FY2005 02/16/2005
February 24, 2005
Lynda Stuart, Office Manager
Tourist Development Council
Maxine Pacini
Administrative Assistant
Pamela G. Han4v
Deputy Clerk (~y
At the February 16, 2005, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted
approval and authorized execution of the following:
/nestination Agreement between Monroe County and Islamorada Chamber of Commerce
covering the Florida Keys Island Festival on May 1415, 2005 in an amount not to exceed
$29,700, DAC IV, FY 2005, Third Penny Event Resources.
Turn Key Agreement between Monroe County and Key West Investment Syndicate, Inc.
covering the Marathon Offshore Grand Prix on May 13-15, 2005 in an amount not to exceed
$134,700, DAC III, FY 2005 Third Penny Event Resources.
Enclosed are two duplicate originals of each of the above-mentioned for your handling.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office.
cc: County Administrator w/o documents
County Attorney
Destination Events Agreement
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this )fR <<- day Mil. u - . 2005 by and
and the IsIamorada Chamber of Commerce (Event Sponsor).
NOW, THEREFORE, and in consideration of the mutual covenants, contained herein
the parties agree as follows:
1. The BOCC agrees to pay from tourist development tax funds up to $29,700
(Twenty Nine Thousa1d and Seven Huncked Dolla-s) for the Florida Keys Island Festival on
May 14 - 15, 2005 (See Exhibit A).
2. Scooe of Services: Event Sponsor agrees to provide the County with an event as
specified below:
A two day Island Festival to include a children's talent show; Cook-otJ
contest; Taste contest; live bandslconcert; Arts & craft venc:tas; Boat
vendors; Scholarship award
Awards Ceremony
3. All advertising and public relations services or supervision of advertising and
public relations will be provided through the contracted agencies of the Tourist Development
Council (TOC) and BOCC. The agencies of record shall receive payment of work in progress
upon submission of documented invoices associated with said event.
4. Pavment. Any payments directly to Event Sponsor or vendors associated with
said event shall be as follows:
Event Sponsor shall submit to TDC an invoice which shall indicate the task
completed for which payment is sought, with proper documentation attached. No more than
10% of the total advertising and promotional costs paid under this agre&ment shall be
attributable to in-county activity. County shall pay Event Sponsor. or directly to vendor upon
request of Event Sponsor, PUrsuant to the Florida Prompt Payment Act upon receipt of a
proper invoice.
Monroe CountYs performance and obligation to pay under this contract is
contingent upon an annual appropriation by the SOCC. Only acceptable expenses listed in the
Monroe County Tourist Development Council Operations Manual shall be paid.
5. Accounting: Event Sponsor shall maintain all books, reCOrds, and
documents directly pertinent to pet"fonnance under this Agreement in accordance with
generally accepted aCCOU'lting principles consistently applied. Each party to this Agreement or
their authorized representatives shalJ have reasonable and timely access to such records of
each other party to this Agreement for public records purposes during the term of the
Agreement and for four years follOWing the tennination of this Agreement. If an auditor
employed by the County or Clerk determines that monies paid to Event Sponsor r pursuant to
this Agreement were spent for purposes not authorized by this Agreement, the Contractor shall
repay the monies together with interest ca'a.llated pursuant to Sec. 55.03, FS, running from
the date the monies were paid to Event Sponsor.
6. Modificati,gJ: Une item changes to the advertising and promotion budget may
be made up to but not eXceeding 10% of the larger line item amount without requiring BOCC
approval of the particular change.
7. Breach and PenaIti@!: The parties agree to full performance of the covenants
contained in this agreement, and the SOCC reserves the right at its discretion, provided SUCh
Florida Keys Island Festival
breach is material, to terminate this agreement for any misfeasance, malfeasance, or
nonperformance of the agreement terms or negligent performance of the agreement terms by
Event Sponsor.
8. Termination~ This Agreement will terminate on September 30, 2005, unless
eartier terminated pursuant to paragraph 7 or 9. Alllnvolcea must be submitted prior to
September 30, 2001..
9. Non Occutrenrs. of Event: If the event does not take place for any reason under
control of Event Sponsor except for those reasons in paragraph 19, then Event Sponsor
agrees to refin:f to the BOCC any amounts already paid under this &greement, and relieve the
BOCC from any further payments.
. Event Sponsor shall give written notice to the Monroe County Tourist
Development Council if it is fOund necessary to cancel an event. The notice shall contain the
following 8p8Cifics: 1) reason for cancellation, 2) documentation of the reason for cancellation
and 3) person authorized to cancel including title and stated affiliation.
10. Indemnification and HokI Harm".: Event Sponsor COvenants and agrees to
indemnify and hold hannless Monroe County Board of County Commissioners from any and all
daims for bodily injury (including death), personal injury, and property damage (including
property owned by Monroe County) and any other losses, damages, and expenses (including
attorney's fees) which arise out a. in COMedian with. or by reason of the services provided,
event sponsored, ex other activities and funding aSSOCiated with this agreement, except those
losses or damages caused by HaCC or its agents.
11. Insurance Reauiremerq: Event Sponsor, as a pre-requisite eX the Special Event
governed by this &greement, shall obtain, at its own expense, iflSll'ance as specified in this
Work aSSOCiated with the Event (including pr&-staging eX personnel and material) shall
not commence until satisfactory evidence of the required insa.rance has been fumished to the
county as specified below. Event Sponsor shall maintain the required inSllance throughout the
entire duration of the Special Event and any extensions Specified in any attached schedules.
Failure to comply with this provision may result in the immediate suspension of the Ev.m until
the required insurance has been reinstated or replaced. Event Sponsor shall provide, to the
County, as satisfactory evidence of the required insurance, either:
* Certificate of Insurance
* Certified copy of the actual insurance policy
A certified copy of any or aU insurance paides required by this contract shall be filed with the
Clerk of the BaCC prior to the Event.
All insurance paicies must specify that they are not subject to cancellation, non-
renewal, material change or reduction in coverage unless a minimum of thirty (30) days prior
notification is given to the County by the insurer.
Acceptance and/or approval of Event Sponsor's insurance shall not be construed as
relieving Event Sponsor from any liability or ob/igalion lISlIUrI18d under this contract or imposect
by law.
The Monroe County Board of County CommiSSioners, its employees and officials will be
included as "Additional Insured' on all poJicies.
Any deviations from these General Insurance Requirements must be requested in
writing on the County form titled MRequest for Waiver rA Insurance ReqUirements. and must be
approved by Monroe County Risk Management.
Event Sponsor shall fumish the County with a certificate evidencing the insurance
required by this paragraph not later than twenty (20) days prior to the event.
Florida Keys IsIaDd Festival
Prior to commencement of work goVerned by this contract, Event Sponsor shall obtain
General liability Insurance. Coverage shall be maintained through out the life of the contract
and include, as a minimum:
* Premises Operations
* Products and Completed Operations
* Blanket contractual Liability
* Personal Injury Uability
* Expanded Definition of Property Damage
The minimum limits acceptable shall be:
* $1,000,000.00 combined Single Umit (CSL)
If split limits are provided, the minimum limits acceptable shall be:
* $500,000.00 per person
* $1,000,000.00 per Occurrence
* $100,000.00 Property Damage
An Occurrence Form policy is preferred. If coverage is provided on a Claims
Made policy, its provisions should include coverage for claims fifed on or after the effective
date of this contract In addition, the period for which claims may be reported should extend
for a minimum of twelve (12) months following the acceptance of work by the Cotny.
Recognizing that the work governed by this contract invaves the sales and/or distribution of
alcoholic beverages, the Event Sponsor's General Liability Insurance policy shalf include
Liquor Liability with fimits equal to those of the basic coverage.
A separate Liquor Liability policy is acceptabfe if the coverage is not more restrictive
than the contractor's General Liability policy.
12. Permibi: Event Sponsor will secure all required permits, licenses incfuding but
not limited to oocupationaIlicenses.
13. Taxes: The BOCC and TOC are exempt from Federal Excise and State of
Florida Sales Tax.
14. Finance Charael: The BOCC and TDC will not be responsible for any finance
15. R~fation of BOCC/IQk: It is the intent of the parties hereto that Event Sponsor
shall be legally considered 88 an independent contractor and that neither it nor its employees
shall, under any cirQJmstances, be considered servants or agents of the BOCC and TDC and
the BOCC and me shall at no time be legally responsible for any negligence on the part of
said Event Sponsor, its employees or agents, resulting in either bodily or personal injury or
property damage to any individual, firm, or corporation.
16. Disclosure: Event Sponsor shalf be required to list any or all potentiaf conflicts or
interest, as defined by Florida Statute 112 and Monroe County Code. Event Sponsor shall
disclose to the BOCC and TOC all actual or proposed conflicts of interest, financial or
otherwise, direct or indirect, invofving any clienfs interest which may conflict with the interest of
the BOCC and TOC.
17. Assianmaot~ Event Sponsor sha" not assign, transfer, convey, sublet or
otherwise dispose of this agreement, or of any or a" of its right, tiUe or interest therein, or his or
its power to execute such ~ to any person, company or COI'pOratjQn without prior
consent of the BOCC.
18. Como'ia1ce with laws: Event Sponsor shafl comply with all federal, state and
focal laws and ordinances applicable to the work or payment for work thereof.
19. Nondisaimination. County and Contractor agree that there will be no
discrimination against any person, and n is expressly understood that upon a determination by
a court c:A competent jurisdiction that disaimination has OCCUrred, this Agreement automatically
Florida Keys Island Fesdval
terminates without any ft.a1her action on the part of any party, effective the date of the court
order. County or Contractor agree to comply with all Federal and Florida statutes, and all local
ord;nance~ as applicable, relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to:
1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 CPL 88-352) which prohibits disaimination on the
basis of race, color or national origin; 2) Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, as
amended (20 USC ss. 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis
of sex; 3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Ad. of 1973, as amended (20 USC s. 794), which
prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; 4) The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as
amended (42 USC SS. 6101-6107) which prohibits discrimination on the basis ~ age; 5) The
Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Ad. of 1972 (PL 92-255), as amended, relating to
nondisaimination on the basis of drug abuse; 6) The Comprehensive AlcoI'la Abuse and
Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (PL 91-616), as amended,
relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; 7) The Public Health
Service Ad. ~ 1912, ss. 523 and 527 (42 USC ss. 690dd-3 and 290ee-3), as amended,
relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patent records; 8) Title VIII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1968 (42 USC s. et seq.), as amended, relating to nondisaimination in the sale,
rental or financing of housing; 9) The Americans with Disabilities Ad. of 1990 (42 USC s. 1201
Note), as maybe amended from time to time, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of
disability; 10) Monroe County Code Ch. 13, Art. VI, prohibiting discrimination on the bases of
race, color, sex, religion, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity
or expression, familial status or age; and 11) any other nondiscrimination provisions in any
Federal or state statutes which may apply to the parties to, or the subject matter of, this
20. Force Maieur~: Event Sponsor shall not be liable for delay in performance or
failu-e to perform in whole or in part, the services due to the occurrence of any contingency
beyond its control or the control of any of its subcontractors or suppliers, including labor
dispute, strike, labor shortage, war or act of war whether an actual declaration thereof if made
or not, insurrection, sabotage, riot or civil commotion, act of public enemy, epidemic,
quarantine restriction, accident, fire, explosion, storm, flOOd, chxJght or other act of God, act of
any governmental authority, jurisdictional adion, or insufficient supply of fuel, electricity, or
materials or supplies, or technical failure where the Event Sponsor has exercised reasonable
care in the prevention thereof, and any such delay or failure shall not constitute a breach of the
Agreement. Upon demand of TOC or BOCC, Event Sponsor must fumish evidence of the
causes of such delay or failure. BOCC shall not pay for any services or activities, promotional
or otherwise, COMected with an event produced after the date(s) described in paragraph 1 and
Scope of Services.
21. Govemina LawNenue: This Agreement shall be goVerned and construed by and
in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida and the County of Monroe and Federal law.
Venue for any dispute concerning this Agreement shall be in Monroe County.
22. Security Protection: Event Sponsor agrees to provide adequate security for the
event. No TOC funds will be used for this purpose.
23. ~: All advertising and promotion work performed under the agreement
and paid for by the BacC and TOC shall be the property of the BaCC and TDC, for whatever
use and/or disposition the BaCC and TOC may deem appropriate.
24. Loao: All promotional literatll'e and display advertising with the exception of
generic advertising must display the "florida Keys & Key West, Monroe County Tourist
Development Council Come As You Are" logoItrade mark (as per endosed). This
fogoltrade mark was adopted by the TOC and County in November 2000. No re-imbursement
will be provided to those entities utilizing the old fOQ<Ytrade mark -Florida Keys & Key West
Florida Keys IsIaod Festival
Come as you arrt'. Radio AdvertJlIIng shouJd nNld "Brought 10 you by the Monroe County
Tourist Development Councir.
25. Severabil~: If any provision of this Agreement shall be held by a Court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall not be
affected lhenJby; a1d each provision of this ~ shall be valid and enforceable 10 the
fullest extent permitted by law.
26. AuthOrity: Each of the signatories for the sponsor below certifies and warrants
a) The sponsor's name in the agreement is the full name as designated in its corporate
charter, and b) they are ElII1poWeted 10 act and ~ for the 8pOnSors and c) this
agreement has been approved by the sponsor's Board of Directors.
27. Ethics Clause: Event Sponsor warrants that it has not emplOYed, retained or
other wise had act on its behalf, any former COUNTY officer or employee in violation of
Section 2 or Ordinance No. 10-1990 or any COUNTY officer or
employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 10-1990. For breach or violation of the
provision the COUNTY may, at its discretion terminate this agreement without/iability and may
also, at its discretion, deduct from the ~ or JlUI"Chae price, or otheIwise recover, the
full amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gill, or consideration paid 10 the former or
present COUNTY officer or employee.
28. Public Entity Crimes: MA person or affiliate who has been placed on the
convicted vendor list follOWing a conviction for pUblic entity aime may not submit a bid on a
contract to provide any gOOds or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract
with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not
submit bids on Ieasas of raa/ proparty to public antity, may not be awardad or patfonn work as
a contractor, suppliar, subcontnoctor, or COOSuIta1t undar a conlract with any public entity, and
may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in
Saction 287.017, for CATEGORY lWO for pariod of 36 months from the data of being placed
on the convicted vendor fist. ·
29. F~ and State Aid: Event Sponsor and County agree that each shall be, and
is, &mpowerad 10 appty for, saek, and obtain faderar a1d slate funds 10 further the pupose of
this Agreement; provided that all applications, requests, grant proposals, and funding
solicitations shall be approved by each party prior to submission.
30. AcIiudication of D/SDutelI or 01-... County and Evan! Sponsor agrae that
all disputes a1d dillllgreemants shall be attempted 10 be I8SOIvad by meat and confer sassions
between r&prasentetjves of each of the parties. If no resolution can be agraed upon within 30
days aftar the first meat and confar saSSion, the issue or issuas shall be diSCUSSed at a public
IMeting of the Board of County Commissionars. If the issue or i_ are still not resolved 10
the satisfaction of the parties, than any party shall have the right 10 saak such re/iaf or remedy
as may be provided by this Agreement or by Florida law.
31. Non-Waiver of 'mmuni~: Notwithstanding he provisions of Sec. 286.28, Florida
SlaIutes, the paIticjpation of the County a1d the Contractor in this AQr8Mlent and the
acquiSition of any commarcialliability insunn:a coveraga, sa/f-insu-anca coverage, or iocal
government liability insuranca pool coverage shall not be daamad a waivar of immunity 10 the
extant of liability coverage, nor shall any contract antared into by the County be requirad 10
contain any provision for waiver.
32. Privi/eoas and Immunities: All of the privileges and immunities from liability,
exemptions from laws, ordinances, and rules and penSions and relief, disability, workers'
compansation, and 0Ihar benefits which apply 10 the activity of oIficars, agants, or employees
of any public &gants or employeas of the County, when patfonning their respecliva functions
Florida Keys Island Festival
under this Aoreement within the Ienitoriallimits of the County shaU apply to the same desrae
and extant to the P8lfurmanca of SUCh functions and duties of Such officers, &genis,
volunteers, or employees outside the territorial limits of the County.
33. L I bf ions and es ibilitie' N n-OeI ation of Constit ianal or
Statutorv Outi!ll: This ~ is not inIandad to, nor shan it be construed es, ra/iaving any
P8tIicipaling entity from any obligation or I'8Sponsjbifity ilTlpOsad upon the entity by law 9XCept
to the extent of actual and timely P8Ifonnanca thafeof by any participating entity, in which case
the P8Ifcrmanca may be otrared in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility. Further, this
Aclreemant is not inIandad to, nor shaH it be construed es, authorizing the dalegation of the
constitulionaJ or statutory duties of the County, 9XCept to the extent permitted by the Florida
constitution, state statute, and case law.
34. N9Q-Ra/i8llCll bv NOI1-f>arties: No person or entity shall be entilled to rely upon
the tanns, or any of them, of this Aoreement to enforce or atIempt to enforce any third-party
claim or entillen8Jt to or benefit of any ~ or program contemp/ated heraunder, and the
County and the Contractor agree that neither the County nor the Contractor or any &gent,
otIicar, or employee of either Shall have the authority to infoon, counsel, or otherwise indicate
that any P8Jtial1ar individual or group of indilliduals, entity or entitles, have antiIIements or
benefits under this ~ separate and apart, infarior to, or 8Uperior to the community in
general or for the purposes contemplated in this Agreement.
35. Sec:!ion Headinas: Section heacflllg8 have been inserted in this Agreement as a
matter of convenience of reference only, and it is &greed that SUCh section headings are not a
part of this AoreM1ant and will not be used in the il1larpretatjon of any provision of this
36. No ~oIicitation/PavlT18L!l: The COll'lly and Event Sponsor warrant tha~ in respect to
1IsaIt, It has neither emp/oyad nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide
employee working soIa/y for It, to solicit or S8aJle this AlJ'aement and that it has not paid or
agreed to pay any person, company, COfporatjon, individual, or fion, other than a bona fida
employee WOrking solely for it, any fae, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration
contingent upon or t8SU/ting from the lIWard or making of this Aoreement. For the breach or
violation of the provision, the Contractor agrees that the County shall have the right to
terminate this Aoraemant without liability and, at its discretion, to offset from monies OWlId, or
o~se recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, P8fCantage, gift, or consideration.
37. Pubnc ~ The County and Event Sponsor shaU allow and permit
reasonable access to, and inspection of, all documents, p8pefs, letters or other materials in its
JlOSSession or under its control subject to the Provisions of Chapter 119, Florida SIatutes, and
made or received by the County and Contractor in conjunction with this AQraemem; and the
County shall have the right to unilaterally ClII1C8l this Aoreement upon violation of this provision
by Contrador.
38. Severabilil)(: If any teon, covenant, condition or proviSion of this Agreement (or
the application Iheraot to any circumslanca or person) shall be declared invalid or
unenfon:eable to any extent by a COUrt of competent iuisdiction, the remaining terms,
covenants, conditions and provisions of this Aoreement, shaH not be affected thereby; and
each remaining term, covenan~ condition and proyjsion of this Agreement shall be valid and
shall be enforceable to the fullest extent peonilled by Jaw unless the enforcement of the
remaining tsnns, covenants, conditions and provjsions of this Agraemem would pI'llvant the
accompJishment of the original intent of this Aoreement. The County and Contractor agree to
reform the Agr8M1ent to replace any stricken provjsion with a valid proVision that comes as
close as Possible to the intent of the stricken provision.
Florida Keys IsIaud Festival
39. AItomev's F:ees !!I1d Coals: The County and Event Sponsor &gnle that in the
event any cause c# action or administrative P/"DC8eding is initiated or defended by any party
relative to the enfon:ement or inlerpretatjon of this Allreement, the prevailing party shall be
entnled to reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, investigative, and out41lOCket expenses,
as an award against the Illln-prevSlling party, and shall include atlomey's fees, courts costs,
investigative, and out-of-pocket 9lCp9nses in appellate Pf'OC8edings. Mediation Pf'OC99dings
initieted and conducted pursuant to this Asr-nent shall be in accordance with the Florida
Rules of Civil Procadure and usual and customary P/"OCedures required by the circuit court of
Monroe County.
40. Entire A/n!!ment: The parties agree that the Aoreement above constitutes the
entire agreement between the BOCC and Event Sponsor.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this SlJll9ment the clay and
yearfir~ .
~'~J:' ~~ EILEEN WlI.LIAMs
=*: :~ MY COMMISSION # CC 995191
(SEAL) ~~......~o/ EXPIRES: April 24, 2005
"1'J.'f..ft'_" BOnded Thru Notary Public Underwriters
8JtJ.;4ah:", if t,',,~
Islamorada Chamber of Commerce
Pre . ent
Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk
-Deputy Clerk
;(~Ju ?n ~~
e)l) ,
;c; .
. "':--'
:' ~..,
Florida Keys Island Festival
FISCAL YEAR 200412005
$ 200
$ 500
$ 19,800
$ 3,400
$ 4,300
$ 29,700
Come as you uc-
TUf [WRIDA Kill1KfY Will
Come as you uc-
Come as you uc-
TUf [LORIDA Km.&K.fYWill
Come as you uc-
Come as you uc-
Come as you uc-
IIllfWRIDA KmmyWill IIllfWRIDA Kill..UftWill IIllfWRIDA KilllKITwrn
Come.. "'" .... Come.. "'" .... Come.. "'" ....
IIllfWRlDA KilllKfI.Will fM fWRlDA KilllKftWill IIllfWR/DA KillUftWill
Come.. "'" .... Come.. "'" .... Come.. "'" ....
T1[fLORIDA 1m & KfiWill T1[fLORIDA 1m &KrrWill T1[fLORIDA Km & KrrWill
Come as you are- Come as you are- Come as you are-
T1[fLORIDA Km & KrrWill T1[fLORIDA 1m & KrrWill T1[fLORIDA Krys & KrrWill
Come as you are- Come as you are- Come as you are-
IHf..fLORIDA KfYS & KftWill
Come as you are8
IHf..fLORIDA Ins & KftWill
Come as you arcS
IHf..fLORIDA Ins & KftWill
. Come as you are<b'
THf..fLORIDA Kns & KftWill
Come as you are~
MCTG-3125 New Logo Slick L01