oork 1-~ yes ~ yes ~ ~ BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By L)eor/~~~;I/w.u ,j t I ;'0;) .....""'.. - ... .~ -~. .-- ':::'::; .. jresjuvjail ~\ ,..,t ANNE A. TTON ASSISTANT c~ ~TORNEY Date ~ ,