Resolution 489-1992 RESOLUTION NO. 489.- 1992 F:L[O f- rHo fHI'nRi 27 ~.~.~. A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY '92 OCT ~ P 1 :i2 COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO APPROVE THE ,.h\ JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (JPA) eLf' . h TO CONSTRUCT A VEGETATIVE NOISE/VISUAL ~tONRO[ nUN 1 Y F L.t. BUFFER AND AN AIRPORT UTILITY ROAD AT MARATHON AIRPORT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereby authorized the Mayor to approve the Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) to construct a vegetative noise/ visual buffer and an airport utility road at Marathon Airport, between Monroe County and the Florida Department of Transporta- tion,a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Conunissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this 7 day of October , 1992, A.D. MAYOR, Wilhelmina Harvey COMMISSIONER, Jack London COMMISSIONER, Douglas Jones COMMISSIONER, A. Earl Cheal COMMISSIONER, John Stormont Yes No Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~.'.~J' --~-: 1.' '"""----~ ..... ~ '-'l .. _. ... \" (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY B~~ Attorney s fice 1 ~~'!.-'r li~r~1( i :,1::':':' '..... :-..:=:.::: =::.:::=::=. ==:::.:.=:::::=== =:::':::,-~= ====:::: ::"..::..-::::.::.:.:: :.--=--::::::: =_ ::::.:.::-:-.::::: ==::;:::.::::.::-~.===~..::==::::-.:..::t'.:=======: ====:::===::::.=':======::::'::::==== =:: W?1 No,' 6826769 Fun!:: 010 SAMAS Apprcm: 088800 FUllction: 637 -- SAMAS Obj,: t i3OUSO----- Job No: 90000 - 31:: 7 8 Federal No: Org, Code: 55062020628 ___ContmctNo: 7[!l.~'3'tJ Vendor No.: VF59 6000 7LI9 001 =====================================================================~======== STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARThIENT OF 1T~SPORTATION PW3LIC TRANSPC?RTATION JOINT PARTICIPATION .tlGREElvfENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 19 -----' by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the Slate of Florida, hereinafter called the Department, ad the C ou n t y 0 f Monro e hereinafter callei the Agency. WITNESSETH: . ,- 'S';' . J' [,.," t " 'd A t d t 't) t" 't h ' it Yv3EREJl , the ngency nas .ne au honeY .0 en er m.o sa! greemen an 0 unaer ai~e ne proJec ,erezna.er described, and the Department has been granted the authority to function adequately in all areas of apprcpr.ate jurisdiction including the implementation of an integrated and balanced transp~rtation system and is authorized under F, S . 332 , 006 ( 6 ) to enter into this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in considaation of the mutual covenants, promises and representations l:erez'n, the parties agree as follows: 1..00 Pu-;pose of ..rlgreerr:en t: 'The purpose of th{s Agree?nent is Construct a vegetative noise/visual buffer and 2T1 airpo:rt uti_li~y ~02rl at Yarathon ^ . . ..... nlrpor.... :: ":.~' ::.: .Jr-.,....;...7 ;!f~ ,-.y: ~ ) : i)~ F xh;'~'it \I.~ 1_~~_~~___~~_:~_____ attached hereto and by this . /.,...... "''-0 .nr:1p "1 ~-,,",-y';' ;'P'VP"': J1er.-:r;r.r{fv~ rr:?,:,::'-,' f~l;7 -1'1"'-'<:;ri n11~ 10 p'~ ,Ode D ~ t.,..,.1 '}-Or 1 h' '" . J .,,~. J.,., "".... t ,T 7f.,'....., c,;,"''"' rr..i-~..,~ ;'''/-'-<'' ~ "....; ,-~Ij/ . .... "H..'h.n ...........~.... .t"" ,." '....:'......, .4' ~ 7vV; ep~~r I.'.e...a.. J).rh~nCa). as;;./s../.,?:..c 0 ~l1e A --.".~ -, ,.,.J J,.-..L7 I~,~ J:"1'r'l'....~- nY!r1 ro-...,."il';'~'!~""''''' ~'''''''r"J"H ""I~'1'r:.., co/r;" nCSl'('lnnr W'jlT t, .,...... ',~ ~ n 1rl Ih d..... '; __ .~:.:::.;~:t.~.~/ Gdi.--+ S~;.4.~~~ ~;..::"".~~/11;;) ~":d.....", ':'...... :':":..': '~r"j.l. L:J:....... "'.""~'~."''"' .Jt.~1 ~e ilo. OepjO,-,r;~ie~-t, "']'.4.-1- ~e un er,)~an;:.r;gs as . ~o ti::s rna~;j::::}' n'~ 7J)":::.~: tne pro}cc: 7.L'zl! c~e ~~:::e-rr:If~t'T1 ;:7r::: con:plelea. 1 Fchmc7ry 1:,'.92 2.00 Accomplishment of the Project: 2.10 General Requirements: The Agency sh,dI commence, and complete the project as de:cribed in Exhibit "A" with all practical dL<:patch, in a sound, economical, and efficient manner, and in accordr.,"lce wilh the provisions herein, and all applicable laws. 2.20 Pursuant to Federal, State, and Local Law: In the event that any election, referendum, approval, permit, notice, or other proceeding or authorization is requisite under applicable law to enable the AgenC'f to enter into this Agreement or 10 undertake the project hereunder, or to observe, assume or carry out any of the prorr:Sions of the Agreement, the Agency will initiate and consummate, as vrovided by law, all actions necessaJ'1f with respect to any such matters so requisite. " 2.30 Funds of the Agency: The Agency shall initiate and prosecute to conrpletion all proceedings necessary including federal aid requirements to enable the Agency to provide the necessary funds for completion of the project. 2.40 Submission of Proceedings, Contracts and Other Documents: The Agency shall submit to the Department such data, reports, records, contracts and other documents relating to the project as the Department may require as listed in Exhibit "C". 3.00 Project Cost: The total estimated cost of the project is $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . - . This amount is based upon the estimate sumrr:ar:zea in Exhibit "B" and Irf this reference made a part hereof. The Agency agrees to bear all expenses in excess of the total estimated cost of the project and any deficits involved. 4.00 Department Participation: The Department agrees to maximum participation, including contingencies, in the profect in the amount of $ 250, 000 . - as detailed in Exhibit "B ", or in an an:ount eqlial to the percentage(s) of total project cost shown in Exhibit "B", whichever is less. 4.70 Proj ec:t Cost Eligibility.. Project costs eligible for State participation wfll be allowed only from the date of tl-::"5 Agreement. It is understood t};at State partic:'pation in eligible project costs is subject to: a) Legisla~ive ~ppr,ov~l ,of the Departm.~nt:s appropriation request in the work program year that hie prOject !s scneau~[d to be cammu:e,'7; The understandii:g that disbrD'SE?7Zent offunds 11)1.[[ oe made in accordal:ce ulhh the c:zlanced thirrJ- ./ sr'x (36) month cash fJrE~a.5f; .Al.1Qz';D.bilit~,.. of fvinds {"Q 5t;:::::-1 i'n par:J.g:apn 17.00 of this hgreerne:z!; ~ATrpTo:'1al of all ir:lar:::~, sp:?:;~.r-:c:lf:'or;s/ co::'ur:;c:s OJ' cfher obligc:t:'ng dccume7'Its and an other tC?7:S c:f fh:s ~Agre~ri!cr.f; De;:::;::'T1.eJ,1t app;J:'a! ~! ~,:e ref"ct seeF:; ad bedget (Lh::its A & B) at the time appro;m::t;:)J; ;'.:l;/:CYZty !)ecom~S at::~::~t;::..~. bi '-/ .......- .~...,... /- rC):~ .::..-:;.~~ '.--, , ,. ,---:-: .;.C. :-::_ ':; [!.';:" :--. ~~.:~~ not) c?pI:'c(;bic. J~/ c:pplic:7b!e,. the [)eparbnc;;f 77:::]/ prc~~-e~; CJsts :-{;' to ar; CrnO!lr.t equal to 1':5 tc;fa: shere of i7:Z"f:0;7;.;:/ r;:::; 100c7c c,;'o fh~ lc;::.:! allD-c:,,~~-'i:; :','::urrei r{~ri:'c;',;-:;.:.U;;,,: [~~ 5J:-~':~'J~_: :;1 .;::-;r:z;;-r~~ph -i',C:;, ::000 ]~2ta-i}!(:'ge~. r:'ct:1fn::Si! (~-" (3 i::::} app!:oc;{cTeo ;/ arrpZictlblc, N,-' A per~ent cf the T) -Y~_""""'O...."~ic: O:'l~"; c""r" o( "Y'ar;':C~'''''--i'~~:r,,4,.r -;',-1~':\-': 1"", ......,/-;1-'ii(:.'l"(l-P'l i. [;/-\;C" ['r hp ;~?7,"; 0 ~ ~,J.,.: "(''''P tr< ;...., ":~o,';""'v "..7 ,...i. .L eprL l'"._....., ....>>u ..,f..,., ... ) t. ~. .riA......."~......) .::,.H..........f....u ,.-H'...O';.,( r. ....o,-"..J;',J .j....... ,h.;;": 1)~ Tr...~~~;,7~.,,()... ...LI v:' U.~'V..-;".sr...;..o.! 0.-.;;' th!! I)c?x~r:;;!2n::s (~':'scr,-"lUnn, on cr O:c c:-y~."lpleti.on of the ..6nr;l profect c:~{(hf, 2 .February 1992 6.00 Project Budget and Disbursenu:llt Schedule: 6.10 The Project Budget: Prior to the execution of this Agreement, a project budget, shall be prepared by the Agency and approved by the Department, The Agency shall maintain said budget, carry out the project and shall incur obligations against and make disbursements of project funds only in conformity with the latest approved budget for the project. The budget may be rer.r:Sed periodically, and if revised, a copy of the revision should be forwarded to the Comptroller. No budget increase or decrease shall be effective unless it complies with fund particiption requirements established in paragraph 4.00 of this Agre...''111ent and is approved by the Department Comptroller. 6.20 Schedule of Disbursements: The Agency shall provide the Department with a time-phased schedule of the Department funds to be expended on the project. This schedule sh:rll show estimated disbursements for the entire term of the project by quarter of f:Scal year. The schedule may be divided by project phase where such division is determined to be appropriate by the Department. Any significant deviation from the approved schedule in Exhibit "B" requires submission of a supplemental schedule by the Agency. 7.00 Accounting Records: 7.10 Establishment alld Maintenance of Accounting Records: The Agency shall establish for the project, in conformity with uniform requirements that may be established lrf Department program guidelines/procedures and Generally Accepted Governmental Accounting Standards (GAGAS) to fadlitate the administration. of the ftnrmciilg program, separate accounts to be maintained within its existing accounting system or estcblish independent accounts. Such accounts are referred to herein collectively as the "project account". The project account shall be made available upon request by the Department any time during the pe;lod of the Agreement and for fit'e years after final pa~(T:lent is made. 7.20 Funds Received Or ?,-fde Available for The Projzd: The Agency shall appropriately record in the project account, ad deposit in a bank or tn;st co:npanj which is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, all payments recei~'ed L':,' it fror;~ the Department pursuant to this Agreement and all other funds prc;uid?i for, accr;;;'r.g to, or oihen':./..se ;ecc:-::ed or. aCCJ:.int of the project, which Department payments and of};=r funds aie hcre1'r. co!!ee:i:'e!} r~::rrd :0 r:s "p;ofec: fu;:ds". The Agency shall require depositories of project ft<nds to secure continu:Jusiy ad f0iiy c:li p;cii?ci funds in excess of the amounts insured under federal plans, or und=r ~ ;,,' :~" -";';r'. I. e_,,, ~"'" f'~~,",..,.""r fry;;'" -' ;n-eC: i at rrroi pr! r'" ds L th D yim.,.,J;". t' d '/ II' ,).."e "'".r.co w..._I. ".,.Co ""__I. _~-', Vc__ '"' '''0 ,.__-_.. '. j-~' .,n uU ,e eva,,, e"" uy he mOSl, or ,p,.l)!O r ' , -' , , , ",' J ....r....-.. '0 ';?;;r ,_t _.....;?rJ......". 1 t ::~" J~'.,....r~, ("'~..u-! ~'"Y' J;_=, """'",,},!"1P"'" rc .".......tx:"..;hprl ~, C:tr;,., T rr-rp Ir,.,~ ':'~-ro rq"";+-. .( .hi,.... fz'; , as..Li.t:. ...<. Ll/;;~~.::i U.. OJ I...:: 1.:;;;........ ......u..... .... ....... ........"......, ........ r.' .......-...... H........... v.'J ...... ........~ L..........: JI..d .4..... Se......k.l....y OJ pL.~.....,~) nz:...s, or {~ :::r;Tpra:'2::' c":' the Lj:.?pr.T:r;~i1 t. .... r J.. 1 rf .,.......,.. [' } ..Iro ,,-....... """",';-.-, ,"'00,',""'" s~nn CII." 0""0 -I., .: rot f"''' ,~...:. ....1,r ;" .. 7 -_J /,,):} _____O~..s "'~:::::lrr2.Z /u. '.~~?, ..Jt....:. ." ...... r:.G~'h",': u~.... l'Are-::" ~!~e P!OjC~," al,..CV!i/H ;...:~~ eng;L'.e CI...':.::..5 ::f th2 ~~":'f~::. C::csfs il: ~."':'Ce'S5 rf th~ f.=fEst ::~!Jl'::'--:'~ b~~(lget or attn'bufablc to actions which t:[:re not recei'ue:i the 7'c:;u:';:;::. :;,:~;:;0~'..,,:1 c/ the r)~~rt;>;:enf :::'~~'! net ~":: :~;:5:':::'ere:: eligible costs. , ,:: v.....". :: :"'--:," J:':::-:: ~:~ :::: ;.: ;-; rc :.;,' :.:' ~~ ,~~s -:~-:: ~~~;:; ::D::~ ch1rge:: =::J :he profec:, incI:ah'ng (J,?';Y ;,~r.r1ruc.:c;" S':.-/[-;;.::::...5 ~~~)J;~:~"i'~':~:=:::: b"~' :/;.: c:'" C:. s;;::~if he s::pp:.:r:ed b}./ proper!~.' exec!.tted payrolTs! tinJ2 r~cord51 ii!7.:~':ces, ccr!.:;:::,~:::-, c-: 7.x;>::h::~.rs c:,:~d2;:::'i:g in -;'-',~-::-;::; de:~:';' th~ n:z::-tre and propriety of the cr..arges. 7.5,~i (~i: C)'yC!f:T5, nnd 1,~:;::c}:~;~s: !:,}:y ChECk or ord~ d:::r:;)~ trJ the .t10enC1Y 7.cith rcs+"'~'c~ to an" ';t~ - -' c r'" .. .:; . _u. -,..-.;r<;. ;,. '""..... "'j;:7 ;,,., ~:'~....c-pn;"';--:: r-:),c:,',"; ,~.,,, ~r'"':~"'-; ''''-'-O''~1~ 7";!1 ],-,.7 r?rn-'~I' c.,..../-,. rrCr1Yrf '1'" "'1J~'f'. ,~\ l~': ...;: ,.v.,..,-., ...:...-' :"'i .....,... _':' c"w..;..:.:"......(o..Ij~_. .....c,........J~ '''- (' L;,~"'" ......... .....1.. ...-v... 1.)... ~ .~W ~ d"H zn w..... "d ....:1.1......e I,..i..-;.~/. r:. yroper:I Slgr.C:" I)c>uch:.'~' U:~".'~ el: .f:':'~ :';': ~he cf 1.:::.= . sf:~t:::g if! proper det~illhe purpcise I:'Jr which stIch check or order is drQ:L'.}:. /":!! chc~k5, :u;..~/ro!:s, invo:'c=~-:. ccn::r;'z::::s, L,:c:lchcrs, orders, or other acccllnting docl;mer:ts pertaining in '~''--'I''.' ~,.. :.,. ..,."1'1",; J.- :;~p "'1....1"11e---1. c/':r,T7 r~:, r'.~--,..;:, 1.(1;')--....;:~.:'.: r..,n";;J,. r'rl""Pf'''I"/;",ie nnd to ti p .J,. 1 tn ;1.1...'~ . < "~: 1,,),,1..1 t- l/! ~,; r-""/" ~U ~.lv r' U) ...... .;J ...j. U,- l.....~~r .~.. ...........;......., ----.....h~'f k........W.)- L I~"'~' I..... ex. e,l.. )las.v.C, KEpt sc.jJaU-4.e C!nd r:.p:::rt fronl all olhe;- _such docun;f,";:5. 3 Fehruary 1992 7.60 Audit Reports: The Agency Shlllf provide to the Department for each of its fiscal yenrs for wh~h "the project aCCOlmt remains open, an audit report prepared eithfi by its official auditor or audit agency or an independent certified public accountanf, refleding the use of the funds of the Department, the Agency, and those from any otht7 source with respect to the projec~., Audits shall be performed in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards contained in the Standards for Audit of Governmental Orqrmi;ations, Pro<::rams. Activities and Functiolls, issued bI the U. S. General Accounting Office and OMB Cir:ulares A-12S or A-133 where applicable. The Agency shall require its auditors to include in their report a schedule of project assistance as described in Exhibit "A ", Special Considerations. ' 7.70 Insurance: The Agency shall carry property and casualty insurance on project equipment and facilities and provide evidence of said insurance for the project amount stated in paragraph 4.00 of this Agreement. If this Agreement is for purchase of land, the Department may waive or modify this section with an Exhihit "C". 8.00 Requisitions and Payments: 8.01 Bills for fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be submitted in detail suffident for a proper prenudd and postc.udit thereof. 8.02 Bills for any trar:el expenses shall be submitted in accordance with Chapter 112.061 F.S. The Department may establish rates lower than the maximum pnrvided in Chapter 112.061 Florida Statutes. 8.03 If, after project completion, any claim is made by the Department resulting from an audj't or for work or services performed purs:",n! to this agreement, the Department may offset such amount from payments drte for work or services done under any public transportation joint particiation agreement which it has with the AgenC'f owing such amount if, upon dmed, payment of the amount is not made urithin six.ty (60) d;;ys to the Depar!nzent. 8.04 Offsetting any amo;ml ;:Irsurmt to seetioll 8.03 shall not be considered a ere.fleh of confr.1ct by the Dep::{rtnze:'1t. S.10 Pre!i.~:~in(7rf Action C]/ the ,Ag::ncy: In orier to obtain m:v DelJartment funds, i,~e A"encv sha!i: J j v ~ 8.11 ~"/i-:J: respect to pTO.7--'Crt~. ::cq:.;;'red, file wz'th the Departnzent of Transportation, Disfrief_~i ::________, 60:2 S. Yi c::;,i Ave.:.....) Mi ami Florida, 33130 ~'....~ r'"'''~':'''~';';'-''' Y' r (, .,.'),.~ '-"y :0""" .,;' V'....p:::,,-........',.,Pr7 ,~f ;;'P n_~nt'~.....~o,.l+- 1'11,1 .rr'h ,;!~ dn+ p""'J.:H: ;. .;."0""'" ,...:,..~J. ~;.~J . :..~:;.{..,)~......". Ou .~ )J. ". L;, ) j m.J ,.-;1............, .v""...... Vd ....... i.-/"r''''' ~iJ...... ~f I-t.H"" S;'~l... C~Her ,..0.1.[2 p....J J,a.....r.g ~O .,'.... rr'vj~;"'. "r~I~"""IY;' (r::: r.'~;'",~pr:~ ~.r' rnYr"{(jYI'11'1;' jlt) h(:"'Y,;"Dt) r'lr; :'~.:-'1'1""(~1".?rf r'O:: th;:. Dep{rrtrnpi-'!S- m,1v rp(r.../.~''''e fa ~'ftSf'~O(1/1"l)H~ c.Tr"""'~o""; ~'i:~';'~:;'r":~:~~;')'i;;'~i't;:o~;';/'j~j'cl':din';:"":' ", - ... t" ",'~ .,. ,. " , ""',, .~~ "', L , ";~ dJ~ .."... j','.' . ~. - /.- '\ .':'J (':2 d:~:e:hi .Ag:?r.c:~' ~::;;:~:';2d fhe p;cperiy, :~ :;t~~:::~r;2-_~::' ~~_ t.;::.' ,5; :h~: ;h~ .j.~gC7::::/ ,~.'~ ~::'l:;;"rc~Z s:~;o:i p;cr;::.~';:,' ::,~ :/ :hc rcq:~::,:o::'D:; ~:JU:::;S :;;E' :::~!!i.s;'::'or 0/ rea! prop!?7't2r f~. u st~t:::~7:e]:f by :,:;e ./igency cer::/ying that th::: .AgenC1j h:3 ccq!Lired s~;'i rC!71 praper~/, ~t::;.' ach-!r.!l co?:sr"d~ah"o:1 p~id far real praper~.'. Eo [~ st::=::7,~;e;:t L~~/ f.::c .Agc71c:/ cerli/1-110ng that the a;mraisal a~;l~ CCQuisifior: cf th:? -yo".i ...-;v,. ,-,.(-../' .;.,....(J(lt-~1Pr' "~I,'r-h ..-~ 'Jp./:1J ';7 r J.... ....../ 'rr<,-r:..L- J . ~H. Y' 7::'-"j >~,....;,....l.,;~.. ~....1..1 any a"H_ll.~~{..i... re.O...ridun t'j O,-I"..a~';~/;;,:) I~)'::5 """n'~~. ;;Ct',,,,,,' r',.. ('v~'I,,,i;'/"Ci' W;I}, ail {erl'er~l j'''7rJ< T'II'es al'e! T11'creriures ron":rpri h.......v,...,.......... 11..0' ,..... I ',V'" If...... ... .)1 ;,.-i. ."....,,,, j,. ... t" .... " :....}.... ....~.j, by ,:1::' fcderd o,.'crsigilt agenC':J and with all state laws, mles and piOcebres that m::.y apply to the Agency acquiring the real property. 4 February 1992 S.12 . Comply with all applicable provisions of this Agreement. 8.20 The Department's Obligatiolls: Subject to otherprouisions hereof, the Department will honor such reQuisitions in amounts and at times deemed by the Department to be proper to ensure the carrying out of the pr~ject and pa~711ent of the eligible costs. Hcr..vcver, notwithstanding any othtr provision of this Agreement, the Department may elect by notice in writing not to make a payment on the project account if: 8.21 Misrepresentation: The Agency shall have made misrepresentation of a material nature in its application, or any supplement thereto or amendment thereof, or in or withJespect to any docu'0.eT}t of data furnished therewith or pursuant hereto; 8.22 Litigation: There is then pending litigation with respect to the performance by the Agency of any of its duties or obligations which may jeopardize or adversely affect the project, the Agreement, or payments to the project; 8.23 Approval by Devarlment: The Agency shall have taken any action pertaining to the project which, under this agreement, requires the approval of the Department or has made related expenditure or incurred related obligations without having been advised by the Department that same are approved; 8,24 Conflict of Interes ts: ThereJws been any violation of the conflict of interest provisior.s contained herein; or 8,25 Default: The Agency has been determined by the Department to be in default under any of the provisions of the Agreement, 8,26 Federal Participation (If Applicable): The Department may suspend or ternrincte the financ0.l assist:mcc of this grant if any federal agr:ncy providing federal financial assistance for the projcct determines that the pur?oses of the sUtute under which the project is authorized would not be adeq;.wie!y serJei t...,/ r J.; ,'r;.~'n r,t f'r1"n'!'i1 ft'.a "11'7~c::;:c:.:';"'tnr.o fn +n1 p ."..,-iprf c.,".:J ....on~..nJ..-i.o.1.~..'-"n ......',1 ).....~c, ....I ~r; ~nCla. J...<-;...~....~..L.......... .'J .. ,- Pi 0)............ 8 "n D'!1 'C J. . " '" tl.- t {th t ,- D ' I'" "' ..JU lS(:dOVJen. os~.s: in ne..e:-;:;nZ1J;g de amoun 0; ,e paynrer. I tl!C eparrrnen~ WIlt e.:::c.lH~e all pro;ects cests inc:<TTed by the Agc;:;c:! prior to the effective date of this Agreement, costs which are not prov,'ded fc;r ;"r; Ii!:? lCi:est IJpr;YC:H::' buiget for rr.e project, cd costs attributable to goods or scr7.'ices received ;mder 0. contec::t ~ . . Cl7' cfht: ;zrr:u:gcrncnts whi~h hc{'U'e nat bee;; ::ppTc:}ed in un~iting by the Departmenf. C fJr }'crr:-:i,zation or S:1speiZsiol: of l.~Tofcct: l' n '7".~';1-.."f"'{'-'l-'1 fly C'1's~'''nC;ot1' ,~p'Ho.,..nl""1" If fhp ,oltrtr..,....., h .t1/~" ~ / .- "",7,.;,;,- ~;.1-, __t,j,~...._"....u,. u, O'~~r"" _.J,.. ,-J'-;"-"'~"'.":J' ! ........ r..o.....n...../ a~jarL.,.vnS or OejOre c./n1"J'."~~un r"l1:"'I,I'- ::"s::~"n:::::;'C5 fi;e '.: Dr it re::s:'!: of cr.;; .,: ;he r;:x:;ts or conditions set fc:rih' I:; paragra;,;~"8.2i' i;'S,2~ (.:1'./ '" r" ~"::::);'I :he :~;:7:!;;~:;;Cf:7'}':::,~';t! F,".Jse:!~f'1'{);r;., or :i~;;ely of th~ projEcf r,';E ir:;prcb:::bl::, i::fc:>.siUs. i::::::''Jssi~i::f Di the Department rL'iII: by wn'i!!?n notice to tt:e /;~'::?;0:' _ y ~ n} , '_,',' r;.;} o{ ~.;" "':hi':gn-hO~';"" ~'l~,-i....Y ;-~;r:: (~.'1'"r'e~1;~';" 1'n.;.;j -=,,'rH t..;yt.1e "'.... 1-~') p"r f ('V C"". I"~." ';..: su,.pc..:. ","u 'd "." ) ".0 li~,' ':" ,," ."f_". ':...... ,.~,' -...-'" H .... "f'~" f,.., ;,,, ...,. "un;, Ui un,,:rwn re.su;,;7lg 17; r:~~) cc:::~e::' or ~~:'~;: cor;ecf~r:J or tj::: De-p(jrtment 17!ay t~i'nate Q7r~/ or ~Il cf its oblig~rions Ur.:IC7 t.:; p;:: C~! ,,,;. ...;~....... . I ,. 9.1~t flction Subsequ:;nt t"o l\foticc of Tcrnzin::iion or Sus;;rrrsi'cn. Upon rcc:?":'I~)t of a7::/ f;":j-"~! . j J _... {'_::rT.':ir:ation or Sllspc:;~;ion no::ce rn:de: th:s p;,,!ra2>"rrapl:,-th:; Agc'ncj shad proceed prOtilptly to carry out ti:c "ctions required therein whidl may incl:::;e illlY or all of the [oliawing: (1) necessary "ction 10 It:rmina:c " h' , t' 't' r! ,;' , or sllspena, r.s tile casc may vel -projC::' r.c lv"1 :e5 an" cO/.tracts an:. sucn oha action as may be require:: 5 ~ '~ ,~~ t~."" _'.':....' _'." - . t... '} ~ February 1992 or desirable to keep to the minimum the costs upon the basis of which the finar:cing is to be computed; (2) furnish a statement of the project acth-ities and contracts, and other undertakings the cost of which are 'othmlJise includable as project costs; and (3) remit to the Department SliCh portion of the financing and any advance payment previously received;s is determined by the Department to be due under the provisions of the Agreement. The terminahon or suspension shall be carried out in conformity with the latest schedule, plan, and budget as approved by the Department or upon the basis of terms and conditions imposed by the Department upon the failure of the Agency to furnish the schedule, plan, and budget within a reasonable time. The approval of a remittance by the Agency or the closing out of federal financial participation in the project shall not constitute a waiver of any claim which the Department may othen.oise have arising out of this Agreernent. 9.12 The Department reserves the right to unilaterally cancel this Agreement for refusal by the contractor or Agency to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisions of (,l-;::;pter 119 Florida Statutes and made or received in conjunction with this Agreement. 10.00 Remission of ProJect Account Upon Completion of Project: Upon completion of the project, and after payment, prOvision for payment, or reimbursement of all project costs payable from the project account is made, the Agencj shall remit to the Department its share of any unexpended balance in the project account. 11.00 Audit and Inspection: The Agency shall pemit, and shall require its contractors to penn it, the Department's authorized representatives to ir.spect all work, materials, payrolls, records; and to audit the books, records and accounts pertaining to the financing and development of the project. 12.00 Contracts of the Agency: 12.10 Third Party Agreeme:ds: E::::cpt as ofher.L1Se authorized in writing !Pj the Department, the Agency sl:a7t not exe::;;:e c;;~' confr:zcf or oc!:'ga:e i:Ee~.f in ar;y nUlnner requiring the disbursenrent of Df:;Jartment " ""t' -,,,., t'-'r~'"",,"'~';r ful.,.).... 1.1~."...1,.,-)1.y;O COIlS1!l1.r;,1';' or C"/-r-f-y',rll'on /'"O'l'r;-:I"'f" ril" ampi"'(l~Y""'er1.j..... t~e"elo ':'I';t'l Ci ti..';! leld f,,,r l_'r,,,..on '''"', '~''''''''o ,.....". " ."., "'~. ~, . ,,"..> U. . ~"H'" ,...) I.. . , .....; Iny lilr.. Pnyh' w'l"h' r>-~"d 10 If"'" TJro:"c' .";'hrUI ,;-" ....,.:,'c. ,--..-mro"nl Of "t"e D/>1'Vlrtmen" r.',,:'uro"o ob'a:n 5"1"1. arr~r"'"'al '~;.. ~j ~ -::::r.t-....... ~ ....... r' j'-" .. w.'-..J . ~.~.... ........., 1..._ d. .....r.~ v~""'. ') .. . '-,>.-'~'<'.',~..L J.. ....... ~ '".. ~;....{;. rt'll.i~ j, sh(~ll be Sj~ff;':::'e.r.t cc::.:se fo," r.Dnp:7~'7r!en: by fhe D~p~'"Zr:-:;:enf as ptG:,:'ded ion pa.r::gr::.ph 8.23. The Department 5;:~c1ficany re~e;7):;S ur;f~1 if,~c:~f thE: right to re:"1:e'z.u ih~ q:.:~!:fic'2.t!'ons of any ccr:SUUQ;:t cr cCl:i7:u~t;)r und to ap;;rove C~' ::.:'sar"!rr:::~~c :,::~ :::e S~?7:~, 12,2C C';) ,.7);:::.: ~;..<~jz C~--:};sl.:Z::n~5" C'or;;~~tit-iI)[! 1\7egoti.,;tior: ...t.)"c:: 1: is z.,:j::~'c;sf:Jc:f and ::.zre2d. cy :/;:; jHirLics /::.:;"c:J rl:::~; tY:/:2 = ~',~: c:. r.rrojcct w'li.:; arl .A.ge;';::}": 7J.,',:;[:7'C s..~:'i proje;:;t in:'clves ~ ::s~:s:1'!f::::f CT'::"'~-,':t /07' e?;g:!~~?:;r:;:z/ :;;c'..~it:::::ur~ or s:~:::cy'ing Servz'CE.5: fs cJ:;6nz~er.t 07: the .<A~gel1C1j ::oilzplyin.:; :'71 "' "i " r>.:~"--:/~,;:;::. F,::'~:'::.~: ~'i.n"::':";~?f C:o.n~::l!:::,~~~' :::'::2 :\ ~A::, ,,~! ",~.,,> , :~.:':: :.:-::'c.<::~' :,;;: Depar:rnc:::: in t/:c Ccr:5~~I::;rd 5::12::1:'oi: Pro:::2S5 ",,~,~.V-:.?:~~!;l c: Zr:~: . . ,." ~ .. ~. .~ ~ , ",. '--....,~.J/ ~,'... '-2:;~~,;,J~ /~:f:;r~,~ :.,~:.:!I ;:::;::~.~/ to the ~'er:~7":~':::7:: tr:~-:; ;;<~:;:.~Y:';' /-::::3 been ac::c?l:7::Zi5h:;:: z>; co?nr:";'~~71[:[2 :~,:';n iJ;"e C"c,~,';S:i;::~J:(S C'r,pn.:ceri;:":\? ]\~eg!)::'~f:'on Act. .1.~~....) ~\)ino;-;.ty b;,-:;;t"_~~e;;::; EJ1:;.?rp,~~:'sc Policy and OIJlis-{;tion: r') '1 '1 .'\iT; r ]J() li~~y: ] f !':~ U:~: c/ fh:! Deparbner:: t;:~t n-z::;Q;-;'fy b;:s;';uss cnterpn'scs ::':.: ,',~ in .:.1~~ C:i.T~ T\~:rt 23/ as {{r:::n::c;i.. sh::fI have the rnaxi17!Ul/l cpportunirj to participate in the perfornlance cf con:rac:s fir;;~nc[?d i?: :L;holc cr i~~ p~rt u'ith Dep:1J'ilnent funds under this Agreement. The MHE rcqlliremcnts of 49 erR Part 23, as amended, apply to this Agreement. 12.32 MBE ObI igatioJ:: The .Age~;cy and its con tractors agree to ensu,e that Minority Business EntL7prise5 as deJ~'ned in 49. c.F.R. Part 23, as amended, have the maximum opportunity to participate in 6 Fcbn/ary 1992 the performance of contracts and this Agreement. In this regard, all recipients, and contractors shall take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with 49 C.F.R. Part 23, as amended, to ensure that the Minon'f:iI Business Enterprises have the maximum opportunity to compete for and perform conhacts. Grantees, recipients and their contractors shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the award and performance of Department assisted contracts. 12.33 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Obligations: If Urban Mass Transportation Administration or Federal Highway Administration Funding is a part of this project, the Agency must comply with Subpart (E) of C!R 49, Part 23, as amended. 13.00 Restrictions, Prohibitions, Controls, and Labor Provisions: 13.10 Equal Employment Opportunity: In connection with the carrying out of any project, the Agency shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, age, creed, color, sex or national origin. The Agency will take a!Jfjrmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and tr.at employees are treated duri;rgemployment, without regard to their race, age, creed, color, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, hllt not be limited fa, the following: Employment upgrading, dmotion, or dansfer; recruitment or recruitment ad:uertising; layoff or te17nination; rates of payor other fOnlrs of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The AgenC';/ shall insert the foregoing prcrJision mod~fjed only to show the particular contractual relationship in all its contracts .'1 connection with the development of operation of the project, except contracts for the stancard commercial sU;7plies or raw n:aterials, and shall require ail such contractors to insert a sim:'lar provision in ai! subcontracts, except sutcor:tracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. VVhen the vroicc:t invo!ves installation, constmction, demolition, removal, site improverr.ent, or similar work, the Agencv shail p~st, in co:;spic>ioz<s places available to err.p!cyees and applicants for employment for project work, IlDtices t~ J Q 11Y(}~'';'''; '"'rl ;......, '"hp TlC1o....f' 1-"vo, P iJ.- c:.pl-f";"J 0 (.0 -ff; -f~p ""'''',')~nc~'c'''s o,f "n' e nna~1'''''' . ,r<~~' , l. c !)" r' vV..'C.< '''." ,,;~ J.j.~.;r"iLI.. "....,Zo) I.. ".. r' C ~.~>" J);' nv. .svTllnZn...,DI1 c au",e. -. 13.20 TitI[! \,,7 - Civil R1'gJzfs Act of 1964: The Agency v}il! comply wr'th al! the requz"remer:ts l'mposed b~ ;ritle ~/l the C:i:n'! ]~igh:s lief of 1964 (73 Statute 252), the Reg1llations of the Federal Dep:J.rtrnent of Tra,">:sportaU:n: is5U~~ f,;:er:;unde:, end thE? C~5z.:r:n;CE lrj ine /~genL1! pursuant thereto, 13.30 .F;oh:-!;:-ted Interests: i\re:"the~' the .-=-igC1:':~~' no:.-' c.ny of its contr::c:ors or their s:lbcon:ra:::::Jrs s!':.,;ll ,":'l'.CH' :'n:'~; (:'::::' cc,~:rr~~::, s:Lbcontr;'~,:;t.' 0:--- a;;~r:g~::::,~:; :,; conne::hon u'ifh tr.:; pTofe~t or anJl proper~/ i7:c!uded or ri:7.7:."::~d t,~! be :>:::;~;de::' if: :h~ pr(~;':;::t, :>: z~'~i,~h c.:r:"j ofTz'cer, 07 L~nplDyee of the ./igenc:./ or the loc7!i:-~/ duri:zg . ,~::s cn~:,' {.':;:-::,1'::'~:1 direct or indirect. If any s!.:ch present or /otmer me:r:be:: CJ,;7'::7j :Jr ;'?:::o~'>:nf:"1rii! CZC:;l:~i'?"es cr h:zd :~c:?:n'red prior to the reginni,t~g of his tenure any such h:teresf, :.",~:~~ :'/ sr.::.h :'~':::~?'::~~: L.-: :'1;:?:?:T:'af::':: c:':'5c!;~'~:.?,.'l :J: /~Z::?ICY, thf? Age:-r:;:.; ::,n"fh r;-:'c.:- apprc7,}[~1 of the Dep;..~rtn72~::, in.'7Y , . ~ , : h; :..: :~;:~,' .~:::::..,,!,,: r;:,,' :.":;; ,.; , , , T ,'.' '" ., :.;'~-~:~,~::::.:: L.';~:r :.:/:y 3:::"n pr~':~::n: rr.E:?nc':r; cjtftce; or en:Fic''':'ee s.;';::,;; C',y ih:: ?~:~!:':? rclaf:r..g tJ .:.;~~ch :cr.:lt::::f, subcontract! or arn~;-:/~;?,"?;f.'nf. _. '. r'. '-'~ ,. >.... ~ ""..... ... " v~ ,~~,,";,~.~~ ~;~ ~/i;~) :,1:,'7: ;'\:,~:~r :~< ....7i :::~;-:!rccfs E7:=Er~,::1 :'?:f:: i~ ~Dr;;,:::'ct:'c.r-; 7uith the p~cfe~t or any property ir:cl:{,-ie(~~ 0:' a:n.~ s,~::;!l T:);,'irc its co}:{ract:;rs to ;'J!sc;t in erlch of their subcontr:;:::ts!' th:: zn [n:~/ 1'.\"0 ::;r:r;;!'~>.Y, , crr e-rnpID~/C2 n: ~:'C or of the loc!1!z';y d:~'r:'ng hz's tenure or for t-;.:)O y:::.,rs II'] 7"'~~'~::; "t':']-"" J' ~~r-'~'~e nl.'} :)lf01"1--,~ r,l;'r"-)'-. r,. ~')1(1"" -:',--.j. t'."1 c'h;c c"n"rnrl- '11-' 1;-fO p oc ds tl1 J" .c. c".,;~, ~".,,, ,,,oc,.,, _~ ; .c, C', u,. Cd C' .... ;,t...., /. _. '-' . .H,; t, ,,;. l' ee ,creo). Tr!c rrouisio;:s of Ihi:: suuscctiO'; shan not be a;"o!icablc to CJJij li'lreement between the AnnC1/ and its h'ccal ,J I , V 0 ().. Jh. df:;J05i:oriL~s, or loan:) agreement for utili~v seT:,ices the ratcs for which arc fixed or controlled In} a GcrJernmcI;tal agcnc:/. 7 Fc.bruary 1992 13.40 Interest of Members of, or Delegates to, Congress: No member or delegate to tite Congress of tite United States shall be admitted to any share or part of the Agreement or any benefit arising therefrom. 14.00 Miscellaneous Provisions: 14.10 Environmental Pollution: All Proposals, Plans, and Spedfications for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improv'ement of fadlities or equipment, shall be presented to the Department for rroiew. In rendering such review, the Department shall determine whether such fadlity or equipment is designed and equipped to prevent and control environmental pollution. 14.20 Depnrtment Not Obligated to Third Parties: The Department shall not be obligated or liable hereunder to any party other than the Agency. 14.30 Vv'lWl Rights and Remedies Not Waived: In no event shall the mak.-ing by the Department of any payment to the Agency constitute or be construed as a waiver by the Department of any breach of covenant or any default which may then exist, on the part of the AgenC'../, and the making of such payment by the Department while any such bre.'lch or default shall exist shall in nO way impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to the Department with re.::--pect to such breach or default. :c 1-1.40 How Agreement Is Affected by Provisions Being Held Invalid: If any prOVlSlO/l of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected. In such an instance the remainder would then continue to conform to the temzs and requirements of applicable law. 14.50 Bonlls or Commissio;z: By execution of the Agreement the Agency represents that it r..as n'ot paid and, also, agrees not to pay, any bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining an approval of its application for the financing hcnozder. 14.60 5 tde or T ern/aria I Law: Nothing in the Agreement shall require the Agency to obser.Je or er:force compli.'lnce ,:;ill1 any flrc:vision thereof, perform ar.y other act or do any other thing in COJ;traven;;on of any applicable Stale IcnL': Pro::ided, that if any of the pmuisions of the Agreement viCJ!ate any applicable Stale law, the AoenCli wi!! 0.1 once noti;';" the Derarlment in writing in orier that apprcnriate ch:mooes and modifications nzav i:c o ~ J"';' '"'r ~ "'" n;:;dc i:y the [)"7!:,rt,,,!,?':t and the A",enc'j to thE ed thai the Agenc:.f may poceed as seon :'s possible 'with the pro)'::::;:. lc;.70 Use i~;:d ;\1.1inte::ancc of Project F{;ci!itics ana Equipmed: The Agellcyag"C::.s ill::1 :.::cproject :~~~! f;"~r;:~ '~~ ~:cn: c:: I w:: I ;_~~;~~: ,.~:,~:~ ;A~eJ:~::.:o .:::~i~;,~ o~~~:~~,~:;:~<,~'k ,t.::~:~'~T~~;i~~:(~r tJ~ p~i~~o~( t,:~ !.'..::-(;,:~1; de 0, ~,'1'vl' ~,~.t. ......<k.~J'J.....?~~ c:s a:.~"" rr....l.......~ i..... (i-f,.......,.o .h.L......... l-Y.....n O.........dh L-i..........O~..,.J....no ~-'nj;......,.,,;.~ c..i.~ :r:;;rcrx;; . t;:e" Dcp;;"::::,:;:;, 'FI;,,' . ~'J f:.;rih07' to J;z::i:::"il; t,:;:; projc~t f:::iiiiics and eq:ipn:e....: in gad '..<1"': ~-.' ,r: ~.'...-' .,~~' "<-;' 0;- ::~::; ?~:::::;:;~ cr J.'~./ ~ Property Ti.CCOi'is: 1 no "gcr.cy ;"g'e~s ;u m~in;{;in prupi..'ny n:Cvnis, cemi,ie; p::;ys;c;;; in~}t';:',)}.ics :cd :i.c:'c:icm codrc! SYSiE.'iJ15 as rq:;ired by 49CFR Part 18. :I..'herz apiJiicabic. 11,SO !) of Project Facilities or Equipmcnt: If the Agency disposes of aIry project f;ciiiiy or ... ''''''''If '11 1 "\-1 J~' .,,-,i~;.'71' /;(" f."IT nJ1i/ "'r""'~'y")nC:;J ;.'.....r,~~);.i~: "y,?"~,T:'r"'i~'"1('1"~ '71'';;';... 7/":---0 {-.,,,n.,,~;,,,,,! 0)-' Pr']lJ;"'l~' 1">1:' ;,,1,;;.- c.; :;;;"7_~1.. ,i.. '10.,', P: ".~...I ..)~ )l. .. ':' t"'" r ",.c. ,^'.Ct . ..~ '-r"""'"'-''' "",," . ,,,- ;..~"..:: '.'j'>Of',l.::;". F"c,,- tn;/:::po,-tatiol: use, the I~2.e/;C'j wi!! cc:;;piy with the terms of 49CFR Part 13 reiarillg to property nu/:agcm?r.1 st:mc!::rds. Tire Ager.c:./ l:g-f.e5 to remit to the Departmenl a proportional nma:mt of the proceeds from Ihe dispoSQ! of the facility or e:;:iipment. Said preportional amo:mi slzdl be determined on the basis of the ratio of the 1',,>,,,Oy'mo,,' t'I'l'nnl":"~ Of 'l.-" f~cn:'y 0" "o,';-nmeld ac ""'l,,,,,,'?"d l'n It',/'" "grermO'>lt .../''-'t''~' ~".....,... ..(.' ~~'.D ') .1,'..... Jd ~..~ . t ;J.-'"{.J j ~. -' f-' Vv....~.... " I"'; ..r.l .",.. J...I . 8 Fc!mwry 1992 14.90 Contractual Indemnity: To the extent permitted by law, the Agency shall indemnify, defend, save, . mid hold harmless the Department and all its otfj;ers, agents or employees from all suits, actions, claims, demands, liability of any nature whatsoever arising out of, because of, or dl~e to breach of the Agreement by the Agency or its subcontractors, agents or employees or due to any negligent act, or occurrence of omission or commission cf the Agency, its subcontractors, agents or employees. Neither the Agency nor any of its agents will be liable under this section for damages arising out of injury or darnage to persons or property directly caused or resulting from the sole negligence of the Department or any of its officers, agents or employees. The parties agree that this clause shall not waive the benefits or provisions of Chapter 768.28 Florida Statutes or any similar provision of law. 15.00 Plans and Specifications: In the event that this Agreement involves the purchasing of capital equipment or the constructing and equipping of facilities, the Agenctj shall submit to the Department for approval all appropriate plans and specifications covering the project. The Department will review all plans and specifications and will issue to the Agency written approval with any approved portions of the project and comments or recommendations concerning any remainder of the project deemed appropriate. After resolution of these comments and recommendations to the Department's sar.sfaction, the Department will issue to the Agency written. approval with said remainder of the project. Failure to obtain this written approval shall be sufficient cause for nonpayment by the Department as provided in paragraph 8.23. . 16.00 AgellC':J Certification: The Agency will certify in writing prior to project closeout that the project was completed in accordance with applicable plans and specifications, is in place on the Agency facility, that adequate title is in the Agency and that the project is accepted by the Agency as suitable for the intended purpose. 17.00 Appropriation of F~mds: 17.10 The State of Florida's Ferformance and obligation to pay under this Agreement is contingent upon an ann:wl appropr0t:'on by the Legis!:::::ire. 17.10 1\1ulti- Year Commitment: In the event this Agreement is in excess of $25,000 and h?s a term for a pericd of n;ore t!::ir.. one year, the proz.,'i.s0r.s of Ch:::pter 339.135(7)(a), Florida Statutes, are hereby incorporated: "(r:) The Department, d;.rr:',:g c.r.} fi3cc.! year, shall not expend mone'.:J', incur any liabilif-y, or enter in:o Qny contract l.L~h:'ch, L:_! ;'ts :erms inr.:clves the expenditure of money in excess of tit: arnounts bdgefd as c:z.,'dl::b!e fer c:'.-pen:l:iure during such fiscal year. Any contract, verb;?l or written, 1!!:2de il; vio!:::iio'; cf th:~o subsection sha!! be null and void, ar.d no money shall be puia thereon. r;"~h~ [..h:parin:c?:: 5,~L~Zn req:~:':e .: S:.~:t:'7nC?~t frorn the con~ptro!!er of the Departrnent that funds arc :::.'~::"l~:~~!e pr:':JY L-:. 2l:~e:!'r:g :'~:fo ~?;:~. s::c/: cor:tr:7~t or other bind:"ng comniz'tme7!t Of,~lr:r!S. },}'othir:.g ::~~~:s~~'ti'~;;~'!~~;;~:;:;1 c':!:' fc.C:,:c:o~~~~~~!~F~:; ~~~:~e~~e:;i;~~~;~:J~: ~~:e~nt~~ ~~~~';~t,~~ :. -:- T ~:,'D::;--:::, :z~:d t':::s ,:::zr:1gr:zph sh~n he z'r.corporafed verb;lt":"m in all cun:r~:is cf tne !--"c;::':-r::.~ne.~l; LL~'-;;C.~: (n~~ ::,': a~,~:::JI~':::' :":: e:::::e55 of t:)enty-f':'e thousand do!!.:1rs and h.'E'l-ing a ter:n ., ',1 "'~'.'" ~. 1C:.OO E',-Y-t-;f:;Th:~17 (l~' """Y:-~e'q~':;'1~;: i r!e (J.~~r:e5 to cc)"rr~p!ete t..:!? T'ro/-:~t OJ; or h~~.;~~1vp ___ J u n e 3 .;~l 9 ~) -S . 1: tl-zP Ao.nzC1' do;;c, nof C''''''-'11-1JpJ.r> f;,p ""rnjP,rJ. .,r'1'fh~'r. t~~'" :i.'.':e ,1'::.':0:", th:':; f.gr,C'.'?:c.';! will ex~'i;e ;';i:is.ss m: c:!ensiD1: 0/ ~fr./';;'m~ pc;:':;!; ;:~ ~~:;;;~~;ed'i;' ~:i1;~:j;;~~; a';,~ ~;.J 17; 7.;",'":' Ui~ Of:;!:o-;'::: S~~... " DLstr::'cf -5~__" E::.:piration cf th:'s /igr[elJ:c:"~t uJiU [:e cons;'dcr::d . t7.r:d t;;t: r.V(l~'~"~':tre ~_;::zb!is,~e:1 in paragraph .9.00 cf this ;~grfC?l!er:: Eh.711 be indiatcd. 9 FebrU:inj 1992 19.00 Agn'ement Format: All u:ords used herein in the singular form shall extend to and include the ph;ral. All '/L'ords used in the pll<ral form shall extend to and include the singular. All words used in any gender shall extend to and include all genders. 20.00 Excl..,dion of Agreement: This Agreement may be simultaneously executed in a minimum of two counterparts, Ctlch of which so executed shall be de::med to be an original, and such counterparts together shall constitute one in the same instrument. 21.00 Restrictions on Lobbying: ' 21.10 Federal: The Agency agrees that nO federal appropriated funds lwve been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of the Agency, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence any officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the enten'ng into of any coer;JeTative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. If any f..mds other than federal appropr.ated ftmds have been paid by the Agency fa any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Manber of Congress in connection with this Joint Participation Agreement, the undersigned shall complde and submit Standard Fornz-LLL, "Disclosure Fonn to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. The AgenC1j shall require that the lm:g1wge of this section be included in the award documents for all sUCawards at aT! liers (in:::luding subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, leans and cooperative agreements) ad that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. 21.20 Stnt[!:' No funr?s reech'ed purs:-:anl to this contract may be expended for loabying the Leg':SialuTe or a siate agenSj, 22.00 '/endars Rights: l,'cndars (in this document identif;"ed as Age7lcy) providing goods ad SI?:"T.:;'C2S to the D~7x'Tt:rr"d ,s!::Juld be ~ware of the fo!iOV.7~;g tir:" fra;nes.. UP01: ~ec~pt, the Departme:':t k:s 5vc (5) wcrkir.g .:1,.,._ '0' /)'~'"rl ,,~,- '-""'-'yovo tho OOO~, ,"",.., <"'0'7-,--- "r.',.<" fneb'-!s"""""'f.'-al'''l'S P"Vch-se o-"cr 0" rOnlr"r' ,,--:;".- ~""'.l/':'. .~;:;p....L.. ."-t...... ....;'/r' c 1____ 6' "'"'....... J.... ..,'"..../ U.....t:..) ;....(. ..............: ~ J.~... r'-'...~.... ...u. I .'1 t..... 'H I ~ j .. .........~ 5p...t..;,/.t:..::J :;:::E;'~~'i~~. The D~:;;:Jrtrner;t hrzs 20 d:;.ys to deliv'cr a req:lest for payn-:ent (voucher) to the Depart77!enf of E:zr;]cing a;:dFi:::n:C2. 'Th=: 20 days are n:eI:5ured frorr.. th~? 1:2::s7 of the date fhe invoh:e is receir:ed c; th[,; goods 0;' Se;;.,1Ces ::Ire r:!~::;~~l:;::'., and apFn'o:;[~:. If r: -;:::y:n.e?:t is no: a:,'c:ih~b;~:; 7L:iihin ,~O ci':..:y.s ~fter C j. H.... vV'. pai1r r~r. -r J.' ,,-' ~..Y (; ~t"~.\-, 1f, .~H 01"", " :md SE::J1CeS, .~ 5c7',iI~te ;nteTcs: pe;;:;;;y Cj L.G:;.5-):; f '/-";.~':;;, ~i~i ~~::I;~~'::~~::~~;~,;;~::;;?;:~'~~;~/ t:~~~~ ~'"I'~ ~ ~__~; (.1;:,-:, :: :'; :,,:~:; f~g:rcy, 7)-::: i:;;s'est P;?::~it~.1 pro:J;s{on. applies after c 35 d;y time pt.:":iod to he~lth c:r:'e .."~..~___;.j, ;...~_ .,':-" ,~., ~.:' " .~...., ;":::?:c:-':::: ..~ '~: _ :}-;;:;; ens ::) (c!!:;~' y',,: r~ :n:[:2.~~ th:? 17: ~ ' in t!:;'~~~~~I;~~i;~ :l;;~~n)~~~.:.~~~: be rc;:;rr.,:~~::~;~;,;::,~~;'~ ~;e~;~;.~;,1i~~~~;~j;~~~~:,i~C:~,;;'~';:;!~:;.;,;v~::;:~ prc:'1'~-:C:J ie, f.1C [)::pn;-t7:1enf, -</1 ;/L',~~::;)r On::n{:{srn:zn has bc~:: t.'7:~ [Jepartnzer:1 cf Banking and Finance. rrhc d!~ti2S c( U;is ir.':~~;'I:,;"(~'uoI i;:cl~i~:2 I:ctir.,r:! us {~n (l;'1O::ccnfc 7.1)]'0 ]'11't1! tp t:...-.vcripn,-;11g.,...... nl.,7~n~c::..,... ,.f"'I,;'+n~'n;11"".. ~;n~p71.' _' . ,.1 ~'1 ... ^. 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A T 'T'T""'" ' ~)_' _~~'J_':..L;~! \ ) \' ~--;z) .... ~..A.. ~~;:;_______ . I~J.~-~T()]?~":X / IJ E.P/).-,";, n\/L--:':\~_~ OF 'j).~~:-::-~:.-: ~>~ =-: ,-'.' .-.--------J-2-P-~:.\,~-~~-., ~:: r ~~----.- s'~-~ : -V"'.,~ r"'-''-'-~ "....: i,' - , '- ,. . ,;_..1.,-'....,.,\.....'-.~ v...~.,_~'...__ ':~:_~ CT'C;: .~~ (' - c', r _,), ....., Vl"~ \j;" .:-- ;._.....' j..;. \ ~ J ~.'~_. "_ :::~..:~~ ,~- ~ ~T!~~ T.:_~ ~-':E' ~~J~,2.:.:-~.~.~-~ l" -\ ~ .,,--, C"" -' T~" l_} ~ . .1'...,....'.",,...,1/.. j/"--~i ~-;. '~~~/".':~., ~~.. ~~~ " ~~, 'r.'f.J' ' I'~-,' ,..;,....;..,.--~ ._:'.:~'~'::\-- "-'2~~:"':,-/ .- ,;i'~..._} ::i __ ) .;::;:1 2-. , :::1- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ENCUMBRANCE INPUT FORM ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ RUSH {Needed by ___/___/___ (date)) Reason for RUSH : ___ Advertise (Letting Date) ___ Award ___ Renewal Letter of Authorization XXX-New Court Order Overrun ===-supplemental ____Correction ___ AddItion ___ Termination Agrnt. Contract # A9330 Contract Type 310 Method of Procurement G Vendor Name: Monroe County Vendor ID VF 596-000-749=001 Has Written/Verbal Approval from a Participating Federal Agency been received Yes X No FedFunds-$ 0 State Funds- $250,000 Local Funds-$250~000 Beginning-date of this Agrnt: 11/30/92(Must be after fund approval) Ending date of this Agrnt: 06/30/96 (Estimate if necessary) Execution date of this Agrnt: / / (Only on original agreements) Has work been authorized to begin? -- -Yes X-No Have standard financial provisions been altered by contract terms? Yes X No If so, show Revision date: N/A Does this agreement and/or change order include provisions for reimbursement to D.O.T. from other entities? Yes X No If so, has the JPA been approved by the COMPTROLLER?--= Yes X_ No ***************************************************************** Description: Construct a vegetative noise/visual buffer and an airport utility road at Marathon Airport. DPTO $250,000. ***************************************************************** ORG-CODE *EO * OBJECT * N10UNT * CO/SEC/JOB#/PH *FCT (PROGRAM#) (WPI # ) (FUND) numeric ( FY's ) To be completed if funded in 2 o~ more fiscal years. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------.------------------------------- 55062020628 *11 * 730050 * $250,000 (2090 ) * 90000-3878-50 (6826769 ) ( 010) * 637 ( 92-93) -------------------------------------------------------------- * * * * * TOTAL AMOu~T *$250,000 * ~~iginato~: Len Bivins Date: 08/07/92 Phone: SC452-59l2 E-mail user-ID PT628LB --- ****************************************************************** TO BE COMPLETED BY OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER ******************************:c*********************************** BUDGET ENTITY 5580 CATEGORY 088800-93 WORK ORDER BALANCE _Authorized on 08/06/92=250,000.00 ALLOTMENT _Ab=489,500.00__ YEAR 93 DATE CHECKED 08/10/92 FUNDS APPROVED BY Marsha Johnson DATE _08/10/92 WPI NO. .21lZ.6769 JOB NO. 90000-3878 EXHIBIT "A" PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RESPONSIBILITIES This forms and integral part of that certain Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, and the County of Monroe dated PROJECT LOCATION: Marathon Airport - Monroe County PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construct a vegetative noise/visual buffer and an airport utility road. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS BY AGENCY: The audit report(s) required in Paragraph 7.60 of the Agreement shall include a schedule of project assistance that will reflect the Department's contract number, WPI number, and JOB number and the Federal Identification number, where applicable, and the amou~t of state funding action (receipt and disbursement of funds) and any federal or local funding action from any other sOurce with respect to the project. SPECIAL CONSI~ERATIONS BY DEPAETMENT: l-T(JIJE WPI NO.: 6826769 JOB NO.: 90000-3878 EXHIB'T "B" PROJECT COST AND CASHFLOW: This exhibit forms an integral part of that certain Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement between the STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, and the COUNTY OF MONROE dated I. PROJECT COST: 6836769 $ 500,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $ 500,000.00 II. FUND PARTICIPATION: Federal Participation: (FAA) (0.0%) $ (50.0%) $ 0.00 Public Agency Participation: (LF) 250,000.00 Department Participation: (DPTO) (50.0%) $ 250,000.00 TOTA,L PROJECT COST: $ 500,000.00 EETTI1ATED C.l\SH.fLQW OX STATE FUNDS ($ X 1000) Eis:;:_9~l.., Y~a:-c lst_-9_t:::- '_ ""'-r:~ 0+-...- !:.':..~~~ 3rd Qtr. 4th otr. O,)/C~ -......., ~- o c' o 0 93/94 10 40 50 100 94/95 40 10 o 0 WPI NO.: 6826769 JOB NO.: 90000-3878 EXHIBIT "c" REQUIRED SUBMITTALS/CERTIFICATIONS AND BASIS FOR THEIR ACCEPTANCE BY THE DEPARTMENT This exhibit forms an integral part of that certain Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, and the County of Monroe dated Documents required to be submitted to the Department by the Agency in accordance with the terms of this contract. SUBMITTAL/CERTIFICATION RESPONSIBILITY Consultant Selection Compliance Agency Attorney certified Design Submittal Department Letter Construction/Procurement Department Letter MBE Compliance Agency Ce~tified Safety Compliance Agency ce~tified A.Llcli t Repoyts ^'" n:::> Request.ed