Resolution 457-1992 RESOLUTION NO. 457 - 1992 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO APPROVE THE SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (SJPA) TO DESIGN, CONSTRUCT, AND INSTALL UPGRADED FAA APPROVED AIRPORT RUNWAY AND TAXIWAY GUIDANCE SIGNS AT KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AND MARATHON AIRPORTS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereby authorized the Mayor to approve the Supplement Joint Participation Agreement (SJPA) to design, construct, and install upgraded FAA approved airport runway and taxiway guidance signs at Key West International and Marathon Airports, between Monroe County and the Florida Department of Transportation, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this 7 day of October , 1992." A . D . MAYOR, Wilhelmina Harvey COMMISSIONER, Jack London COMMISSIONER, Douglas Jones COMMISSIONER, A. Earl Cheal COMMISSIONER, John Stormont Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By \,~""'&t\~..e ___~ . _ ~ ~._~.. - '\' (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk :::: o :z: 2;~?::;- \.0 N " r- :T1 o C':l ......; , -, r .~ - ~~ ~.. '3 '_ ..... . u b -, -.., ~ . ~ APPROVED AS' TO FaRM ('" .:J AND LEGAL ~UFrFh CISNc'!r'f:?' B =========================================================================== WPI No: 6826762 Fund: 010 JOB: 90000-3556 Function: 637 Federal No: N/A Contract No: A7998 SAMAS Approp: 088800 SAMAS Object: 730050 Org. Code: 55062020628 Vendor No: VF596000749001 =========================================================================== STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ___ day of by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the Department, and the OF MONROE, hereinafter called the Agency. 19 agency COUNTY WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Department and the Agency heretofore on the 6th of May 1991 entered into a Joint Participation Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Agency desires to accomplish certain proj ect i terns as outlined in the Attachment "A" appended hereto; and WHEREAS, the Department desires to participate in all eligible items for this project as outlined in Attachment "A" for a total Department Share of $20,000. NOW, THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: that for and in consideration of the mutual benefits to flow from each to the other, the parties hereto agree that the above described Joint Participation Agreement is to be amended and supplemented as follows: 1.00 project Description: Design, construct, and install upgraded FAA approved airport runway and taxiway guidance signs at Key West Intenational and Marathon Airports. 2.00 Project Cost: Paragraph 3.00 of said Agreement is increased by $350,000 bringing the revised total cost of the project to $400,000. 3.00 Amended Exhibits: Exhibit "B" of said Agreement is amended by Attachment "A". 4.00 Contract Time: Paragraph 18.00 of said contract is amended N/A WPI No: 68226762 JOB No: 90000-3556 Agreement Date: Except as hereby modified, amended or changed, all other terms of said Agreement dated May 6. 1991 and any other subsequent supplements shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents be executed, the day and year first above written. BY: DATE FUNDING APPROVED BY COMPTROLLER (SEE ATTACHED ENCUMBRANCE FORM) AUG 0 5 1992 AGENCY TITLE: Mayor/Chairman ATTEST:DANNY L. KOLHAGE,CLERK(SEAL) TITLE: lJeputy clerk LEGALITY DATE: DIRECTOR PLANNING AND PROGRAMS (SEAL) ATTEST: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY c.~:) ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ENCUMBRANCE INPUT FORM ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ RUSH (Needed by ___/___/___ (date)) Reason-for-RUSH: Advertise (Letting Date) Award Renewal ---Letter of Authorization -New Court_Order' Overrun XXX-Supplemental ____correctIOn ___ AddItion ___ Termination Agmt. Contract # A7998 Contract Type 310 Method of Procurement G Vendor Name: Monroe county Vendor ID VF 596-000-749=001 Has Written/Verbal Approval from a Participating Federal Agency been received Yes X No FedFunds-$315,OOO State Funds- $17,500 Local Funds-$17,500 -- Beginning date of this Agmt: 10/30/92(Must be after fund approval) Ending date of this Agmt: 06/30/96 (Estimate if necessary) Execution date of this Agmt: / / (Only on original agreements) Has work been authorized to begin? -- -Yes X-No Have standard financial provisions been altered by contract terms? Yes X No If so, show Revision date: N/A Does this agreement and/or change order include provisions for reimbursement to D.O.T. from other entities? Yes X No If so, has the JPA been approved by the COMPTROLLER? Yes X_ No ***************************************************************** Description: PROCURE AND INSTALL FAA APPROVED AIRPORT SIGNAGE AT KEY WEST INT'L AND MARATHON AIRPORT. DPTO $ 17,500.SUP-JPA ***************************************************************** ORG-CODE *EO * OBJECT * AMOUNT * CO/SEC/JOB#/PH *FCT (PROGRAM#) (WPI # ) (FUND) numeric ( FY's ) To be completed if funded in 2 or more fiscal years. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 55062020628 *11 * 730050 * $ 17,500 (2090 ) * 90000-3556-50 (6826762 ) ( 010) * 637 ( -------------------------------------------------------------- * * * * * ( ) ( ) ( ( TOTAL AMOUNT *$ 17,500 * Originator: Len Bivins Date: 07/29/92 Phone: SC452-5912 E-mail user-ID PT628LB ****************************************************************** TO BE COMPLETED BY OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER ****************************************************************** BUDGET ENTITY 5580 CATEGORY 088800-93 WORK ORDER BALANCE _Authorized on 07/22/92=17,500.00 ALLOTMENT Ab=489,500.00 YEAR 93 DATE CHECKED 08/05/92 FUNDS APPROVED BY Marsha Johnson DATE _08/05/92 - wPI No: 6826762 JOB No: 90000-3556 ATTACHMENT "A" SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT This Attachment forms an integral part of that certain Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation and the County of Monroe dated DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLEMENT Justification for cost change: Since execution of original JPA, requirements for airport signage was increased by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that effects every guidance sign on these airports. Change in total FAA grant funding participation in project. Department funding at 1/2 the non-Federal Share. I. project cost: As approved As amended Net Change Total Project Cost: $ 50,000 $ 400,000 $ 350,000 II. Fund participation project funding with Federal participation. Federal: (FAA) (90.0%) $ 45,000 (90.0%) $ 360,000 $ 315,000 Agency: (LF) ( 5.0%) 2,500 ( 5.0%) 20,000 17,500 Department: (DPTO) ( 5.0%) 2,500 ( 5.0%) 20,000 17,500 Total Project Cost: Federal: (FAA) $ 45,000 $ 360,000 $ 315,000 Agency: (LF) 2,500 20,000 17,500 Department: (DPTO) 2,500 20,000 17,500 Totals: $ 50,000 $ 400,000 $ 350,000 III. Estimated Cashflow of state Funds ($ x 1000) Fiscal Year 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 92/93 0 0 2 10 93/94 5 3 0 0