Resolution 497-1992 F'L Ffl r: (1;::- ~)~~'f"rlr:f~; I ~~. \.~ . .' ~ '.' I J ; '\ ' RESOLUTION NO. 497-1992 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY ~ ~JRbE,L;!O :56 FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES IMPACT FEES TO BE IMPOSED ON NEW DEVELOPMENT PP~~:W.\NT TO ARTICLE X, IMPACT FEES OF THE MONROE COUNTY CODE, TO ENSURE THAT TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES WILL BE ADEQUATE TO ACCOMMODATE THE DEMAND GENERATED BY NEW DEVELOPMENT AT THE ADOPTED LEVEL OF SERVICE AND TO ASSIGN THE COSTS OF TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES PRO RATA AGAINST NEW DEVELOPMENT IN PROPORTION TO THE NEEDS GENERATED BY NEW DEVELOPMENT. WHEREAS, Monroe County, Florida has experienced rapid population growth during the 1980's which has strained the adequacy of existing sources of funds to provide transportation facilities to meet the demands created by new development; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan indicates that the growth rate will continue and place significant demands on the County to provide transportation facilities to support new development at the adopted levels of service; and WHEREAS, new growth and development must be accompanied and supported by adequate transportation facilities in order to maintain the adopted levels of transportation service; and WHEREAS, Monroe County provides transportation facilities serving both residents of the unincorporated area and residents of the municipalities in the County; and WHEREAS, Monroe County has an existing Fair Share Transportation Impact Fee (Section 9.5-491 of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations) adopted in 1986 which was calculated based on 1986 cost data, and the level of service for arterial roads required by the County's adopted Comprehensive Plan in 1986, which are as follows: (a) Level of Service "C" (15,000 vehicles estimated daily volume) ; (b) per lane mile costs for acquisition of right-of-way and construction of $390,000 per lane mile; (c) average trip length for residential development of 6.83 miles; and (d) $26.00 cost per vehicle mile; and 1 WHEREAS, Monroe County has collected and expended transportation impact fees from 1986 through 1992 pursuant to the existing Fair Share Transportation Impact Fee; and WHEREAS, Monroe County recognizes that impact fees must be reviewed periodically to identify changes in levels of service, changes in costs, changes in the specific type of facilities for which impact fees are calculated and collected and technical changes in fee calculation methodology; and WHEREAS, Monroe County has authorized a comprehensive analysis of the existing Fair Share Transportation Impact Fee for the purpose of updating the fee; and WHEREAS, the analysis has been completed and Report titled "Transportation Facilities Impact Monroe County, Florida," October 1992; and included in a Fee Report for WHEREAS, the above-mentioned Report and the Impact Fee Procedural Ordinance (Section 9.5-490 of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations) and the Transportation Facilities Fee Schedule Resolution have been reviewed by the Planning Cormnission in public workshops on the fOllowing dates: July 10, 1992 July 22, 1992 August 7, 1992 August 21, 1992 September 2, 1992 September 16, 1992; and WHEREAS, the above-mentioned Report, Ordinance and Resolution were reviewed by the Monroe County Development Review Cormnittee on September 14 and 23, 1992; and WHEREAS, the above-mentioned Report, Ordinance and Resolution were reviewed by the Planning Cormnission at a duly noticed public hearing held on October 1, 1992 at which public cormnents were reviewed and considered; and WHEREAS, after the close of the public hearing on October 1, 1992, the Planning Cormnission made a recormnendation to the Board of County Cormnissioners to adopt the Impact Fee Procedural Ordinance and the Transportation Facilities Impact Fee Schedule Resolution; and WHEREAS, the above-mentioned Report, Ordinance, Resolution and the Planning Cormnission recormnendation were reviewed by the Board of County Cormnissioners at two (2) duly noticed public hearings held on October 5, 1992 and October 16, 1992 at which public cormnents were received and considered; and 2 WHEREAS, the Board finds that due to the establishment of transportation facilities impact fee subdistricts and limitations on the appropriation of transportation facilities impact fee funds, the fees have a "rational nexus" to and provide benefit to those properties on which the fees are imposed; and WHEREAS, by this Resolution, the Board of County Conunissioners adopts a level of service standard of "D" for all County collector and local roads and a level of service standard of 1.9 linear feet of bike path per capita; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that the adopted level of service standards are applicable to existing and new development; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board that, by the establishment of transportation facilities impact fees, new growth and development in the County will pay its pro rata share of the transportation facilities required to serve such new growth and development at the adopted level of service standards; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board that the transportation facilities financed with impact fees be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board that impact fees be one technique within an overall County growth management program to implement the goals, objectives and policies of the County Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Board has considered the matter of financing of transportation facilities, the need for which is attributable to new development and hereby finds and declares that an impact fee imposed upon development to finance transportation facilities, the need for which is reasonably related to new development, furthers the public health, safety and welfare of Monroe County and its residents; and WHEREAS, the impact fees adopted pursuant to this Resolution are based upon the data and calculation methodology incorporated in the "Transportation Impact Fee Report for Monroe County, Florida" (October 1992); and WHEREAS, the Board therefore finds and deems it advisable to adopt the Monroe County Transportation Facilities Impact Fee, as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The following Transportation Facilities Impact Fee Schedule shall be adopted and imposed on new residential and nonresidential development in the unincorporated area of the County and within the boundaries of participating municipalities: 3 Section 1. Pursuant to and in accordance with Article X, Impact Fees of the Monroe County Code, the Transportation Facilities Impact Fees to be imposed on new development shall be as set forth in the Transportation Facilities Impact Fee Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. Definitions. For purposes of this Resolution, the following words and terms shall have the following meaning, unless another meaning is clearly intended: (a) "Adopted Level of Service, Bike Paths" shall mean 1.9 linear feet of bike path per capita. (b) "Adopted Level of Service, Roads" shall mean level of service (LOS) "D" for County roads. (c) "Biketrail" means and refers to any and all improved travel surfaces provided for use by bicycles, including but not limited to, bike travel surfaces adjacent to or adjoining roadways, sidewalks designed for joint pedestrian and bicycle use, and any other improvements intended for bicycle travel within Monroe County. (d) "Capital Improvement Program" means and refers to the adopted Monroe County Seven Year Roadway/Bicycle Path Plan and any update thereof or revision thereto, and any other adopted program for transportation improvements. (e) "Collector Roads" means and refers to all County roads classified as collectors pursuant to the Florida Department of Transportation Standards and all County roads determined to be Minor Collectors by the Monroe County Engineering Department. (f) "Demand" means and refers to the increment of transportation facilities that new development consumes (measured in units of development as shown on the Transportation Impact Fee Schedule, Attachment A to this Resolution) . (g) "ITE Trip Generation Manual" means and refers report entitled Trip Generation (Fifth Edition, of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. (h) "Multifamily Development" means and refers to the development of a structure or structures containing two (2) or more dwelling units. to the 1991) (i) "Single-Family Development" means and refers to the development of a structure or structures containing only one dwelling unit. 4 (j) "Transportation Facilities" means and refers to amounts spent or authorized to be spent in connection with the acquisition, planning, legal, fiscal, economic, engineering, administrative services, financing, construction, equipping and development of transportation improvements projects for collector roads, intersections of County roads with U.S. 1, and biketrails. (k) "Transportation Facilities Impact Fee Subdistricts or Transportation Facilities Subdistricts" means and refers to the impact fee subdistricts as established in Sec. 9.5-490.2(E) of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations. (1) "U.S. 1 Intersections" shall mean and refer to all intersections of County roads with U. S .1. Due to the critical link from developed areas to U.S.l, the primary arterial serving Monroe County, provided by all County road intersections with U. S.l, roadway improvements to these intersections shall be eligible for impact fee funding. Section 3. Establishment of a Transportation Facilities Impact Fee District and Subdistricts. (a) District. The Transportation Facilities Impact Fee District shall include the unincorporated area of Monroe County and all municipalities within Monroe County participating in the Monroe County Transportation Facilities Impact Fee System. (b) Subdistricts. The Transportation Facilities Impact Fee District shall be divided into three (3) Transportation Facilities Impact Fee Subdistricts as provided by Sec. 9.5-490.2(E) of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations. Section 4. Calculation of Impact Fee. The County shall calculate the transportation facilities impact fee due in accordance with the procedure set forth in Sec. 9.5-490.3(B) of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations and pursuant to the impact fee per demand unit as shown in the Transportation Facilities Impact Fee Schedule (Attachment "A") in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Section 5. Trust Funds Established. (a) There is hereby established a separate Transportation Facilities Impact Fee Trust Fund account for each Transportation Facilities Impact Fee Subdistrict. 5 (b) Funds withdrawn from these accounts must be used solely in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 9.5-490.4(B) and (C) of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations. (c) All transportation facilities impact fee funds shall be utilized for transportation improvements projects within the Monroe County Transportation Facilities Impact Fee District. Section 6. Liberal Resolution shall be its purposes in the convenience. Construction. The provisions of this liberally construed to effectively carry out interest of public health, safety, welfare and Section 7. Severability. Should any sentence, clause, part or provision of this Resolution be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the Resolution as a whole, or any part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 8. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective concurrent with, but not before, the effective date of the Impact Fee Procedural Ordinance Text Amendment. The Clerk of the Court is hereby directed to send a certified copy of this Resolution ot the Florida Department of Community Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of October, A.D., 1992. Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner Stormont Yes Yes Yes 1J~...'" Yes (SEAL) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . ... tJ.\ By: ~U.J~.. "-A. .~..... ~ _ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN \ ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, By,a ~~(f DEMY CLERK CLERK BY 6 A TT ACHMENT " A" Transnortation -Ea,gJities Imnact Fee Sc~ TRANSPORTATION IMPACT LAND USE (1) FEE Single Family (Der dwelling unit) $633 Multi Family (per dwelling unit) $430 Mobile Home (Der mobile home unit) $328 Hotel (Der room) $385 Motel (per room) $363 The following are per. 1,000 sq.-ft.: Medical Office $1.634 Bank $7.003 General Office (< 10.000 sq.fi.) $1,426 General Office ( 10.000 10 49.999 sq. ft.) $962 - General Office (50.000 10 99.999 sq.ft.) $811 General Office ~ 100.000 sq. ft.) - $684 Commercial Retail (2) $1,168 Convenience Market $23,233 Restaurant-Quality $4,943 Restaurant - Sit Down $10.091 The following are per 1,000 sq. ft.: Warehouse $278 General Industrial $406 Recreational Campground $4,211 (per .cre I Marina $170 (DCrbenhl ~; (1) The Land Use lilt includes rhe maJor types of development for which building pennit applications ~ submiaed in Monroe CowIty. Specific proposed land usea may. at rhe discretion of the Director of Planning. be ...igned a Trip GeneltiioD Rate using the g_1 categories listed. a specific land use category In rhe ITE Tri" Generlllion Manual, or lID individuallmpacl ADatysis. All development subject to the revised Transponation Facilities Impaa Fee shall pay rhe fee amount U1dicated for rhe appropnate specific development type. or. if no specific development type is applicable. for the appropriate general developmeru type based 00 rhe definitions in Section 9.5-490 of rhe Monroe County Land Development Regulations. (2) The tnp generation rate for Commercial Retail is based on data in rhe rn:: Tri" Gene....tion Manual for Specialty Retail Center land use. No average weeitday trip generation rateS for general commercial reuilare available in the rn:: Tri" Generation Manual' bowever. dara for many specific commercial retail uses tS available. Use of lID average weelcday tnp geneltiioo rate for a specific proposed commercial or retail land use. if available in !he lTE Trio ~enCl':llrion Manual or from an individuallmoaa ADatVlis. may be used at rhe discreuoo of rhe Director of Planning. . .