Resolution 073-2005 Marine Resources RESOLUTION NO. 073-2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUPPORTING THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FUNDING EFFORT KNOWN AS THE FLORIDA KEYS INITIATVE FOR THE 2005-2006 BUDGET YEAR WHEREAS, the South Florida Water Management District (The District) annually makes legislative budget requests for specific Florida Keys projects; and WHEREAS, the District has recently established a Florida Keys Initiative Planning Team to assist in developing the legislative funding proposal for this and future years; and WHEREAS, the Planning Team HAS developed a prioritized list of projects totaling $5,000,000 known as the Florida Keys Initiative; and WHERAS, the District will package the prioritized list with short project descriptions for each project, to be known as the Florida K~ys Initiatve as its 2005-2006 legislative proposal. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1, The Board accepts the attached prioritized list as the basis for a South Florida Water Management District legislative funding package known as the Florida Keys Initiative for budget year 2005-2006, Section 2, The Board supports by this Resolution the effort of the District in bringing forward the Florida Keys Initiative funding request package to the Florida legislature for funding appropriation. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners, Momoe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of _Le_~.....--,- A.D" 2005, Mayor Dixie Spehar Mayor Pro Tem Charles "Sonny" McCoy Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner David Rice Commissioner Murray Nelson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ; .,~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ~f >n ~ MA OR! HAIR PERSON ,. t'" r, . ~ (-') . ".,',.,) ~"''''l (M"', C":" , a :; ~ ;~~; ~.. --',", ~:? (SEAL) lVl C:J APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY BY: ~) },7.05 TTORNEY'S OFFICE Document? 1/7/20059:45:00 AM Isl~ ~I'I Iml;lE1 -I S>> CT CD .... "U ..... o "0 o CJ) CD a. 'T1 r ~ '< CJ) :::J ;::;: ai' - <' CD ~ I\) o o 01 - I\) o o en -ffl 01 s:: r CD to (i)' a <' CD 'T1 c :::J a. :::J to ::D CD .0 C CD ~ r S 5' to S>> :::J a. "U ..... 0' ..... ;::;: N' a 0' :::J