Resolution 485-1992 RESOLUTION NO. 485 - 1992 F : L F [I r f1 r: ;:u (' cm r 27 ~ C .A7. '92 OCT~ Pl:23 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHOR I ZING THE MAYOR TO APPROVE THE JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (JPA) TO RENOVATE EXISTING PASSENGER TERMINAL BUILDING AT MARATHON AIRPORT. i\ f'4:1 /':, - ' vi r .t': .. ~10NROE I l1lJN 1 T F Lt, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereby authorized the Mayor to approve the Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) to renovate existing passenger terminal building at Marathon Airport, between Monroe County and the Florida Department of Transportation, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this 7 day of October , 1992, A.D. MAYOR, Wilhelmina Harvey COMMISSIONER, Jack London COMMISSIONER, Douglas Jones COMMISSIONER, A. Earl Cheal COMMISSIONER, John Stormont Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~.. .. ~ By ~,..~.e ~ . _ _ _ ..... _'--" \ (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY B ). ~~~.Jj ~<l~,"J:J ..1....1.......... =:: =:: ====== == == ====- == == :..::==::===::::::...::::::: ==:::: =::;: ===:::7::- ..:::::::::,--= =,,=== ::::::====::.::.:=============== ==== == ======::::::::::.:::: Fund: 0 1 0 F unch';;;;--TI 7 Federal No: Contract No:--.d..f329 WfI No: (, 82(, "768 Job No: 90000 - 3 8 "75 SAMAS Apprap:.~8~ 800 SAMAS Obj.: "730USO Org. Code: 5 5 0 6 202 0 6 2 8 Vendor No.: VF59 6000 749 OQ-L ===================================================~=======================~====== STATE OF FLORIDA DEPJ-lRTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPo.RTATION JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEME?\,'Y THIS AGREEMENT, made and en/md into this day of 19 ---/ by and between the STATE OFFLORlDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State of Florida, heeinafter called the Department, and th e Coun ty 0 f Monro e hereinafter called the Agency. WITNESSETH: 'vVHEREAS, the Agency has the authority to enter into said Agreement and to undertake the project hereinafter described, and the Department has been granted the authority to function adequately in all areas of appropriate jurisdiction inciuding the implementation of an integrated and balanced trallsp~rfation system and is authorized under F . S . 332 . 006 ( 6 ) to enter into this Agreement; f..'OW, THEREFORE, in cor.sideration of the ml/tua! ccrrJenants, promises and represel}taHons herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.00 Purpose of Agreement: The P"l7ose of if:is Agreement is Renovate existing passenger terminal building at Marathon Airport. C:,r.3 QS (:zr:h:'?i cf,:'scribed in Exhibit(s)__!::-~___~(~",-__S ~ aftach~d hereto and (n'; fhLs .....: .., ""I"'" '1-"10(1,.., r1...,,, t 1,.,..... n( 1,o.'C';n,.,f--t- -y .'"'ri'~e,A ;.11P """'''','-'1'prO- ,,'I- ,--1 to pl#n7)'.-r>, D...,.,., t' 1 f ,1~' "I . 1 . t t'" '; t' ,C;C"d.~,. ,I..,..e" r,J Il~;ev." r._.u....).e ~.", :/ >..~ !n.....~j, >>,1.1 hv,ll... ~r'ar n.en.a.j,nCz,1czal assls an~e to ,1Je .~,.,.... ....., r-..,"; rJ.",~o fh".f.o-yn;c n)ir-/ r01-"l'1;f-.....oys 'J"""n~ 711:'1;'",:' s'rtTy n~S;S'nI1Ce1'n'7i o'e""rOVl'r.~f1~a "i fhp I' d ('~ (": '" /'2)~ni..~. ...... v'.L~ ...~ ._.....J ".... ~ .. ..In.. ...v.'" ,.....~., ".. ,,_ . l.. ...... i' ,/e" Iii . ~ .n er~,an...ngs r~, /0 :.':e n::;n::e; i.'; 7.J..,hich the project w:'n be :n:d!'Tta'!:c71 aul compleied. 1 I-~eL'rLu~ry 1992 2.00 Accomplishment of the Project: 2.10 General Requirements: The Agency shall commence, and complete the project as described in Exhibit "A" with all practical dispatch, in a sound, eentomicul, and efficient manner, and in accordance with the provLsions herein, and all applicable li;ws. 2.20 Pursuant to Federal, State, and Local Law: In the even! that any election, referendum, approval, permit, notice, or other proceeding or authorization is requisite under applicable law to enable the AgenC'j to enter into this Agreement or to undertake the project hereunder, or to observe, assume or carry out any of the provisions 01 the Agreement, the Agency will initiate and consummate, as provided by law, all actions necessary with respe.ct to any such matters so requisite. . 2.30 Funds of the Agency: The AgenC'j sh.al! initiate and prosecute to completion all proceedings necessary including federal aid requirements to enable the Agency to provide the necessary funds for completion of the project. 2.40' Submission of Proceedings, Contracts and Other Documents: The Agency shall submit to the Department such data, reports, records, contracts and other documents relating to the project as the Department may require as listed in Exhibit "e'. 3.00 Profect Cost: The totd estimated cost of the project is $ 200 .000 . - . This amount is ca.sod upon the estimate sumir:ar:.zed in Exhibit "B" and lJy this reference made a part herwf The Agency agrees to bear all expenses in excess of the total estimated cost of the project and any deficits involved. 4.00 Department Participatiol1: The Department agrees to maximum participation, including contingencies, in thE: project in the amount of $ 100. 000 . - as detailed in Exhibit "B ", or in an amount equal to the percentage(s) of total project cost shown in Exhibit "B", whichever is less. 4.10 Profect Cost Eligibility: Project costs digib!e for State participation will be allowed only from the date of ihisAgre:::nent. I; is understoo:1 that State participation in eligible project costs is subject 10: a) ~egis::if.iDe ~pprov:l.cf t~e Depc:rm:,ent:s apprap7'~7tion request in the work program YC!2r tbt file proJect IS scheau!ed to bs cCJ:7:t7nttea; ,~)\ ~~1P ~"~""~'7Ys'nnril''''1''' Jn1,r;' (':~'::-I~"1~S~:'Y'-!- ,....f4,.,.4~..... ur;lr D' t>mnrtp:tt ",..c.... ~,.,n,. .~'k th ',n1 ~ "),.1 'J.,1'.,-h _ ~ t.__ ~.L.i...:""J j...... ~k n:s j. ..,.. i,.{i-JG-..L CdH.......... ....1) j....,,;....:J ..~. .... d;'''~", L.. "'~ ...,r;...~. .....eWI.../L Je D~da.,>Ct....... L'''J .y- s:'x (.36) 1110nin cash jOTe'::asf; '-'F ~A'S'ail:Zt;:';ity of..f...:nds as s:[lfed in paragrap.f-z 17.00 of this ~-4gref?7ner.t; ::) }.,p?ro:.';~! of an plnns, ,s-p~:l~/ic:2f;'']ns! con:r:zcts or otr:er oblz'gC:f:ng documer;t:: tu:d an other tem;s cf th:s .Ap:ree-r?'!er.;; , l~I2VQT~[,~lt arroro~':ii or [he vrciec: SCO;Je r::nd bud:?:! (Exhibifs A [~ B) at the tin1e ~rJDra;;ri:2Non , I J .~ .... J...... r J _ ;1:l:/'1:;v:t:,' ::e:0::::::5 :':~'.':~':!;~U::;. i:::'::aZ:-:.' ';'Y/Ji::- F>::-~" I-":u-;d;';;.~.' .l:~;'-C;:: e~:d .f:.:r:':",in,g ;(~~! (;"5 n;Jt) CJpph'c:2ble. ~f applicable: the I';:?:'(zrt:::~~f n-:::.y 1~~-,:~~; c/ t,:;c t0L:I a,~lc7;.:~[<e n!CUrTe:: prJ]ect costs up to a,~ amo!~r:t equal to ;':'5 fatal share of ;;:;~,'=:':;;'~:~::':~;;-: :::. :;;;~~'l:,);: ~',..; t~!Y:"gr(lph ..; 5.C(,' r:'L;:-;~ i];[z:;~~: 1,.-] ~~..J .' ::.:..?lic~'Zb:::. if (~ppT:'cD.blc, \1 I ;..\ .. I.. :::~ .,,~.:: ::;<r,,: ? " "V1,'7)'r:,"'1'+ n~ ~J'"CJ t'..... ....~/).. '-'J .j...... PQrf:':;ip~~:for; :zs shown IOn paragrfh ,4.00 is to be he!:! z':z re!ainag:'. to ~e disD!D')?r!: r:: OJ: or b,~tore :_:}::~ con:pfctwn of the tOnel project ar;dil. "'."., ' ,.' r I L)::p:2r;,"'r.e;:; s ;(;':'.~2i 5/::;r:7 2 Febr"i..wry 1992 6.0,0 Project Budgct amI Disbursement Schedulc: 6.10 The P"ject Badgd' Frior 10 Ihe wnilion of this Agreement, a project budget, shall be prepared by Ihe Agency and approved b-y the Deportm,"'. The AgeJIcy shail mainlain said budget, carry oalllre project and shall incur obIigalions againsl and make di5bu,"orrenls of p"jecl funds anly in conformily wilh Ihe lal"t apprrrJed budgel for Ihe preject. The budget may be revi5ed periodically, and if revi5ed, a cop'f of Ihe revision should be forwarded 10 Ihe Comp I "II". No budget incr"''' or decrease shall be effeclive unless i1compIi" wilh fund participation requirements eslabIished in paragraph 4.00 of this Agreemenl and is approved bf Ihe Deparlment Comptroller, . 6.20 Seheda Ie of D isbu",ment" The Agency sholl provide/he Deportment with a time.phrBed sch cd a Ie of Ihe Depart men I f"nds 10 be expended on Ihe p"ject. This schedule sholl show eslimaled disbursemenls for the en tire term of Ihe projecl by q uarler of fiscal y",r. The schedule may be divided by p"jecl phose wheresuch division is ddermined to be appropriale by the Department. Any significant devialion from the approoed schedule in Exhibil lOB" requires submission of a supplemental schedule by the Agency, 7,00 Accounting Records: 7.10 Esta:;lishm,n' aud Mai",,,,,,,,e af Accountiag Rewd" The Agency shall estabI~h for Ih' project, ia confonniey wilh unifann requiremenls that may be "tablish,d by Deportment program gdddiaesfp"eedures and Generaily Ampled Governmenlal Accounting Slandards (GAGASJ 10 fad/ilale Ihe adminislralion of Ihe financing progr,m, srop,rote accounls 10 be mainlained within its ""oling accounling system or es 'a b1ish ind "Pend", t ",,,"a 15. S ueh "'''''"'s ore refm ed to herein colledively as If" "project account". The pro j "t "'CO ur' s/rei! be mcd eavailab Ie upon rOj uesl by the Deparlmenl any time during the period of Ihe Agre""'" I and for five ye!lr5 aftV' final payment is made. 7.20 F""ds Reccived Or Made Ac>aitabk for Tne project' The Agency shall approprialely record in Ihe projeel ",count, and dropasit in a bank or Irusl company which is a member of Ihe Feder" Droposil]05""n" Corvora!!,n, all p'yn:erls received by il from Ii" Deparlmenl pursuant to this Agrmo",1 and all olh" funds p"ralied jar, "auing 10, ar otherwise re,dad on ""un! of Ihe projeef, which Depadment payrr.enls and olh" '1 l' )J" 1 ' ' I " ,,' ," Y' A h 11 " . ' f . f., Fr,,' ore n ere," co. ,ec. r'e. y r'i m eo .0 rc proj ec, pn". he gen"; s a. req"''' oeposlfort" 0) proVci ; unds .' 1.' . 'J ') ." ' . f ,I, f' 0 'f' I ' ' to secu re coo, uur eoi'>' y a nc lur. y aI. po!,,'. ;"n" Tn ';""- 0 ".e amoun.S ,"surea ona er "era P"o5, or unser Sin'e ~ln'lC _",~,r" hr..~ h.p" Q-yyoO"'''''7'NI 'nr 'rl,? ';07')'l-,t u" 7"YJ'p,,' funds l...y !'hp Departme,,1 j.", tho ;J~"Sl't or 5 ,,'. .... p...,,,"' ..'" .,...... c.." . W ..,.... j' ,.... ....,..,. Jr') .", ' ". .. .,.,.., .. ,..p" e"a,s --;-1,0 rJ en"-'py,,; 'l' I;'~ "r7"~C /";'7,.1 ;" 'he .,."r"""'" a- ~y""cn';"p,J ;nl State Lnw fnr 'h s"" 'M or ;'/': r i. - ........ .., ..':....,' ^'.~ j ,.. ",.... ...... ". ,.. ,........., 'Y'" ........, ,," "e e."rt'f J pUe ,C ~m", " '" Ci,,'?;C'ue.~ 17';- the uc;:.~ri71;eT'.:, rC[J:I;rt::..i. T.--:......--~_"".'?-~.;....,..:-1"~" ('J! p__,r.~.;)'_J.. r,t"l'::J.c:" ,..^.]~ f"r,c;.f.S char<'ea' fo sh" ""'o;erf .;..,..,,..:. r.~''1'' .,... 'y.,..,.' ~...,.: -.-.,.-'J~~ ,.. ..,........... :.. c, .'" c-- ,. H" ....... . ,.... p. , "', .......u.....g an, ,p" 0'...."" ".U CC!' ",b,,'e" h' tce " "r,,,:, ,i"," 1.' bj p"paly ':fCuted p.::..:o;:" time reeerle, ;n..",,,e, Co''' ," "'''. ' '''''0'''': ceo'" ,,,dn g in r :-:CJ7 .. ,i a;: t i" '" 'ure ,ad proprie,!! of the ,""'g"'. ('_<'"0 T ,~,y."orl t'n" t",., 'Jyn:^"~' T;..o ^o~"""y 51 all ha t Ih ." :--, n - ..I /' 1: .,,; -" .. ,...' . ,...... ..,' . '" r.......) ,.." ..... 0,..'... j, c rge 0, e p' OJ "..,C"OU,,, " '..ZO',eC'''' C"is {" ",,,55 of tr.c ,a'6' aePwd bdgel or aitribulabIe to actions which h<"JO not ,doe" the Jl ;::c De:::;,-!ne:;t sr..::;: no; be co;:s;dered eligible cost5, c~t the profc:::. :.50 Chec"c, C),,;,",, "" d v""her" !.in! check or order dmwn b, the Agw" ""tA r","cei 10 "," i'e., ... '" i .' :,. _,' ,,;i: ;." r',,:,pn;,'" ('("0:,.,<1 I~,' n:r.-' ~r,'.n,.~i. 'n 1,~ d~ 7 . .,.,1,,' n r ~.-1n ,,.,> .,,:",.,.,. '-: ,.: .,... "... .... ,r........" ..0......' ..... p' ..,..... "'.... "'" ",,, ,.. ,awn 0..., m "c,C. ...",... w'''' a ,"perIY "gor, ...",.,--1.,-" ;~,~v..-..... ;...:7"7 ~'.. J;""(l nf-i-.",'-'(l ot J.I'(l t:..;-:()r~r-I c~~J;~"'71''''1' yo ~ dp;' "I ~l'r: .,"H' f1C" ;0,.,. _,,11; ~ .....' 1;.. ~ ,... "" ,,,.., ...,.. ." I" ,,, ...... .." ,.... ) ",.........., .."... 'c .. p, p..r .., or .1... r" 'P'" :'. ",.,Cn' ....n ""e" or or C'. ~'.,.. ,_: n""l'. Ai.!,; r.-"rrn;:c '",".~f"':r,~~ rn"~-Y".-fs ':"lr,.",..~:~-::' 0'" -+' r ..";,,,.":n" ",.,'- ,.In:: . .. .. r..o..' F... ,.., ....... j, w.. ....., ......... ..... . ..',d.... c, . "", or ...W a,co,....,.., ....c..m..,..' pe. ,",non, m '"' wi e " 1 n pc.>' ie !ice p"i d s/'" fI he e ,,,r i y ii "" tif.d, r'" d i! Y acc"sib: c, ad, Ie }i" cnt",,' fe,,,," Ie, k.."P' "","'" ar.ri a"'a"'.l- {-yc.,.! r;11 otrf,m' C::'C,'1 rir.rl'"YY'~"fc ' _ ".. r'" J"" "., ;~,~:.. .,~'v ,,,,..,,.c, 3 r:ibnwry 1992 7.60 Alldit Reports: The Agency sll.'lll provUie to the Depart-ment for each of its fisc. for wiljeh If.e 1',0],,1 acecunl remo;,,' ol"n, on aod;! 'ryod per"ed eilh" by ib offi,",1 oodi'" " ood(, agency m '" indo/endenl ",lifted poblic ocemmlonl, ,e{locring Ihe "<e of Ihe fonde of Ihe Der,,'",cnl, Ihe Agency, and Ihose from any olher ",,,ce wilh ''''Peel 10 Ihe peofeel, Audils shall be perjormed in aceardence with generally acaplal govcenmenl audiling slond"ds conlained in Ihe 51,"dard, foe Aud;! nf Go"eenmcnlol O"o"i"l'on" peo""m'. Aelivilies and Fundions, ~s"ed by Ihe U. S. General Accounting Offtce and OMB Cieeulares A-128 m A-I33 wl,eee applicable. The Agency sholl eequiee ils audil",s 10 i"cIude in Ihei, ''Pori a schedule of profeel ass~lance as described in Exhibit "A ", Special Considerations. 7.70 Insurance: The Agency shall carry property and casualty insurance on project equipment and fcdlities and provide ""idence of said insomnce foe Ihe peofeel amoonl slaled in po "graph 4.00 of Ih~ Agreemenl. If Ihis Agreemenl is for puechase of land, Ihe D'Padmenl may waive" modify Ih~ soclion wilh an Exhibil "C". 8.00 Requisitions and Payments: 8.01 BiIIs for fees or other compensation far services or expenses shall be submitted in detail sufficient for a proper preaudit and postaudit thereof. 8.02 Bills for any travel expenses shall be submitted in accordance with Chapter 112,061 F.S. The Department may establish rates lower than the mruimum provided in. Chapter 112.061 Florida Statutes. 8.03 If, after project completion, any claim is made by the Department resulting from an audit ot for work or services performed pur""ni 10 Ih~ ogreemenl, Ihe D~?orhnrnl may offsel slleh omounl fmm p,yments due for woek DC serJicis done onder any pub Ii, i"nspoelalion fai,1 parlid.alion agreemenl ",hieh 11 '"5 with the Agency owing such amount if, Jlpon demand, payment of the amount is 110t made within sixty (60) ~ays to the Department. 8.04 Offsetting a/:y amo;mt pursuant to section 8.03 shdl r.ot be considered a brer:ch of confract by the Departn1e;~ t. 8.1",0 ,f'" " ,,~, 'n.-n,- '''j d'e A ~""~" 1',.. oy';"" to ol."~:,, a)'" n~n-L.. ,{,,.l t', ~ " ,'7 iT::::;II,:?:,'!:: h_::'" ~.:. ::,. . \:"" '''::, , ,. ,..-' v,~,,,'j LICr',~[:;ner:, )1,11..S, I1C .r.gencj" s(.::<;,; .' . 8.11]V it" mp cd to .r:opd y ,;qu it;d, fi Ie with the D "Portm,.:, cf T wn 'p:rl otian, DlStr:C:_5l:~_____.____..J_S-_\.I/~)laIT.l Ave., l'~:,a-;nl FIonda,3313(' ...._ .1'''ln4'4''~>.'''''~. 0;-; ... U~....,>4 r' .rJ".;:>c:r-v~';",:"r1' l~i ~;"Ip rl:>-t'1,'i'r''''''''1;7yf a)1';'; ('.'c~ .--Jt ~ ;,,,J... ~ ' . ":'. 1 ..l...... ,'-' ;;~ ".,:"..~,...:v" '.'" j'.;, ,,; v: ," ~_, ..'~" v.~ ,..~ J'r"" .".,,,,, .~ "f> " u.,te, ".,.:. 1',e;-ra;11,7.g ,0 .r.~ :;;Qje:'; ,,-_n.""' :,,,,, ."'",::;~p.l;,. ..f'ynC-yC,....:, ~ i.r ),.IY-p,:j' ,,,,:1 ,~p ""yo;:"; f'S '(;P n..,.,~ My.?'" n" y^",': "j '"..;;:" .;;" --, "c..~'J"'" \._. ~~, ..'-~ ,.. ,.......' ~,.,.. / .,J ,'_' ,_, ...., ...- ,,, "v, ~ ,... .J"r"J",._... m~" ,o..,",ro, ,c ).,,,... " Ql~ <"7C, U' e P'!"'''''' ;"yisi";''', ~ . ' .' ". .," -- , :1) t;;e ;latc the Agency ::c:i:.:;;"d :.;;e prop::7'iy, .: ;:;;::::;r.c:;i ;:: :fIe cc;::.~;ing :.'1:;; tr.e Age:;cy hr.s c:::quire:1 s:;;'d F'r;pt';"::~' . ;,:; ::DJ':'rs ;':0 . 'Ii)): of ;:'.!J' prc,?,,'rt'y; c; sf;;;~:r:e):t U;e Agency certitcfi::g If'.:;:!};:: A~~e:;DY j;:.s ac~;:i:e;" c::::';; :r:::i F"Cp:7rty, :;:;;: ac;;t:.d considen;t::;;; ;::::.1 for ;',:::1 p;cpu:~., lj, : ,~;,' ~:;;:~ : ;;:\;~;i ~~I;r~,g,: ;;~d~:': '~;;;::;:,~"~;' ';;';~i;~':5' f~; accor:::'~:5hCc; n; com::;;rl/lce Wltl: a;: fE:-!c~:::! T.;1,,:: a'l'; py~"':i'lYes rer..:yp'; . 'J '. . . . ... ,,~ '''. 'v',,. ,., .:."...' by :;1:; F',er.:! OLiCTS1Zli! agency a);,1 U;::,'i :ill s::;te ];nc's, nile:; m:,i tr;d m.~y '~n<:.' to the Agency ncqHir.l;g the re::.! pr'JpeTt:J. 4 Fcbn;ary 1992 8.12 Comply with allnJ-rplicable provisions of this Agreement. 8.20 The Department's Obligations: Subject to other provisions hereof, the Department will honor such requisitions in. an/ounts and at times deemed by the Department to be proper to ensure the carr:.,.nng out cf the project and payment of the eligible costs. However, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Department may elect by notice inwriting not to make a payment on the project account if' 8.21 Misrepresentation: The Agency shall have made misrepresentation of a materia! nature in its application, or any supplement thereto or amendment thereof, or in or with respect to any docu'!2ent of data furnished therewith or pursUflnt hereto; " 8.22 Litigation: There is then pending litigation with respect to the performance by the Agency of any of its duties or obligations which may jeopardize or adversely affect the project, the Agreement, or payments to the project; . 8.23 Approval by Department: The Agency shall have taken any action pertaining to the project which, under this agreement, requires the approval of the Department or has made related expenditure or incurred related obligations without having been advised by the Department that same are approved; 8.24 Conflict of Interests: There r.as been any violation of the conflict of interest pro-visions con:ained herein; or 8.25 Default: The Agency has been determined lrj the Department to be in default under any of the provisions of the Agreement. 8.26 Federal Participation (If Applicab!e): The Departm:;nt may suspend or terminate the finandal assistance of this grant if any federal agency vroviding federal financial assistance for the project determines that the purposes of the statute under which the project is authorized would not be adequuteiy served by continuation of federal finanda! assistan:::e to the profect. 8.30 Dr'sa!!oIve:-? Costs: In t!2fer:rn'n:ng the amcunt of the pay.'1rentf the Dq;artmerrt '[})ill e~=IIlde all projects costs inc;irrd [}' the Agency prior to tr.e effecti,'e date of this Agreement, :::osts robeh are net provided for in thEtatest appr07)er: budge~ for the project, an:: costs cftributable to goods or s~':"ces received under a ccni7czct or othr::; ~7rr::u:gC77:c~:;s ::)h~'ch ,:;;::~e net bee:: Ci.7prm':~d 'I;: writing bj: the DeparfmeJ:f. 9.00 Tf'777!ination or Suspension of Profect: (,.,-n Tt~~h:a::':]iZ or Sr:s?e~~z'o:! G:?.":era!!-:/: .~r thE !:genc-:,' ~bar!dons c:/ b~f;)Ye co:!!plet:':;::, fir.~!!y "',,'..-,.. .;' ..~, J.;~",.........,-,' rt. 0'" "1'.t '~I e"Crj""" r:~Y~f c,r ,;'t-::J ev~'- or c,., ..;'~; ('.' ?.t f.... .:'k' .-. ro..... ~ 8 '"'1 +1' f"?r (J...)l-on.p~..~ES ~,;c.. ~r...."le...., ' .}I v. T ;...~...I.. ...',' ....d":' 1 J........ ..... ,-,u..:J vr1..dL-OnJ s~. Jr../; In V4r.4~laprs ..L.... hi 6._S' 1r.~';:::;I:',-'..~; ::;:.:,' ;;:"c:' r,,::.5C':,. fh~ cc>>;~~':c;;':?::f, ;r'csec::'iDn., cr timely cenlp!etio;: c/ j:l:: :;;,ifc::: hy the Age':c;; ~'s re::dered ;-:':;p:~cb~ :'7-:/;:;;.5:',:::{ 1'r::p::;ss:'~,je, OJ ille2.:i/ the De;:artnltnt :u{![, by 7Drif!er; 71Jfice to the f:ge:;:::-"I, ('~'~"""'-YO~. ............, ...,.,.. ,..7: r';': "';c: nj,/~'r.-l':-.'n"1~ 1f1"'1"',7'Y ;~,;~ Ao--r;"''':"''C'l1f. 1'7!t..'! ~11rh t'111." a~ ltrP ("7"'pnf oy CO)o1l"'z'+':on r::J"..i.~''t10 1:'" ~"'"..-',~~';"",.... ...;;~~' ~', ...... '.'J ;"-' "~".:j""""'~' .~",.~- ...0--.-- ..,~"-' .J....~!-'\- J. ""--"'-' .....- .... J......... _~'...,." J! I..... ~.' .. ,...)1--<.';;""0 ,l~ S-i.-tCh S!~st)en5ion h.:s cwscd or b~en corre:;::.?d, or tht; De-;;:-arbr:ent ;:::"11 fern!i?~{ile an:;' or all e,t z':s obEoatiol~S ;:nder r - ,./ oJ. (; :,:::'5 ..A::"f-~'e:!/nc};:. 9,1:1 ./"~~~ti(71L Sllbs::1:!e~;t to ?\;oti:::c of Tern7~~!ation or Suspensio~:. Upon Teee:'?: of ~::2/ .f:'r~1! iCT;;;t'(::~~:'on or S~tSpC.~1S;'O}1 r.of:'ce U,\;7'E7' 0::3 p;"zrrzgrrzphl, "th:? ..AgenC'j shan prcc"ec:d prornpfly fa c:1rry o:.-;f the QC;:'O!:S rcquiT::d therein u:hich rnay z'J:cI;aic any or all of the follcn,:,,'ir.g: (1) r1ecessa1'~/ act;'on to feTI711'r;;;:e or SriSP:?7;::, as the cuse rtzay bc, -profe::: (~c:iz.':!ies and confracts and such other action {IS mCIY be required 5 or dL~irat- ';f1 to the 7nin:rnU.tll ti1e cost,; :;porr z::c CU:;:'.l:i Uj ~?J1cr: Lnf )!/l.1I.,1;._;:, .c u.f{/lfIlA.U..~4, \i./ furnish a :>""UIlcnt of the projed cu;ti,,';tics and contracts, ami other undertakinc~ -... _Dst of which are otherJJise includable as Froject costs; and (3) remit to the Department slich portwn of the financing r.nd any advance payment previously received as is determined by the Dl.p.7rtmcnl to be due uder the provisions of the Agreement. The tamination or sLlspension shall be carried out in conformi~,j with the latest schedule, plan, and budget as approved by the Department or upon the basis of terms and conditions imposed by the Department upon the failure of the Agency to furnish the schedule, plan, and budget within a reasollllble time. The approval of a remi!tance by the Agency or the closing out of federal fir.ancial participation in the project shall not constitule a waiver of m}y claim which the Department may otherwise have arising out of this Agreement. 9.12 The Department reserves the right to unilaterally cancel this Agreement for refusal by the contractor or Agency to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subjed to the provisions of Chnpter 119 Florida Statutes and made or received in conjunction with this Agreement. 10.00 Remission of Project Account Upon Completion of Project: Upon completion of the project, and after payment, proliision for payment, or reimbursement of all project costs payable from the project account is made, the Agency shnll remit to the Department its share of any unexpended balance in the project account. 11.00 A.udit and Inspection: The Agency shall permit, and shall require its contractors to permit, the Department's authorized representatives to inspect all work, materials, payrolls, records; and to audit the books, records and accounts pertaining to the financing and df:'Jelapment of the project. 12.00 Contracts of the Agency: 12.10 Third Party Agreements: Except as otherJ.lise authorized in writing by the Department, the Agency shall not execute any contract or obligate i!se~f in any mamier requiring the disbursement of Department joint participation funds, including consultant cr construction contracts or amendments thereto, with any third party with Teopect to the project without the written approval of the Drrfment. Failure to obt"in such apprar.:al shall be sufficient cause for nonpayment (Pf the Department as provided in paragraph 8.23. The Department specifically reserves unto itself the right to rcuiG"::J the qualifications of any consultant or contractor and to apprcr'Je or a:sa,fJprcve the eniploYl?7ent of the sa?:::? -r') '1(, r " I';r,- p ''':~J' r> r,.7~ry,,~=' I'nn'" f;~'.- ;\7 t: t' A~')I. .,:. J r',-I ',..., J...:......:..'.1 "-OJ....p .....de..... l.,.v.... .. ,_on..;;..............,......... __....., ,.-,e....:.-l.....e ~ ego ..([ Ion ...L.... _I" 15 ur..{e!S..O;,.Hl a7.u agree~ J:/ f1 .,.., ':"'....:. ;n .1flr..1 ,...,.,..J:....-y;nH.O"1 h"U n~t' Dcn"'f"lY;~'"r1p~l;71 a -n'Yr.1 rJ. ...;Jr.. A ~,..,~ :; ;t7rl', r-.,..,.... .ne ~artlt:..::J r.ere~v J- ..~~ P'""', ~J\_1jJ.~'"; ?~ V..i ~,;... c.r'..... ~"......lH ~ L rl ....,je...,., UH/_ an ~geni,..,,/ v.;"ere sa;...... pro}:....." lnt/O!ve;..) a -""'Yf-..~lt{rn'; r'J.....;y,..,rf f:....r 01'~r(JC'I;rc nr...7r~';"Y:'"Tfrp r,..... !)urr~C""1fl'rcr r::,7rv..'rp-:- ';S ron;;~gp"1;' on Ir'e .fj.l,oP'rlr-,; co I"' nO .; L.J,.~j.;' .1.. i... IO.,.......I>)J t:..o~ ~,,""". "c..1 .......L-I...........~o.1o ... v,... \.-....~.:...o....... L....r....Jl j, L. j,j.J-/. ...J~" .}-. ...0.....1;.'-':; mp~~,ng ~n fun v:;dh pro~,'.isZOi7S of Stetz'oJ! 2E7.055.. ~Flo;z"ia Sfnf:.::es, C071sultar:fs Cornpeii:z'z.-'e ]-Jego!:.a:ion .Act. ./j the r11C~"''''''''"1'r-'r~ ,,: ~!~..., n-~..........')-~...,..,.o~~:- +k.? AOP"'1..-~, 7'1,~'i7 :r""n:~'p J;,;.., D~n t 11 rJ: J!1P C -.,.,....,7.1- ;. 5 '-:~I""':': 'rl ...,... f. P 1.(....J~.. ;:::;j.Vu Uj l.;;C .......';...j-'...! ..!,.:.....~ I ~".... ~ .c,....,..~.:: .........h Id...:LH..'.... .."....' L ....."4r l,.e,J.I. tn ..J..... o!....);.-.~.;..;,n~ t,:;:........on 1:'roce::;:: ..lor {1.~ ;~~ l~~~~:i;::; c~i ;;;~~:~~~e!.~c:~~~~;';?;'t s/~~:~;~;.:~~~i~\~~:t~t:~n:;:'~c~erartmenf fhc:t so! cotion hc;s bee;'I accomplished 1:2.30 .;\JinQt:'~'::' J3::si:ness Enic:.:-p::se (\f5E) Po7;'c:~! and Obllga::'or:: 12..31 ;\f3E l)olic~": ~"f ~'s i.;:~ -P::;:'C'::/ of fhe TJepari7neni ih;-:: rn::.:J!i:y b:-:s;'~2.SS e::icrpr:.ses [;5 ...___ it: -is C:....<.~ P:::r'~ 23, C~ e777 sr.::i'I h~~::: the m:'Zximz.u71 c;7;7ortuJ:i~:/ tc v:::rt:'ci;;atc t':! fh~~ "t1P'Y~'n}Y1"")T"'--"','-P r..,: CL'"";~~J-l"nr~c:: r</'.';7(711r,-.:' ,'n -:'11;....1"7,7 0,.' :-:. 1Jay, f 71lJ~n"1 Dp-nn'Yfm~"'"!'+ ft',;~.;;,~ ~:"'1~:tn-' lr.,'c ...-1n"'C'P1"'I'"1M1;' """'1 h' ,'__.,..',,) .....~,.___.... ~'. ..~, _......... -' !......,.......... . w/.......'-'~. ~,~ r . ~ .........- ..I~ ..../-'...'}-l .....,j.~ ......,..~.,) J,..t.fH...L-i ~I.'-" ":"'0' ....ll............ "'-,::;: /.-,fBE r2'q~':1'rC!7:C7:f.::: 49 C'.Fj~~ F;?r~..2_5~ CL:; ::rl1E?Idcd/ [;r,p.>y to this .A.gre::mc;;t. 12.32 /',1E!: C)!JI:'(:;atio~~: ~r;l:: /i~;:~'i~:/ ani ::5 conf-racfors cs,"'72e is f:'ZSUTC thr:f '?v1inc7':'tj' EZiSz'riC55 En;E:?n's:?s os dc~f;.ned in 49. C.F.? p~;.t =---~/ as ;1nlf!::d:.'~iJ have the lnaxir:-nn:: opportunit-y:o p:~rt;c:'p:1te':.;: 6 a:! i1t:Cf-..s: 'i' rc;:~un,~Lde s;cTs llZ nCCOTuancc '(~n:n ~::._ll_,..r.j\.. I ..1 ~-:'-)I ~~. HII,;..;,...r..... ~... .,...~~" ~- ~""". ./'''' ldin:Jrify u~",,",:.ss En terprisl's ha7;e the maxim;nrI opportwllt}i to cempete for form contracts. Gmntees, recirnents and their contrrdors shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national orig:n or sex in the award and performance of Department assisted contrac!s, 12.33 Disadva1lt~ged Business Enterprise (DBE) Obligations: If Urban Mass Trar:sport.7/ioll Administration or Federal Highway Administration Funding is a part of this project, the Agency must comply with Subpart (E) of eFR 49, Part 23, as amended. 13.00 Restrictio1ls, Prohibitions, Controls, and Labor Provisions: 13.10 Equal Employment Opportunity: In connection with the carrying out of any profect, the Agency shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, age, creed, color, sex or national origin. The Agency will take affim:ative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated dur:'ng employment, without regard to their race, age, creed, color, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Employment upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of payor other fonr.s of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The AgenC':J shall insert the foregoing proU':Sion modified only to sr.ov) the particul;;r contractual relationship in all its contracts in connection with the development of operation of the pr(Jject, except contracts for the standard commercial supplies or raw materials, and shall require all such contractors to insert a similar prevision in all subcontracts, except subcontracts for standard commercia! supplies or raw materials. -VVhen the profect in'Z-'o/ves installation, constructioll, demolition, removal, site improvement, or similar work, the Agf:llc:.; shall post, in conspicuollS places available to employees and aJ-"'Plicants for employment for project work, notices to be provided 'bf the Department setting forth the prov'isions of the nondiscrimination clause. 15.20 Title VI - Civil Rights Act of 1964: The Agency will comply with all the requirements imposed by Title VI of the Guil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Statute 252), the Regulations of the Federal Department of T:ansr.;ortaiion issued therezm:>:r, and the assurance by the Agency purs;w:1t thereto. 13.30 Prohibited Iilferests: Neither the Agency nor any of its contractors or their subcontractors sbll enter i::to any contT:;c!, subcontract, or arrang':?ment iI: connection with the project or any property ir:c/wied or pi:mned to be include'; in the project, in which any member, officer, or employee of the Agerw.:l or the I()c:;ii~.; during his tenure or for t:L'O yenrs thereafter has (11:Y iderest, direct or ind.irect. If any S"kch present or former member, 0((;C2(/ or [7ri;J~lo'Je:: 1'i::;clun::-:.vilu ~:~[.juires or had aenli/ired prior to the berrinninx of h:S tenure ar;1! such interest, ~. ~ . ..I ..I I e, ,)) ....'1 a Y ': 1': 5' r;' ; ,,' ,77'''<:' ;~ ;m"',"'-;: ~fp;-' ,-; ;c;clocp,-i il'1'J ih'. p A 0"]'''' , thp Aopl'f'" .0:/(" rr'"or rrmrrr,'a1 of '~p Dt>>1~rs-..,p,.' Y" - f "';'~.1 Yi....!. ~1.....' ...........d ....:) ~, ;:1 C;A.H",-r'.I.Y .....h_ . ___io ~ j ,..... ~ .0.... ~'-:J' ,....... 0......'....:; t. t~ ~ rl. iAoj-'r v!/ ~ ~..... ~r.~ ~......I~}, L".i.:;' ~"'"1.,"-,t:' JhP.,..,y.');:.:'r~'.f~'n~ ("''YIJ. ;'P{,"'1'~ tt1':- bc;"f"~~' -"!' r.,' . ";(1'0,,: it-. : ,...,.~,.l.. 'I'" " :::"1- h. {:.:,.P"" ~ i,. f '/"T1J .~".c. ~ .., _ r' c",,,,, ,,''"' c.,,,,a.. ._.< ,f. . .,:; SU _"_..01.. . rov.~_ " /lC/; ad: "Uw, p. esent m~,n,-,cr! OJ} ,~-, or en,p.-J: ee s,~~.. ~:..'~ r~;'i:'::,:'~l:::C: in k:J::,' :z::ticn bt: fh:; /io!yencv or the !'Jc'lli,t-i) rclatir:.oc :0 s~ch cC7::rczct, s~bconir::ct, 0: crranO~M1,t. I ./~,...,..1 U\..-I';~. ..:V""".........f :..~ r~' r('\'-I;Y/1I-t~ or--;f"re.": .:''';'0 ;~ cnnn"lrf;n/1 7;':~r-. {'"1P "':"'....+ 0 (T/",1""Y ~.: ~""r1,-':....rl' . :.~ '.' . . ''',~~:'. ,. ,,,. _'<......,<." c:..~ :: I,,, .'" ..'"" ..c.~..'"'. .....,1... ':._ pr,,-:o_. ,~~..'j/,.cpGr'j I).C",";O"" C""' O,,~):TiC.7 ia D-C' u;c;:.;(;e;; ;/; ;;7:2: pn'J':,:t, ana sl::21 Teql,mJ ;:5 CC]:h':C~e::5 Ie: ;:-:scrt m clch of tl;e;r Sl,.bcor.:rcc:s, tr,o : o::;z ::g "',' ..~r-. ~r; ,';" cf the /is::'ncy or 0.,( ;,~:2 Icc~I:::;/ ~~:!."'.;';;;'3- h;'s fen:.j'~':: or ri','.-Y~.<..' vr,. .,",_.'i:'~..'7, p::J-., ...,.... .i_~.,.......) '....!.... ~,.,. ""......" -- "'... "o,...,.,r,,..,,..... ~K'''YOn'- r10 .~ .. .... __ . _ ,:~ '~.'L~:~'" ;/;:;. :::;. '"'t.:"~J .,~;~, ,-,-,>', II 'T" I :'7e ~ 1 r 07" i~ ie J: S !~: (;:~: ~ !,~l,:~:;~~;~C;';J;~,~:i/i!;~.i 5 ~~,r~~l;~:~b:~t~ f:~:~~~f~;~'~7~:]/:::~:~~C~~/; ~;~ii:f~.~' ~~~;;:~;;c~~~: l' (:ti! ~~~,' ~i; J....'... "- 13.40 Interesr. oJ iYrembas Ofr or Delegates to, C0118;'1:;5S: Nu n:emc;:r 0:' deleg e Congress of the United Slate5 shal! be admitted to any slwre or vnt of the Agrer;mcnt or any benefit arising thertfrom. H.OO Miscellalleous Provisiolls: 14.10 E71vironme1Ital Ppllution: All Proposals, Plans, and SpecificatioJl5 for the acquisition, construction, reconstrucHor:, improvement of facilities or equipment, shall be presentd to the Department for revicJJ. In rendering such review, the Department shilll determine whether such facility or equipment is designed and equipped to prevent and control en-uironmentd pollution. 14.20 Depmimellt Not Obligated to Third Parties: The Department shal! not be obligated or liable hereunder to any party other than the Agency. 14.30 When Rights and Remedies Not Waived:. In no event shall the making by the Department of any payment to the AgenC'y constitute or be cor..strued as a waiver by the Department of any breach of covenant or any default which may then exist, on the part of the Agency, and the ma;.dng of such payment by the Department while any such breach or default shal! erist shall in no way impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to t};e Department with respect to such breach or default. 14.40 H ow Agreement Is Affected by Provisions Being Held Invalid: If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected. In such an instance the remainder wo:.:ld then continue to confomJ to the terms and req;lircrnents of applicable law. 14.50 Bon1is or C011l11lissio;z: By execution of the Agrecrnent the Agency represents that it hils not paid and, also, agrees not to pay, any bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining an approval of its app;ication for the financi7;g hereunder. 14.60 State or Territorial Law: Nothing in the Agrecrnent shall require the Agency to obserJe or enforce compliance with any r;7rx'ision thereof, perform any other act or do any other thing in contravention of anv avpiicabIe S"te la"" pmvided, that if any of ,he pnwisions of ,he Ageeem",'violaIe any appli"ble Slale !,~, Ihe Agen~<J u:ii1 at 07:0:: rwtify the Departmer:t in 'writ:::g in order that apprcrpriate changes and modific:;:.tions mal.! be ..,..."..." r' 1. ,~~ D,-,",,1ry;' ~"""'\1;' r -Irl .,j.h' ,y A- rc fn 'f," p~; ';'1" ~:'p ~ p ). - n ;.. - ;'1:" " ...a"e u'j It,e ~r"" .7,,~'.. wi." . .t. c/:71~Y'V I... ..'~ ,,_. "'~ f>g~nC'j may proece," as soon as pvSS;Oie w:!. ;r:e project. nA -.'(1 n ~",.; /.< ;,~"",_,,(., :.p~:,J;: n;J.t""- dEn' .~,. ~i-'Tf A "J]..' J"",/C! uSe C:.." .\,,,,).l,"-'.."'V" 0., ~ ,0.;"-'" av,.l 1:..::i an. '1U1tJn.e".. de genCl1agrC'!5 In;;:: ,,,epro:ect f,_r;l:J;l'c n'~ n ,_,,::' . p .co.];"'" (.- ., r?",-' ;.; T7"'Y/';"P ,. ..,~,.,yJ ...,..h1;n ~~n~c~n In 7 " ,', ',1.:" /,,_....'v.) ..1.., C., . ".... tJ_ 1wv.. ~::.~ hO_I'~:: .. f" "...h D, S"rF,.I' r"w,,~ ",,:,vr.r...hor. Ior ,r;c per:u:.. Oi ,;:e "scft: i i i fe of ",,!: i"" i n'" "ni e,,'IO P'" ,,,: " ,"'''''; '" h: ",,,d," ce wi In 2'" '" i ""a" ii" g prine'p' os' d ;;;; ;;~~i ,~~ :::;,~~F.;': ;:~! I i ~;~1 ;~~~';~c;~;~:' ;~,;~;::ain tei n the preject fci!' Ii cs '" q lip'" cd iu gcod _., ~ ., r~ ......" . ,-' ...'n~'1 o...~...-,. ... ' ,-, f ~- . ... ~_., P'O;:,;;":,,;:,g,,,,! 'T~cs to m'i~;~!T~~% ;;~:;::;:'d;e' ph,''"' . ~.. ~ -, ., . ~':,:, > '_/. I I, I"_J .;~ o~ :.)~~ os "' of ~;, *, ::<,'i:i ':. ,,:':q:; Tn,:::.;:.yo';", A~ ;:"!!;:i~:':c:s of en 'Tal"; fdii I,' I' '''; ".,..1.~." ~..I "',,, .... '.."""." "...rpc.... .,....:p. ,'::i I "r'.n,..r,,~r... ee'.,> .",., .f;.C1!l!Y or c:i,(q;rr:er:, Ier p;.(:'::c ;',: ~ ~r::~' IS';,"',';,";, ~':,:::1; ~ ::~c~;;t,~ >"~:' ",C~':~"; :!~9c;~ ,;:;' :.8";':;'/': g i: F:~P'" y :~~'cg",c",' "..;.1,,(1. "". J ", f, ,~,,,... .. " .,--' .( ,_"... .. ...~ L)",,,. "...1.. ,,7., v"or.w...., ,,771u.L., ,O' .C' ""rO' p", fro:"', li:J a"(...~IC';'1i ~ " ~ .' . . . _ r .."'" p .' ... ~ ,'''' A . ooif,n.;t~;,n;,.vOrt.,.fl(.i'~li..!.::.:,,;,:.~.."_~'..7.,...".~..~'~..',,!.n'.'.:;Oc'.~I;;.~,.-.:.:.:'.,f"--':;~";""l";:'" .r,'" : :;:7:0::711 sl:dl be aetf'rmind 07: the b:::si:; of the 7Q:i:> c; t.~~ _ .': C .. , _'~" cpi;:m,~?::!i5 rrc:oi:!c:i in th:c Ag~cc77:cnt. 8 Tcbn,ary j 592 14.90 Contractual Indemnity To the extent ptrmilled by law, the Agency shall indemmfy, defed, save, . and. hold harmless the Department and all iLs offiars, agents or employees from all s::its, actions, claims, demands, liability of any nature whatsoever arising out of, because of, or d~e to breach of the Agreement by the Agency or its subcontractors, agen ts or employees or due to, any negligent act, or occurrence of omission or commission of th:~ Agency, its subcontractors, agents or employees. Neither the AgenC'f nor any of its agents will be liable under this section for damages arising out of injury OT damage to persons or property directly caused or resull1'ng from the sole negligctlce of the Department or any of its officers, agents or employees. The parties agree that this clause shall not waive the benefits or provisions of Chapter 763.28 Florida Statutes or any similar provision of law. 15.00 Plans and Specifications: In the e'Jent that this Agreement involves the purchasing of capital equipment or the constructing and equipping of facilities, the AgenC'f shall submit to the Department for approval all appropriate plans and specifications covering the project. The Department will reuiew all plans and specifications and will issue to the Agency r.vritten approval w-ith any approved portions of the project and comments or recommendations concerning any remainder of the project deemed appropriate. After resolution of these comments and recommendations to the Department's satisfaction, the Department will issue to the Agency written apprO"Jal with said remainder of the project. Failure to obtain this u:ritten approval shall be sufficient cause for nonpayment by the Department as provided in paragraph 8.23. . 16.00 Agency Certification: The Agencj w-ill certify in writing prior to project closeout that the project was completed in accordance with applicable pl11ns and specifications, is in place on the Agency facility, that adequate tItle is in the Agency and that the project is accepted by the AgenC'j as suitable for the intended purpose. 17.00 Appropriation of Funds: 17.10 The State of Florida's performance ad obligation to pay under this Agreement is cantinge:.! upon an annual appropriation by the Legislat:-Lre. 17.20 Multi-Year Commitment: In t};e ;:-.;ent this Agreement is in excess of $25,000 and h::5 a term for a period of more than one year, the pr07.;isiDrs cf Cr.:;p!!?r 339.135(7)(a), Florida Statutes, are hereby incc7'forated: "(a) The Deparmzenf, during a"y f:scai year, shall no! expend mont?'j, incur any liabilit-y, or e-nier ',' ~~, ., r>rl -,' . j., ; 11 ;i~ !;7Yn-c~ :",,,';"'~C t' ~ p ,(7 ";"IY~ i '" . (7Y P ,fil. ~,.,,, I- 11.,0 "ull CO/..T,,~. U.1IC", U:; .., .~. ,,_ ...~",.o.;> n_ _xtJ~n.....u. _ 0 mun;;v In _.,C...5S J, fie a",c;,,7l." -' j..l ... ..- budgeted as available for expendz'ture dur:.ng such fiscOolye!lr. Any contra.ct, verbal or !urit~en/ made ii; violation of this suUs!:ctior. shcil ce n.ull and void, and no money sha!! be p::id the:eol~, The D~?ar~rne;rlt s}Z[21I retiuz're::. st1te:::e;:: .'f:o~;z the comptroIler of th~ Dcpartrrrent thc:t rl-i71ds aTe .......,.-::,...;~!::; 77r;""~- "0 o...,J.,7Y1'7f-'1" ./"1:'r ,.,},.~! -:'r;'" ,..r-".J.rr--.rJ. or. Oi/'IO>' bz'''dl'no c~n"m:fn-<en' ot f:rt1~s' 7\Tr.J.h~'"~"" ~\.-'~~..;."'v.~ r" ..VI ~ ....,...;..., ."0 j., 1.... :.~'~.:- ..).~....... ....;,)!... ...,. ~ c:..i I. ~ 0 VI j,1.~.I;;' ). I} j~'''-'''''~ . .i\01-';~,'.~:: hc;e:'71 sJ-::J! pre-uen! i'he ?nakir:g cf CQ7:tj';::fs f'Ji a period ex~~~d!'ng one year, b:~f Q-;:Y C07:tr:::::.: so n::zd~ s';:!l.}l be e:::c::u:ory on 1::/ fer ih:: l;:~:!..:e cf fhe S2J:Jices to be rendered or agreed fa be p~id fer ~,~;'~~~~/!~~{';r~~~! ;~~;:: ~~:~:::~:i~7l! i~ e:~~-e',~!;; t~'~~!;:~~f~~rt:'~~~~;~'~:'~7~~~: ~;;:~.~;~~~~~"~ o;:~~~~~ '.- ," ,-:<- 77:0:--:} :.~:~.~: :J;'~ :'-~~,:::':". 1.::.U u ~'i 011 c f ./:4;..';7'22'::: 21; -:: 7~}::: ;~.c:rCt:; tJ ccrn.,L~te the pr~~:'2~: 0:--: or befc;'c r;,Q~_~~.JL_L9_.9,6 ___.______~ If th~ Age~C'{ does nc:~omplefe the'proj::ct ,-,-'::i,in tJ::s !..,.'O "'I')"';C'-~ J;~_'..:. ;\rrYPPPIPI'; "",~';-r ....,Y-.i~'l..... l/~1',)...-:C; ,~'.- .,:'v}o~~C'1'nio' r.t ;.11(.) +~',......f' _~'I'~',.,..1 .;5 f"r'il'r:"! .,.,,..1 II t". A ..........,,~ ~ .~.-';... ,..~,. ~~. ;,.;..... .. "'0' ........" .../~l. w,H '-''''j~'/~ ;.I.._~~ H-:_ _....j..,.d~)'v;J. vj j,,1 C ~~,,~__ ri..J ~VH J r....:.;.~~.(.l." !..J,Y he /;.g:::.i..-:/ ar:;;. 5:~l"'(l}~ ted in 7...~,7'7':i?7g the [)istric! Secretary, [):s:r:',.:: ___S .r y ______. Expiraficr: of this AgreC7:cnt willee cC.~:5idcreJ ~r;."nn'il.zt:Gn c:I the pro}(:ct und !he prcctc.:;r:; c.s:.:t<::,~::;d it: r:Jr{~graph 9.00 cf fh:'s .l:gremlcnt sha!! b:; i/::'::~::::;~. 9 Febuary 19~]2 19.00 Ag-recment Format: Ail ZLwds used herein in lhe singular form shall e.:dcnd to and indude the plura!- All words used in the plural form shall extend to {lnd include the singular. All words used in any gender shall extend to and include all genders. 20.00 Execution of Agreel1w:t: This Agreement may be simultaneously executed in a minimum of /c;JO counterparts, mch of which so executed shall be deemed to be an crigi7l1l1, and such counterparts togcfr.er shall cOl..stitute one in the same instrument. 21.00 RestridioJlS on Lobbying: 21.10 Federal: The Agency agrees that no federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of the Agency, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence any officer or employee of any federal agenC'f, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, reneu.:at amendment or modificaticn of any federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. If any funds other than federal ajJ7?ropriated funds have been paid by the Agency to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or emplcrjee of Congress, or em emplcr:Jee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Joint Participation Agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, ':Disc1osure Fonn to Report Lobbying/' ill accordance with its instructions. The AgellC1j shall require that the language of this section be included in the award documents for all s!/~awards at all tiers (including si,bcor.tracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans and cooperative agreeme7lts) ad that all subrecipiE:nts shall certify and disclose accordingly. 21.20 State: No funds rece-i-:.:ed pursua.'lt to this contract mav be exnended {or lobbvinc the Lec-':S'dUT" J oj 'r )1 wi 0 0 ~ .... or a stafe agency. 22.00 Vendors Rights: Vendors (in this cowmen: id~ntified as Agenc::.() providi1;g gO:Jds an:: scr,,;'Ci'S i,_ I;,,, :'~.,'vi.~,,~) r7~n"!." I,l' r,7nr,ye at fJ.,,, ~oT7o"";",'rr t':me fr.nn'e, 71p eM r"r",'''''I' I,"e Dmar1menf ]-rr tJ"'''e (~). .,. L: "" ,....; ~~i-'~I..""'... :..",...... ,,_ .:~.,. ! "." ~ .. 0':"0 .., j ,,,. ~'. L.;..~ ."~~>v,,. ~r' . ,",Q j '" J wor:..:;,?, ,co'" !~ .,.~'"r! ',>,," .o',"",vn-'" Ii"'? O"'OrlC anrl <er""r,X ..)des< Ih? "'d sperlficatlorr pl'I._L"~e or"ey e" ro"lrrc! ,,",,^~'{,'-- ~.....:-/':J ~J ;:~,::;,':",-j,. "..iJo~" ...i.....t.'1 :J:"....... ,...~ OV I...~' .........'- l-.............._~ h.. ""' ~ G U. ... ~~. Il:>; .. L.[.IAo... l.. ';' \...- ;J,~ :.... . .;:;....::::.......,i.::...) c.d.. y-":,, , T;., '.""rr""""'" "n< ?n drvc to d,,7:"7r n T""'lest .roy pnllm"nl IVOllrL"",) ',.., t"" D ~yl "r ~'rt -'..:~.~ VIJ.C. L:...';"';:";, ... .;,~ i.Jl-r'~'" ~i,.,-/h. j........--'..........." '~.J,) .(~..fvL,.... t:.'1~ J J H~. i_ ~ \ ,.J'~I h.l i....).. CJ7....1 .777e.nl- 0) .0;';'?;"\';;2) a:L1 J' ;liQ~.:~e, Th-:: 20 ,rJrc nzctzsured from the l:::ter of the dt~te the invoice is :-ecE.;'z;ed nr f,k.,~ on"n-'1~'~ ."11'" (":n-1.,~',"':;r: 1 1.1 J - . - o~ v.._ ...." ........, '-' .............. ere -re;:;c:.....:::..:/ cr.,'). (i'pprove:~. I( c.. P::Y::::'::: is I::;: a~).;:':,;b::: ,-,:ifU;; 40 C::ij's Te::e:'p: c/ the invoice ad Tee::!p!, i:-:spe::ticr: {;r::l r:p;::r:J7.'t:: 'Jf g~'.::is ;;i;:; c:/:,.:.;',',;.:/ :: 0:7"':[,'; :';1"":'5: P(~y;::;:!~! of 0.0353?- ;:~,.y'C~~,',.~l,,;::r,' '~.;:~'I:' ,::'iii}e d!l;ca;~ P"1",yabler ~:,',.,{;~~iii:.]': :0 fhe in7)C;'Ce rz,~-:;J:~::: tc..i fr;e . The interest Vf?n::.~ ;-'J O~...;;.On. !1f/F.lf.S aJj..er a ~'..J k:~Y ~tme pen~j~ r0 h::;:U: ;:::,"2 : ,,~',.. ..' - ';, cC ,;;, ~;g;i ~~;',;' i, ;;,:,;~,~, '~~:i~;~,~~ i; :~;";:rr.;:~P t~~~~:~;~,~~;~ ~~c ,co ;r~ "i~ VCn[~:)7~ h:~: b:;cn e..s::zbl:sh~d 7..~;:':h:'.~: fhe [Iepr::irnent of Ba~king {!n(~ Fin:!nce. ~"nc du::'cs c~ U::s i"..:~J,;7,..~.."J:}..-.!.' ",,", 'f'-,? n""l;""'G" (~(' ""l~ 1"/':7:n"'nf? fOl' '~(:D1.:r;p(' -1',;';.'1 n1"T'f .~{I P...,-Ylcn-:Dt1"""';-,O ~voble"'c ,'"... f';\:' . '. "1" . ..--. ~ r r.. .,,~i:,~::, ..~.I,: >..} h.... ~.j..........,.JL......... " r~;..'~.,L.-'~~ ..,~",- j,~"'J' ...',- ....A.iJ-....;. ,~,-,".f.' ~I' 'l!~..) .,' ...!..:,"1zn1~:' ;mY::Jcn 0;0' D'2;~lrtm.:r:I. The Ve~dor ()rdl;i\-n::h )1I[~!i beUcc))iii:Ct~d at (9j:!)-188"292~J ~;"b;! ~/' :.~e StrJte Con1;Ji;Dl!~r'5 J-]oUincr 1-800-.348-.3792, 10 .' WPJ NO. 68267b8 JOB NO. 90000-3875 Agreement Dale - IN WiTNESS ~VHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents be executed, the day and year firs I above written. AGENCY BY: TULE: Mayor/Chairman ATTEST:DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK (SEAL) TITLE: ueputy Clerk DATE: DATE FUNDING APPROVED BY COMPTIWLLER (SEE ATTACHED ENCUMBRANCE FORi'l1) AUG 1 0 1992 APPROVED .AS TO FORAi, LEGAllTY DISTRICT SECRETA...i"?"Y OR DIRECTOR OF PV3{\rrNG A"JI..TD PROGRA..lYiS ~~_.....,-..- f-:....:.1L.)),: (SEA.L) EXECulT1,"E SECF..ETk"'\.Y OR NOT.:RY ~7 L L-' =====================================================~==========~~ ENCUMBRANCE INPUT FOP~ =================================================================~ RUSH (Needed by ___/___/___ (date)) Reason for RUSH : Advertise (Letting Date) Award Renewal ---Letter of Authorization XXX-New Court Order Overrun ===-supplemental ____correction ___ AddItion ___ Termination Agmt. Contract # A9329 Contract Type 310 Method of Procurement G Vendor Name: Monroe-County Vendor ID VF 596-000-749=001 Has written/Verbal Approval from a Participating Federal Agency been received Yes X No FedFunds-$ 0 State Funds- $100,000 Local Funds-$100~000 Beginning-date of this Agmt: 11/30/92 (Must be after fund approval) Ending date of this Agmt: 06/30/96 (Estimate if necessary) Execution date of this Agmt: / / (Only on original agreements) Has work been authorized to begin? -- -Yes X-No Have standard financial provisions been altered by contract terms? Yes X No If so, show Revision date: N/A Does this agreement and/or change order include provisions for reimbursement to D.O.T. from other entities? Yes X No If so, has the JPA been approved by the COMPTROLLER?--= Yes X_ No ***************************************************************** Description: Renovate existing passenger terminal building at M~rathon Airport. DPTO $100,000. ***************************************************************** ORG-CODE *EO * OBJECT * AMOUNT * CO/SEC/JOB#/PH *FCT (PROGRAM#) (WPI # ) (FG~D) numeric ( FY's ) To be completed if funded in 2 or more fiscal years. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 55062020628 *11 * 730050 * $100,000 (2090 ) * 90000-3875-50 (6826768 ) ( 010) * 637 ---------------------------------------'----------------------- * ( 92-93) * * * * 'IOTl:.L A.."'10'UNT * $1 0 0, 000 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- o~iginator: Len Bivins Date: 08/07/92 Phone: SC452-5912 E-mail user-ID PT628LB -- ****************************************************************** TO BE COMF~ETED BY OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER ****************************************************************** BUDGET ENTITY 5580 CATEGORY 088800-93 WORK ORDER BALANCE Authorized on 08/06/92=100,000.00 ALLOTMENT _Ab=489,SOO.OO YEAR 93 DATE CHECKED 08/10/92 FUNDS APPROVED BY Marsha Johnson DATE __08/10/92 WPI NO. 6826768 JOB NO. 90000-3875 EXHIBIT "A" PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RESPONSIBILITIES This forms and integral part of that certain Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, and the County of Monroe dated PROJECT LOCATION: Marathon Airport - Monroe County PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Renovate existing passenger terminal building. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS BY AGENCY: The audit report(s) required in Paragraph 7.60 of the Agreement shall include a schedule of project assistance that will reflect the Department's contract number, WPI number, and JOB number and the Federal Identification number, where applicable, and the amount of state funding action (receipt and disbursement of f~nds) and any federal or local funding action from any other source with respect to the project. SPECIAL CONSIDEP~TIONS BY DEPARTMENT: NONE WPI NO.: 6826768 JOB NO.: 90000-3875 EXHIBIT "B" PROJECT COST AND CASHFLOW: This exhibit forms an integral part of that certain supplemental Joint Participation Agreement between the STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF TR~SPORTATION, and the COUNTY OF MONROE dated I. PROJECT COST: 6836768 $ 200,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $ 200,000.00 II. FUND PARTICIPATION: Federal Participation: (FAA) (0.0%) $ (50.0%)- $ 0.00 Public Agency Participation: (LF) 100,000.00 Department Participation: (DPTO) (50.0%) $ 100,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $ 200,000.00 ES'T'IMI\TED CASHF'I-!.9W OF srrATF FUNDS ($ X 1000) ~iscal Year: ~C"+- n+-- ~~~ 2 !"~ cL_Q!: r " ]rd otr. 4th otr~ S)2j93 ",...' lJ o \J 93/94 ^ ,-' ("\ v 10 20 94/95 40 30 o :] WPI NO.: 6826768 JOB NO.: 90000-3875 EXHIBIT "c" REQUIRED SUBMITTALS/CERTIFICATIONS AND BASIS FOR THEIR ACCEPTANCE BY THE DEPARTMENT This exhibit forms an integral part of that certain Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, and the County of Monroe dated Documents required to be submitted to the Department by the Agency in accordance with the terms of this contract. SUBMITTAL/CERTIFICATION RESPONSIBILITY Consultant Selection compliance Agency Attorney certified Design Submittal Department Letter Construction/Procurement Department Letter NEE conpliance Agency certified Sa=ety Compliance ll.gency Certified Audit Reports As Requested