Ordinance 007-1973 111, • s. . • 11111 ORDINANCE NO. 7 -1973 AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE ADOPTION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE 1973 REVISION AS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CON- GRESS, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR REQUIREMENTS AND SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR BUILDING PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; REPEALING ALL SPECIAL LAWS, ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, RULES AND REGULATIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH TO THE EX- TENT OF SAID CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Southern Standard Building Code 1973 Revision as adopted by the Southern Building Code Congress, except as otherwise pro- vided for in this Ordinance, copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance, is hereby adopted as the Monroe County, Florida Building Code. Section 2. The Requirements and Schedule of Fees for Building Per- mits, Monroe County Building and Zoning Department, copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance, is hereby adopted as said require- ments and schedule of fees for Building Permits in Monroe County, Florida in lieu of any requirements and schedule of fees for Building Permits set forth in the Southern Standard Building Code 1973 Revision. -2- Section 3. Any person, partnership, firm, and/or corporation vio- 1ating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 125.69, Florida Statutes, 1971, or any re- enactment thereof. Section 4. This Ordinance shall not apply to any municipality located in Monroe County, Florida. Section 5. All Special Laws, Ordinances, Resolutions, rules and regulations in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of said con- flict. Section 6. This Ordinance shall take effect upon receipt of the official acknowledgment from the Department of State acknowledging receipt of certified copy of this Ordinance and that said Ordinance has been filed:in said Office. 11111• • • �- REQUIREMENTS AND SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR BUILDING PERMITS Monroe County Building and Zoning Department I . Building Permits - A. Application Requirements . Application for permit shall be accompanied by one copy of • each of the following. 1. 1/4" = 1 ' scaled drawings or prints of the building (s) or structure (s) to be built. 2 . Site plan showing location of the principal building , distances to property lines and other accessory build- ing (s) or structure (s) . off-street parking spaces , and access and maneuvering spaces in accordance with Zoning Ordinance requirements . 3. If a new or existing building is to house more than one use , plans shall show in detail the percentages and areas of each proposed use within the building. 4. A legal description. of the property where construction is proposed. Legal description shall include lot and block number or other suitable identification , the name and section description if property lies within a recorded plot , or a metes and bounds description prepared by a professional land surveyor. 5 . Property must be appropriately zoned for the intended use prior to applying for the building permit. 6 . Application shall be submitted by the property owner or lessee or the agent of either. If application is filed by other than the property owner, the owner' s name shall be shown on the application. 7 . Proposed construction must comply with all requirements of the Monroe County Zoning Ordinance , Plat Filing Ordi- ance , Standard Construction Specifications and Details , and the Southern STD Building Codes . 8, Plans , specifications and construction supervision of all commercial buildings and structures shall be prepared by or under direct control of a registered architect and/or engineer in accordance with all applicable Florida laws and statutes . B. Issuance of Building Permits . Upon receipt of an application for a Building Permit , the Building Official or his authorized representative shall ex- amine the application within thirty (30) days . If the appli- cation complies with all technical , health, and safety re- quirements of Monroe County, the permit will be issued. If for any rea:: sufficient;: with his no applicant Iv.... plication is improperly completed or in- t shall be rejected by the Building Official .clings and deficiencies and return then to the -~jected application. II. Certificate of Occupancy It shall be the duty of the Building Official or his authorized representative to issue a Certificate of Occupancy after it has been determined that the building ]la5 been constructed in accord- (ince ;vith the provisions of the Building Perli1it provided that such ~uilding is designed, arranged, and intended for the specified use. In no event shall any building be occupied or used until a Certi- ficate of Occupancy is issued by the Building Official or his 3.uthorized representative. ."l' :'::lenevcr the Principal use of an existing structure or parcel is to be changed, the owner, agent, lessee or intended occupant thereof shall apply to the Building Official for a Certificate of Occu- :)ancy s ta ting that the new use is an appro,ved use \vi thin the zoning district in which the structure or parcel is located. The Build- illg Official shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy only when the Ilew use conforms to the requirements set forth herein, and no con- struction permits are necessary. III. lIomeo'>'11l8r Permits An individual may a1 tel' or repair his own res idence. AJ10\\ner of n residential lot may construct one (l~ single family residence for ]lis own use and occupancy without qualifying for a Certificate of Competency. If the same individual applies for a building permit for construction of more t~at one (1) single family residence in a twelve mont11 period, it shall be construed as prima facie evidence that the individual is in the construction business and such in- dividual nust secure a Certificate of Competency before the second or subsequent permit will be issued. 0Jothing herein shall release an owner- bui IdeI' from this requi remen t. All wor].;: mus t conform to tile Bui Iding Code of ;\!on roe County. The individual sha 11 als 0 complete an affidavit provided by tIle Building Department attest- ing to the fact that the home is being build for his personal use. IV. Posting of Permit A copy of the permit shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises, out of the weather, and visible throughout the construct- ion period until project completion. V. Certificates of Competency It 511311 be unlawful for any person or firm to act in the capacity of contractor, sub-contractor, master, journeyman, or maintenance personnel anY~lere within the unincorporated areas of this county h'ithout a current valid Certificate of Competency issued by the County Zoning and Building Department. Persons holding valid state of Florida licences will not be required to have a Monroe County Certificate of Competency. VI. Expiration of Building Permit Building permits s11a11 become void if after 30 days construction has not started or if after twelve ~onths construction has not !J0en camp leted. In either case, if ci rcums tances wa rran t, the Building Official may issue a written extension of the permit for a reasonable period. \lIl. ;'\~_~t.]!r)ritv to Revoke PCTJnit , .... Thc Building Official may revoke any permit if a false statement or ;-.isrcprcsentation is contained in the application or plans for which -::I.e pcrmi t .'/as issued. 'VIII. ;-:ce Exenptions Til(; CO'Jl1 ty of ~!onroe, the State of Floriua, The Uni teu States of .\..::cric:::. and all corporate municipalities situated wJ1011y within :11e Eounuaries of )\Ionroc County, shall be exempt from the payr:lCnt of any fce for a building or use permit. A permit will be issued to :.:1Y of the above named corporate bodies upon application for a ;luilJing construction, occupancy or usage, not contrary to the provisions of this ordinance. I x.. :~~) flll1 cIs l~o rriot.;.ics :1aid for IJCr1ni ts s11all be refunded for any reason VJi tl10Ut ti:.e approval of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. x. Fees T~c joard of County Commissioners shall by orUlnance fix reason~ble recording, hearing and permit fees to be chargeu by the Building and Zoning Department. Building Permit fees are established as follows. A. Building Permits. , ~ . New buildings. For each 100 square feet of area or fractional $ 4.00 part thereof for each floor (per l1unured) ;'.linimum fee $10.00 2. Accessory building, additions and alterations, garages, porte cocheres, sheus, shelters, porches (open or closcJ). For each 100 square feet of area or fractional S 4.00 part thereof (per hundred) rHnimum fee $10.00 3. New construction other than specified herein. Water towers, radio, TV or microwave towers, tower pylons, etc. For each $1000 cost or estir.1ated cost $ 5.00 j'ilinimum fee $10.00 1 • • • 4. Minor repairs to buildings . $25 to $200 estimated cost $ 4. 00 First $1000 of estimated cost $ 5 . 00 Each additional $1000 or fractional part thereof $ 3 . 00 5 . Sidewalks and/or concrete slabs . For first 1500 square feet or fractional part thereof $ 5 . 00 For each additional 1000 square feet or fractional part thereof $ 3 .00 6 . Incinerators or home Bar-B-Q pits $ 3. 00 7. Roofing. a. gravel or tarpaper. For each 1000 square feet of area or fractional part thereof $ 4. 00 b. concrete . For each 1000 square feet of area or fractional part thereof $ 5 . 00 8. Fences . a. wood or chain link up to six feet high. For each 100 lineal feet or fractional part thereof $ 3. 50 b . concrete block up to six feet high. For each 100 lineal feet or fractional part thereof ' $ 4 . 00 9 . Seawalls . For the first 50 lineal feet $ 5 . 00 For each additional. 50 lineal feet or fractional part thereof $ 3 . 00 a, boat ramps if included in wall $ 5 . 00 10 . Commercial seawllls . For the first $1000 of estimated cost or fraction part thereof $ 5 . 00 For each additional $1000 of estimated cost or fractional part thereof $ 3 . 00 • 11 . Swimming pools . For the first 20 ,000 gallon capacity or fractional part- thereof $20 . 00 For each additional 1000 gallon capacity or fractional part thereof $ 1. 00 • • • 12 . Sign:. Inboards . a. face signs 1. For the first 50 square feet or fractional part thereof . $ 5 .00 • 2 . For each additional square foot $ 0 . 10 b. double face signs 1. For the first 50 square feet or fractional part thereof $ 7 . 50 2 . For each additional square foot $- 0 . 15 c. highway billboards 1. Single face $ 0 . 10 per square foot 2 . Double face $ 0 . 15 • per square foot 13 . Tents . Temporary permit only. For each tent up to and including 20 ,000 square feet in area $ 5 . 00 For each additional 1000 square feet or fractional part thereof $ 1 . 00 Note : all tent permits shall be issued only for a thirty (30 ) day period. Fees may not' be prorated. 14. Clearing land. For one acre or fractional part thereof $ 5 . 00 . For each additional acre or fractional part thereof $ 3.00 15 . Excavation. Flat annual fee $25 . 00 16 . Demolition of buildings . For the first 1500 square feet of floor space or fractional part thereof $ 5 . 00 For each additional 1000 square feet of floor space or fractional part thereof $ 2 . 00 17 . Moving buildings on or across public thoroughfares . • • For each 100 square feet of floor space or fractional part thereof $ 0 . 50 • Minimum fee $20 ;00 18 . Docks . a. wooden For each 100 square feet of area or fractional part thereof • $ 3. 00 b. concrete without pi.li.ngs For each $1000 of estimated cost or fractional part thereof $ 4.00 c. concrete with pilings (wood or concrete) For each S1000 of estimated cost or fractional part thereof $ 5.00 19. Tanks: concrete or metal For the first 20,000 gallon capacity or fractional part thereof For each additional 1000 gallon capacity or fractional part thereof .",' $20.00 :~ 1.00 D. Electrical Permits. 1. l~ough wiring. Outlets: ceiling bracket receptable switch door bell floodlig;1t telephone For first five outlets $ 1.50 For each additional outlet $ 0.20 ? ... . Service, including meter housing. Temporary construction service, minimim $ 3.00 .) . Services. 100 - ampere and under .5 3.00 over 100 - ampere to 200 ilmpere 4.00 over 200 - ampere to 400 aml)ere 5.00 over 400 - ampere to 600 ampere 8.00 over 600 - ampere to SOO ampere 15.00 over 800 - ampere $25.00 - 50.00 (fee determined by Inspector) Sub-feeds are charged by nmperes at the same rate as services. Switchboard fees arc determined by the Inspector. 4. Equipment. oven (outlet $1.00; connection $1.50) range (outlet and connection) cooking top (outlet $1.00; connection $1.50) water heater (outlet $1.00; connection $1.50) space heater refrigerators dryers clothes washers dishwashers disposals hood fans (air condition outlet same as motors) (exhaust fans same as motors) $ 2.50 l.5D 2.50 2.50 1. 50 1.00 1. 50 1. 50 1. SO 1. 50 1.50 • • 5 . each ..,: . . up to and including 1 IIP $ 1 . 50 each over 1 HP through 3 IIP 3 . 00 each MOT over 3 HP through 5 IIP 5 .00 each motor over SIIP through 8 HP 8. 00 each motor over 8 HP through 10 IIP 12. 00 each motor over 10 HP through 25 HP 20 .00 each motor over 25 HP through 100 HP 35 . 00 ,,, each motor over 100 HP 50 .00 6 . Elevator. Permit fee for the installation of an elevator, escalator , or dumbwaiter $25 . 00 Permit fee for the major revamping of an elevator , escalator, or dumbwaiter $15 . 00 7 . Generators and transformers . each up to 5 KW $ 2 . 00 each ' over 5 KW through 10 KW 4. 00 each over 10 KW through 15 KW 6 . 00 each over 15 KW through 20 KW 8 . 00 each over 20 KW through 25 KW 10 . 00 each over 25 KW through 100 KW 25 . 00 (generators over 100KW, fee to be determined by Inspector) 8 . X-ray machines , X-ray portable (dentist) , each $ 5 . 00 X-ray , stationary (doctor) ., each 25 . 00 diathermic and electronic outlet , each 5 . 00 9 , Welding machines . Determine primary amperage and see below. each up to 25 ampere $ 5 .00 each over 25 ampere through 50 ampere 10 . 00 each over 50 ampere , for each additional 50 ampere 15 . 00 10 . Special-purpose outlets . popcorn, doughnut , drink, music machines , toasters , coffee urns , small commercial appliances , etc. , each $ 1 . 50 auto-painting bake oven , each 10 . 00 display cases , each 1. 50 each sign curcuit , including control switch 1. 50 11. Signs . (A separate permit shall be required for each sign) • Incandescent : first ten (10) light bulbs $ 1. 50 each additional 20 light bulbs or fraction thereof $ 0 . 75 12 . Neon first transformer $ 1. 50 each .al , in same sign $ 1. 00 flash.: ch 1. 50 time each 1. 50 sign �� connections or reconnection for each sign 2 . 00 each letter 0 . 25 13. Fixtures . lights : 1 through 10 bulbs $ 1. 50 1 through 10 fluorescent tubes 1. 50 each additional light-bulb socket or fluorscent tube 0 . 10 combination light fixtures and outlets up to six, when completed for one inspection 1. 50 streamers or festoon light : first 10 lights 1. 50 each additional 10 or fractional part thereof 1. 00 14 . Plug mold. first 25 feet $ 1. 50 each 5 feet thereafter 0 . 50 15 . Miscellaneous . Alterations or changes : For alterations or changes in an existing system, a permit fee of from $3. 00 to $15 . 00 shall be paid, depending upon the extent of alterations determined by the electrical inspector. Changes or alterations shall not be held to mean the installations of new outlets or fixtures , even though they may replace existing ones . 16 . Carnivals , circuses , road shows , and similar temporary installation. For carnivals , circuses , road shows , and similar temporary installations , a permit fee of from $15 . 00 to $50 . 00 as determined by the electrical inspector shall be paid. C. Plumbing Fees . 1. Roughing-in or plugged outlets for : each fixture $ 1.00 gas and oil interceptors 1. 50 floor drains 1.00 grease traps 1. 50 each direct soil pipe including fixture 1. 00 doctors ' and dentists ' sterilizers , hospital sterilizers , autoclaves , autopsy tables , and other fixtures , appurtenances , or appliances having a water supply or water outlet or both. including hotwater tanks or boosters 1. 50 domestic washing machines with sewer connection, same as fixture air-conditioning unit $ 4.00 i• • • 2 . Se: each fi:.::;.;re set on new roughing-in or unplugged outlet , or replaced on old rough-in $ 1.00 gas and oil interceptors , each 1. 50 floor drains , each 1. 00 grease traps , each 1. 50 3. Sewer : each building sewer (when connection is made to a septic tank , to an existing sewer, or to a city sewer , or the disconnection and capping of same) $10 .00 gas , oil , air tanks , etc. , each 10 .00 gasoline pumps , etc. , each 2 . 00 each building storm-sewer , where connection is made to soakage pits , existing building storm- sewer or other approved point of disposal (per culvert) 2. 00 4. Manholes $10 .00 5 . Water lines . For each $1000 of estimated cost or fractional part thereof $ 4. 00 6 . Sanitary or storm sewers . For each $1000 of estimated cost or fractional part thereof $ 8 . 00 7. Sewage plants . per tank $10 .00 8 . Air-conditioning ducts per opening $ 1.00 9 . Display cases (refrigerated) $10 . 00 10 . Septic tanks , draintile and soakage pits . each new septic tank , including draintile for same $ 4.00 each septic tank draintile relay 3.00 each soakage pit 4.00 11. Water piping each water service connection to a municipal or private water supply system (each meter) $ 2 . 00 water connection to , or outlets for , an applicance or installation not covered by fixture permit $ 2.00 irrigation system, overhead and underground sprinkler system, etc. For every $100 of estimated cost or fractional part thereof 3 . 00 fire-sprinkler system. For every $100 of estimated cost or fractional part thereof 3. 00 fire-control system, including standpipe , siamese connections , and pumps (each standpipe) 3. 00 stand-by emergency potable water supply outlet 5 .00 solar water-heater installation, new including • F :� • boo.:' $ 5 . 00 repj, solar water heater or storage tank 2 . 00 boos' .:-- connection with old solar water-heating syste ;; 2. 00 swimming pool installations , not including wells 5 . 00 12 . Repairs . For remodeling , addition , or repair of water pipes , waste , soil , vent , sewer pipes , or building drain within the building. When the cost to the owner for performing above work amounts to $100 or less $ 3 . 00 When cost to the owner for performing above work amounts to over $100 $ 5 .00 13. Wells . each water supply well $ 3.00 each drainage well 4 .00 14 . Water drainage. rainwater roof inlet , each $ 1 . 00 area, yard or rainwater drain, each 1. 00 15. Miscellaneous . Siphon breakers on old installations , required when repair or unapproved water closet is made, each $ 2 .00 XI. Re-inspection Fees When extra inspection trips are necessary due to any one of the following reasons , a charge of $10 .00 shall be made for each trip. 1. wrong address 2 . condemned work resulting from faulty construction 3 . repairs or corrections not made when inspection is called. 4 . work not ready for inspection when called. The payment of re-inspection fees shall be made before any further inspections will be made to the person owning same. XII . Double Fees When work for which a permit is required by ordinance is started or proceeds prior to the procuring of said permit , the fees as specified herein shall be doubled. The payment of such double fee shall not relieve any person , firm, or corporation from fully com- plying with the requirements of the Monroe County ordinances , nor any of the penalities prescribed therein. XIII . Fire Protection. Every building over three stories must have a sprinkler system provided in all rooms and public areas above the 3rd floor. System • 11111 Must be approved by the Monroe County Building Department. XIV. Chemical Toilet . At least one approved portable chemical toilet shall be provided by the General Contractor at every building site. • • car: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF COUNTY ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that on Tuesday, October 30, 1973, at 2:00 P. M. in the Monroe County Courthouse, Key West, Florida, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida intends to consider the adoption of the following County Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. -1973 AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE ADOPTION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE 1973 REVISION AS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CON- GRESS, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR REQUIREMENTS AND SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR BUILDING PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR A. PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; REPEALING ALL SPECIAL LAWS, ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, RULES AND REGULATIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH TO THE EX - TENT OF SAID CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. DATED at Key West, Florida this 3rd day of October, 1973. RALPH W. WHITE Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County, Florida and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioner s of Monroe County, Florida. (SEAL) Publish: Friday, October 5, 1973. `. ) 1.01 PROOF OF PUBLICATION Pr Nell RI est (Itttzen Published Daily Key West, Monroe County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Sm. Before the undersigned authority personally appeared __John E. Swagger ---____-- ------------------------, who on oath says that he is ^— -- Advertising Manager , of The Key West Citizen a daily newspaper published at Key West in Monroe County, Florida; that the attached copy NOTICE OF INTENTION of advertisement, being a Notice of Intention to consider TO CONSIDER ADOPTION Adoption of County Ordinance OF COUNTY ORDINANCE IT NOTIYCE IS CON HEREBYaGIVENuTsdayN O WHOM in the matter of Southern Standard Building Code 1973 tt ontober 30, 1973,at 2:00 P.M. in the Monroe Revision, etc• County Courthouse, Key West, Florida,the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida intends to consider the adoption of the following County Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO.-1973 AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE ADOPTION OF THE SOUTHERN STAN- DARD BUILDING CODE 1973 REVISION AS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CONGRESS, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR REQUIREMENTS AND SCHEDULE or FEES FOR BUILDING PERMITS, PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATIONS"OF THIS ORDINANCE; REPEALING ALL SPECIAL LAWS, OR- DINANCES,RESOLUTIONS,RULES AND REGULATIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH TO THE EXTENT OF SAID CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. DATED at Key West,Florida this 3rd day of October,1973. RALPH W.WHITE Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County,Florida and ex officio Clerk of-the Board of County Commissioners pf Monroe County,Florida; was published in said newspaper in the issues of October 5th, A.D. 1973 October 5,1973 Affiant further says that the said The Key West Citizen is a newspaper published at Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida,each day(execpt Saturdays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Key West,in said Monroe County, Florida,for a period of one year next preceeding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or corporation any discount,rebate,commission or refund for the purpose of securing this adver • ement for publication in the said newspaper. (SEAL) Sworn to and su cribed me this —_—� - day of , A. D 187`3 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE ~t-crtfal1! af ~fatc STATE OF FLORIDA THE CAPiTOL TALLAHASSEE 32304 (904) 488-3918 RICHARD (DICK) STONE SECRETARY OF STATE November 5, 1973 Honorable Ralph W. White County Clerk Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida Dear WIr. 'White: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.66, Florida Statutes, this will acknowledge your letters of October 31 and certified copies of :N~onroe County Ordinances Nos. 73-7, 73-9 and 73-11, which 'were received and filed in this office on November 5, 1973. Kindest regards. Cordially, RICHARD (DIC~() STONE Secretary of St2te /''7 -0) / y1. './///>::/ ((:', /. / "".' ..- '--" /,F .. ., / I / , By ( / (ivlrs.) Nancy Kavanaugh Chief, 3ureau of Luw's . / ~ .) '/./ : "" if' J /~,' ./.~../~/, .v,./ '<..t,,//~_./~' ./ - - (." -. }.!1.. ,. NK/mb