Resolution 484-1992 r ' RESOLUTION NO. 484 - 1992 F ~ LEn r (W ;-) r- {' n r r A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO APPROVE THE JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (JPA) TO CLEAR AND GRUBB RUNWAY TRANSITIONAL AREAS AND CONSTRUCT AND INSTALL OBSTRUCTION LIGHTS AT MARATHON AIRPORT. '92 .;/ 7 .D. c. .1&. ocr ~ p 1 :;23 .-\ ~~ f] ~Ll\ !,..u-< ~liJNROF (;CJlJN l,' T' '. , ILI-. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS QF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereby authorized the Mayor to approve the Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) to clear and grubb runway transi- tional areas and construct and install obstruction lights at Marathon Airport, between Monroe County and the Florida Department of Transportation,a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this 7 day of October , 1992, A.D. MAYOR, Wilhelmina Harvey COMMISSIONER, Jack London COMMISSIONER, Douglas Jones COMMISSIONER, A. Earl Cheal COMMISSIONER, John Stormont Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~.. .. ... ~\ By ~~.",,...,.,,,. '-~,~ ~ (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY B&<~ Attorne sfice icurllary i J:'':'' ::::::===-==============::::::::========::::====~.:::::: =:::==::======== ==== ===-::::=========:::"'=::::'::::::==='7:::== ======= WPI No: 6826770 Fund: 0 1 0 Function:_ 637 Federal No: Contract No:....d'1'33/ SAMAS Apprap: 0 8 8 800 SA.\1AS Obj.: 730050 Org. Codl'~25 0 62020628 Vendor No.: VFS9 6000 7/,9 001 J<;b No: 90000 - 3 879 ~============================ ================================================= STATE OF FLOrJDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPQRTATION JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 19 --J by and between the STATE OF FLORiDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State of Florida,herdnaftercalledtheDepartment,and the County of Monroe hereinafter caITed the Agency. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Agency has the authority to enter into said Agreement and to undertake the project hereinafter described, and the Department has been granted the authority to function adequately in all areas of appropr.ate jurisdiction including the implementation of an integrated and balanced transportation system and is authorized under F . S . 332 . 006 ( 6 ) to en/er into this Agreement; NOH', THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and representations herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.00 Purpose of Agreement: The purpose of this Agreement is Clear and Grubb Runway Transitional Areas and Construct 2nd Install Obstruction Lights at ~arathon Airport. a..... ,..,1 lCT-..,'....tZ,Pr ,Jo;c"'rz'}';;)(':l'IZ rXh1'V',z'ff_' l\.~ 1) & C H.....-+"~ho ,1 r~..J;""r,!.l~"_ Ih", c;...... J ;.~I . ......1 '......JL ..'......~.. .L.o.. ~\~/ n , C..;.j.'l.l.._c..u ~ere.c~..;....;. vj .1....:. "'e{~~"'~' rnn,.l, - .,.,,,~t here";: hereina4('" r,i;,,,! ;h,"-nYo,~rl Q"ri "0 ""v,"""';r'~ r)>;)n~;me"lrlf.'"~,,r'"Ql ns-'"s"r,o,p ,- " {l J ):...., c/......:.. '"'~~~ /..~ fI""1 -.Jjl .. "/~' ~"~""-'H ;. ...... r' ) "'......., ,....... r' I...'.....'........... L :"'-;_~,;.I .. i;.*~4 .,.;.':I~l-I ~~...,)~ ~;.",-.... lU ./1..., iis!tncy and ~,:.~te the tE:r771S end condz't;'or.s ::pcn 7.uJ::'ch such tlssist::r:~:: :~";r! be pror.r:"cicd a;;i the l{;~~:ers:::~:::';':;~s as to~f!/c n:mzr:er in which the project will be z;uieriaken mid compictc::1. ~ 1 Fevruary 1992 2,00 Accomplishment of the Project: 2.10 General Requirements: The Agency shall commence, and complete the project as described in E~hibit "A" with all practical di~patch, in a sOlind, economical, and efficient manner, and in accordance witl' the provisions herein, and all applicable laws. 2.20 Pursuant to Federal, State, and Local Law: In the event that any election, referendum, approval, permit, notice, or other proceeding or authorization is requisite under applicable law to enable the Agency to enter into this Agreement or to undertake the project hereunder, or to observe, assume or carry out any of the provisions of the Agreement, the Agency will initiate and consummate, as provided by law, all actions necessary with respect to any such matters so requisite. ' 2.30 Funds of the Agency: The Agency shall initiate and prosecute to completion all proceedings necessary including federal aid requirements to enable the Agency to provide the necessary funds for completion of the project. 2.40 Submission of Proceedings, Contracts and Other Documents: The Agency shall submit to the Department such data, reports, records, contracts and other documents relating to the project as the Department may require as listed in Exhibit "C". 3.00 Project Cost: The total estimated cost of the project is $ 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 . - . This amount is based upon the estimate summarized in Exhibit "B" and by this reference made a part hereof. The Agency agrees to bear all expenses in excess of the total estimated cost of the project and any deficits involved. 4.00 Department Participation: The Department agrees to maximum participation, including contingencies, in the project in the amount of $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 . - as detailed in Exhibit "B ", or in an amount equal to the percentageCs) of total project cost shown in Exhibit "B", whichever is less. 4.10 Project Cost Eligibility: Project costs eligible for State participation will be allowed only from the date of this Agreffilent. It is understood that State participation in eligible project costs is subject to: a) Legislative appro-u.71 of the Dcp;'lrtment's appropriation requ:st in the work program Ye!J.r that the project is scheduled fo be committed; The understanding that disbursemen t of funds will be made in accordance with the balanced thirry- s=".:: (36) month cash fOTe~a5t; i-::..~il.'Jb{!z'ty of f!~;::Is c:.s s::2fed in p.7ragraph 17.00 of this ~A.g;eern::;t; :\r:pro'ual of all plans! spec;fic'2::ons, contracts OT other oblig~:ir;g documents (;]:d all othe; te:nrs [~f this Agreenrenf; [)q::c;rtr:':en! apprcz.;Q! of the p;-cfe:t scope and budget (Exhib;":s ./~ & Bj at the time c:pprop-i~:::];: ~;: :UlCTi:-:/ beccr;c5 ::::-.:~:'!~b!~. b) d) c; ;'ni~ai!y ~:~~ 1~;'~~; c7,;~:_Fl/;~:fJ1g: ;:r~'!1: e~~:~~~~il;~~v~~t(~c~t~t) ~~~:~;:le~~c:;:/i~~~i ~;e ;~~a~~n~;~~r;:~:~ rrFYt:>:!'p::ztior. as shc::..'n in p:;ru.:c.;rnpn ~~.OO. :: [-,..." T"';Jj"'~']1r.,-y'7' J~C';n:n'l(JI~ /~~~: ('" .-.l....,.";;;..--:;~7.J 1'(at7y;i;'r-;.,1;, ~,"'~ I,::. 1"l"'r/~"",.....f c''" S~''-) J. dJ .~\.'-....~~ "'~0'--' .,,-,..~,,. .......6'"" \.Ho1 \~ "r':>",",;.{LI~'v. J .'l.tl....../.../.V:..., _ .. /"....,....>..-/... , L)Cr::~'f;;,;cr;;'s fet;;! sh:7re of t)t1:"'i!'cip:J::"':~~ as ShC:':;,~1 1.n 'p:.'1r~graph 4.00 is to be held ir: retainage to be disb:{:sed, at ';'1~ D-- .' /lyJ.n1:n-.fl ~j'C:. pt-~'(..,.... n ~ p' t;;.:Jr.,? n,p ~""'''''''''"''1i~l;,..., ~ 'it t',,-, (; ..n7 ,.,,:..->.-..1- no,';:; ~tH.. ,.;.p,-~, ~".....,.~ 5 h.......Lr.....I-Uj~/ '-'~. c, ~ ""VI'~ ..,.., Ll1lj',..nc~...../l. L) !1c. j.n.u prll)t."",~ U.-i..H... 2 February 1992 6.00 Project Budget and Disbursement Schedule: . 6.10 'Th, Proj'ct Budget: prior ta the execution of th;s Agreem",t, a project bul,e!, slull1 be prepared by th' Agerlcy and approved by the Departm'nt. The Agwcy shatl maiolaio said budget, cOmJ out the project and shol1 incur obligations against and mak, d;,bu,sem,nts af prof,,1 felnds only io confonnily with Ihe lot"! appraved budget for the project. The budget may be ,evised pmodicatly, and if revised, a copy of the revision should be farw"ded to the Camp tro tla. No budget increase ar decrease slwll be effective unl"s it camp Ii" with fund p"ticipotion "qu;remenls "tabl;,hed in p"agraph 4.00 of th;s Agreement and is approced by th, Departmwt Comptroller. 6.20 Schedule of Disbu",m",'" The Agency slulli pravide the Department with 0 time-ph",ed schedule of the Dep"tment funds to be expended on the project. Th;, schedule slull1show "timaled disbursemwls f" 1.1' entire lam of 11" proi'ct by qu"ta of fiscal year. The schedule may be divided by projecl ph",e whae such diu;,ion is delamin,d to b, appropriate by th, D'Portmwt. Any significant deviation from th, appro"d schedule in Exhibit "B" requires submission of a supplemental sch~dule by the Agency. 7.00 Accountillg Records: 7.10 Es'ablislm"'" a"d Mai,,'en,nce of AceounUng Record,; The Agw~j shal1 "t,bl;sh fa' Ihe projeel, in confannily with uniform "quiremenls that m,y be "Iobl;shed by Deparlment program gUidelines/procedu,es and General1y Aceep/ed Govanmental Accounting St,nd"ds (GAGASJ 10 facililale Ihe admin;,trolion of th, finonci"g program, separote accounts 10 be m"nlained within its "".sting accounting syslem ar es labl;,h ind'Peoden t ,ceounls. 5 uch ,,,oao Is ore refmed to hmin colleelivdy as Ihe "projecl aceouo I". The project account shall be made av,,1able upon "quesl by the Departmenl any t'm, during Ir.e period of the Agreemenl and for five years after final payment is made. 7.20 F,,,,d, Recdvd Or Made Avdlable fo, Tne projed' The Agency sholl appropri:lldy record in Ihe projeel accounl, and dcposit in a bonk" trusl company wh"h ~ a m,,,,ba of the ?deral Deposit Insurance Corporotion. all payments received by il from the D'Parlmeal pureuanl to this Agr",,,,,enl and ell olher funds pnmidd for, "auiag 10, or otl"rw;,e recived on "count of the project, which Deportm",1 For!""nts and other funds are herein co!iec!",eIy referred 10 as "projecl funds". The Agency ,hall require d'Positories of project fonds to "",re c",tinuou,ly "nd fuily 011 projed Jemd, in "ceSS of Ihe amouds 'nsured ,,",a fedaal pians, or un,a Siale pIons which have been o!'Proved for Ihe deposil OJ projed frmds Wj C" Dep"tmert, by the d'Pasil " seflj,:g aside of CO II.' """ of the types an d in the mo" na as ,reeaibed bj 5 late Lw for the ",urily of pubE, funds, or '" appruucd by fhe Dcp:ntment. 7.30 Cod' I"",,,,d for the projed: The ASen~j 'r.e!! chorge ta the pee'''' accon'" ,E eiigible ",ts "f th, projce'. CCS 'C ;" exe "5 ef th, iotes t oppnrce,i b,d get " ,liribu 'o,ie to ocliors which hac" r.o t re,eivd the req'::r:,d (IF'proc':;;l c; the DeDartmeni sr",U ::ot be cO(i5iicied eligible cests 7. JO [) 0 '" ",,,n t" Ii a" of Pro j ocl Cast,; Ai; ccsto c;ygod to to" p'oject, ;:,!o ding any oppro-sd 5""isee ~~:. ::~:; ~~" ";0 :;-;~, e-Jid"~ ;';'~'~~'P'?" ,';~,;;~:;:;;u:i o"p"I, <c,~'~; ~~/:C:~ time ",,,do, je 0"'" 7.50 C;",i;c, (btas, and ,- o"chm: Any co",k " ",,, i,."'.o b; the ;,""! wi:C, ,,,,,ect Ie an" item whicI ;, or w'n be dwrgs,Ci, against iI' proj'" "ce,o; wiE be drawn only in ace,'''''''' u'ith' propaiy oig"" voo"i;" t,i;" on r'c io ihe office oj i;" AZ"'Y st,,"nz in p,oper dctsii iIe purp"" f" wr.'6o """ cJ",k or ord" is "'""" AIi,' ",13, pOY" Us, i "voice, c'" 'mo t,. ,'so,h "', or" ers, C' other ocer s c :ing documer ts perloi oi ng in ,; l~) y '11 .,.,r,..t I t' 0 0' ,cJ. c1 fl'" -L'^~l'l ;r!,?~;;::-J v,c";'" ~r' ";":,' n"r! +r ,:'- 0 ,10 I {co ;1;- 1.' n" ".J" ,0. "C,,' .0 n, p' JC ",W' 0, ,,,..,., .0,....,.'.. '"'''.'0 ^"~,..,, ""'" ". ..., ,X"n, ,".5,0.,. ~--p, Sep..",e _ and apart fro:rz aU other SLICh docume~;!5, 3 Februanl 1992 7.60 Audit Report" J U" Agency slmll provide io Ihe Depar!Wn! for ^"h of ,Is ps,"' ,.-'" J" . !he project aceouhl ",mains open, on audit report pr'i,,,,d eilh" by its official aoditor or audi! " .- '" ind epend enl ",!i fi ed po bl Ie aceoun !an!, reflecting Ihe U50 of Ihe funds of Ihe Departmen I, II" Age"". "". .ho" from any olher source wilh respect !o the projecl,. Audils shall be prrfarmeJ in accordance ailh g"",.ally occepled gav"nmen! auditing s!ondards contained in II" ~udil of Gm,ernmenlol Orqan~ions. Pro",m" [!c!ivi!if;Lond Fonetim!!, ~sued by the U. S. General Accounting Office and OMB Circolmes A-128 or A-1J3 where applicable. The Agency shall require its aodit"'S 10 include in Ihci, reporl 0 schedule of project oss~!ar.ce as described in Exhibit "A", Special Considerations. 7.70 Inso"nc" The Agency sholl carry p"perty and "sunlty insu"nce an project equipment and facilities and pravide coidence of soid inso"nce for Ihe project am,ont s'a!ed in parograph 4.00 of Ihis Agreemenl. If Ihis Agreement is for pu"ha" of land, the Department may woioe or modify th~ section wilh an ExhilJil "c". 8.01 Bills for fees or olh" compensation for services or expenses shall be submitted in delail sufficient for a proper preaudit and postaudit thereof. 8.02 Bills for any travel expenses shall be submitted in aCcordance wilh Chapter 112.061 F.$. The Departmenl may eslablish rales lower than the maximum provided in Chopler 112.061 Florida Stalules. S .03 If, after project campi e1ion, any claim ~ made by the D ep"tm en I res ulting from an audil or for wo>k or s"vices p"formed po,,,,,nt 10 !h~ ogreemen!, Ihe D~?ar!menl may offsel such amounl from paymenls due fo> work or services done under any public transportalion joinl p"liciation agreemenl w(.ich i! has wilh the Agency owing such amount if, upon demand, payment of Ihe amount ~ not made within sixty (6OJ dcys to the Department. 8.04 Offsetting any amounl pursu,n! 10 section 8.03 shail nol be considmd 0 bresch of contract by the Department. S.lO heliminor,; Aci"n bJ Ihe AgCO~F border la obioin any Departmenl funds, Ihe Ag"'", shan, 8.00 Requisitions and Payments: 5.11 With ",peet to propV"Y a,qui"d,. fik ",ith the Depo,,,,,ent of Transpor.olion, Disld'I_SG.-"-~~~' "ia~i Ave., }liami narl/o. 33;3" - '.).~ .("'"j':'-'~'~:""'''' r"'" r {o"""Y'I r."" to,,'-n1C: prp".-y:r~'; hi ';'p T'P""~"'''"' ,,;,,..' i' d"(O' t' "...-! .f .1~4_-'" 1"': ,..! 1... to,,,.o ,,,... "" .. J .,. .., J ,,,.. ,,,,,,.,, .., ' ". J-n"'" "r... "... SU.n o.ner a...?V''' r.r..g ,0 ..., pr"j'" accour;f- (.25 defined in "V)r"tag:;;:ph 7.10 he;eof) ad the ~roiect::5 ths DC"rartmer.t ;1'::;'./ rer::.:;re, to iustif.: ad sum;ort , .' , ..,""' ' :hc payn,:/;: requisitio):s. ;;d,,;h;g: ."); L:;C ~;;te U;e [:cq)~i"e:i ii;e VI'Opc;'t:/1 u ," Iv" en I by';" Agen "i wiir,;i HE ;;,,1 the Ag"'" h" c,,"u,rod ro U Fe;; "'Cf ,;,d, ': " cC'u-rS the c::q;;;5itio/; of re:ll praperty; J' a 5'a',,""" vi 'e' ';.7' Ii,; A co" c, has as" ,ird sa!, rrr:~;e;tc/! ,""i arl;d cor.s;;!erc:tiOl: paid ]:;r rc::: FCFcr:;., (~; "j .."....1 ..,-, n ,'" c:~ntrn"('~j. 1;,,' l:'I' AOt"'r-'l' (",7YI;;''';no Jt-:(JJ. t~.." "''''71"':"Y...:~.....1 n)"--~ . ',' - .. "...,..._,.. t.," ..._ _.,-,'''~:! ~_. '):1" 6,,,.1, ".- "1"/"";'''''' .;, ;:.;,,;:;;:;:::.... c; ;';" rr::pC"tj togetHer v..:d; any c;ite:;dani reIccaiion Of OCC,IVC;;;iS ,L'::5 ,.,,..,'" ,~;:"',,,,J " ,..n",,,,T:,,, p' ,'I~. nP ( ) .y,.' In'' .,,1 - ! ~,--,;" - n " : ..._l,'r.'~...r..., n. '~"'r"-'''C~ ,~L,. ,,,' je,,[, '" ......)5" ",e:, ana F' c,-c,.~?'w r::i\,;rc., b, 0,," id..,,! "'"si,,d 'F"C; and u:ith ,iI stat' ),'"5, T"eo ,,d p"".,,,"5 U;:,t rr::;.y ..:pp!:; 10 the Agency acqlli.ring th~ rea: :;:c;;Jerty. 4 I-t:V'1 ~...J ~'f .J...... ... 8,1- __ply with all applicable prollisior:s of titis Agreement, . 8.20 The Department's Obligations: SIIbject to other prcruisions hereof, the Department wnl honor such requisitions in amounts and at times dC!?1ned by the Department to be proper to ensure the cairying out of the project and payment of the eligible costs. However, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Department may elect by notice in writing not to make a paymt:nt on the project account if: 8.21 Misrepreselltation: The Agency shal! have made misrepresentation of a material nature in its application, or any supplement thereto or amendment thereof, or in or with,respect to any dOCUn;f:l1t of data furnished therewith or pursuant hereto; 8,22 Litigation: There is then pending litigation with respect to the perfonnance by the Agency of any of its duties or obligations which may jeopardize or adversely affect the project, the Agreement, or payments to the project; 8.23 Approval by Department: The Agency shall have taken any action pertaining to the project which, under this agreement, requires the approval of the Department or has made related expenditure or incurred related obligations without having been advised by the Department that same are approved; 8.24 Conflict of Interests: There has been any violation of the conflict of interest pruJisions contained herein; or 8.25 Default: The AgenC'j h,,5 been determined by the Department to be in default under any of the prcrJisions of the Agreement. 8.26 Federal Participation (If Applicable): The Departmf:llt may suspend or terminate the financial assistance of this grant if any federal agency providing federal financial assistance for the project determines that the purposes of the statute under which the project is authorized would not be adequately served by continuation of federal finan~.aI assistance to the project. 8,30 Disallowed Costs: In dete:rr.ining the amount of the payment, the Department wil1 e;d!ide (<Ii profeets ccsis incurred rf the Ager.cy prior to the effective date of this Agreement, costs which are not provided for in the iliest approved bdge! for the project, ad costs attributable to goods or services received under a contract 0'" other arr:;;nge;r:e-r;ts which have net been aJ1PTo:.ed in writing by the Department. 5.00 Tmnination or S1:spension of Project: o.,n 'T"t>rm'nnt'ArL or S"s""~s;on I':","o.,.~iI I' T; """ ^" ,.~, -;.. ~.ln b' n I':" 11 .. ' _ __ ,".' ,.1.~ I", " . "i"~'" . 'JC..:, ,'''~. J' '"'' .r,?:e.:,,,~, ""a"""r.s or, '[;jore C,,'7lp et.or., J1r.a"y _~~.....(..,...~J._,_ :~" )..;_,'^" ~"'n1pt''''' r~'"'" ........ .yo"cn.,,,, Cf ""'''''''',1 r.Jo. J,J.o<.':' e':.,t>>-<+::::: or cnn,,'.;.r.1</S ".,,! t."1-'J.~ ';'H ~",,.n01' L 8 ')1 t ('?' ....)~""......c.:' .". r' ",.~" ,j, "f e'" ,~,__.. ""'J ": ,..- .'~",. ~"'<,,,UI' ~". I~"'" .,. r':',., ,a7Jf'-~ .L~ 0 0._0 ;,..r1, <;7',0 ,,:^.,. 17" "h ,_~,., - Ih,-~, "",.,,-"mr~' ..,...'n~"-"+;"" y ;,.".,i, - .~; ':,-" f '. ~ <. ,.. '-.- ...~..Li' _,' 0, lV' ...1.':! O...::r re.""O.., ..,_ _vm)j,_i.~-",.,.., r" _,~~~"..,J.., 0, L,;_;} ,-cn'f"e..v.. OJ tf,e P' Ol"C, b!f .;:e r.gt,';~Y ~..,:_ .,: . i~::::;,..sib;e, i);::J:!ssib:e, D: i::"gd, the Deva:trr.e7:.t will, by v..'ritten notice to the A;rer:cu, s;:s;'c~,: :.,,':;' c- r.!: ?f its c~!ig~t:cms :;de: ti:is. r :.:;:;i: ti;;~ ,,:; ;:';7 c-:;er.: c: codition rc:;~ltii"g in 5::::;::::::::::::':: ':r:.s CE'(lSC" or IJeen C0rrectc::, c:- t,~::: D:;~;rt:n:''lt m:w t~inate an:: or an of it< obiioa"ic"s ur.i''''' . -' _' J" ~ 0 ~ ~ ,; ......, this .A.r:eC"mcnf. o _J J 1 J-' C' t.. '.' "']' .' - " . " .' ,11 ! c.;on _.lIusequet: ,0''; ot::::r OJ ermmatlOl1 or buspl?nSI01:. upon receIpi ci ;my f;7:i<! ~""'l-')"""'''~'''';''''l r.y ....~~("P"'"Y'c1.,-.IJ nr,s.~r'" l';~~'~' :.:",:~ "")"...,,'"'Tn.,..,i. -fh" I rrv.....("'1/ S~'1n/l1'i"Y("l""'ler1;; -omp/I'lJ to ;. J.' ;~, .;., .~"".. ,J, ~,,: ,c...J,,J ,.),,~~ ".:..c., ...-' 1"<' "6' "i',I<,. C ':!,.'>C:J ,,:..1 fl' V~~ " tlr II,.." cc.rry cu. ,ne ..,.J:,..,,-.... -y"n-.,::yn,..j f~''"'" '1. ... ,~~~'rJ1 1 -1./ ,'~..r!"'-:'.? ro:' ~1' v :11 (~>~} :-::""~, ;""r>"' /1) 't' r .-.... n t' t J~ . , 'ii,,,''':' 'C','''' c.. "., reJ,l CU,,~.. 11..'1;: ...~...,<~ "I.~, 0, [,.. OJ ,.," J"",.;"I",,,,;. \~ ,;c"e.:oar'j..e JOn 0 .erml7:a;c '::'~'(,"""l'? .cfr.,-?r'"J .,1,,, 0;,~,,-...'-,,,j.1~;';f"'0 r!1ri- .;y__J"'''1Fr "I~~' J.1.'1 /"_~+-:i" n"n....,.,,.,~'...,,_. or ~....:)_.,,,' (." ,..~ j,..~ mil:: Dc., pr )~~' ,,~..'n.l"S ~r." cor", ,<_,.) ,,1m s...~r; O;Ilt.r "....U.!lS nt<y us '~1....7(;.' 5 .-- ~- . II -""'q'-~-y- .....- ........_.._~._~.-.......... - , ,-~~ '..a Fcliruanj 1992 or desirable to keep to the minimum the costs upon the basis of which the financing is to be computed; (2) furnish a statement of the project adivities and contracts, and other unde:takings the cost of which are otherurise includable as project costs; and (3) remit to the Department such portion of the financing and any advance payment previously received as is determined by the Department to be due under the provisions of the Agreement. The termination or suspension shall be carried out in conformity with the latest schedule, plan, and budget as approved by the Department or upon the basis of terms and conditions imposed by the Department upon the failure of the Agency to furnish the schedule, plan, and budget within a rer.sonable time. The approval of a remittance by the Agency or the closing out of federal financial participation in the project shall not constitute a waiver of any claim which the Department may otherwise have arising out of this Agreement. 9.12 The Department reserves the right to unilaterally cancel this Agreement for refusal by the contractor or Agency to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the prov.sions of Chapter 119 Florida Statutes and made or received in conjundion with this Agreement. 10,00 Remission of Project Account Upon Completion of Project: Upon completion of the project, and after payment, provision for payment, or reimbursement of all project costs payable from the project account is made, the Agency shall remit to the Department its share of any unexpended balance in the project account. 11.00 Audit aJld Inspection: The Agency shall permit, and shall require its contractors to permit, the Department's authorized representatives to inspect all work, materials, payrolls, records; and to audit the books, records and accounts pertaining to the financing and development of the project. 12.00 Contracts of the Agency: 12.10 Third Party Agreements: Except as othenuise authorized ill writing by the Department, the Agency sha!! not execute any ccntract or obligate itself in any numner requiring the disbursement of Department ioint participaticn funds, includini consultant or co:struction contracts or amendments thereio, with m;y third rart-y with respect to the project without the written approval of the D~'artment. Fc:z'lure 10 obtain such appTC"Ja! shall be sllffici2nt calise for nonpayment by tr.e Department cs prcruidcd in paragraph 8.23. The Devartmer:i ~....,;,..-.,'.Hr,r;77, in:,....,.r-rl('C 1I"""ln 1'J,c.plf +hp n'ahl ;'0 r;....-.1.;rrn i';'p rr,:n;.,'fira+~'n1'1s "1f nn ! r ,'c.,ifn...~i ny rn1'1f nr~, '11..1 J~ 1'7 "'('Y"P ...,,,....__....~t1_~~~.1i r....,.~'-.. ;,...~-- ~..~-.... .~----.. ........, . ~O'.~ I- . ....J."";..u ~,..... ~1""~"~""" ..;..!,. LJ """~ ....O......,'~.....-.I.. ",.i, ....""....7.".......or a...u ~V hprJi ...."........ o'r d:~s:;pp;c:le the err:p!cyrnen t of the sante. J , 12.20 C011zph"ance u'itJ-; C01:su!::;nts' Con;pctitivc ..."^/ezo!:':;tion .A.ct: 1: is un~erstJod ;'zJ!i ::.g:ee:: by ~;'"'''' "'f~'.o?" ;";:r,,'_':'., ":',.-;" 1",.r.yJ1"-:~~r';-:--'n 1-~f +nT,p jlD-Y;:'lyJ..,...,...".....J ~1~ ,~p.....f'1iCr+ ....,.;~i-t ......... A ,..,"'11,......' -nJ...rrrr> Sf'Y:,.-j' ('l'p...+ "'~"-'f"'l.-,rw"" ,.. .1..... rJ.I., ....t-~ ,,~I ~~,--I ll...i.. rh~, .~~.r''''''''':v ~ 1..):1 10. J:~ ,......-"1;;1""",,1 .JJl.C;dj. ~o ~ J ",,'; ....... Lv.j.,-,. kd j..~c;.J~""!:fI, .......,,,...:..... ~'.""" pr:J]....~;. ~.-..~iJ:...~.... ::c.,1:s:.<;'fanf CC;?:;i'i~:':: el:,s'n:eCi:7:g1 arC:11tec:ure or sur:)~./Zng StTU!CE:S, ;s conr:ngcn: on tnc lig[;!;C'}f' CCTnptY1n:..~' ;:-; ~~;.~.:t ::.::'fh '(;:):-:5:'9::5 l~: Se~{io;; 237.055, Flcr:':la S!a:1.:rss, CJr..su!ian:s Con-:p.:;tif::)e J'.legotiaSan J..cf. ),t f,;-::; :~:5"C~'~'-;(;:: ....' , !.~:e J:.:;:::::::y :.:..,':~n :'r:~::]I7-'~ f;;~ ~)t~,:rt;?:~::: ::: th~ Cc;:s:..:I:;:nt Selcc:ioJ: Frecess (:]r t::: ,-;-:r;)/c:"fs. I}: ;:l'~' C;7.SCS, the /:gency's i-ltiorr.e:J sh::!! cer!i/~:' to fh2 Dep:~rfn;eJ:t thcl E:;~e~!:'Qn has been ac~o77;plish:?;f ;";'; c:))~- ;~';';';. Uti: (~c;,.~.s;)..1:~'~)~['5 CCl/;j:7e;;'t:'7..-'e 1\7tg0:;'~t;'Jn ../i:::. 12.SCr /'vIinority Bl~5h!css EnterJF:-:'se (j\IEE) Policy and ()bligatioJ1: '1') 11 .'Jl-:--'-' D..7~f'1!' Tt ~::' nJ' pr,7;,......, r,: +'11" n.?Y'n.,.-h-"p"",.f fh,~l -'''y.~.,i''''y-;f.." h""'1""l-1"c(' P'Y"+ Y';~..,r~"" J_.___ .'} ~j..j..... (}........~...... j...) ., L ''-'~.'-::J '"'/ j./.~ -"''-'r''~~' .".....,.. ~,.-~~ '''''''.....'...~f '-'j-;';).I~':""'-'-.J ~J..e-rpl..:;",-..; k.) aLT:nej in 49 C~FI\ Part 23, as an1end;;dJ sh~!i h~,;'C~:: the Jr:axhnun: '-7-"pcTtunity to participate {n the ,. .ryw yp. ( ",.,.'5 r' 1 c~(! '" ",; 0/'.' '"" ,,,;t[ D ~,' "p' c! c', ;I"~ A ' .,... i'CTI.n",:n,~~ 0) C2,l.r,,~r )lIlun.t.. l.. wlJ ~ ar I.. ~ar, ,-" ,J ep,,'lmc:.. IIl..S un"eT ",1..0 greemen,. Hre' AiEE requirements of 49 CFR Part 23, as amended, apply to this Agm:ment. 12.32 MEE Obligation: The Agency and its contraclors agree iu ensure that Minority B:<siness Enterprises as defined in 49. CF.R. Part 23, as amended, have the maxirmm: opportunity to participate in 6 February 1992 the performance of contracts and this Agreement. In this regard, all redp:ents, and contractors shall take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with 49 C.F.R. Part 23, as amended, to ensure that the Minority Business Enterprises have the maximum opportunity to compete for and perform contracts. Grantees, recipients and their contractors shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the award and perfonnancc of Department assisted contracts. 12.33 Disadvallt~ged Business Enterprise (DBE) Obligations: If Urban Mass Transportation Administration or Federal Highway Administration Funding is a part of this project, the Agency must comply with Subpart (E) of C.FR 49, Part 23, as amended. 13.00 Restrictions, Prohibitions, Controls, and Labor Provisions: 13.10 Equal Employment Opportunity: In connection with the carrfing out of any project, the Agency shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because 0/ race, age, creed, color, sex or national origin. The Agency will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and th-zt employees are treated d:iring emplO1jment, without regard to their race, age, creed, color, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Employment upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of payor other forrr.s of compens~t0n; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The AgenC'j shall insert the foregoing prevision modified only to show the particular contractual re!ationship in all its cont:"acts in connection with the development of op:;ration of the project, except contracts for the standard commercial supplies or raw materials, and shall require all such contractors to insert a similar prouision in all subcontracts, except subcontracts for standard commerdal s;;ppiies or raw materials. Vv'hen the project inc'olves installation, ccnstmction, demolition, removc.l, site improveme~:t, or similar work, the Ager.cy shaIl post, in conspicuolis places available to employees and applicants for employrr-2!:t for project work, noilees to be provided b:.; the Department setting forth the provisions of the nondiscrimination clause. -- 13,20 Title VI - Civil Rights Act of 1.964: The j,genc:y wi!! comply 7.Di:,~ r:!! the requirements imposed by' ]-:'t1e 1/1 !J/ fhe C!'v;'[ IZighis J1~: of 1954 (78 5;c;t:<te 252), the ..1Zegu!a:-ioJ:s c~{ the Feder1! Dep:tTtmel;: of Transportatio:: isS!l~d thereunder, and the assurance c.:' the Agency pursuant therc;a. 1,'].30 ,Pr(;hib:~cd Ti:t0.:PStS: j\,~(:;'ther the ;1f-S'r:Cj nc:r c.ny cf :';5 contra~t2;::: [:"Y thE::"; s:a)cont;acf~;7",~: S.,k.:1!! !?nfer info ar:.:.' ::oi:tr:;c:, s:.fbconiract, or arrangmrc?:f in connec;;"on T1):'th the pre,:::: 0: c;ny pro'perf-y z'nch;ded or p.!r;r:ned ;0 ;:)q :'?::.:l:...;.:.'c:,~! z>: :/:e project, in IJ..;h:'ch c.-::y n:clnb:.-'''r, offr':;er, or e:nployee of t,;:; Ag~ncy or the localit~/ dur:'ng h:'s t~71Zlre Co"~ r'y ::1':.7 Y~.1rs :her?!If'-fer h:zs ;:;:y in~frf~)t., direcf 0: ind:'rect. If any s:::h r~'es:?::: or f0177!t.::r r:!c?7;~'~r, C..(Lf:;f~". ::-: (;~"7,:-:.:~/t:::' ;'~:;::!:..:;:.f::~':'!y ~~cc::.!::es (;:- h,'Z::, :=::q:::':Ei p0r ::J !f:~ begh;r::::g :_~": :::s !eJ;U~C a,~y such :'?:t:?72.Sf, ~~:d,': ;;':h;'''~;;';~"~::~C::~\''~~;C;~':~:UiU:~~~!~iE:;~;~~;~~~,~:~:~!i~~~:E~~~E: ~~;:~I,~; :;~~.~:;;~, ::i:;;!: ~ ;~;~; :,~:i:;i :~~~,: ;~:(~:.~,~i: ~~~',: ~:;'~:i~~i ::;/~)i:; i ~~:~~~::,~:~c;t:~ t::~~~~c::~:~.;~~; :f~}D~~)~~ ;~c ;.~~;; ::~:a t~~ f0710-::'):.1-;:; II).\,' :.':~>!~;~("'r, of ricer, o~. er:j)i:;U-:2 of the I~SC7!CY C,V of :hc r..-;:,~;l;.ty dun'::; r.:'5 fCiI1;re or fer t~i.;'O lIE,)TS ihcrE.'~.~':t'r S,~7:,'!l J::lLh:.' t~ny h7tcrcsf, d:rcct or :",-';::iirect, in this c:n::rf2c! or f}:~ ,~;7C'ceeds thereof. 11 The prc()isiOilS of ;i;is siivsccfiOl; skll not be applic.,ble to uny agreement bet:~'~'cn the AgenC1j and its fiscal dcpositoric~~, or to {my a;;rec!?;ent for utility seriJices the rates for which arc fixed cr controlled by a Gcrvernmer.tal agcr:C':J. 7 Fehnmry 1992 13.40 Interest of Members of, or Delegates to, Congress: No nu:mb::r or dc/cgate to the Congress of the United States shall be admitted to any share or part of the Agreement or any benefit arising therefrom. 14.00 Miscellaneous Provisions: 14.10 Environmental Pollution: All Proposals, Plans, and Specifications for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement of facilities or equipment, shall be presented to the Department for revieuJ. In rendering such review, the Department shall determine whether such facility or equipment is designed and equipped to prevent and control environmental pollution. 14.20 Department Not Obligated to Third Parties: The Department shall not be obligated or liable hereunder to any party other than the Agency. 14.30 When Rights and Remedies Not Waived: In no event shall the maJ...ing by the Department of any payment to the Agency constitute or be construed as a waiver by the Department of any breach of covenant or any default which may then exist, on the part of the Agency, and the making of such payment by the Department while any such breach or default shall exist shall in no way impair or prejudice any right or remedy avaiiable to the Department with respect to such breach or default. 14.40 How Agreement Is Affected by Provisions Being Held Invalid: If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shaH not be affected. In such an instance the remainder would then continue to conform to fhe terms and requirements of applicable law. 14.50 B OIlUS or Commissio;l: By execution of the Agreement the Agency represents that it has not paid and, also, agrees not to pay, any bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining an approval of its application for the ,financing hereunder. 14.60 State or Territorial Law: Nothing in the Agreement shall require the Agency to observe or enforce compli..rmce with any proz:ision thereof, perform any other act or do any other thing in contravention of any applicabie State /a'cu: Provided, that if any of the provisions of the Agreement violate any applicable State law, the AgenC'j wi!I at once notify the Department in writing in order that appropriate changes and modifications may be m"de by the Dep::rtme1:t and the Agency to the end that the Agency may proceed as soon as possible with the JJro j cc t. 1.1.70 l.l'sE {iJ;/! ~\J~c~iJ1re!:ancc of Profe::: FaczTitics and Equ1"pntent: The Agency Q...:::rees thet thevro/ect (',...,r'J.;.J.~'r-<- "'1- P'''"'1,..'--.n'p}.i. ", ;'1"1 p d h1 fr:p I~ a "r-: /.,... ,..~....; , ~ J,l-:r f ("P~('" II f f' .. (,....,.. J-j10 -:>'Y~''1..-1 ; ';:..,., J"~Z",;~:o aI." -'f.<.r';~'" ,,1.1. 0_ use, v,'! ...- \~elj_Y w prvi.Jl"e or suvpar. PUVHV .r..,."p~r.a.101. !" .,,_ PL. 'vC> OJ t,., usej:fl hfe of s;~ch l7Cz'fi;z'es and equiprnent as de:em:ined in accordance wz"th ger:e:al accou~ttng principles r;nd aprr;G~)e:l L:/ :h~ D::p:lTt:?::r: t. The Age.~:~f .f~rther ag;ees to maintain the p;afect fr:c:'Uties a::d equipmen: in geed :L':};k;'~,;' l]yd~?1' 6;... th.:' :~3r:(711 hfe of S~::! f::c:'!:,:;'es C7' CD1~:~r:ren:. ,--' . ...'. . , ;';,72 F:'o~:;P1'ty l~ec.D:'ds: "~~he Ag€::-::.:y Gig-:ees to mainfai,~ prc;.!eriy recor:::sr conduct ph],1fS;'C:::! :i:'Dt:n:Jr:C5 :;'::1 ~cntr:i! syst::.:J:S ::5 rcqr~irei cy 49(:Fj~ Part 18, v.:hen appli::::~:!~, ],fSf) r'l..;,._ rn; .fTJ.y ."',....f......n ""+1' , .,.......... " ]t.:.r.~ .,l.r...... "J:.... ".,,,.~ r ....~t .'r":-,..,t f~-~~'J;J..,... Ct. vi "-..,5;.'0".., OJ A 'OJ"v. .t..Cl.r..e~ o. r.qulpment. J ,oe lic;tnC"y u,,,PO:OP OJ UI.~, Ptl)Gd . ,,(.i'i.};! u! I '~r1")1,Jl'! r:1 11'1-~""" :..c ./(' :~,i "{'J {,.... r1n'r P!' -nr'1C,O- P.....,....p-nJ. 1'j(' ""-P1-1l r. ..., J "'rH'f~ 1;1, {... '1;;...." p"! ,;<t,..".,. 'Yf! {,,~..,. ..,!"1~"r' e'71';'.t-'lj".d~ u...L ,n,,::; ~I..) h",'('\<l l1)c JVI l.1.u_'" .-d,............. ....~..--....i'.. ~~..} I "r Q'..-t:rnc..n.. v:..'~.d HfI.-C ,i>~:-Zld_'i or "'lu':}d.e,H ..I.....: P;"":"i;.... ir;:n:3pDt:::fz"cn h2:~'.r fhe /~gC,l;C]/ 7:':'U c:Jr::ply ,[Difh the terms of 49CFR Pa:t 18 re!~!ing to prcrperh/ managen!ent stnndmds. The A,'011C11 C\'TCr:s to remit to the De-;xirtment Co vTo;;ortional amount of the procec:is fr;nz the dis'Josd '---"' -'....... '! . . r of the j-ad!:'!:! or e:7Ilhmzcnt. Said proportional mno!mt shall be determined Oil the basis OJ! the rat:o 0/' the J oJ, . , . Deparhncnf fina~:~~'ng (f the j.7.cility or eq:;:'pn:ent i~5 prOvided in this ligreen!Cnt. 8 February 1992 14.90 Contractual Indemnity: To the extent permitted by law, the Agency shall indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmlcss the Department and all its officers, agents or employees from all suits, actions, claims, demands, liability of any nature whatsoever arising out of, bWHlse of, or d~e to breach of the Agreement by the Agency or iis subcontractors, agents or employees or due to. any negligent act, or occurrence of omission or commission vf the Agency, its subcontractors, agents or employees. Neither the Agency nor any of its agents will be liable under this section for damages arising out of injury or damage to persons or property directly caused or resulting from the sole negligence of the Department or any of its officers, agents or employees. The parties agree that this c!;wse shall not waive the benefits or provisions of Chapter 768.28 Florida Statutes or any similar provision of law. 15.00 Plans and Specifications: In the e"Jent that this Agreement involves the purchasing of capital equipment or the constructing and equipping of facilities, the Agency shall submit to the Department for approval all appropriate plans and specifications covering the project. The Department will reviC"J) all plans and specifications and will issue to the Agency written approval with any approved portions of the project and comments or recommendations concerning any remainder of the project deemed appropriate. After resolution of these comments and recommendations to the Department's satisfaction, the Department will issue to the Agency written approval with said remainder of the project. Failure to obtain this written approval shall be SUfficLP'/lt cause for nonpayment by the Department as provided in paragraph 8.23, . 16.00 Agency Certification: The Agency v.Jill certify in writing prior to project closeout that the project was completed in accordance with applicable piar.s and specifications, is in place on the Agency facility, that adequate title is in the Agency and that the project is accepted by the Agency as sui:able for the intended purpose. 17.00 Appropriation of Funds: 17.10 The State of Florida's performance ad obligation to pay under this Agreement is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature. 17.20 Multi-Year Commitment: In the eT'ent this Agreement is in excess of $25,000 and hRs a term for a period of more than one year, the provisions of Chapter 339.135(7)(a), Florida Statutes, are hereby incorporated: "(a) The Department, during any f.scal year, sbll not expend mon::,}, incur any liabiJit'j, or enter 1\1'0 an1' "'o"/r""" "',i,i",}, ,,.., i-, 'nn,s in-'o;"~c 'IJP expo",..Jt';"~e o'{ ~""'''1f l'n pvres- of tr.' e amo"""s , .. :1 .... 1.~ ~~...." l,..Vi~.~., V!f ~..... l....!/I. (,1 Iv::::"'; j...... ~/)~-l ..~I ) ',.""1>....:; ...............:J J . " j,.o\..l~. budgeted as available for expenditure during such f:.sc::Z year. f.ny contract, 'Verbal or !l)rit:~n, made in violation of this subsection shall be r.ull and void, and n~ money shall be paid thereon. ~ThE DCrJartnlent shail rc{)uire a sti1ternent rro::"1 the con:~trol!:?r of t.f:e DC!7artment that funds (,re ; , J . J I J c7)ailable prier to eJ1tL~i;zg into a7:Y stIch ccntrQ~t or other binding cJ~nmitment of funds. ]\;"of:~ing heel?: shall rrJ~'e-c?ent tht? ~TIal:i!; a of con:racts fer a ?Jeriod exceedir:q ~ne vear, but anv contract so ~ ) ., ..... --' ... 7n~de st-.!Jll be exc:!-:iorv only~ r'cr the ~ca:ue c; the servz'c!':.S to be rei:dered or a9ieed to be "nr.aid to: "",," v, in s:,cc[~d:r:g f:5C:: ~:l~7.rS, en::: :hi~: ;::7;::g;ap.~ s~:z!l be i::::~::po!~fe::.' :':?:oabin in a!l ccntrQcts of :,~e !Jer.;:zrtment ';1,.}!ich are for an an;o"u~t in ex:::e~s of twenfu-five tho:;5~7.nj dollars and h!Z"cir:C'!" a t~r:n , . " II ,~-' .. .:.-" .... ~, ;;;0,';:' :...u~!! C?Zt? ;/:?'7.}', 18.00 E.",:p::t:t!<OJ: of ..4greer!E"Jt: ih~ :y o.g-re2S to c0171plete t-~!€ project on nr b~frrf T 1'1' {l .~ 0 19 a 6 If tII.? I1A 0,::>,,,,,,---'1 '-"'-'1"::' 11(1~ Cu~""p!pl~ I},~ pr'()"I'pr! -W' ;n'1'~ ;>:~ _ w _' ~ _:..~___ ___ " . ) ....... 0....'.0-::: H.............. .v~ Ij. ......~.... ~ ..... )...."-~ j.~,...i~ .;....:::, J~.... ('l''r'1''-''~ ilc-;'- ;-101'.~.7,,~'j,"'1~L -'J1'11 ().......,..:....p .,....:pc(' ~.<.. tlv~,?-rr('io"'! r: tr1c f:,..,.... ...,.")!.'r,:J ;,-, ....1 I ~ h' tT..~ ' -.,-" l-i!nc p...... .....,.1,,' ~J..J ....e .........,/....d.. ~I--J.. r......;l".... HI.I:-JJ ~d c:......;~lk'.. 1~ ""J I. ~ ..Ui.e r"'" IvU j..J re1.{esLe~ Y he rige:r:cy k,'.U ~0anted in writing by the District S~c::7t;1r~/J DL~t;ict S '-r z . Expr'r::.::':;r. of this }~gr>~ment un'II be cor.5i~~crcd icrnli::~~i:'c..':: of the pr'Jf~ct ar!d ill;! prc\.-ed!;r:? esfn!~!i,~',::,:';-! in par(J.~?rcrph 9,O~' ~-f ih:'s Agrem!pnt shall Dc i::!.t;'afed. 9 1 dm.:ary 1S92 . 19.00 Agreement Format: All words used herein in the singular form shall extend to and include the plural. All words used in the plural form sh.711 extend to and ine/ude the singular. All words used in any gender shall extend to and include all genders. 20.00 Execution of Agreement: This Agreement may :'e simultaneously execuled in a minimum of two counterparts, each of which so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts logether shail constilute one in the same instrument. 21.00 Restrictions on Lobbying: 21.10 Federal: The Agency agrees that no federal appropn'ated funds have been paid or will be paid Cr:J or on behalf of the AgenC":J, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence any officer or employee of any federal agenC":J, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid by the Agency to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Joint Participation Agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. The Agency shall require that the language of this section be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (inc\/ding subcontracts, sUDz:'Tants, and cont;-acts under grants, loans and cooperative agrewents) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. 21.20 State: No funds recei'C.;ed pursuant to this contract may be expended for lobir;r:'ng the Leg-:.slature or a state agenC'j. 22.00 Vendors Rights: 1/endors (in this document identified as Agency) providing go::;ds ami serv~cG to the DerJartn;cnt should ce a:Dare c).f the (ol!o~~noC'" time fran1es. Uvon rece;.'vt, the De;:artmei:! 1:::5 five (5) 7L'orkirz~ I ~.J J j .- J - .....' d t......,.-f Url - ~,~ t1.., ri ,..,,..,~ ,,.-,.y.....-t.res!' "less ih b;d ,..;(..;.... t'"...o ,vrh. ""H"~ ,.. "H/"",...-l r<-1'~'''''.' ays 0 lns,ue~, an" approv~ r:~ goo"s ".... _c'. v:~ ",nt ,.e, spe~.) ,va lv"S, pu. ~"ase v, "er c. co.." "'_. spe_'j .0.0 otheru)isc. TI1:: D~?(r;h71ent htlS 20 days to ae:r.)~r a request for payment (voucher) to ihe Dcp::.rtmeni of Bank-z'ng and Fi/:ance. The 20 d:iys C.Te. nle:;s!;;--::i /;--0-:;; the l:zffer of ;hc dele !h~ invoi~e is re-::2"i7)ci cr th:; glJods D~ sc-:.;:'~c::: cre r~:.:e:'T)e~i, ir;s::::cfe.i [;?;d approve::, ~l a "p;~:ij'[l1enf is 7::';; ~~,'(~iI::t:;1~ :uz'thin 4~) d.'7.Ys af:er reee;';:: c:f the invoice and receipt, insp:ctic?1 aJ;~~ cppro'uaZ of gee.:.) and s~,'ices.. r; separate z'r:t!?resf p{:,~:~~I:~f of 0.03333 ;;::rcent per d~~jf v)ill be due and pa?czble, if: addit0n to :l::: invoi;..'e anrOZli1: to the Age:7cy" The z'r:terest per1:I!t-::/ provision applies after a 35 d"zy th71e P=:";"Jd to health C(;~!'t? .:":C:);:7[:;"5.. ~::~ :: r:~';~:;. ~'"nt~~:--:.:.:~~ T~j~:Z;~~:'~::; of /~5.:; th;~,'; OJ:=: (7) dr..."[J:1: v)iIl not be cr;/cr::~:i :~r:lGS the )__ge:;;~:' req:i'::S:S p:;~':7:e~:;. J.~:-~_':):.::cs 7Dh:":h h:::~:? L: be ;;;;;l:;:cd ::; ::;: .A.gen~/ bec::;..;se of .ASf:r..C::';:":f?!::;::f:'::~ err:.:rs 7~::'Il ir-:;:-.:!: i!~ ::. deJa].' i.1: t.~:;.' V:Z~Ji:7e.;:f, Th~ i!7t,\~:.:'::' p:7~.f1:7~nf :=?q>:ir:?'1Zr;-'rlts riJ 7:0; start unfit a pn'p:.<::/ cc;,~.~;;<et;;d ;'t:'uoi:~:' ;'5 TJrc'uLicd :0 th:: DepfJrtTr!cnf. ..A -\/~'t;do?' O,'r::..;~,;~'st.'::'";n h:zs ter::71 es:,~bl:,~hc~' ::~:!hir:. th[ Department cf Ba!1k~'ng and ;'~i?:~~~;:t. j,::e d:;!:":;s of U:;~s indE,':'~!:lal ir;c:::jc as :n: a[Zl-:cc:::c Ilr .iAgel;C:'2S u:ho ma.y be experiencing prob!~."'lS i~: cbta:nz'T::.; L'n:c::;, 77(l~.rn:cnt(s) fron; th(: IJe:"7:zrin:enI. ~r,;;~ ~"'cn:for Onzln~.:'sin~in rnuY Ue"contactfd at (90;)455-2.924 or by c.:::;'n..~" th~~ Sf(!f~_' Con!p!rc:lh~yfs I-lt.;tli'72, 1-800-8;S-3792, 1 !' U February 19~'2 WPI NO, (, E ::' 6 7 -; 0 JORNO, 900Y)-Jrn9 , ' Agreement Date - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents be ex::::utd, the day and year first above written. AGENCY DATE FU1,,fDING APPRO'YTD BY COMPTIWLLER (SEE ATTACHED ENClli\:fBR41\lCE FORM) AUG 1 0 1992 BY: TITLE: Mayor/Chairman ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK (SE.A.L) APPROVED AS TO FOR~M, LEGALITY Tm~E.' Deputy CierK I J6 I , ( I . . '. \,.) ~) / \. ...... " \,. A~TTOi~\.c.l \ DEPARTAE?\'T OF TI~!\..?-lJ,l')ORTATIO?\' ~ DATE: DI5T'RICV"~-' S::'::;~E=/t_~~}" r, ~ U.:.: I->~l:.ECTOR OI-: IJ:'_~:__\"\'2\-,~: ~~~\'-..~) l)ROI::;I~./:.-.'1<~S ,.:~ ..-........!"";:',....'T'. d..,,:J.J., 1,..........- '" r \ ~::;::../'";..L/ EXE(:u-rr~ 7" ,,':;!:'CJ\.E}~4I:~1' OJ: ."'OiARY 11 N'PFlOVE.D AS ~~, __I,':':~ ' r-;;' L..ii;'.,1e~IEpJCV) / ~/ ,/. 7:..;.-. ,~ I~ ' " r- ,,/ ___' ~o~'" I ..,,)0;..}01" 7 o (?- ' !. I ------.-------------------------------------------------------------- ---------.----------------------------------------------------------- ENCUMBRANCE INPUT FORM -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------.-------------------------------- RUSH (Needed by ___/___/___ (date)) Reason for RUSH : Advertise (Letting Date) Award Renewal ---Letter of Authorization XXX-New Court Order Overrun ===-supplemental ____Correction ___ Addition ___ Termination Agmt. Contract # _A9331___ Contract Type 310_ Method of Procurement _G__ Vendor Name: Monroe County Vendor ID VF 596-000-749-001 Has written/Verbal Approval from a Participating Federal Agency been received Yes X No FedFunds-$ 360,000 state Funds- $ 20,000 Local Funds-$~O~OOO - Beginning-date of this Agmt: 11/30/92 (Must be after fund approval) Ending date of this Agmt: 06/30/96 (Estimate if necessary) Execution date of this Agmt: / / (Only on original agreements) Has work been authorized to begin? -- -Yes X-No Have standard financial provisions been altered by contract terms? Yes X No If so, show Revision date: N/A Does this agreement and/or change order include provisions for reimbursement to D.O.T. from other entities? Yes X No If so, has the JPA been approved by the COMPTROLLER?--= Yes X_ No ***************************************************************** Description: Clear and Grubb Runway Transitional Areas and Construct and Install Obstruction lights at Marathon Airport. DPTO $ 20,000. ***************************************************************** ORG-CODE *EO * OBJECT * AMOUN~ * COjSECjJOB#/PH *FCT (PROGRAN#) (WPI # ) (FUND) numeric ( FY's ) To be completed if funded in 2 or more fiscal years. -----------------------------------.------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- 55062020628 *11 * 730050 * $ 20,000 (2090 ) * 90000-3879-50 (6826770 ) ( 010) * r ~ ~ to..) I ( 92-93) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ~ * * * '" ,.l':),~;;\_.:....' (~M()Ur':'T ~$ .20,000 O~iginatc~: Len Bivins Date: 08/07/92 Phone: SC452-5;12 E-~ail user-ID PT628LS- -- ****************************************************************** TO BE COMPLETED BY OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER ****************************************************************** BUDGET ENTITY 5580 CATEGORY 088800-93 WORK ORDER BALANCE Authorized on 08/06/92=20,000.00 ALLOTMENT Ab=489,500.00 YEAR 93 DATE CHECKED 08/10/92 FUNDS APPROVED BY Marsha Johnson DATE _08/10/92 WPI NO. 6826770 JOB NO. 90000-3879 EXHIBI'r "A" PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RESPONSIBILITIES This forms and integral part of that certain Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, and the County of Monroe dated PROJECT LOCATION: Marathon Airport - Monroe County PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Clear and Grubb runway transitional areas and construct obstruction lights. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS BY AGENCY: The audit report(s) required in Paragraph 7.60 of the Agreement shall include a schedule of project assistance that will reflect the Department's contract number, WPI number, and JOB number and the Federal Identification number, where applicable, and the amount of state funding action (receipt and disbursement of funds) and any federal or local funding action fro~ any other source with respect to the project. S.?E:':IAI-, CONSIDERATIONS BY DEPARTMENT: NONE WPI NO.: ~8267~2 JOB NO.: 90000-31:'79 EXHIBIT "B" PROJECT COST AND CASHFLOW: This exhibit forms an integral part of that certain Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement between the STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, and the COUNTY OF MONROE dated I. PROJECT COST: 6836770 $ 400,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $ 400,000.00 II. FmfD PARTICIPATION: Federal Particlpation: (FAA) (90.0%) $ 360,000.00 Public Agency Participation: (LF) 5.0%) $ 20,000.00 Department Participctio~: (DPTO) (5.0%) $ 20rOCO.OO TOTAL PROJECT COST: $ 411'1 nnn nn VVtv..................... ES~~I~~:..I\TE!) C.;~St:FL007 OF srI"p~ TE FrJ?"TDS (S ).~ :1 000 \ V~,sca: y.?ar 1 C"+- f'"'\4-__ =:..::2.~~..!... ')...,-'1 n+-.... ~~_.! .!..,~_~_x..,_":-:'-=_..__ 2~rd ot~r. 4 th otr. 92/93 o u u 2 93/94 ~, -' 2.0 3 0 9i~/95 o o o 0 WPI NO.: 6826770 JOB NO.: 90000-3879 EXHIBIT "C" REQUIRED SUBMITTALS/CERTIFICATIONS AND BASIS FOR THEIR ACCEPTANCE BY THE DEPARTMENT This exhibit forms an integral part of that certain Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, and the County of Monroe dated Documents required to be submitted to the Department by the Agency in accordance with the terms of this contract. SUBMITTAL/CERTIFICATION RESPONSIBILITY Consultant Selection Compliance Agency Attorney certified Design Submittal Department Letter construction/Procurement Department Letter MBE Compliance Agency Certified Safety Compliance Agency certified Audit Reports As Requested