Resolution 077-2005 RESOLUTION NO. 077-2005 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO DEFER ACTIONS ON CONSIDERTION OF LAND SWAPS OF PROPERTIES WHICH HAVE BEEN DEDICATED TO THE COUNTY UNDER ROGO, UNTIL THE MONROE COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION MASTER PLAN IS COMPLETED AND FURTHER BOARD POLICY IS ESTABLISHED. WHEREAS, Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) lots may be dedicated to the County by ROGO applicants for additional points and to increase an application's competitiveness; and WHEREAS, dedication of ROGO lots to the County is intended to encourage the voluntary dedication of vacant, buildable land within those areas proposed for acquisition by governmental agencies for the purposes of conservation or resource protection; and WHEREAS, the Policy 105.2,5 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan and Section 9,5-122,3(5), Monroe County Code provide for the awarding of positive points under ROGO for dedication of vacant, legally platted buildable lots or at least one (1) acre of unplatted, buildable land located within a conservation area or areas proposed for acquisition by governmental agencies for the purposes of conservation and resource protection; and WHEREAS, Resolution 179-2003 establishes policies by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County for approving the exchange of privately-owned lands of conservation value for lands which have been dedicated to the County for conservation purposes under the County's Rate of Growth Ordinance; and WHEREAS, since the passage of Resolution 179-2003, Staff have recently received multiple requests from private parties for land swaps ofROGO lots; and WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved a motion to grandfather the two applicants who have submitted written requests to be exempted from this provision affecting four parcels more specifically identified as RE Nos, 0000210811-005700, 00208200-000000, 00315920-000000 and 00246580-000000; and WHEREAS, such lands that have been dedicated to the County for conservation purposes under the County's Rate of Growth Ordinance have been entrusted to the County to be held for the public for the public purpose of conservation; and WHEREAS, the public trust in the County acquisition program risks erosion by piece meal private party requests for land swaps of properties which have been dedicated to the County under ROGO, and which may be located in Tier I or Tier 2 areas; and WHEREAS, the Tier system, in coordination with the Monroe County Land Acquisition Master Plan, when enacted, will allow identification and mechanisms for prioritization of County properties potentially appropriate for land swaps; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioner finds that a piece meal approach to land swaps of properties which have been dedicated to the County under ROGO should be deferred, until the Monroe County Land Acquisition Management Plan is completed and further Board policy is established; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: 1. Except for two written requests currently under review by Growth Management, the Board of County Commissioners shall defer actions on consideration of land swaps of properties which have been dedicated to the County under ROGO until the Monroe County Land Acquisition Management Plan is completed and further Board policy is established. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, ;Jloridaat a regular meeting held on the 16th day of February, 2005. ,~ '~-...., ... c/":: r (, - , ,.'-..', . (-:; Mayor Dixie Spehar Yes Mayor Pro Tern Charles "Sonny" McCoy YeR Commissioner George Neugent Yes Commissioner David Rice Yes Commissioner Murray Nelson Yes a: .......;..'.,.... f .~. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA By L~~ >n ~cUJ Mayor Dixie Spehar ~ahJc. !Jv\JC1M~ DEPUTY CL~RK 1... ~;::?:"'