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Resolution 002-2005
OMB Schedule Item Number 2 Resolution No. 002 - 2005 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NUMBER 237-2004 WHEREAS, Resolution Number 237-2004 heretofore enacted for the purpose of receiving Unanticipated Funds, contains erroneous information, and now, therefore, WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Commission to rectify by amendment such errors, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following item in Resolution Number 237-2004: Fund #101- Fine & Forfeiture Fund Cost Center # 68619- Teen Court Revenue: 101-351300SS 1 01 ~389002 Clerk Fines Fund Balance Forward $60,000.00 $35,000.00 Total Revenue $95,000.00 Appropriations: 101-521~8619-510120 101-5210-68619-510210 101-521~19L510220 101-521~8619L530340 101-521~8619-530400 101-521~8619-530410 101-521~19-5~ 101-5210-68619-530470 101-5210-68619-530510 101-521~8619-530521 101-521~19-530520 101-521~8619-530540 101-5210-68619-560640 Regular Salaries FICA Retirement Other Contractual Travel & Per Diem Phone & Postage! Freight Repair and Maintenance Printing & Binding Office Supplies Gasoline Operating Supplies Books, Pubs, Subscriptions Capital Outlay- Equipment $60,000.00 $4,590.00 $4,500.00 $1,410.00 $4,000.00 $2,500.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 $4,000.00 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 Total Appropriations: $95,000.00 Cost Center #68622- HlDT A Administration Revenue: 101-68622-342100SS-GT0402 Services- Pub Safety- Police $135,000.00 Total Revenue: $135,000.00 Appropriations: 101-5210-68622-530490-GT0402-510120 101-521 0-68622-530490-GT0402-51 021 0 101-5210-68622-530490-GT0402-510220 101-521~22-530490-GT0402-530340 1 01-521~22-530490-GT0402-530400 101-521 0-68622-530490-GT0402-53041 0 Regular Salaries FICA Retirement Other Contractual Travel & Per Diem Phone & Postage! Freight $105,000.00 $8,033.00 $7,875.00 $6;342.00 $1,500.00 $2,500.00 TOF-l,19,5 02/0212005 Page 2 101-521 0-68622-530490-GT0402-53051 0 101-5210-68622-530490-GT0402-530520 101-5210-68622-530490-GT0402-530540 Total Appropriations: Cost Center N68601- HIDTA Grant Revenue: 101-68601-3830000S-GT0401 101-68601-3312000S-GT0401 Total Revenue Appropriations: 1 01-5210--68601-530490-GT0401-51 0120 101-521o..68601-53049O-GT0401-510210 101-5210-68601-530490-GT0401-510220 101-5210-68601-530490-GT0401-510240 101-521o..68601-530490-GT0401-S30340 101-5210-68601-530490-GT0401-530520 101-5210-68601-530490-GT0401-560640 101-5210-68601-530490-GT0401-570710 101-5210-68601-530490-GT0401-570730 Total Appropriations: Office Supplies Operating Supplies Books, Pubs, Subs, Memberships Proceeds from Capital Lease Federal Grants- Public Safety Regular Salaries and Wages FICA Retirement Worker~s Compensation Other Contractual Operating Supplies Capital Outlay- Equipment Principal Interest Cost Center N68603- Special Detail Progs Off Duty Revenue: 101-342100ss Total Revenue: Appropriations: 101-521~510120 101-5210-68603-510210 101-5210-68603-510220 Total Appropriations: Cost Center ##68623- South Florida LETF Revenue: 101-359002SS 101-36100sGI 101-389002 Total Revenue: Appropriations: 101-5210-68623-530520 101-5210-68623-560640 TOF-1.19.5 02/02/2005 Page 3 Services- Pub Safety- Police Regular Salaries FICA Retirement Fine & Forfeiture Interest Income Fund Balance Forward Operatiol Supplies Capital Outlay- Equipment 51,250.00 S5OO.00 52,000.00 5135,000.00 580,000.00 519,420,000.00 519,500,000.00 53,313,152.00 5253,456.00 5244,842.00 515,000.00 56,238,550.00 S6~100,000.00 53,000,000.00 S3OO,OOO.OO 535,000.00 19,500,000.00 5100,000.00 5100,000.00 581,533.00 56,237.00 512,230.00 5100,000.00 5150,000.00 51,000.00 549,000.00 5200,000.00 $50,000.00 5150,000.00 Total Appropriations: $200,000.00 Cost Center #68612- Impact Support Revenue: 101-342100ss Services- Pub Safety- Police $284,500.00 ------- Total Revenue: 5284,500.00 Appropriations: 101-521~12-510120 Regular Salaries and Wages $200,000.00 101-521~12-510210 FICA $15,300.00 101-521~12-510220 Retirement $14,780.00 101-521~12-510230 Group Insurance 537,920.00 101-521~12-510240 Workers Compensation $15,000.00 101-521~612-530451 Risk Management $1,500.00 ------- Total Appropriations: $284,500.00 Cost Center #68618- MCSO Grants Revenue: 101-342100sS Services- Pub Safety- Police 5470,000.00 ------ Total Revenue: 5470,000.00 Appropriations: 101-521~18-510120 Regular Salaries 5335,000.00 101-521~18-510210 FICA $25,628.00 101-521~8618-510220 Retirement $24,757.00 101-521~18-530340 Other Contractual $6,115.00 101-5210-68618-530400 Travel & Per Diem 55,000.00 101-5210-68618-530410 Phone & Postage! Freight 515,000.00 101-5210-68618-530440 Leases and Rentals $7,000.00 101-521~8618-530451 Risk Management 57,000.00 101-5210-68618-530460 Repair and Maintenance 510,000.00 101-521~8618-530510 Office Supplies $7,500.00 101-5210-68618-530520 Operating Supplies 515,000.00 101-5210-68618-530521 Gasoline 510,000.00 101-5210-68618-5~ Books, Pubs, Subscriptions 52,000.00 ---- Total Appropriations: 5470,000.00 Cost Center #tQI624- Commissary Revenue: 101-361005GI Interest Income 51,000.00 101-369001GM Miscellaneous Revenue 5414,000.00 101-389002 Fund Balance Forward 5200,000.00 ----- Total Revenue: 5615,000.00 TOF-1.19.5 02/02/2005 Page 4 Appropriations: , 101-5110..68624-510120 101-5210..68624-510210 101-5210..68624-510220 101-5210..68624-5~ 101-5210..68624-530400 101-5210..68624-530410 101-5210..68624-530430 101-5210-68624-530451 101-5210..68624-~ 101-5210..68624-530470 101-5210..68624-S30S10 101-5210-68624-S30S20 101-5210-68624-S30S40 101-5110..68624-S60640 Total Appropriations: IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: Fund 1#101- Fine & Forfeiture Fund Cost Center 1# 68619- Teen Court Revenue: 101-351300SS 101-389002 Total Revenue Appropriations: 101-5210..68619-510120 101-521~68619-510140 101-5210-68619-510210 101-5210..68619-510220 101-5210..68619-5~ 101-5210-68619-530400 101-5210-68619-530410 101-5210-68619-530450 101-5110.68619-530460 101-5210-68619-530510 101-5210.68619..530521 101-5210-68619-530520 101-5110-68619-S30S40 101-5210.68619-S60640 Total Appropriations: Cost Center 1#68622. mDT A Administration Revenue: 101~22-342100ss Total Revenue: Appropriations: TOF-1.19.5 02/02/2005 Page 5 Regular Salaries FICA Retirement Other Contractual Travel & Per Diem Phone & Postage! Freight Utilities Risk Management Repairs and Maintenance Printing and Binding Office Supplies Operating Supplies Books, Pubs, Subs and Education Capital Outlay- Equipment 5230,000.00 517,595.00 516,997.00 5150,000.00 524,000.00 528,008.00 $900.00 52,500.00 52,000.00 51,000.00 51,500.00 5103,000.00 $35,000.00 52,500.00 5615,000.00 Clerk Fines Fund Balance Forward $69,171.00 5 960.00 570,131.00 Regular Salaries Overtime FICA Retirement Other Contractual Travel & Per Diem Phone & Postage! Freight Insurance Repair and Maintenance Office Supplies Gasoline Operating Supplies Books, Pubs, Subscriptions Capital Outlay- Equipment 548,527.00 144.00 $3,387.00 $3,597.00 5 555.00 5 380.00 5 774.00 52,253.00 52,150.00 52,931.00 51,248.0005 539.00 52,238.00 51,408.00 570,131.00 Services- Pub Safety- Police 5196,698.00 5196,698.00 101-5210-68622-530490-GT0402-510120 101-52 10-68622-530490-GT0402-5l0l 40 101-5210-68622-530490-GT0402510210 10l-52l0-68622-S30490-GT0402-510220 101-5210-68622-530490-GT0402-510240 101-5210-68622-530490-GT0402-530340 101-5210-68622-530490-GT0402-530400 101-5210-68622-530490-GT0402-530410 10l-5210-68622-53049O-GT0402-530521 101-5210-68622-S3049O-GT0402-530510 101-5210-68622-53049O-GT0402-530520 101-5210-68622-530490-GT0402-S30S40 101-5210-68622-530490-GT0402-530490 Total Appropriations: Cost Center #68601- RIOT A Grant Revenue: 101-68601-3830000S-GT0401 101-68601-33l2000S-GT0401 Total Revenue Appropriations: 101-521~60l-53049O-GT0401-510120 101-5210-68601-530490-GT0401-530340 101-5210-68601-530490-GT0401-560640 101-5210-68601-S3049O-GT0401-570710 101-5210-68601-530490-GT0401-570730 Total Appropriations: Regular Salaries Overtime FICA Retirement Worker's Compensation Other Contractual Travel & Per Diem Phone & Postagel Freight Fuel Office Supplies Operating Supplies Books, Pubs, Subs, Memberships Miscellaneous Proceeds from Capital Lease Federal Grants- Public Safety Regular Salaries and Wages Other Contraetual Capital Outlay- Equipment Principal Interest Cost Center #68603- Special Detail Progs Off Duty Revenue: 101-342100ss 101-389002 Total Revenue: Appropriations: 101-521~8603-510120 101-521~510140 101-5210-68603-510210 101-5210-68603-510220 101-521~530350 Total Appropriations: Cost Center 1#68623- South Florida LETF Revenue: 101-359002SS 101-361005GI TOF-1.19.5 02/02/2005 Page 6 Services- Pub Safety- Police Fund Balance Forward Regular Salaries Overtime FICA Retirement Investigations Fine & Forfeiture Interest Income $125,557.00 $ 1,923.00 $ 9,503.00 $ 8,745.00 $ 4,916.00 $ 5,314.00 $ 138.00 $ 2,624.00 $ 34.00 $ 2,319.00 $ 2,371.00 $ 1274.00 $ 31,980.00 $196,698.00 5109,756.00 $28,229,964.00 $28,339,720.00 $ 7,861,862.00 517,691,435.00 $ 2,525,044.00 $240,106.00 521,273.00 $28,339,720.00 5 104,884.00 $ 2,120.00 S 107.004.00 $ 84,479.00 $ 3,575.00 $ 5,538.00 $ 11,291.00 $ 2,121.00 5107,004.00 $ 98,796.00 $ 2,042.00 ------ Total Revenue: $ 100,838.00 Appropriations: 101-521~23-530490 Miscellaneous $100,838.00 ----- Total Appropriations: $ 100,838.00 Cost Center 1#68612- Impact Support Revenue: 101-3421008S Services- Pub Safety- Police $ 243,327.00 ---- Total Revenue: $ 243,327.00 Appropriations: 101-5210-68612-510120 Regular Salaries and Wages $ 173,031.00 101-521~12-510140 Overtime $ 4,377.00 101-521~12-510210 FICA $ 13,572.00 101-521~12-510220 Retirement $ 12,885.00 101-521~12-510230 Group Insurance $ 38,710.00 101-521~12-510240 Workers Compensation $ 752.00 .-......--- Total Appropriations: $ 243,327.00 Cost Center ##68618- MCSO Grants Revenue: 101-342100ss Services- Pub Safety- Police $ 506.652.00 --- Total Revenue: $ 506,652.00 Appropriations: 101-521~18-510120 Regular Salaries $ 295,905.00 101-521~18-510140 Overtime $ 13,846.00 101-521~18-510210 FICA $ 21,585.00 101-521~18-510220 Retirement $ 21,870.00 101-521~16-510240 Worker's Compensation $ 415.00 101-521~18-530340 Other Contractual $ 78,088.00 101-521~18-~ Travel & Per Diem $ 180.00 101-521~18-530410 Phone & Postage! Freigbt $ 8,872.00 101-521~18-~ Leases and Rentals $ 5,055.00 101-521~18-530451 Risk Management $ 9,376.00 101-521~18-530460 Repair and Maintenance $ 18,897.00 101-521~18-530510 Office Supplies $ 1,697.00 101-5210-68618-530520 Operating Supplies $ 3,267.00 101-5210-68618-530521 Gasoline $ 8,483.00 101-5210-68618-530540 Books, Pubs, Subscriptions S 13,749.00 101-521~18-560640 Capital Outlay $ 5,367.00 ----- Total Appropriations: S 506,652.00 TOF-1.19.5 02/02/2005 Page 7 Cost Center ##68624- Commissary Revenue: 101-361005GI 1 01-369001 GM 101-389002 Interest Income MisceUaneous Revenue Fund Balante Forward Total Revenue: Appropriations: 101-521~24-510120 101-521~24-510140 101-521~24-510210 101-521~24-510220 101-5210-68624-530340 101-5210-68624-S30400 101-5210-68624-530410 101-521~24-530430 101-521~24-S30451 101-5210-68624-530460 101-5210-68624-530470 101-S21~68624-530510 101-521~~20 101-521~24-530540 101-S210-68624-~ Regular Salaries Overtime FICA Retirement Other Contractual Travel & Per Diem Phone & Postage! Freight Utilities Risk Management Repain and Maintenance Printing and Binding Office Supplies Operating Supplies Books, Pubs, Subs and Education Capital Outlay- Equipment Total Appropriations: S 308.00 S406,042.00 5 70,896.00 $477,246.00 5195,823.00 S 8,631.00 $ 15,510.00 S 16,036.00 $ 98,521.00 $ 7,185.00 $ 1.188.00 5 4,382.00 S 2,171.00 $ 2,161.00 $ 693.00 $ 4,016.00 $ 95,367.00 $ 20,673.00 $ 4,889.00 $477,246.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above unanticipated funds, is hereby authorized and directed to place funds in said items, as set forth above, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of January AD 2005. Mayor Spehar Mayor Pro Tern Me Coy Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Rice Commissioner Nelson yes yes yes yes ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~h~ >n ~~ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) ~F.Ckrk G D.L. ,.,!I, I ..~.... <- .. TOF-1.19.5 02/02/2005 Page 8