Resolution 449-1992 .-J .' RESOLUTION NO. 449-1992 F!LED ~ (1~ RFCORr' .l\ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY '92 SEP 30 P 2 ~ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF THE MOSQUITO CONTROL/WASTE '}'IRE ABATEMENT GRANT i'M~h APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ~t_h WJNROf 'DUN (r~,!~RONMENTAL REGULATION. WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation has announced the application deadline of October 2, 1992 for the Mosquito Control/Waste Tire Abatement Grant, now therefore: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Monroe County Environmental Management Division Recycling Department has approval to submit the Mosquito Control/Waste Tire Abatement Grant to the Department of Environmental Regulation, and that; 2. The Board authorizes the County Administrator to have signature authority on the Department of Environmental Regulation Grant Application and payment requests, and that; 3. This resolution shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and adoption and authentication by the signatures of the presiding Officer and Clerk of the Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a special meeting of said Board held on the 23 (~ day of September, A.D. 1992. Mayor Wilhelmina Harvey Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Jones Commissioner Cheal Commissioners Stormont ~ Ye.s.- Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY ~ "\ AO~....."" .~-+ Mayor Wilhelmina Har ey "'Y ~ (Seal) Attest: ,&/ ,.fnf>YS~ 7-:: "2', ~ - c::.. i~~' Florida Department of Environmental Regulation : ~~ - \ . 9 1\vin 1bv.Iers Office Bldg. . 2600 BI:lir Stone Road . 131bh2ssce. Florida 32399-2400 La..'tOn Chiles. Govanor Carol M. Browner. SccrCt:lI'~' MOSQUITO CONTROL/WASTE TIRE ABATEMENT GRANT APPLICATION 1. Applying County: Monroe 2. County Mailing Address: 5100 Colle2e Road Room #511. Wing 11-B Kev West. FL 33040 3. Federal Employer Identification Number: 50-6000-749 4. Telephone Number for Applicant: (305) 292-4433 5. Program Director: Connie Grabois 6. Address: 5100 Colle~e Road Room #511. Win2 I1-B Kev West. FL 33040 7 . Contact Person (person to whom reimbursement request questions should be directed): Connie Grabois 8. Address of Contact Person: 5100 College Road Room #511, Wing 11-B Key West FL 11040 9. Telephone Number of Contact Person: (305) 292-4433 10. Name and Title of Authorized Representative: Name: Thomas W. Brown Title: County Administrator REeEWED s~p 2 5 '~92 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR b<)c~ "'-Pw --...-- MOSQUITO CQNTROL/WASTE TIRE ABATEMENT GRANT APPLICATION PAGE TWO 11. Purpose for which grant money is requested: (please check the appropriate space for each anticipated activity.) (a) (b) Equipment Purchases Removal of Waste Tires x (c) x Inspection of waste tire sites, other tire piles, and other waste debris sites in the county identified by local mosquito control agencies as mosquito breeding areas. (d) Telephone or personal contact of citizens to discuss problem of container mosquitoes and citizen actions to resolve domestic mosquito problems. (e) x Apply larvicide to tire piles (f) x Apply adulticide to areas around waste tire piles, other tire piles and waste debris sites (g) x Educational activities (instruction at schools, civic groups, etc.) (h) Notifications to remove tires (i) x Mosquito surveillance (trap collections, landing rate counts, larval collections, special collections) (j) Other activities (attach a description) I CERTIFY that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to apply for this grant on behalf of this ca government. SEP 2 8 1992 Date Please return form to: Dep tment of Environmental Regulation reau of Solid and Hazardous Waste Solid Waste section 2600 Blair stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Page 2 of 2 . . ~Mm~ iF.. ~~ Date ~~-~